The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 985 Signing Artists

"Wife, let's go, let's go to your office for a chat." Xu Jie smiled and gave his wife a look, motioning for her to come with him.

There are a lot of people talking here, it's not a place to talk about private money.

Moreover, private money involves personal privacy, let alone a group of outsiders know.

Su Yun understood her husband's eyes, but she didn't know what he was going to do, but she still chose to follow behind her husband to see what kind of medicine was sold in his gourd.

Could it be that you want to pay for a house?

How many years has the other party been working?How is it possible to have money to buy a house?

So what if the director produces a popular variety show and a love movie that sells well at the box office?Didn't they get dead wages?

At most, a little more bonus will be issued at the end of the year, but it will never exceed seven figures

The mother-in-law's house is not short of money, but it may not be realistic to spend several hundred million to buy a property at once.


Xu Jie pushed the door and walked into his wife's office, while Su Yun who followed behind closed the door behind him.

"Honey, what do you want to talk to me about?" Su Yun asked curiously.

When talking about buying a property, I suddenly wanted to talk to her alone, and it certainly wasn't because I wanted to be intimate.

"Honey, speaking of which, we have been married for more than a year. You know my financial situation very well, but I don't know yours. Should you tell me?" Xu Jie asked straight to the point Road, there is no beating around the bush to foreshadow the foreshadowing.

Sometimes, things are hidden and tucked away, which will cause misunderstandings.

Then again, it's not a big deal.

It may be possible to say that he is coveting the beauty of the other party when he is with the other party, but it is nonsense to say that he is coveting the other party's money.

He is not interested in money.

To him, money is a series of numbers.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback when she heard it, her eyes were a little surprised, she never thought that the man called her into the office for this matter.

Now combine it with the timing when the other party called her over, and you will instantly understand why.

"Why, do you think I'm crying poor?" Su Yun said with a smile.

She didn't get angry because of this, because neither of them was the kind of person who cared much about money. If she got angry over such a trivial matter, it would tarnish the relationship between the two of them.

You must know that in the past few years, she has received tens of millions of labor fees from men alone, such as "Delicious History", "Crossover Actor", "Ordinary Courage", and "Lover in Time and Space". Those huge endorsement fees obtained after the comeback.

It can be said that the money earned by a man belongs to the man, and at least half of the money she earns belongs to the man.

"No, I just want to know how you have been exploited these years." Xu Jie explained.

He felt that most of them were occupied by Liu Jinghua. Otherwise, when the contract was terminated, why did the old woman stop her in every possible way, even jumping over the wall to try to block it?

"If I say I'm not interested in money, you'll think I'm a hypocrite, but that's what I used to be." Su Yun took her husband to the sofa and sat down, and continued: "You know the situation in my family too. , the conditions are not bad, so I have never been short of money since I was a child, and later I joined the entertainment industry to make the music I like. Of course, it must be a lie to say that I didn’t make money, and I have never hidden from you. The identity of a little rich woman, but she is just a little rich woman, if you want to buy a whole building, even if it is a low-rise, you have to be a rich man, you, look up to your wife and me."

With her current economic strength, let alone the capital city, even in the second-tier cities, she can't afford a building.

Next, she stretched out her hands again, and began to count her current financial situation in detail.

Five properties, a restaurant with friends, a studio under my feet, and some deposits, that's all.

Although in the entertainment industry, many artists like to engage in side jobs, such as catering, clothing, etc., but she is not interested in those.

The so-called specialization in the art industry, she will not do something she doesn't understand. Even buying a house at the beginning was not for investment, but for a quiet place where people will not be disturbed and rest conveniently when on vacation.

"Okay, I've explained everything about myself, do you feel disappointed?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie with a smile and asked.

"What's the disappointment? It's too late for me to be happy to be next to a little rich woman with five suites. Even if I get fired in the future, I don't have to worry about having no place to live." Xu Jie said jokingly.

