The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1015 The price of joining in the fun

Chapter 1015 The price of joining in the fun
JingTV Culture's new director support plan for the first phase of the support objects was officially announced, namely Cheng Cheng's "The Richest Man of Despair" and Zheng Siyan's "The Uninvited Guest".

Although only two new directors were selected this time, it also shows that Beijing TV Culture is not just talking about the support plan, but the prudent decision shows its rigorous attitude towards this matter, which is called professionalism.

At the same time, it has also ignited the enthusiasm of more people. Those new directors who are eager to get film investment have started a new round of delivery, striving to become the support objects of the second phase.

Perhaps for many people, this is an opportunity to change their destiny, but for Xu Jie, it is only a part of his daily work, and he still has more similar tasks to do, such as...

Cooperation with great director Yu Zijian.

Although Yu Zijian has been famous for a long time and is not comparable to those unknown new directors, but in Xu Jie's view, their roles are the same, they are all to promote the Beijing TV culture, so that the leaders above know, Under the leadership of general manager Jiang Hai, Jingshi Culture is thriving, not only has a good performance, but also a bright future.

It's like shooting.

Boss Jiang is the gunman, and he is the gun. The good news about Jingshi culture is the bullet, and the leader is the target.

If he only has one bullet, he can only hit one target at most, and he may even miss the target, but if he has a lot of bullets, he can hit a few even with his eyes closed. Iron Man If you come here, you will have to peel off a piece of paint. May I ask if the leaders above don't think about it seriously?

And in order to further enhance the power, he chose a larger venue to hold this cooperation ceremony, and invited more reporters at the same time. I don't believe the leaders above couldn't see such a big movement.

Welcome Hall of Wanhe Hotel.

The scene of the cooperation ceremony has been arranged.

Although there were still twenty minutes before the start, the audience was already full of reporters.

"Xiao Xu, isn't it a bit too much? It's just a cooperation ceremony, so why make it so big?" Jiang Hai found Xu Jie with a wry smile on his face.

Although he knew that Xiao Xu did this for him, but seeing so many reporters coming to the scene, he couldn't help but feel a little bit drummed, and even felt that it was unnecessary.

The same goes for the release of the new film.

"Yes, Lao Xu, I read the manuscript you gave me, and it can last for 10 minutes at most, isn't it too short?" Qin Yan also frowned slightly, feeling a little worried in her heart.

It is no problem to turn the cooperation signing ceremony into "In-depth Film and Television Talk", but it needs enough topics to support it. However, as far as today's theme is concerned, there seems to be nothing worth discussing in depth.

Moreover, "In-depth Film and Television Talk" invites the main creative personnel of the crew, directors, male protagonists, female protagonists, etc., not only have many people to chat with, but also a lot of topics.

But today there is only Yu Zijian alone, the content of the interview is very limited, and now it is done with such great fanfare, if it is only opened for a dozen or 10 minutes in the end, does it mean that it is a bit thunderous and rainy?

"Boss, didn't I tell you? The important thing about our cooperation with Yu Zijian is not the final movie, but the significance of this matter to Jingshi culture." After Xu Jie said to Boss Jiang , and looked at Qin Yan who was on the side, and said, "As for your question, don't worry, there are some of us among these reporters, 10 minutes for two, half an hour for reporters, plus the signing ceremony, at least one hour."

Qin Yan was taken aback.


She turned her head to look at the reporters under the stands, and she was relieved to have babysitting.

Jiang Hai didn't say anything after hearing this. At this point, the arrow is on the line, and he has to send it out. We can't drive some reporters away, can we?
"Boss, it's almost time. I'll wait for Director Yu below. You wait here, and prepare your speech by the way." Xu Jie said to Jiang Hai, and then hurried out of the reception hall.

For some things, he still needs to communicate with Yu Zijian in advance to avoid embarrassing the scene during the interview.

hotel lobby.

Xu Jie came to Zhao Xiaoying's side, looked out of the gate, and asked, "Is Director Yu here yet?"

"No." Zhao Xiaoying shook her head.

Xu Jie looked down at his watch, there were still 10 minutes.

He was in a hurry.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Yu, do you think that is Director Yu Zijian?" Zhao Xiaoying said suddenly, with a hint of excitement in her hasty voice.

Xu Jie looked up at the gate, and an old man wearing a baseball cap was walking out of the hotel.

That's right, it was indeed Yu Zijian.

However, just as he was about to go forward to meet him, he stopped after taking two steps.

Yu Zijian was followed by several people, including great directors Liu Yulin and Yang Chaoxian, actor Jiang Chaoyang and actress Ye Aijia, all acquaintances who met at the "Stranger Road" celebration banquet.

Why are these people here?

Is it a coincidence?
The problem is that so many people came at once, how can there be such a coincidence?

"President Xu, I kept you waiting!" Yu Zijian came to Xu Jie's side with a smile, pointed behind him and continued, "You can't blame me, it's all them, if you insist on coming over to join in the fun, I'll just wait for them." Waited for ten minutes."

"Mr. Xu, we are free and fine. When I heard Lao Yu said that I would come to participate in the cooperation ceremony, I followed. I'm sorry for not saying hello to you in advance. You don't need to talk to us. We can just find a corner and watch. I promise not I'm bothering you." Liu Yulin said.

