The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 983 People without long-term worries must have near-term worries!

Chapter 983 People without long-term worries must have near-term worries!

Jiang Hai was stunned when he heard this word. Although his eyes were looking straight ahead, the car was drifting away from the lane.

"Boss? Boss!"

Xu Jie yelled, while reaching out to hold the doorknob tightly, his whole body tensed up.

He has just married his wife, and his career is on the rise, if he dies in such a muddle-headed way, he will have to complain in front of Lord Yan.

Seeing that he was about to collide with the car in the next lane, Jiang Hai suddenly trembled. At this moment, he finally came to his senses, and when he was less than half a meter away from the next car, he quickly controlled the steering wheel, and then slowly returned to the original lane. lead to tragedy.

Xu Jie was so frightened that his hair stood on end and he was sweating coldly. He felt as if he had passed by the gate of hell just now, he swallowed involuntarily, looked at Boss Jiang beside him and asked in a trembling voice: "Boss, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

It seems that you can't talk about things while driving, otherwise it is easy to talk about another world.

"Sorry to scare you."

Jiang Hai was also full of apology. He was distracted just now. If Xiao Xu hadn't made a sound in time, he might have had intimate contact with the car next to him.

Jiang Hai was taken aback after hearing this. It turned out that the fight for "money" meant who would make more money for the station, and he thought it was to bribe the director.

As soon as he entered the house, the aroma of the food wafted into Xu Jie's nose. He threw the luggage bag on the ground and walked impatiently towards the direction of the aroma.

It's inappropriate to send money to the director, right?

Back then, this woman sneered at his movies, and even mocked him in front of his face. Even on the set, she often didn't give him good looks.

Up to now, he has no clue about the story content of the movie. The key point is that if the writing is not good, Yu Zijian might turn his face and deny anyone.


Besides, wouldn't it be embarrassing if the director didn't accept it?

"This...isn't it good?" Jiang Hai was a little shy. He used to report on others, but now he suddenly had to report on him, and he was somewhat uncomfortable.

Why doesn't he know it himself?

"However, after what you said, I suddenly remembered one thing. This year our company will really shoot two films. One of them is a support plan for new directors, which has not been decided yet. The other is directed by Yu Zijian, and I wrote the screenplay. movie, you know about it." Xu Jie said.

"Xiao Xu, how do you fight for money?" Jiang Hai asked.

The car left slowly, Xu Jie stood where he was until the car disappeared from sight, and then hurried home with his luggage.

"Boss, don't worry, I will leave this matter to me, and I promise to make it clear for you." Xu Jie said, patting his chest.

When Su Yun heard it, she suddenly realized how she came back. She quickly put down her chopsticks, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and said while sending a WeChat message: "I want to tell Qingqing that she asked me to ask you about this matter yesterday. .”

Xu Jie suddenly thought of something. He remembered that at the rehearsal site one day, Hu Zhen and Chang Ziyang approached him and asked if he was casting a role.
Could it be that Hu Zhen and Chang Ziyang thought he was casting for a movie?

At that time, he wondered why everyone suddenly became interested in sketches. It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

Xu Jie's hands began to divide into two groups, all the way up and all the way down, and began to trek through mountains and rivers to regain the wetlands!

Xu Jie just turned off the fire at this time, not to mention it was mushy, even if it was not mushy, he was not in the mood to eat it, because now there are more delicious ones in front of him, waiting for him to enjoy.

In the kitchen, Su Yun was humming her own song while cooking, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Well, you may not know that there are many stars who want to cooperate with you, whether it's a variety show or a film and television drama." Su Yun spoke with a bit of pride on her face, after all, this is her man.

Let's not talk about how much the other party got paid for the TV series "Legend of Lanxi", just for the movie "Lover in Time and Space", in addition to the fixed film salary of 500 million, the other party can also get a share of more than 1000 million. The most important thing is What's more, it also helped the other party to complete the transformation, which cannot be measured by the salary.

"No, who did you listen to?" Xu Jie asked curiously while eating.

Su Yun saw something on Xu Jie's face, stretched out her hand to gently caress her husband's face, and offered a kiss, "Take a rest when you are tired, your body is the capital of your work, and you are already very good."

