The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1014 Support newcomers

Chapter 1014 Support newcomers
ninth grade.

The third working day after the Spring Festival holiday.

For Xu Jie, it was undoubtedly another busy day.

Today's main task is to sign contracts with two young directors who stand out from the submissions of the new director support plan, and provide support in various aspects such as funds and personnel.

Originally, he was going to pick a few more people, but when the time comes, there will be more people and more projects, the press conference will be bigger, the influence will be bigger, and the effect will be maximized.

However, time waits for no one. At the critical moment when the city is researching the candidates for the deputy editor-in-chief, he must make as much noise as possible to create topics for Beijing Television Culture and build momentum for Boss Jiang.

Not to mention there are two people, even if there is only one person, he will make some news for Jingshi Culture and Boss Jiang.

Isn't Yu Zijian who will come to participate in the cooperation ceremony tomorrow?

Of course, in addition to promoting Jiang Boss, there is another point, which is to gag some people's mouths.

It has been three months since the release of the support plan for new directors, and there has been no movement since then, which also made some people in the film and television circles begin to wonder whether he really used the money he won from the bet to support new directors Among them, Zheng Guoliang, who lost the money to him, was the happiest.

The other party has been staring at the plan after the press conference, and from time to time, he will secretly buy trending searches. On the surface, he pretends to be an enthusiastic netizen asking about the progress of the support plan. In fact, he suspects that he swallowed the money in the name of support. .

He was too lazy to talk to the other party before, but now he can just stop the other party's mouth.

"Ring bell bell!"

The phone on the desk rang suddenly, interrupting Xu Jie's thinking about the script. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was the front desk caller, and then picked up the receiver.

"what's up?"

"President Xu, Cheng Cheng and Zheng Siyan are here."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard it. He looked at the time on his watch, and it was only 09:30. He remembered that the time agreed with these two people should be ten o'clock.

Although it is a good habit to arrive early, is this too early?

"Take them to the small conference room, and I'll be there right away," Xu Jie said.

These two people are none other than the new directors he is going to sign a contract to support this time.

It seems that the two are not only positive, but also anxious.

That's right, Tianxiang Investment, who is not in a hurry?
As a newcomer, it is not easy to get investment to make a movie.

Although [-]% of the movies are losing money, investors are very cautious before deciding to pay. They don't just come up with a script and flatter them to get investment.

Otherwise, why would so many people submit scripts?

Xu Jie saved the script, then turned off the computer, picked up the support agreement he had prepared before, got up and left the office.

When he came to the small meeting room, Zhao Xiaoying at the front desk had already brought him there.

Xu Jie had seen the personal files submitted by the two along with the script before, so he recognized them at a glance.

The man with pigtails is Cheng Cheng. He is 35 years old this year. He has been an assistant director for six years.

The script submitted to the new director support program this time is called "The Richest Man in Despair". It is a comedy film. Although the story is very simple, it has many reversals and has a taste of black comedy.

The woman with short hair is Zheng Siyan. She is 29 this year and graduated from the Directing Department of the Film Academy. She has worked in commercials for two years and as a screenwriter for two years.

What she delivered was a script of a suspense film called "The Uninvited Guest". The plot is mind-blowing, the story is very attractive, and the standard is very high.

"Hello, welcome to Beijing Television Culture." Xu Jie said with a smile, and at the same time warmly extended his hand to the two.

Although these two people took the initiative to hand over the script to Jingshi Culture, Jingshi Culture also needs excellent scripts to develop its film business.

This is another purpose of the new director support program.

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

Cheng Cheng and Zheng Siyan quickly stood up with respectful expressions.

As insiders, they are very aware of the energy of the person in front of them, and he is a veritable big shot in the circle, so naturally they dare not be presumptuous.

"You're welcome, sit down." Xu Jie pointed to the chair after shaking hands.

Cheng Cheng and Zheng Siyan dared to sit down when they saw Mr. Xu sitting down.

Xu Jie looked at the two of them. There was still some gap between the real person and the photo, especially the hairstyle. It wasn't that he was biased, but the contrast really made him a little dazed, especially when the two were sitting together.

