The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 986 Domineering Declaration

Chapter 986 Domineering Declaration
As soon as the news of Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan joining Su Yun's studio was released online, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people, especially the fans of the two, who paid special attention to such a big event as their idols switching to other companies, and because of this, This sudden decision caused a lot of controversy among fans.

Some fans felt that Su Yun's studio was unprofessional, and that it was far inferior to Fanhua's agency in terms of scale and resources.

Under such circumstances, the future of my idol will definitely be affected, and the road to acting will definitely become narrower and narrower, and even get into trouble.

And some fans feel that in recent years, especially after stepping into the film and television industry, Su Yun has not only rejuvenated her career, but has even become one of the most watched female stars today.

There is heat, there are topics, and there are works!
Following such a person, the career of one's idol will definitely be clearly arranged, and it will go smoother and smoother.

At the end of the matter, the fans even divided into two factions, arguing in the comment area, trying to convince the other party.

However, the old saying is good: laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way.

Everyone in the circle knows who Su Yun's husband is, and they all know the energy of Su Yun's husband, so they generally don't agree with those pessimistic thoughts.

Objectively speaking, Su Yun was able to successfully transform, and in the past few years, she has produced many excellent works and has an excellent reputation, which is also thanks to Mr. Xu.

Mr. Xu can make his wife popular, so he naturally has a way to help Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan to make further progress in their careers.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that Su Yun, who had left the prosperity agency for a few years, would start the artist agency business so quickly, and with such a high profile.

This incident caused people in the industry to be divided into two factions. One group is an artist, who thinks he has another choice; the other group is a brokerage company and an entertainment company, who think he has another competitor. Mess, it's easy to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot...

Just when some people were happy and some were worried, some were blessing and some were quarreling, Xu Jie had already booked a restaurant, and Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan were welcome to join.

In order to show importance and to have a more sense of ceremony, he even specially arranged for a few people to decorate the big private room to show his enthusiasm and sincerity.

"The welcome meeting has been arranged. Next, let's talk about your plans for your future. Let's discuss it together and be open and honest, so that we can have a clear understanding of each other."

Xu Jie brought Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan to his wife's office, and the four of them sat together, drinking tea and discussing the future.

It seems to be the future of Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, but it is actually the future of the studio. Whether Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan can develop well in the future will determine the future development direction of the studio.

If Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan develop well, more artists will take the initiative to sign their brokerage contracts here in the future. The more artists, the larger the scale of the studio, and the larger the scale, the more money they will make .

As the old saying goes: When everyone gathers firewood, the flame goes high!
The more people, the greater the influence.

"I want to act in a movie!" Hu Xuan said seriously.

Now that he has joined this company, there is no need to hide his thoughts, not to mention if he doesn't say it, how will the boss know?I don't know how to help him realize his wish?

"Oh? Why?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"Yeah, haven't you developed very well in the TV drama industry? If you want works, there are works, and if you want awards, there are awards. I heard that many people are chasing you to play the leading role." Chen Siyan was very puzzled.

"This should be a process of evolution for all actors. No actor wants to be on the big screen." Hu Xuan didn't explain too much, because he understands everything.

Although there is no distinction between high and low actors, there are high and low coffee positions.

Regardless of whether it is China's film and television industry or foreign film and television circles, the influence of movies is far greater than that of TV dramas, so the influence of movie actors is also far greater than that of TV drama actors.

"I don't want to, I'm already very satisfied to be the lead actress in a TV series." Chen Siyan sighed softly after finishing speaking.

People are more mad than people.

When she was distressed about playing the leading role in the TV series, some people are no longer willing to play the leading role in the TV series You.

"That's because you haven't reached a certain height, and you will understand in the future." Hu Xuan said to Chen Siyan.

"Who said I don't understand? Isn't it just in the film and television industry, TV cafes are not as high as movie cafes? But the movie circle is not so easy to get in." Chen Siyan gave Hu Xuan a white look, and said that she was an idiot , anyway, I have been in the entertainment circle for so many years, can't I even understand such a simple thing?

