Chapter 1013 Candidates
After Lu Hong returned to the TV station, he immediately came to the director's office and handed over the latest contract to the director for review.

He is still very concerned about Jiang Hai's desire to compete for the deputy editor-in-chief.

For one thing, among so many candidates, Lao Jiang had the most temper towards him and had the best relationship with him. In the future, when they work together, it will be easier for them to communicate.

Secondly, Xiao Xu is Lao Jiang's subordinate. If he stands by at this time, what if Lao Jiang makes Xiao Xu passive and slow down in his anger?
You must know that the most popular variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" are both produced by Xiao Xu. If Xiao Xu sneezes, both programs will catch a cold.

Of course, he still has a little selfishness.

If Lao Jiang can become the deputy editor-in-chief, he will leave Jingshi Culture in the future, and he will also be separated from Xiao Xu. Isn't this the opportunity for him to strengthen his relationship with Xiao Xu?

When the time comes, take Xiao Xu for his own use, maybe he will win a second career in his career.

"The Legend of Lan Xi? I've read some news about this TV series, and I heard that many excellent actors have been gathered. Has the filming not finished yet?" Director Zhao Juncheng looked up at Lu Hong who was in front of him after reading the contract. When I got the contract just now and saw the name of the TV series, I thought it looked familiar, but I finally remembered it later.

"The filming hasn't finished yet. Jiang Hai said that it is expected to finish filming in April and start broadcasting in October at the earliest." Lu Hong replied.

"Jiang Hai has done a good job not only providing excellent TV dramas for the station, but also increasing income for the station." Zhao Juncheng said with a smile.

"Yes, it is said that the online broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" have also been sold, and the price is the same as the first broadcast rights we purchased, which is 800 million per episode." Lu Hong said pretending to be casual.


Zhao Juncheng was startled at first, and then his face showed joy.

A TV series can sell more than one billion?It seems that the financial report of Jingshi Culture this year must be very impressive.

"I remember that Jiang Hai was transferred to Jingshi Culture the year before last, right? It's not easy to achieve such good results in just two years." Zhao Juncheng praised.

The former Jingshi culture has almost become a burden to the TV station. Not only will it lose money every year, but it will also not be able to produce decent works. Otherwise, Yu Kuan, the previous general manager, would not have abandoned this iron job and turned to another private company. Entertainment.

As a result, in less than two years, Jiang Hai not only turned the company from loss to profit, but also increased the revenue by a large margin. Such a report card is really admirable.

"Yes, Jiang Hai's work ability is still very strong. He has launched many excellent programs when he was in the art program center, and he is very responsible. When Yu Kuan left Jingshi Culture, no one was willing to take over the mess. , it was he who offered to go there." Lu Hong said.

"Well, I remember this." Zhao Juncheng nodded, stared at the contract on the table and thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Lu Hong and asked, "Do you know about Zhou Zhengliang? People, what do you think?"

In a few days, the city will discuss candidates to replace Zhou Zhengliang. Although he has several candidates in mind, they have not yet been finalized.

Lu Hong in front of him is the deputy editor-in-chief and the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV. He knows many things in the station better than him, and the other party often deals with the directors of the program center. Maybe ask this person what he thinks of him last. decision will help.

Lu Hong was secretly surprised, he didn't expect the director to ask him.

Originally, he was going to continue to praise Jiang Hai, but now he hesitated.

If Jiang Hai was mentioned at this time, wouldn't the director directly see his relationship with Jiang Hai?

At that time, not only will it not be able to help Jiang Hai, but it will even harm Jiang Hai.

As a leader, the most annoying thing is that the people under him form cliques with each other, and the director is certainly no exception.

"I listened to the director." Lu Hong said.

Hearing this, Zhao Juncheng couldn't help laughing. He got up and left the desk, pointed to Lu Hong where the sofa was, and motioned for him to come and chat.

Lu Hong followed the director and walked over with a respectful face but a cautious heart.

If it was a personnel appointment in the satellite TV program center, he would definitely say his own suggestion, but how can he speak casually about the appointment of a high-level TV station?
"We're just chatting casually in private, and we're not in a meeting, so there's no need to be so cautious." Zhao Juncheng said to Lu Hong with a smile.

A smile appeared on Lu Hong's face, but he knew very well in his heart that this was a routine.

