Chapter 984

Xu Jie stayed at home with Su Yun for only one day, and had to go to work because of the coming of the working day.

This small New Year's Day holiday was a huge loss for him. Obviously, he could have three days of vacation, but because of his thin skin, he was too embarrassed to refuse Zhao Hongbo's invitation. In the end, the three days' vacation turned into one day.

Fortunately, Su Yun's role in the movie "The Game in the Game" has been completed, and there are no other arrangements except for some commercial activities in the near future, which also indicates that in the next few days, the two will have enough time to get bored Otherwise, he would have to go to Zhao Hongbo for compensation.

When Xu Jie came to the company, like him, there were also the eleven employees who went to Xiazhou to participate in the CTS New Year's Eve party. In comparison, these people had less time to rest, because CTS bought it on the afternoon of the [-]st. It should be already night when the plane returns to the capital.

"Morning Mr. Xu!"

"President Xu, you're back!"

After seeing Mr. Xu, the employees of Jingshi Culture greeted him one after another, with respect and joy on their faces.

In everyone's eyes, what you see now is not only the company's deputy general manager, but also a walking money printing machine, because everyone's salary and bonus can be increased or even doubled this year, not because of their hard work, but because Xu The opportunity was always given to them, so everyone was grateful to Mr. Xu from the bottom of their hearts, and their admiration for Mr. Xu was like a torrential river.

I even hope that Mr. Xu can stay in Jingshi Culture for the rest of his life and lead them on the road of becoming rich
The elevator stopped slowly, and Xu Jie walked out.

"No way?" Xu Jie looked at his wife suspiciously.

When Xu Jie heard his wife's words, his whole body went numb, especially when he thought of the intimate scene yesterday, he couldn't wait to go home.

After Jiang Hai finished speaking, he grabbed Xu Jie's shoulders and pushed him in the direction of the elevator.

Seeing that it was useless to fight, Xu Jie finally nodded and said in a compromise: "Well, since you have said so, boss, then I will go back, but when I come the day after tomorrow, you can't drive me away."

"Why rush to work? My brother and sister finally came back from other places. You should spend more time with her. How about this? Aren't you busy with work in the first two days of the New Year's Day holiday? I'll make up for you. It's a day off, just come back to work the day after tomorrow, and go home quickly."

Buying a villa is no problem, but buying a house...

Not everyone can be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

"How about just buying a building in one step?" Xu Jie asked.

It's okay for her to squeeze the elevator, but it always feels a bit slow to let other artists squeeze.


In fact, she also wants to go home.

Celebrities have no money?

The most important thing is that with his appearance, Hu Zhen and Chen Siyan can be more determined to sign with Su Yun's studio.

Especially at the moment when the door was opened, a gust of hot air hit, which felt particularly obvious and comfortable.

Su Yun knew that her husband was talking about squeezing the elevator, so she said nonchalantly, "You know, I'm either on the set or at home. I rarely come to the studio, so it's okay."

What he has to do is to cherish the present, do everything well now, and even if something happens in the future, he will not panic.

Su Yun was stunned when she heard it.

How could she miss such an important appointment?

"Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, today is the day to sign a contract with them." Su Yun said.

This transformation is not from a singer to an actor, but from an artist to a capital.

"There's so much nonsense during the holiday!" Jiang Hai said while pushing him into the elevator.

Therefore, today is a big day for him, Su Yun, Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, and they must participate.

"Don't talk nonsense, let you go home to accompany your younger siblings, and you can go home to accompany your younger siblings. Besides, if you are tired out, I can't bear the responsibility. Now you are not only the treasure of our Jingshi Culture, but also the whole family. The treasure of Beijing Radio and Television Station." Jiang Hai said seriously.

"Okay, I'll go over right away." Xu Jie said.

This is a big deal!
And it's a good thing!

For example, if you compete with other actresses for a very good role at the same time, an actress with a capital back will naturally have a higher chance of winning,
If there is no one to choose, what is the use of female artists even if they can make decisions for themselves?
When you are used, you are a star, and when you are not used, you are nothing.

Xu Jie walked out of the hall, left the company, and finally couldn't help showing a smile until he got into the car.