Xu Jie smiled when he heard it, no matter how good he is or not, Hu Xuan can have a clear goal for the future, which is considered an excellent thing.

People are most afraid of not having a goal.

People without goals will lack motivation in their work.

"What about you? What do you think?" Xu Jie looked at Chen Siyan and asked.

"Me? As I said just now, my goal is to be the No. [-] female lead and to have a masterpiece of my own." Chen Siyan said solemnly.

She is incomparable with Hu Xuan, he is still in the first tier, she is in the second tier, and she is still at the bottom, there is a possibility of falling to the third tier at any time.

So she doesn't have too much hope for the future, and she doesn't have too much ambition. After all, the goals have to be achieved one by one. If you take a long step, it's easy to pull... No, it's easy to stretch your hips.

Xu Jie nodded. The wishes of both of them are not exaggerated. Given his current situation, he is fully capable of realizing them, and he will give them the best.

"Ring bell bell!"

Just when Xu Jie was about to speak, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He took it out and looked at the caller ID, and then stood up and said to Su Yun: "Honey, you talk to them, I'll answer." a phone call."

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.

Xu Jie didn't leave the office, he just walked to the window and distanced himself from the sofa to ensure that the conversation would not be affected, and then he connected the phone.

"Director Chen, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked while looking at the scenery outside.

The caller was Chen Ya, director of the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV station.

In fact, when he saw this person's call just now, he roughly guessed the purpose of the person looking for him, and it must have something to do with the Spring Festival Gala.

"President Xu, are you back in the capital? I called you suddenly, didn't I disturb your rest?" Chen Ya asked kindly.

"Director Chen, look at what you said, how can your call be called disturbing?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

He has always been: People respect him a foot, and he respects others.

Others are polite to him, and he is also polite to others. After all, the other party is also the leader of China TV, so how dare he be presumptuous?
"Haha, I heard from Lao Zhao that you not only participated in the work of the New Year's Eve party in Xiazhou this time, but also helped a lot. I really don't know how to thank you." Chen Ya continued to be polite.

"Director Chen, this is what I should do. I believe that with this pleasant cooperation, we will have more and more cooperation in the future, right?" Xu Jie asked tentatively.

He wanted to know whether the other party was satisfied with the cooperation of this New Year's Eve party. After all, the staff of CTS were not convinced by him.

God knows whether these people will speak ill of him in front of Chen Ya after returning to Huaxia TV.

"Yes, yes, you are right. With the basis of this cooperation, there will be more cooperation in the future. This will not only enhance communication, but also reduce the pressure on us at CTS." Chen Ya said here, Suddenly the subject changed, "By the way, you are busy with the party in Xiazhou, so you must not have time to write the sketch script? Do you need me to give you a few more days? How about a week?"

The corners of Xu Jie's mouth turned up after hearing this, and a smile appeared on his face.

The previous words were all foreshadowing, and the last sentence should be the real purpose of Chen Ya's call.

Moreover, it was clearly asking him whether he had finished writing the essay in a roundabout way.

If he answered yes, it meant that the script of the skit was not finished, and the other party would have high blood pressure if he didn't make it right.

"Director Chen, I've finished writing the sketch script. As for whether it can pass the review, it's up to fate." Xu Jie said, not only made the other party feel more at ease, but also left a step for himself.

"It doesn't matter, as long as the sketch script is finished." Chen Ya said excitedly, but just in case, he asked again tentatively: "It's four, right?"

"Well, there are four." Xu Jie's voice became heavier, so that the other party could hear him more clearly.

Chen Ya heard it clearly and confirmed it this time, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, when Zhao Hongbo was reporting to him on the work of the New Year's Eve Gala, he heard that the other party had invited Xu Jie to be the person in charge of backstage work.
But Xu Jie's words just now were like a reassurance, which made him finally feel at ease.

"Mr. Xu, when you have time, come to our Huaxia TV station. Let's read the script together and discuss the cast members." Chen Ya said.

