The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1012 Tempted Again

Chapter 1012 Tempted Again
After talking on the phone with Chen Ya, Xu Jie was about to go back to the private room when a voice stopped him.

"Mr. Xu, please stay."

Xu Jie turned his head and saw that it was Dong Xiaoli, the person in charge of Huxiang Satellite TV. He couldn't help but wonder, shouldn't the other party be with Boss Jiang and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu at JingTV Culture?How did you appear in this hotel?

"Editor Dong, what a coincidence, you're dining here too?" Xu Jie walked over to say hello.

"Mr. Xu, have you forgotten? Outside the gate of Jingshi Culture, your editor-in-chief Lu personally promised to invite me to dinner. No, you set the place here." Dong Xiaoli pointed behind her, meaning that their private room is over there.

At the same time, I thought to myself: There are so many restaurants in the capital, how can such a coincidence happen?I came here specially.


Xu Jie remembered that there was indeed such a thing, but at the time he thought it was just talking, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"Editor Dong, the seafood in this hotel is very good, don't forget to try it." Xu Jie enthusiastically recommended it to the other party.

"Okay, I see." Dong Xiaoli said here, and suddenly turned her head carefully to look at both ends of the corridor, and saw that there was no one else, so she asked, "Mr. Xu, do you still remember our agreement in Xiazhou? "

Xu Jie was startled for a moment, and some fragments of meeting Dong Xiaoli in Xiazhou quickly appeared in his mind, and then he said: "I remember, of course I remember, how could I forget such an important thing?"

For him, exchanging resources with Dong Xiaoli is a very important matter. This is not only a business relationship, but also means that his influence will truly go out of the capital and expand to Hunan.

As one of the five David TVs, the influence of Huxiang Satellite TV cannot be underestimated. Among the many satellite TV channels, Huxiang Satellite TV has always had the title of entertainment overlord. Circles play a pivotal role.

Now that he was suddenly asked by the other party, his intuition told him that the other party was definitely not just asking casually, there must be something wrong.

Therefore, Xu Jie tentatively said: "Editor Dong, the Spring Festival is over and the new year has already begun. Apart from "Legend of Lan Xi", can we also carry out other cooperations?"

Since the other party mentioned the agreement, the implication must be related to the exchange of resources.

Dong Xiaoli was taken aback after listening, and then smiled.

No wonder Lu Hong regards this person as a treasure, he is so understanding.

What the other party said just now was exactly what she wanted to say.

It’s just that as the person in charge of Huxiang Satellite TV and the deputy editor-in-chief of Huxiang TV, if she said those words first, it would feel like she was begging for help. Her self-esteem was broken, and her goal was achieved.

At this moment, she was tempted again.

Moved the heart of digging the other party into Huxiang Satellite TV.

However, she also knew that with the current development of the other party, not to mention Huxiang Satellite TV, even the entire Huxiang TV Station might not be able to satisfy the other party, which is why she chose to cooperate with the other party.

This is the second best option.

"Yes, I don't know which aspect Mr. Xu wants to cooperate with first?" Dong Xiaoli asked with a smile, this time it was not a professional smile, but a smile from the heart.

Although the two are talking about business affairs now, the other party's words make her feel comfortable.

Women are inherently emotional animals, and she is no exception.

Young people are so good at things, so she naturally can't take a serious look at them and treat them with a business-like attitude.

"I think it's better to start with variety shows, what do you think?" Xu Jie said while looking at Dong Xiaoli to observe her reaction.

In his opinion, variety shows are the simplest exchange of resources.

He arranged for a few artists to participate in Hunan Satellite TV's variety show, and the other party arranged for a few artists to participate in Beijing Satellite TV's variety show. They come and go, very equal. For the two who are exchanging resources for the first time, it should be the most suitable .

Dong Xiaoli's eyes also lit up at this moment.

No way, the words of the young man in front of her once again reached her heart.

In fact, since she reached a cooperation with the other party in Xiazhou, she has been staring at the variety show of Beijing Satellite TV. To be precise, she has been staring at the variety show directed by the other party.

There are quite a few variety shows on Beijing Satellite TV, but the only ones that catch her eye and are helpful to artists are the two variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage".

Based on the broadcast time of the previous seasons of "Crossover Actor", preparations for the new season of "Crossover Actor" should start. If she slows down, all the spots will be divided up, and the next cooperation will have to wait until half a year later.

half a year?

She can't wait that long.

"I agree!" Dong Xiaoli said with a face full of joy, and at the same time sighed in her heart, this young man really thinks about what she thinks and is anxious about what she is anxious about.