He was usually under such a routine, and he really lost.

It is the most stupid performance to show your heart and soul in front of your superiors.

Of course, Lu Hong also knew that the director had already talked about this point, and it would be impossible if he didn’t say anything, so he lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said: "The position of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou is very important. You need to be responsible for multiple categories of programs, so you must choose someone who is excellent in all aspects and has relatively strong comprehensive ability, otherwise it will not only affect the quality of the program, but even affect the satellite TV channel."


Zhao Juncheng nodded in agreement, but after thinking about it again, he felt that although the other party had said a lot, he seemed to have nothing, especially about the candidate he was most concerned about, he didn't even say a word.

Still afraid to say it?

He looked at Lu Hong, and asked straightforwardly this time: "Who do you think is the most suitable for this position in our station?"

Lu Hong secretly groaned in his heart, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "Guo Tian, ​​the director of the Science and Education Program Center, is good, with outstanding leadership skills. It is also one of the best, and Shao Changzhi, the director of the Financial Program Center..."

His strategy is very simple, that is, to name all the people with the strongest working ability in the station. In this way, no matter who the director thinks, there will always be one who is right, so as to avoid disagreements with the director. disagreement.

Zhao Juncheng listened carefully. The people mentioned by the other party were also what he had thought about before, but these people each had their own advantages. You will have difficulty choosing.

But the reason why he asked Lu Hong today was to hear about any new candidates.

"Except for these few people?" Zhao Juncheng asked.

"Except for these few? Then you have to look for it outside the TV station. For example, Feng Dekun from New Times Media, Jiang Shangtong from Jingguang Media, by the way, and Jiang Hai just mentioned. They are not only familiar with the business in the station, but also He also understands the market, and has strong leadership skills and an overall view, no worse than those just now, but he doesn’t know whether he would like to come.”

In order to get rid of the suspicion, Lu Hong deliberately put Jiang Hai at the back, but the "right" sound played an emphatic role, and quickly grabbed the director's attention away from the first two.


Zhao Juncheng was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Lu Hong would also mention the person in charge of the subsidiary company of Beijing Radio and Television Station.

But after thinking about it carefully, what Lu Hong said is not unreasonable. These people have been in the business for a long time, and naturally they have no management and leadership skills.

A position like deputy editor-in-chief definitely needs a person with strong management and leadership skills to be competent, and of course, business ability is also indispensable.

It's just like what Lu Hong said, it's really hard to say whether these people are willing to serve as deputy editor-in-chief.

Although the deputy editor-in-chief is older than the general manager of the company, the general manager of the company is the person in charge of the entire company.

For example, if the Beijing Radio and Television Station is a kingdom, then the general managers of these branches are the officials of the frontier and the princes of one side. Regardless of whether the deputy editor-in-chief is the prime minister of the left or the prime minister of the right, under the eyes of the king, there is no one outside Live freely?
And the most important point, there is plenty of oil and water outside!

However, Lu Hong's suggestion opened up a new way of thinking for him. He doesn't have to focus on the eyes, he can see a little further.

Everyone is a member of Beijing Radio and Television Station, and should have a fair chance to compete.

Thinking of this, he immediately got up and went back to the back of the desk to find out the files of the person in charge of the branch, and compare them one by one.

Those like Guo Chuan who have been staying in the Forbidden Film Industry are definitely not good. They are not familiar with the business of the TV station, and neither are people like Jiang Shangtong. Although they were transferred from the TV station, the performance of Jingguang Media has always been very average. There is nothing wrong with it, if it is placed in such a high position as the deputy editor-in-chief, it will be difficult to come up with outstanding results...

After some screening, there were only two left in the thick pile of files, one was Xiao Jinxian, the general manager of Kaman Media, and the other was Jiang Hai of Jingshi Culture.

Xiao Jinxian used to be the director of the Youth Program Center, but was later transferred to Cartoon Media, and now he is mainly responsible for the programs of Cartoon Channel, as well as a series of businesses related to cartoons and children.

And Jiang Hai used to be the director of the Arts and Programs Center. The year before last, he voluntarily applied to Beijing TV Culture, and now he is engaged in variety shows, evening parties, and film and television dramas.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou is in charge of the formal arts, life, science and education, sports, and youth programs, so these two people are definitely qualified and capable to compete with Guo Tian, ​​Shang Jingyun, and Shao Changzhi.