This is also another purpose of his call today.

In fact, starting today, the CTS Spring Festival Gala has officially entered the countdown stage, and the rehearsal has also begun.

It's just that compared with singing and dancing programs, the director team will be relatively loose in preparing for language programs. After all, scripts need to be polished repeatedly, and it is impossible to take shape in one go.

Moreover, the other party is in charge of four skit scripts alone, accounting for half of the language programs, and watching the content before the official debut will also give him a clue, won't it?
Whether the other party's sentence can pass the review or not is resigned to fate, he can't help but feel a little worried.

In fact, after Xu Jie experienced last year's Spring Festival Gala essay creation, he knew very well what Chen Ya was thinking at this time, and at the same time he understood the other party very well.

And for him, an early inspection is better than a late inspection. Even if there is a problem with an early inspection, he will have enough time to correct it. Unlike last year, he didn't get a good night's sleep in the half month before the Spring Festival Gala.

"I have time now, but there is one thing I have to report to you in advance, which is about the sketch actors. In fact, I already have suitable candidates for some of the roles in my heart, and even some roles are created according to these actors. Yes, so..."

"I understand, don't worry, I will invite these people according to your selection." Chen Ya said happily.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but thought it was a good thing, not only saved the director's team from having to worry about who to play, but also saved those sketch actors from bringing their own works to CTS to find him.

"Okay, then I'll go to CTS to find you now." Xu Jie said.

"Well, I'll ask Xiao Jiang to pick you up at the door." Chen Ya was very happy, and thought that the other party would postpone it for a few days, but she didn't expect to come now.

However, this is also in line with the other party's usual style. He can talk about it in his spare time, and he is very neat in his work.

Xu Jie put down his cell phone and was about to explain the situation to his wife, but found that everyone was looking at him.

"Are you going to CTS?" Su Yun asked.

She didn't deliberately eavesdrop. The office is really not big, and when one person speaks, everyone in the room can hear it.

"Well, Director Chen wants to read the sketch script." After Xu Jie finished speaking to his wife, he deliberately explained to Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan beside him, "Director Chen is the director of China Television's large-scale program center and the general manager of this year's Spring Festival Gala. director."

Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan suddenly realized.

I didn't hear everything just now, I only know that Director Chen is from CTS, but I didn't expect that there are so many identities.

At this moment, the two of them suddenly remembered something, remembering that Mr. Xu had promised them that he would arrange a role for them in the skit of China TV Spring Festival Gala.

And when I talked to Director Chen just now, it seemed that I mentioned this matter.

"Mr. Xu, have you finished writing the sketch script?" Chen Siyan couldn't help asking.

Although she is not a sketch actress, as a literary worker, who doesn't want to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and show her talent to the national audience?
"It's finished, and there are still roles for you two. I will send the script to you when I come back from China TV." Xu Jie said.

When writing other skit scripts, there are more or less cases of cutting corners, but the skits created for Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan are very complete, and in his opinion, they don't even need to be revised.

If you don't take care of your own artists, who will take care of them?
If they are all like that old woman Liu Jinghua, can the artists under him have no complaints, can they not leave?
Hu Xuan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Mr. Xu to be serious.

Although he has filmed many TV dramas, but he was suddenly asked to act in a sketch, and I was really a little nervous.

In contrast, Chen Siyan's mentality is very good, not only not nervous, but also very excited.

I have been in the prosperous agency company for so many years, and I have never been to any gala. I never thought that as soon as I entered Sister Yun's studio, I would have the opportunity to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. She even wanted to sign a contract for herself up.

"Thank you Mr. Xu!" Chen Siyan quickly stood up and bowed.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie waved his hand, and then said, "I know that when you come here, you will feel somewhat uncertain. What I want to say is that you can rest assured. Don't dare to say anything else. I guarantee your future. Resources will be better than before."

When Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan heard Mr. Xu's domineering declaration, their eyes sparkled, and they secretly felt that they didn't follow the wrong person.


(End of this chapter)

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