The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1011 The Power of Oneself

Chapter 1011

Signing venue.

Jiang Hai, general manager of Beijing TV Culture, as a representative, exchanged the TV series copyright purchase agreement with Meng Hui, director of the program marketing center of Beijing Satellite TV, and Liu Kuo, director of the program marketing center of Hunan Satellite TV, and stamped the official seal on it and signed his own. name.

This is definitely a historic moment for Jingshi Culture.

Because since the establishment of the company, the TV series produced by Jingshi Culture have never been sold at such a high price. You must know that you need to ask your grandpa to sue your grandma before you can sell the TV series shot before.

This also proves from another aspect that Jingshi Culture has stood up.

As Jiang Hai, Meng Hui, and Liu Kuo held hands tightly together, the reporters at the scene immediately pointed the camera at the three of them and recorded the scene.

These are news materials!

"I announce that the signing ceremony of the first broadcast rights purchase agreement of "Legend of Lan Xi" is over!" Xu Jie said loudly, then looked at the reporters in the room and said: "Everyone from the media has worked hard. The reporter friends have prepared a simple working meal, which is at the Wanhe Hotel opposite, and everyone is welcome to be there."

The reporters were slightly taken aback when they heard it. You must know that Wanhe Hotel is a five-star hotel. Can working meals be so simple?

In fact, in the media circle, this kind of situation is very common. In order to let the media reporters take care of them when reporting, the interviewees will arrange so-called working meals for the media reporters.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Eat people with short mouths.

It's just that this time, everyone is on their own, so there is absolutely no need for Mr. Xu to do this.

However, in Xu Jie's view, it is precisely because he is one of his own that he cannot be treated badly.

If you treat your own people badly, over time, wouldn't it chill your own people's hearts?

"Friends from the press, please follow me." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he walked out of the venue and led the way for the reporters.

His task today is to entertain the media reporters present. Don't let these people find reasons. After all, the news seen by the leaders above is all from these people. If the hospitality is not good, some people will write with dissatisfaction. At that time, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating.

Jiang Hai looked at the reporters leaving until they were all gone, and then said to the few people beside him: "Editor Lu, Editor Dong, Director Meng, Director Liu, it will be noon soon, let's go out for a light meal together .”

Of course, simple meal is just a polite way of saying it. He has just signed several hundred million dollars, so it is naturally impossible for him to invite these people to McDonald's or something like that.

"Editor-in-Chief Lu said before that he wanted to treat me to dinner." Dong Xiaoli said.

Even if she couldn't embarrass the one surnamed Lu, she would have to slaughter him for a meal, so that she would feel better, otherwise she would always feel that half of the treasure in her hand was robbed, and she felt unbalanced.

"Oh? Really?" Jiang Hai turned to look at Lao Lu with a questioning look.

The other party is the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station, which can be regarded as his leader. The leader wants to treat someone to dinner, so how could he have the nerve to steal the leader's limelight?
Not only that, he even felt that Lao Lu should invite him to dinner. After all, the premiere rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" were originally going to be sold to the Huxiang Satellite TV family. two premieres.

If he didn't need the other party to say a few words of beauty in front of the director, he would definitely kill the other party a few more times.

"Well, yes." Lu Hong nodded after listening.

It's just a meal, it's nothing, he has to eat anyway.

"Editor Dong, I know a good private restaurant, the Beijing cuisine there is very authentic, where should we go?" Lu Hong asked Dong Xiaoli after thinking about it.

Dong Xiaoli rolled her eyes, and then said with a smile: "I think we should go to the Wanhe Hotel that Mr. Xu just mentioned. I'm not afraid of your jokes. In order to get here earlier, we didn't even have breakfast. I really don't know if we can stick to it." Go to the restaurant that Editor-in-Chief Lu mentioned."

"Then according to Editor Dong's suggestion, go to Wanhe Hotel opposite." Lu Hong said with a smile.

In fact, the private restaurant he mentioned is not far from here, and it only takes [-] minutes to drive, but since the other party has made it very clear, he can't insist on it.

I know, he wants to invite his colleagues from Huxiang to taste the authentic Beijing cuisine, and those who don't know think he wants to starve to death.

So, several people left the venue and went to Wanhe Hotel opposite.