"Cheng Cheng, Zheng Siyan, right?" Xu Jie looked at the man and the woman successively to make sure.

Cheng Cheng and Zheng Siyan nodded, but they looked a little nervous and cautious in every move.

"Don't be nervous, relax. We can sit here face to face, which shows that we are destined to each other. It doesn't matter whether you agree to sign the contract or not. It doesn't matter if the business is not righteous. What do you think?" Xu Jie looked at the two with a smile. people.


The two spoke in unison, as if they had discussed it, and even their expressions were the same, cautious.

After Xu Jie saw it, he didn't continue to persuade him. He had seen too many such people, including some celebrities.

When people face the person who controls their destiny, they usually show nervousness and restraint. This is a normal emotion and has nothing to do with timidity.

He is now the one who controls the future fate of these two people.

"The two of you should know why you are invited here today?" Xu Jie didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic.



Cheng Cheng and Zheng Siyan responded respectively.

"Our professional team has already read the script you submitted, and it is generally very good. I also like the story you wrote, so I finally decided to use you as the first phase of our company's new director support plan. "Xu Jie said slowly.

A smile immediately appeared on Cheng Cheng's tense face. It is definitely something to be proud of to be affirmed by Mr. Xu. Finally, someone recognized his work.

On the other hand, Zheng Siyan didn't have any expression on her face, and her eyes never left Xu Jie, as if she was waiting for the other party's next words.

Yes, the next thing is the point.

Xu Jie handed the two drafted documents to the two of them respectively, and continued: "This is the contract for this support plan. Please read it carefully. If you agree with the terms and conditions, we will hold a signing ceremony in the afternoon." , if you are not satisfied with any of the clauses, we can discuss it, don't be polite to me."

In today's film and television industry, bad scripts are easy to get, but good ones are hard to find, so when encountering good scripts, in order to be able to cooperate, his attitude is quite tolerant.

It is said to be a support plan, but it is actually a kind of investment. A cooperation must naturally make both parties feel suitable.

After hearing this, Cheng Cheng and Zheng Siyan immediately picked up the contract and read it.

The contract has a total of more than ten pages. In addition to listing the specific content of the support plan in detail, it also explains the issue of copyright.

Both of them have written scripts, sold scripts, and suffered losses, so they are very familiar with the relevant content mentioned in this type of contract.

There is an idiom called: eat a ditch and gain a wisdom.

It is impossible to play word games with them.

It took Cheng Cheng a long time to read it, but after reading it, he was surprised to find that the terms in the contract were looser than he had imagined.

I used to think that since he was selected by Beijing Television Culture, he must sign a contract of sale, otherwise why would he take the risk to invest in his film?
But when I looked at the contract just now, I didn't see similar clauses in it. I just need to finish filming the film. I don't need to sign a contract for several years. Even if the film loses money in the end, I don't need to work for Jingshi Culture.

Compared with those contracts he encountered before, this is simply too conscientious.

Zheng Siyan watched it again after watching it once.

In fact, at the very beginning, she had the same thoughts as Cheng Cheng, but she felt that such a good thing was unlikely to happen. She must have not paid attention, so she started to read it a second time, but in the end she still didn’t find anything unreasonable. This is the so-called overlord clause.

"Don't worry, read carefully. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. If you don't believe me, you can go to a lawyer, as long as you don't leak the content." Xu Jie reminded in good faith.

Zheng Siyan was shocked when she heard this, and her face turned red.

Doesn't her current hesitation come from not being confident in the other party?
Seen through!

But can the person in front really not be trusted?

She has never cooperated with the other party, everything is just her guess, and such behavior is undoubtedly impolite, even a little offensive.

"You don't need to find a lawyer." Cheng Cheng put down the contract in his hand, then turned to look at Xu Jie, and said seriously, "Mr. Xu, I've read it, and it's all right."

Zheng Siyan looked at Cheng Cheng in surprise, agreed so quickly?

It can't be a babysitter, can it?

But thinking about it carefully, he quickly rejected such an idea.