Zhao Juncheng looked left and right, once the excitement of the new idea passed, the difficulty in choosing became more serious, because there were two more candidates.

There used to be only three, but now there are five.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Hong saw Director's slightly frowned brows, and his heart must have started to struggle again. In order to avoid letting him choose, he stood up and said, "Director, you are busy, I'll go back first."

Turn around and leave.

Zhao Juncheng was struggling, and when he heard Lu Hong's words, he immediately stopped him.

"and many more!"

After messing with it, it's like leaving?

How can it be so easy!

In a few days, the city will start discussing the candidate for the deputy editor-in-chief. According to gossip, everyone's opinions are not unified now. The TV station injects some fresh blood, and some people prefer to be promoted internally. The advantage is that they are more familiar with the work in the station, and it doesn't take too long to adapt.

And as the head of a station, he naturally tends to the latter.

But if he is hesitant and unable to give suitable candidates who can persuade everyone to discuss, the final result will definitely be a newcomer transferred from other departments, which he does not want to see.

"Lu Hong, come here." After Zhao Juncheng finished speaking, he picked up the pen and began to write on the paper.

Lu Hong walked over and looked curiously at what the director wrote. It was a blank piece of paper with several people's names on it.

There is Guo Tian, ​​there is Shang Jingyun, there is Shao Changzhi, there is Xiao Jinxian, and the last one is... Jiang Hai.

After Zhao Juncheng finished writing, he pushed the paper in front of Lu Hong, "If it were you, who would you choose?"

After hearing this, Lu Hong immediately showed a wry smile, feeling so embarrassed.

As the old saying goes: People are unpredictable.

How did he know who the director liked?
In particular, the number of candidates has changed from the previous three to five, and the chances of winning a prize for one of the five must be lower than that of one of the three.

Lao Jiang, Lao Jiang, you have to pay me for two new shows!

"Director, these are all very good. You let me choose now. I really don't know who to choose, but I know one thing very well, that is, no matter who the deputy editor-in-chief is, he must be under your leadership. To complete the work, choose whoever you need, Director, what kind of person do you need?"

After Lu Hong said something, he directly threw the question back, and at the same time pointed out the core of the problem: what is needed.

What type of person does the director need now, and what type of person does the TV station need now.

Zhao Juncheng fell into deep thought after hearing this.

This question may seem simple, but it hits the bullseye.

Regardless of personal ability or comprehensive ability, he chooses to be the person in charge of whatever type of person he needs.

No matter how powerful he is, if he doesn't need this kind of ability now, what use is it for him to be selected?
What's more, these five people's abilities in all aspects are not bad, it depends on who has the more outstanding ability that he needs now.

Thinking of this, he looked at the five people on the white paper again.

Soon, I had the answer in my heart.

Seeing Director's brows stretched, Lu Hong knew that Director already had an answer in his heart, so he said, "Director, I'm going back first."

He dared not ask.

What can I do if I know?

Zhao Juncheng nodded and didn't stay this time.

When Lu Hong returned to his office, the first thing he did was to take out his mobile phone and dial a number.

"Old Jiang, you must treat me to a good meal."

"Ah? Why?" Jiang Hai asked suspiciously.

"I just handed over the contract to the station director. After I boasted, you have already entered the list of candidates. As for whether you can be selected in the end, it depends on God's will." Lu Hong said.

"Really? Old Lu, thank you so much. By the way, who are the candidates?" Jiang Hai asked curiously while excited.

"Guo Tian, ​​Shang Jingyun, Shao Changzhi, Xiao Jinxian, and you, but I think Xiao Jinxian and Shang Jingyun have little chance of winning. In the end, it should be decided between you, Guo Tian, ​​and Shao Changzhi. Airborne is excluded." Lu Hong guessed.

"I see, I will thank you very much later." Jiang Hai said, and then hung up the phone.

In his opinion, it is useless to be a candidate, only to be selected, but being able to enter the candidate shows that Xiao Xu's strategy has played a certain role, and now it depends on whether everything he does can become an absolute advantage.

An absolute advantage will leave a deep impression on people, and it will inevitably be favored by more people in the final vote.

God bless, you must vote for me!

(End of this chapter)

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