"Editor Dong, I believe you also know that there are only fifteen contestants in "Crossover Actor", so the number of places I can give you is also very limited. Do you think three is enough?" Xu Jie asked.

"Enough!" Dong Xiaoli said in one go, for fear that the other party would regret it.

Three, that's a lot!

As the person in charge of Huxiang Satellite TV, she still knows this very well.

Take "Crossover Actor" as an example, there are [-] people in total, how many should the TV station keep?Do sponsors have to keep a few?Plus some related...

For three, she is already very satisfied.

"Okay, that's it. As for Dong Zong's program on your side, there are too many good-looking variety shows on Huxiang Satellite TV. I really don't know which one to choose for a while. Can you let me go back and think about it first. I'll give you an answer in a few days?" Xu Jie pretended to be troubled and said.

In fact, I want to ask Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan and Ding Mengni to see which variety show the three of them want to participate in on Huxiang Satellite TV, and then study which variety show is more suitable for their personal future development. They can’t just go on a variety show ,.

"Yes, as long as you think about it, you can notify me at any time." Dong Xiaoli said with a smile.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Dong, for your understanding," Xu Jie said.

Dong Xiaoli saw that the goal had been achieved, so she said: "Mr. Xu, you are busy with your work, so I will go back first, or you, Mr. Lu, will be in a hurry."

"Editor Dong, walk slowly."

Xu Jie watched Dong Xiaoli leave until she disappeared at the corner of the corridor, then opened the door and entered the private room.


in the afternoon.

After Xu Jie and Boss Jiang sent off Lu Hong and Dong Xiaoli, they welcomed another buyer today, Zhou Haoxiang, general manager of Juxiang Media.

For this buyer, Xu Jie still attaches great importance to it.

Because in recent years, the online drama industry has developed very rapidly, and more and more hot money has entered this industry, so the online broadcasting rights of TV dramas have also increased.

Just like this time, in the case of selling the TV premiere rights, the online broadcasting rights can still be sold at a price of 800 million for a single episode. This kind of thing was unimaginable a few years ago.

JingTV Culture will not only shoot "Legend of Lan Xi", but will continue to shoot other TV dramas in the future, so it is very necessary to establish a good cooperative relationship with Zhou Haoxiang to lay the foundation for continued cooperation in the future.

Besides, not only TV series, don't current movies also have the right to broadcast online?
There are even many movies that are worried about not being able to get a schedule, so they give up the theaters directly. They should take the route of online movies, sell the movies to video websites, or use the method of splitting the movies to play on the websites. Although they can’t make a lot of money, they can more or less Some costs can be recovered without paying too much.

What Xu Jie has to consider now is not only what to shoot, but also whether he can make money. After all, his outstanding film and television culture company will also participate in these shoots.

Losing the company's money is okay.

Lose his money, no!
"Mr. Zhou, welcome to Jingshi Culture, I'm sorry to bother you on vacation." Jiang Hai held Zhou Haoxiang's hand tightly, feeling more excited than in the morning.

At the beginning, he never expected that someone would buy the webcast broadcasting rights of "Legend of Lan Xi", and even offered such a high price, which made him a little embarrassed, and even secretly worried about the other party, worried that the other party would lose money.

This is the real God of Wealth!
"Mr. Jiang, you're being polite. What's a vacation? How can our business be so important?" Zhou Haoxiang said.

Although he is abroad, he has always been thinking about the webcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi". Years of business experience taught him that no matter who the other party is or what they say, black and white words are not as reassuring as black and white words.

Not to mention vacationing abroad, even if vacationing on an alien planet, he will rush here as soon as possible.

"Mr. Zhou, the signing venue has been set up, please follow me." Xu Jie said to Zhou Haoxiang, and then pointed in the direction of the elevator.

"Okay Mr. Xu, I'm sorry to trouble you." Zhou Haoxiang followed up, and after walking a few steps quickly asked: "Director Xu has worked hard on producing "Legend of Lan Xi", how is the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" going? Can it be finished?"

"Why, Mr. Zhou is in a hurry?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"No, no, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry." Zhou Haoxiang quickly waved his hands in denial, but the panic in his eyes had already betrayed him.

"Editor Zhou, if it were me, I would also be in a hurry. Who wouldn't be in a hurry if you can't see things after spending money? But there is an old saying that goes well: slow work yields careful work. You spend so much money, I always I can't give you a shoddy TV series, can I? What do you think?" Xu Jie asked in turn.