There are too many people who want to get support funds, Mr. Xu doesn't need to find a babysitter deliberately in order to sign her, after all, he is not a famous screenwriter, and there seems to be nothing in his body that can be used.

Moreover, if you can sell yourself to Jingshi Culture, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

Jingshi Culture is not a small company, nor is it a leather bag company. Behind it is the Beijing Radio and Television Station. It has a strong background. Coming here is equivalent to studying, and if you go out to find a job, you will be looked up to.

No loss!

Thinking of this, she finally felt relieved.

"Mr. Xu, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Xu Jie pointed to the contract and asked, "Do you really not need a lawyer to analyze it for you?"

"No need to analyze!" Cheng Cheng said.

"Yes, I trust Mr. Xu." Zheng Siyan also said.

According to their understanding, Mr. Xu's reputation in the circle is quite good, and he has a good mass base. In other words, they came to contribute articles, didn't they come for Mr. Xu?

It is not easy to find someone to invest in movies nowadays, and being selected by Mr. Xu is a very lucky thing in itself. If you question it at this time, wouldn't it be tantamount to denying your original intention?
"We didn't know each other before, so don't trust strangers easily. It's better to be careful in everything. There is no big mistake in being careful." Xu Jie continued to persuade.

Cheng Cheng was speechless.

When other companies come up with a contract, they all want him to sign it without even looking at it. Mr. Xu is good, he wants to sign it, but the other party reminds him not to sign it so easily.

Even if it's for his own good, it's too good, right?
This is also the first time for Zheng Siyan to encounter such a situation. Before, she suspected that there might be a problem with the contract. Now, after repeated persuasion by President Xu, she began to wonder if there was something wrong with her ears. She even felt a little guilty, thinking that she should not have doubted Xu In general, doubt the contract.

"President Xu, I've really made up my mind, so don't try to persuade me, just let me sign it." Zheng Siyan said, and even began to doubt again, wondering if she behaved badly, and the other party wanted to go back on her word, but Embarrassed to say.

"Mr. Xu, even if you sell me, I will count the money for you." Cheng Cheng said firmly.

Xu Jie smiled, "Since you two really have no objections, let's hold a signing ceremony in the afternoon, but before that, let's talk about the script."


Cheng Cheng and Zheng Siyan looked at each other, not understanding what Mr. Xu meant.

Didn't you just talk about the script and the support plan?What more can I say?

Xu Jie took out two more notebooks, handed them to Cheng Cheng and Zheng Siyan, and said to them, "Here are some of my opinions and suggestions on your script, please take a look."

Cheng Cheng was taken aback, it turned out that he wanted him to revise the script.

And Zheng Siyan, who was at the side, couldn't wait to pick up the notebook and read it.

Who in the entertainment industry doesn't know Mr. Xu's screenwriting ability is top-notch?

Not only did the written script get a good reputation and high box office after being made into a movie, but even the Spring Festival Gala sketches were deeply loved by the audience.

So she wanted to see what kind of opinions and suggestions Mr. Xu could give for the script that she thought was already good. Judging by the thickness of the script, there were quite a few.

Cheng Cheng looked at the book curiously, but as soon as he saw the first question, his expression became serious.

It's not that Mr. Xu's opinion is wrong, it's that this opinion is too sharp, and it stumps him all at once, but we have to admit that this opinion is really important. Once the movie is released and the audience finds out, There will be a lot of ridicule, which may affect those who are ready to watch.

He sneaked a glance at Mr. Xu, then sat upright and looked at it seriously.

As for Zheng Siyan, her mood was extremely bad.

The plots that she was most proud of in the past have become full of loopholes now, which made her feel like an idiot, wishing to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

What is the most important thing about a suspense film?
It is rigorous!
Everyone can exaggerate the atmosphere, but if the plot is not rigorous, all the characters will become like idiots.

But she soon began to rejoice, fortunately, she met Mr. Xu, otherwise the movie would not be drowned by the audience's spittle?

At this moment, her attitude towards Mr. Xu has completely changed, and her heart is full of admiration.

When you meet such a person, even if you are deceived, you are willing.


(End of this chapter)

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