Although celebrities come in fast and make a lot of money, there are different kinds of celebrities.

Not only him, but those employees who went to Xiazhou with him should also enjoy this kind of treatment, or treat it as overtime and pay three times the salary.

If the studio signs a lot of artists, and these artists have a good performance in various fields, then as the boss, Su Yun's influence will naturally increase.

Why doesn't she want to wait for him on the bed?
It's a pity that the other party's call was late, it would have been better if it had been 10 minutes earlier.

"I don't think this place is suitable for continuing to be a studio anymore." Xu Jie said after letting go of his wife.

Xu Jie held Su Yun with one arm, blocked the others with the other, and firmly protected his wife in his arms. When the elevator stopped on the floor where the studio was located, he rushed forward to clear the way for his wife.

He couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone from his pocket, dialed his wife's phone number, and wanted to tell her the good news.

It just so happened that he could also use this meeting to talk to the two about the Spring Festival Gala sketch, which he had promised the two of them at the beginning, and it was also a meeting gift for signing with Su Yun's studio.

"Go back the same way, I'll wait for you on the bed." Xu Jie started the car while talking.

Especially after setting up her own studio, she needs to bear all kinds of expenses. The salary of the team of 40 to [-] people alone is not a small expense.

"Honey, don't get up, I'll go back right away, wait for me!" Xu Jie's words were the main point, without a word of nonsense.

Su Yun thought about it, and she was right.

Xu Jie put down his phone and drove to his wife's studio.

"Why?" Su Yun asked.

"Honey, you think highly of your wife, don't you? Although I've been out for so many years, I can indeed be called a little rich woman, but I really can't afford to buy a house." Su Yun said with a wry smile.

Although renting a house in a place like the capital is not cheap, it gave her enough time to make money, and she was able to bear it while earning and paying.

"Honey, I'm sorry, I've already made an appointment with someone, and I'll meet you at the studio later." Su Yun said apologetically.

She is not afraid of making jokes when she speaks out. In the past ten years since her debut, she has earned a lot in the past two years.

Huang Xiaorong and the others on the side were even more surprised.

Although they heard that Mr. Xu is a rich second generation, but the whole company only has 40 to [-] people, is it necessary to buy a building as a studio?

"There are too many people, it's too messy, it's inconvenient, and it's not safe." Xu Jie said.

Just as he was about to go back to the office, he met Boss Jiang who came out of the office head-on. When the other party saw him, he was very surprised, even a little surprised, as if he didn't know that he had returned from Xiazhou.

"Ah? Didn't I tell you to sleep a little longer when I left?" Xu Jie looked at the time. It was 07:30 when he left home, and it's just after eight o'clock now.

"Well, see you at the studio. I'll wait for you downstairs." Su Yun hung up the phone after she finished speaking. She had already seen the office building where the studio was located.

In winter in the north, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is relatively large.

Don't look at just signing two artists, but this matter has an extraordinary meaning to him.

Who knows what will happen in the future?

This is not only the beginning of his expansion of influence in the entertainment industry, but also an important step in helping his wife transform.

"Me? I'm here for work." Xu Jie was a little confused by Boss Jiang's question, as if he shouldn't be here.

If you embarrass the boss, you are not far from being fired.

That is, Xiao Xu, if you were someone else, see if he would give you a fake.

What is work?
Work is career!


Half an hour later, Xu Jie finally arrived at the office building where his wife's studio is located.

Speaking of which, it was his idea to let his wife's studio develop the business of contracted artists. Even Hu Xuan was recruited from the prosperous brokerage company by himself. How could he be missing for such an important matter?

"Really? Who is it?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Eating dog food early in the morning, I was so full that I didn't even want to eat breakfast.

In his current position, he has the ability to provide resources for the artists in the studio, so he will naturally do his best to help Su Yun. What if he no longer has this ability due to job transfers in the future?
Isn't there such a sentence?
If you have the right not to use it, it will become invalid after the expiration date!
The so-called: things are impermanent!

After Xu Jie heard it, he was secretly happy that he could go home and be bored with his wife again.

"I can't sleep without you." Su Yun whispered, but Huang Xiaorong, who was sitting in the co-pilot, overheard her.