He can fully understand the other party's mood, but he can't speed up the progress because of rush. This is an irresponsible behavior for the company, actors, and buyers.

In fact, the shooting progress of "Legend of Lan Xi" is not slow. After all, it is a [-]-episode TV series. There are too many things to shoot. In addition, it is time-consuming to shoot costume dramas. It is impossible to compare with those Thirty or forty episodes of urban dramas.

"Yes, Mr. Xu is right. You are really a person in charge. I can rest assured to cooperate with you." Zhou Haoxiang said quickly.

Although I said so in my mouth, I still think about it in my heart.

For him, buying "Legend of Lan Xi" at a sky-high price is a gamble.

If you win the bet, you will make a lot of money, but if you lose the bet, you may lose everything.

"Mr. Zhou, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal. There is a contract, so are you afraid that we will go back on our word?" Jiang Hai also comforted.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Xu, I'm sorry to make you laugh." Zhou Haoxiang showed a silly smile, secretly thinking that he was out of control.

When several people came to the ceremony site, the words on the background wall had been changed. Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV were replaced with Juxiang Media, and the first broadcast rights were replaced with network broadcast rights.

After Zhou Haoxiang entered, he was taken aback by the battle in the room, especially the reporters present, which made him nervous involuntarily.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Xu, why are there so many reporters here?" Zhou Haoxiang asked in a low voice.

"Don't mind Mr. Zhou. This is mainly to increase the popularity of "Legend of Lanxi", and to promote it in advance so that more people will pay attention." Jiang Hai explained.

Of course, it is not to make more people pay attention to "The Legend of Lan Xi", but to pay attention to him.


Zhou Haoxiang nodded understandingly.

As an insider, many film and television dramas began to release news when they were preparing to warm up the project in advance. This is a very normal phenomenon in the circle, but...

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Xu, I have a request, I hope you can agree." Zhou Haoxiang said to Jiang Hai and Xu Jie.

"President Zhou, you're welcome, please tell me." Jiang Hai said.

Zhou Haoxiang looked at the reporters present, then turned his back and said in a low voice: "The publicity is fine, but during the report, can you not announce the specific transaction figures? Otherwise, I won't be able to sell them."

Juxiang Media itself does not shoot film and television dramas. Its main business is to purchase the copyrights of film and television dramas, and then sell them to video websites through operation.

If the cost of purchasing the copyright is announced, how can he bargain with the video site in the future?By that time, the price will not be crazily suppressed?

He didn't want to just make gas money.

Jiang Hai fell into deep thought after hearing this. If the transaction price is not announced, it will definitely reduce the influence of the news, but if it is announced, it will harm the interests of the buyer.

He thought about it seriously for a while, considering that the other party might regret it, and that no one would offer a higher price for a while, so he said to Zhou Haoxiang: "Okay, Mr. Zhou, no problem."

If the matter of the right to broadcast on the Internet cannot reach the ears of the city leaders through the news, it can only be passed through the director's mouth.

"Thank you President Jiang for your understanding." Zhou Haoxiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the signing ceremony officially began.

Jiang Hai, the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and Zhou Haoxiang, the general manager of Juxiang Media, sat at the same table. They first signed the agreement in front of them, and after the exchange, they signed their own names on the other party's agreement. Then the two stood up, and while holding the agreement, they stretched out their hands and held each other tightly.

The reporters in the room began to take pictures.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Zhou, may I ask how much the online broadcasting rights of "The Legend of Lan Xi" were sold?" A reporter asked.

During the signing ceremony in the morning, JingTV Culture took the initiative to reveal the price of the first broadcast rights of "Legend of Lanxi". Now everyone has not heard the price of the online broadcast rights of "Legend of Lanxi", and they are somewhat curious.

Jiang Hai and Zhou Haoxiang looked at each other, thinking that this reporter is too ignorant, right?If it is not announced, it means that it cannot be said, so why ask?

Xu Jie stood up at this time, looked at the reporter who asked the question and replied: "This is a commercial secret, and it is a very high price. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a sky-high price. Just guess boldly."

When the reporters heard this, they immediately stopped asking.

They are all reporters, and they are not stupid. Mr. Xu means that he can't say anything if he doesn't want to say it. If they continue to ask, won't they just feel uncomfortable?
Did you eat the lobster at noon for nothing?
Zhou Haoxiang looked at Xu Jie gratefully. After what the other party said, even if he offered a higher price when reselling it, the video website would not dare to lower the price too much.

After all, he paid a sky-high price!


(End of this chapter)

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