If it loses, it will become a black hole in the company's performance.

When Jiang Hai heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

If you can make money, everyone is happy.

Liu Qing is currently filming "The Legend of Lan Xi" in Hengdian. If you really want to know, you can ask him, the producer, and ask Su Yun, isn't this superfluous?

Since becoming an apprentice, she has never failed in cooking, but today is the first time.

"It has already spread in the circle, saying that you were casting at the CTV New Year's Eve party, and that the actors were all dressed up to make you choose..." Su Yun said what she heard. .

and many more!

Of course, she can't be entirely blamed, because what Xiao Xu said just now really scared him.

In fact, this kind of news does not need large-scale hype, as long as it appears where it should appear, such as the entertainment news on the TV station, the entertainment section on the website, maybe the news is a bit inconspicuous, and it will not even get much attention , but sooner or later it will reach the director's ears through some channels.

In fact, she was the same, otherwise she would not have rushed back to the capital as soon as she had time, and she didn't even participate in the originally planned movie promotion.

Although it's a good thing to cooperate with Yu Zijian, when I think about the script, I can't help but feel a little headache.

Xu Jie was startled for a moment, then laughed.

Su Yun screamed in fright, her whole body tensed up, but when she found out who the person behind her was, she immediately relaxed, while patting her chest with her hands, she gave Xu Jie a charming white look, and said softly. Said: "You scared me to death!"

Just as the temperature of the two people's feelings gradually increased, a smoky smell suddenly spread into Su Yun's nose. When she opened her eyes, she saw thick smoke rising from the pot.

You know, this is a loving lunch she prepared for her lover.

"I heard that you are casting for a new movie? Have you chosen?" At the dining table, Su Yun sat in Xu Jie's arms, took a piece of meat with chopsticks and delivered it to Xu Jie's mouth.

You know, he has high hopes for Yu Zijian's movie.

"Of course it's about performance!" Xu Jie said after hearing this: "Personal honor and personal ability are theirs, only performance belongs to the TV station. What is performance? It's income, it's money, who makes more money for the station, Who is important, otherwise what do you eat, what do you drink, what do you get for the New Year's welfare? Every year you ask the city for financial appropriations, I don't believe that our director won't blush."

Xu Jie couldn't calm down after just one glance!

This is called building momentum!

It is said that Xiaobie is better than newlyweds, and this is absolutely true.

Besides, I don't know if the old Guo monk Jingyun will send money to the director, even if he does, he doesn't know how much, how to fight?You can't gamble all your belongings, can you?

But now, he actually took the initiative to inquire about his movie situation, and it turned out that interests determine everything.

Although he knew that a lot of news in the entertainment industry was fake, he didn't expect it to reach him.

"The script has not been written yet, and the heroine has been mentioned. This matter will have to wait at least after the Spring Festival." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Su Yun closed her eyes, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and her chin lifted slightly. She could feel the man's obsession with her, which made her very happy.

In addition, he is planning to visit Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou more often. With his qualifications in Beijing Radio and Television Station, if he can mention him a few more words in front of the director, it will be of great help to him.

The news about winning an award is to build momentum, and the news about business is also to build momentum.

Since the inside of the house is very warm and not as cold as outside, she only wore a home-style dress and an apron around her neck. The overall look is gentle and virtuous, but also sexy one side.

As a media person, if you don't make good use of the media, how can you get by?

"It's because you're too serious about cooking." Xu Jie said after hearing this, then lowered his head and kept kissing the other person's cheek.

"Director Yu, have you chosen the heroine for this movie?" Su Yun asked, and the WeChat message written by her mobile phone to Liu Qing has not been sent yet.

He must eat food, but he came back in such a hurry, not for this meal.

Thinking wrong!
But if he wants to fight for performance, there is another problem in front of him.

It doesn't matter even if the director didn't hear about it, it's okay when the subordinates ask the leader to report on the work, right?Wouldn't it be useful to say it when reporting work?

Whether the company's financial report next year is good or not, just watch this movie.

People without thought, he must worry about!

New movie casting?

Dinner, let's begin.

Xu Jie was stunned, recalling what he saw during the rehearsal of the New Year's Eve party. At that time, he thought that it was normal for actors to love beauty, and it was normal to dress beautifully, but now after hearing what his wife said, he realized that everyone wore them for him.