In order to entertain these journalist friends, Xu Jie specially booked a large private room and ordered a table of delicacies from mountains and seas to express his importance and sincerity.

"Mr. Xu, this, isn't this too rich?" A reporter from a certain portal exclaimed.

There are lobsters, abalones, sea cucumbers, and some unidentifiable delicacies on the table. This should be the most sumptuous work meal he has ever eaten.

When the others heard it, they also became polite.

"President Xu, how embarrassing this is."

"Mr. Xu, I've made you spend money!"


Can this also be called simple?
But if you think about it carefully, maybe these things are really simple to Mr. Xu.

Who is Mr. Xu?
Just making a movie can earn more than 4 million at the box office, and even the premiere rights of derivative TV series can sell more than [-] million.

In comparison, this table is really nothing.

"For a little matter of our Beijing TV culture, everyone can come here in your busy schedule. Compared with everyone's support for me, these are nothing. Besides, we are all on our own, so there is no need to be so polite." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Although the signing ceremony in the morning is over, there is another signing ceremony in the afternoon, so how can you neglect these people?

"Mr. Xu, you also said just now that we are all our own people, so don't be polite to us in the future. Just ask us if you have anything to do, and we will definitely come to support you." A reporter on Weibo said.

"Yes, we will definitely come."

Others echoed one after another, for fear of being slow.

"Thank you, thank you everyone." Xu Jie said with a full face.

Of course, he was just putting on a show.

No, it should be called acting.

Life is like a play, it depends on acting.

The atmosphere has already been enhanced here, if he doesn't cooperate, it will make him seem ungrateful.

As a reporter, he knows the importance of reporter resources, so he has always maintained a good relationship with reporters from various media.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Whoever controls the public opinion will control the victory!

"Everyone use your chopsticks." Xu Jie picked up the chopsticks and pointed to the food on the table.

After the others saw it, they picked up the chopsticks. Although Mr. Xu asked them for help, but Mr. Xu didn't take the chopsticks, they really didn't dare to.

Everyone chatted while eating, of course, the topic didn't leave Xu Jie.

"Mr. Xu, your director's "Lover in Time and Space" won a box office of more than 4 million, and the premiere rights of the spin-off TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" also sold for such a high price. I wonder if you plan to continue making movies this year? "A female reporter asked curiously.

As a new boss in the entertainment circle, the other party's every move affects the hearts of countless people. Not only audiences and fans want to watch the other party's works, but also countless celebrities are eager to participate in the other party's projects, such as: variety shows, movies, TV dramas etc.

Who can make the works released by the other party become explosives?

Not everyone can do this.

"I don't have any plans to make a movie yet, but I do have one as a screenwriter." Xu Jie said while eating.

The best way to maintain a relationship with reporters is not to invite these people to dinner, but to give these reporters some scoops from time to time, so that they can find a sense of fulfillment in their work.


When everyone heard it, they immediately became interested.

You must know that in addition to his outstanding directing ability, Mr. Xu also has first-class screenwriting ability, such as the movies "Mulan", "Lovers in Time and Space", "Stranger Road", and the variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage". There are sketches for the Spring Festival Gala, aren't they all written by Mr. Xu?

So if nothing else, the movie written by Mr. Xu will definitely be popular again.

"Mr. Xu, can you tell us about the type of movie? It also has a starring role." Another female reporter couldn't help asking.

"These are kept secret for the time being, but there is one thing I can tell you, that is, Yu Zijian is the director of this movie, and we will hold a cooperation ceremony in two days, everyone is welcome to attend then." Xu Jie said.

After everyone listened, their excited eyes lit up.

Yu Zijian?
Working with great director Yu Zijian?
Needless to say, it must be a big production!

Great screenwriter plus great director, double BUFF bonus, it's hard not to be popular.

"Mr. Xu, save me a seat, I will definitely go!"

"I am coming too!"

All the reporters scrambled to be the first, for fear of missing this opportunity.

"Mr. Xu!"

At this time, the voice of a male reporter suddenly overwhelmed everyone, and then picked up the phone, pointed to the screen and said: "China Audiovisual Big Data has just released the ratings of China TV Spring Festival Gala, and your program ratings rank first .”

When the others heard it, they took out their phones to check.

"Really?" Xu Jie was overjoyed.