Although the mouth is very firm, but the steps under the feet do not mean to slow down at all.

"Beep... beep... click!"

He has seen with his own eyes how Su Yun's career fell into a trough, so he very much does not want such a thing to happen again.

He didn't want to delay his wife's career, let alone drag her down.

The new year has arrived, Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan's brokerage contract with Fanhua Brokerage Company has been completely over, and the next two artists will sign with her studio to start a new life of acting.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Let's go in quickly." Xu Jie said as he walked into the office building with his arms around his wife's shoulders.

"Okay, then I'll go home first. Call me in advance when you're done. I'll cook for you today." Xu Jie said.

When an artist doesn't feel valued, the thought of leaving will naturally arise in his heart.

Of course, as a qualified assistant, you should listen to what you should listen to and pretend you didn't hear what you shouldn't even if you hear it.

Just like now, the outside is seven or eight degrees below zero, but the indoors are in the twenties.

He missed two days off for work, and it is only natural that he should make up for it now.

Xu Jie got out of the car and walked over quickly. The weather in Beijing is not as good as Xiazhou, and the temperature of minus seven or eight degrees is no joke.

In his opinion, although his wife has already got rid of the brokerage contract with Liu Jinghua and has become the owner of the studio, she no longer needs to work for other people, but as an artist, even if she can make decisions for herself, she is still on the weak side in front of capital .

"Xiao Xu, why are you here?" Jiang Hai asked in surprise, and stopped in front of Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and only then remembered the signing of the artist.

The elevator slowly stopped on the first floor.

For example, she used to be a singer. Even though she was called a queen, she was not comparable to an actor. The money she earned in a year was not even as good as some second- and third-tier actors.

What she knew was that she and her husband Xiao Biesheng were newly married, but those who didn't know thought she didn't pay much attention to the signed artists.

But if she was asked to take out so much money at once, she really couldn't take it out.

Besides, this is the capital city, where every inch of land is expensive, and there is no one with billions or billions, dare to talk about buying a house?
Seeing everyone's expressions, Xu Jie knew that there must be a misunderstanding, so he explained: "What are you thinking? I'm not talking about this kind of commercial office building with dozens of floors, but the kind of small building with only four or five floors. There are quite a lot of such buildings in Beijing, we can buy them and renovate them."

"Well, okay." Su Yun said after hearing this, but she also keenly sensed the disappointment in her husband's words, so she asked, "Why don't you come to my studio? You also know the person I'm dating."

"But, I'm on my way to the studio." Su Yun said with a wry smile after hearing this.

But thinking about it, there was no joy on his face, he shook his head and pretended to say: "Boss, no need, really no need, besides, I'm already here, why do you have the nerve to leave again?"

This is a commercial office building, the elevator is public, and it is working hours at this time, so when taking the elevator, many people poured into it at once, and it was extremely crowded.

Although he felt a little lost, he was not someone who was idle and had nothing to do. He could just do some processing on the Spring Festival Gala sketch, fill in some content, and make the script look fuller.

As soon as he parked the car, he saw Su Yun appearing out of nowhere, standing a few meters away waiting for him.

"How about renting another floor?" Su Yun pointed to the upstairs.

He is telling the truth, the other party can bring ratings and income to the TV station, what is this if it is not a treasure?
People like him can be found in the Jingguang system, but there is only one person like Xiao Xu in the whole system.

What's more, they haven't signed a contract yet, Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan can choose not to sign.

In the past, it was really hard to imagine that Sister Yun would say such shameless words, but now, she has become accustomed to it, and she has heard more disgusting things than this.

Soon, the call is connected.

As soon as Xu Jie heard that he had an appointment, his excitement disappeared immediately. No matter how much he longed for something, he couldn't delay his work, right?

"It's a big relationship. Now you have to consider not only yourself, but also the artists you have signed. Is it convenient for them to come here?" Xu Jie said.

How can it be!

As far as he knew, some artists were fined hundreds of millions of dollars because of tax issues, and they were able to pay the full amount. Could it be that they couldn't get it out when they bought a property?
Do not believe!

Well, it seems that it is time to talk about the issue of pre-nuptial property.


(End of this chapter)

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