Su Yun quickly picked up the frying spoon and turned it back and forth in the pot, but it was already too late, the meat slices turned black and looked very ugly.

It's a pity that these two films could not be released in the first half of the year, otherwise they would add some bright spots to Boss Jiang's performance.

"I know, but for me, it's not enough!" Xu Jie said seriously.

"Stop sitting, I have to go home to accompany my wife and children." Jiang Hai waved his hand with a smile.

The meat is mushy!

What's more, what Xiao Xu mentioned was a final matter, and he didn't need to do anything else, as long as he prepared the quarterly financial report.

sin sin!


Jiang Hai thought for a while, and there seemed to be no other way except what Xiao Xu said, and finally nodded, "Okay, then do as you said."

"Boss, come in and have a seat?" Xu Jie pointed to the house after getting off the car.

"It seems that she has tasted the sweetness." Xu Jie said.

Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and they are evenly matched, but for the director personally, he definitely likes someone who can bring income to the station.

Although she has been shooting movies outside during this time, her cooking skills have not been abandoned. She often learns how to cook in short videos. The few dishes on the table today are the new ones she learned recently.


"You mean Liu Qing? Why is she asking about this?" Xu Jie asked.


He has been busy with the New Year's Eve party and the Spring Festival Gala sketch these days, and has no time to think about it. Now that the New Year's Eve party is over and the Spring Festival Gala sketch is finished, it's time to put the cooperation with director Yu Zijian on the agenda.

"Quarter?" Jiang Hai was taken aback for a moment, it sounds good, but, is it okay?
"In the first quarter, we included the more than 5000 million yuan earned from the filming of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", and then included the more than [-] million yuan from the sale of the premiere rights of "Legend of Lan Xi". In addition to the naming fee for the fourth season of "Crossover Actor", there is also the more than [-] million yuan sold for the webcast rights of "The Legend of Lan Xi". With these, I don't believe that the director is considering the candidate for the deputy editor Time will exclude you." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Xiao Xu, in less than half a year, how can we fight? We must know that the company's financial report is usually not submitted to the stage until the end of the year. At that time, even if the director sees it, so what? The cucumber dishes are already cold. "Jiang Hai said with a frustrated expression.


Su Yun also remembered.

Although not necessarily accurate, from the perspective of his client, this should be the most reasonable explanation.

This movie is not only the company's biggest project this year, but also the biggest growth point of the company's performance next year.

He came behind Su Yun, put his arms around his wife's waist, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Boss, we can also strengthen the media publicity and increase your exposure. Regardless of whether it is newspapers, TV or the Internet, everyone can see your news. In this way, let alone the director, the whole city or even the whole country will I know you." Xu Jie continued.

Nothing is as real as real money!

"Who spread the news? Isn't it too fake? Even if I wanted to cast a role, why would I choose it at the rehearsal of the CTS New Year's Eve party?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

"Boss, extraordinary means should be used in extraordinary times. In the past, financial reports were submitted annually, but this year we will submit financial reports quarterly." Xu Jie said the solution.

He knew why the other party rushed back to the capital in such a hurry. If he went in at this time, wouldn't he disturb the reunion of the young couple?
He doesn't want to be a light bulb.

He's thinking about not just the movie, but the company, and his future.

Still the same sentence, the award is for the individual and for the column, but the money is for the station.

"I know what's going on." After Xu Jie thought it over, he expressed his guess.

"What else can I do? Of course I want to know what you're going to film, and see if there is any hope of being the heroine." Su Yun said with a smile.


At that time, Xu Jie was visiting the crew of the movie "The Game in the Game". As a result, when director Yu Zijian encountered problems with the script, he insisted on asking him to make an idea, and then it turned into asking him to modify the script, and finally decided to make a movie together.

With so much income, can the director be unhappy?

Soon, the car drove into the community where Xu Jie lived, and finally stopped outside one of the villas.

And his future is Su Yun's future.

So every step in the future, he must not only walk steadily, but also walk well, otherwise Su Yun will be greatly affected.

In his future, no mistakes are allowed!


(End of this chapter)

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