For workers, the happiest thing is undoubtedly that they get affirmation and rewards after their hard work.

But while he was happy, he thought of another thing, looked at the male reporter in doubt and asked, "Which program is mine?"

He has too many shows.

Three skits, one song, and all of them have the possibility of being the first in the ratings.

This is not what he said, but what the senior sister told him.

The male reporter who was asked also remembered Mr. Xu's versatility and participated in many programs, so he said, "It's the song "Love", which is the duet between you and Sister Yun."

Xu Jie finally couldn't hold it back this time, with excitement showing on his face.

This time is the Spring Festival Gala of Huaxia TV Station. Not only are there more than forty programs, but each program is selected from the best. It is not only because of popularity that it can stand out from so many programs and get the number one rating. It is also an affirmation of the quality of the program.

In fact, he has always been worried that it will hold his wife back, but now that the show is number one in ratings, he is relieved.

"Mr. Xu, congratulations. The three sketches you acted as the screenwriter also entered the top ten ratings." The female reporter said.

"You, Mr. Xu, accounted for four of the top ten ratings. That's really amazing!"

"Mr. Xu, you have boosted the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala by yourself, so that the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala last year and this year did not drop but increased."

When everyone in the private room looked at Xu Jie, their eyes were full of admiration, especially the female reporter, all of them stared intently with a smile in their eyes.

"That's not the case, the main reason is that the overall performance of the Spring Festival Gala is better." Xu Jie waved his hands again and again.

Although these words are very happy to hear, he dare not monopolize this credit.

If this is spread, won't it be considered arrogant?

Not to mention the other actors who participated in the Spring Festival Gala, even the director team of the Spring Festival Gala will have opinions on him.

There were too many people who overturned their cars at the dinner table, and he didn't want to follow in the footsteps of those people.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Xu Jie's cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and found that it was Chen Ya's call, so he got up and walked out, and said to the other people present: "Excuse me, I'm going out to answer the call. You eat."

"Mr. Xu, you are busy with your own business, don't worry about us!"

Everyone knows that Mr. Xu is busy, so how dare he delay Mr. Xu's affairs?

Xu Jie came to the corridor, slid his finger on the screen, put the phone to his ear, and asked with a smile, "Director Chen, what's your order?"

"Mr. Xu, what you said is as if I have nothing to do with you other than business." Chen Ya said after hearing this.

He really wanted to order the other party to do things, but unfortunately, the other party was not his subordinate, so he couldn't give orders.

"Director Chen, you misunderstood me. Didn't I want to cooperate more with CTS?" Xu Jie defended himself.

"Of course the cooperation will be indispensable, but today's phone call is not for cooperation. Do you know that the ratings of this year's CTV Spring Festival Gala have been announced, have you watched it?" Chen Ya asked, with a bit of joy in his voice, He hadn't been this happy for a long time.

"I didn't read it, but I heard it from someone. Congratulations, Director Chen." Xu Jie said.

"Haha, I should be the one who congratulates you. Congratulations to your program for being the number one rating. By the way, I also want to thank you for providing so many excellent programs for the Spring Festival Gala." Chen Ya was already happy flower.

He just came out of the director's office. The director is very satisfied with the ratings of this year's Spring Festival Gala. Although it is not comparable to that of more than ten years ago, it is already the best ratings in recent years.

And the rebound in the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala has also reduced the pressure on the entire CTS. Otherwise, every year after the Spring Festival Gala, they will be criticized by netizens, and the pressure is not ordinary.

"Director Chen, these are what I should do. Cooperation requires not only sincerity, but also results. What do you think?" Xu Jie asked.

The implication: I have sincerity and achievements, shouldn't you also express it?
Chen Ya smiled slightly, how could she not understand what the other party meant?
In fact, for last year's and this year's Spring Festival Gala, he also wants to cooperate more with the other party. In this way, the quality of the party can be improved and the pressure can be relieved for him.

"Yes, otherwise, why would I not look for anyone, but only you for cooperation? I just like your sincerity and know that you can achieve results. I believe that our cooperation will be more and more in the future. Okay." Chen Ya said.

It's an affirmative answer.

"That's right!"

Xu Jie smiled with satisfaction.

It is good to know.


(End of this chapter)

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