He married the other party, and he didn't want the other party's money in the first place, so why should he be disappointed?

"Do you still want to buy a building now? Do you think it's good to squeeze the elevator?" Su Yun also joked.

It's just an artist studio, not an entertainment company or a brokerage company, so I really don't need a few floors to work.

So what if you signed an artist contract?
Can artists still stay in the studio all day?

If that's the case, it can only show that the studio is not strong enough, and there is no need to expand it.

In fact, the elevator here is not always crowded, but today's special situation made her just in time for work, so she usually avoids it.

"In the future, try to come here as little as possible. As for Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, it's all here to experience life." Xu Jie said.

Lou, definitely want to buy, but not now.

Although he has some savings from investing in movies, it is far from enough to buy a property.

He wants to make money, make a lot of money, and then buy an entire building for his wife, consider it a gift.


At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Su Yun stood up and opened the door, looked at Huang Xiaorong outside and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Sister Yun, Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan are here." Huang Xiaorong said excitedly.

She is a fan of Hu Xuan, and now that Hu Xuan is about to sign a contract with Sister Yun's studio, this is simply too happy for her. Thinking of those colleagues who resigned because Sister Yun's career fell into a slump, I guess I have regretted it now.

"Take them to my office, no, I'll go and meet them." Su Yun thought for a while and said.

"I'll go too!" Xu Jie stood up from the sofa.

Whether it is Hu Xuan or Chen Siyan, they signed the contract here because of him. This is equivalent to handing over the acting career in the next few years to him. How can he not pay attention to it?
So, Xu Jie and Su Yun left the office together, led by Huang Xiaorong to the office area

, I saw Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan who were visiting here.

"Old Hu, Siyan, welcome!" Xu Jie said as he walked towards the two of them.

When he came to Hu Xuan, he opened his arms and gave him a warm hug. When he wanted to hug Chen Siyan, he suddenly thought of his wife behind him, so he changed the hug into a handshake.

However, his unfinished business was finally completed by his wife.

Just when he let go of Chen Siyan, Su Yun hugged Chen Siyan closely.

"Sister Yun, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much." Chen Siyan said delicately, as if eating crispy candy.

Su Yun in the past was her senior sister from the same school, but now Su Yun is both her boss and her boss wife, so it is natural to be more affectionate.

"I miss you too." Su Yun said with a smile.

Both of them used to be from the prosperous brokerage company. Although they didn't have much contact with each other, they were considered old acquaintances. It is also a kind of fate that they can continue to work in the same company now.

"Sister Yun, in fact, when you left the prosperous brokerage company, I wanted to leave with you, but my brokerage contract didn't expire at that time, so I left some regrets, but now I'm fine, and I can finally work with you It is." Chen Siyan said happily.

There is some water in this statement, but as long as no one moves it, who would know that there is water in it?

She knows her own situation, the coffee position is not as big as Hu Xuan's, and the popularity is not lukewarm. She even joined Sister Yun's studio. ?

Su Yun was very moved when she heard this, she took Chen Siyan's hand and said, "Siyan, I will treat this place as my own home from now on, please ask if you have any requirements, by the way, I have prepared an office for you and Hu Xuan, let's go, I'll take you there."

"Really? Thank you, sister Yun!" Chen Siyan said gratefully.

In fact, artists seldom return to the company. Even if they have something to do, they usually leave as soon as they finish talking. On the one hand, it is because there are too many activities and there is no time to stay for a long time; On the one hand, the company generally does not prepare offices for artists, thinking that it is a waste of resources.

So now hearing that Sister Yun has prepared an office for them in the company, while being moved in my heart, I also have a sense of belonging.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, thank you Sister Yun!" Hu Xuan also said.

Although the preparation of the office is small, it makes him feel that the company is very humane, and at the same time he is firm in his choice.

There is nothing wrong with signing here.

"Mr. Xu, before I go to visit the office, I want to discuss something with you." Hu Xuan suddenly said a little embarrassedly, starting to make requests before bringing anything here, it will inevitably give people a feeling of pushing an inch .

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

"Mr. Xu, it's like this." Hu Xuan turned sideways and pointed to a young man behind him, "This is Jiang Tao, my assistant at the Fanhua Brokerage Company. He has been with me for many years. This time I will not renew the contract with Fanhua. After being brokered, he also left there, can you bring him with you when you sign me? Just deduct the salary from my labor fee."

"President Xu, Sister Yun, and me too." Chen Siyan hurriedly introduced the woman next to her, "This is my assistant Wang Yuanyuan, who is also my high school classmate, absolutely reliable."

She was worried that Mr. Xu and Sister Yun would regard her classmates as spies placed by Liu Jinghua's side, so she explained it specially.

Xu Jie thought it was a difficult task, but it turned out that he signed one and got one free.

That's good too, so that he won't have to arrange assistants for Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan.

Although there are more than 20 employees in the studio, there is one radish and one pitfall. Everyone has their own jobs. It is not good to arrange anyone to be Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan's assistant.

"I think it's okay, my wife, what do you think?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun.

"Well, no problem." Su Yun nodded lightly, then looked at Huang Xiaorong at the side and ordered, "Xiao Rong, take Jiang Tao and Wang Yuanyuan to go through the entry procedures, and they will be part of the company from now on."

"Alright Sister Yun." Huang Rong nodded, then looked at the two newcomers, smiled and said, "You two, please follow me."

Jiang Tao and Wang Yuanyuan were overjoyed, and bowed repeatedly to express their gratitude.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, thank you Sister Yun!"

Especially Jiang Tao.

For him, following Hu Xuan to come here was purely helpless.

Although the prosperous brokerage company is much bigger than here, and it is not even at the same level, but if he continues to stay there, everything will have to start from scratch.

And as an assistant who lost the artist, even if he stayed in the original company, he would definitely not be welcomed by the boss.

Therefore, he decided to take a gamble with Hu Xuan.

After solving these trivial matters, Xu Jie and Su Yun led Chen Siyan and Hu Xuan to visit the office.

The office is not big, only about [-] to [-] square meters, but the layout is very meticulous.

Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan had already made up their minds to sign the brokerage contract to Sister Yun's studio, and now after such a visit, they were even more satisfied, and finally signed their names on the contract happily.

"Haha, we will be a family from now on." Xu Jie picked up the contract, handed it to his wife, and said, "In order to welcome two, no, four, all employees of the company will hold a welcome party tonight. , you can't refuse."

"Thank you Mr. Xu!" Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan said at the same time.

"You're welcome, you should." Xu Jie waved his hand.

It's a pity that Ding Mengni is filming in Hengdian, otherwise she would also call the other party, and the people would really be complete.

"Sister Yun, Mr. Xu, do you want to publicize such a big event on Weibo?" Chen Guo asked at this time.

Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, one is the first-tier and the other is the second-tier. Joining Sister Yun's studio together, they will definitely earn a wave of popularity.

Xu Jie nodded when he heard it, he really should promote it.

However, in his opinion, the popularity of earning money is small, and it is big for everyone in the circle to know.

In this way, everyone will pay more attention to this studio, and maybe even attract a group of artists to sign contracts.

Just imagine, how much determination and attraction it would take to make Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan leave the gold medal artist Liu Jinghua.

You must know that in the entertainment industry, artists will not change companies easily. After all, they have cooperated for so many years and are very familiar with each other. Once they leave, not only will they lose their previous team and resources, but they will even be exposed by their former employers.

And Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan not only did this, but also did nothing. One can imagine how tough the back of this studio is.

This will bring a lot of courage to those who are hesitant, simply put, emboldened.

"Not only do we need to publicize, but we also need to carry out publicity on a large scale. I will arrange all the hot topics and so on." Xu Jie said to Chen Guo.

He wants everyone to know about it!


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