"Mr. Xu, I have caused you trouble. If there is any inconvenience, please tell me directly. No matter what, work should be the most important thing." Yang Chaoxian hurriedly explained.

Xu Jie looked at the few people who came to join in the fun, after a short period of doubt, his eyes were full of surprises,

These are all big names in the film and television industry. No one else can invite them. They are able to come here today. Isn't this adding luster to the ceremony and cheering for them?

"Director Liu and Director Yang are just joking. I'm too happy that you can come, so how can you cause trouble? You must be seated today." Xu Jie said while shaking hands with several people enthusiastically.

Now that you're here, don't even think about running away.

"Haha, let me just say, Mr. Xu is such an arrogant person, he will definitely not dislike us." Liu Yulin said to the people beside him, and at the same time flattered him quietly.

"Five, this way please." Xu Jie pointed in the direction of the elevator, and then led the way.

Jiang Hai and Qin Yan were speaking to each other outside the welcome hall, but when they saw Xu Jie and several people walking out of the elevator talking and laughing, they were all stunned.

This, what's the situation?
As people engaged in literary and artistic work, they still know the celebrities in the entertainment circle very well, so they recognized the people beside Xu Jie at a glance.

Aren't you going to sign a cooperation agreement with Yu Zijian today?
Why did other big directors, as well as actor and actress come here?
"Everyone..." Xu Jie took two quick steps, pointing to Boss Jiang and Qin Yan, and introduced to Yu Zijian and others: "This is Mr. Jiang Hai, the general manager of our Jingshi Culture, and this is Qin Qin, the host of Beijing Television Station." Yan is also the on-site host of today's cooperation ceremony."

"Hello Mr. Jiang, hello host Qin." Yu Zijian and others greeted each other.

"Hello, hello." Jiang Hai said again and again, and after recovering, he looked at Xiao Xu suspiciously and asked what was going on.

Didn't he say to wait for Yu Zijian alone?How to bring back a group of people?

Is this playing big change?
Xu Jie pretended not to see it, and when Yu Zijian and others entered the welcome hall, he whispered in Boss Jiang's ear, "Boss, these people are here to cheer."

Jiang Hai was startled when he heard it.

Join us?

Do you want Yu Zijian's field?
But Yu Zijian is the protagonist of today's signing ceremony. With so many people coming, it will attract the attention of a large number of reporters. Wouldn't it be overwhelming?
Where is this place to praise Yu Zijian?It's not too bad to hit Yu Zijian.

But since people have come, they can't be driven away, right?
Jiang Hai prayed silently in his heart, hoping that Director Yu would not be angry after a while, let alone cause any trouble.

At this time, Xu Jie came to Qin Yan's side again, and said proudly: "How about it, is there enough time now?"

Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie in surprise, and asked in a low voice after a while, "What do you mean?"

Xu Jie stared at the backs of Yang Chaoxian and the others, and said sheepishly: "Everyone is here, of course we have to interview them."

Qin Yan looked at those famous directors and best actresses and actresses. If it was a single person, there would not be so many topics in the interview, but if there were so many people added up, two to three hours would be fine, let alone 10 minutes.

"Is it possible? Have you communicated with them?" Qin Yan asked excitedly.

It is also a joyful thing for her to be able to interview so many famous directors and actresses at once.

"No communication." Xu Jie shook his head, he was only focused on receiving people just now, and even forgot to communicate with Yu Zijian.

"Ah? How can I interview this?" Qin Yan immediately showed a bitter face again.

For some interviews that the audience usually sees on TV and on the spot, such as "In-depth Film and Television Talk" and some new film conferences, the host and guests usually communicate in private in advance, what questions can be asked and what questions cannot be asked. Jie told her that she hadn't communicated yet, which made her wait a while, how to interview on stage?

What if you accidentally poke the pain of these people?
"Just ask them why they came today!" Xu Jie said.


Qin Yan was speechless.

Could this be a problem?

It seemed that not only was she unprepared, but even the other party was also unprepared.

Isn't something going to happen?
In fact, not only Jiang Hai and Qin Yan were at a loss, but even Yu Zijian was also a little confused at the moment.

He knew that there would be some reporters at today's cooperation ceremony. For publicity, only reporters can achieve the purpose of publicity, but he never thought that there would be so many reporters, at least 80 to [-] people.

And looking at the layout of the scene, it is definitely not a ceremony that ends with signing, shaking hands, and taking two photos.

Yu Zijian swallowed involuntarily. Although he is in the film and television industry and has been engaged in film work for 40 to [-] years, he has always disliked dealing with reporters.

He couldn't help slowing down, turned back to look for Mr. Xu, and after getting close to him, he asked softly, "Mr. Xu, why are there so many people here?"

"They all came to see us sign the contract." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"It's just a signing ceremony, what's there to see?" Yu Zijian was puzzled, and he wasn't a star lace, so why are there so many people here?
"The combination of strong and strong will definitely produce a hit, which is of course attractive." Xu Jie said solemnly.

When Yu Zijian thought about it, it seemed that this was really the case.

Xu Jie knew Yu Zijian's worry, so he comforted him: "Director Yu, don't worry, I will ask you a few simple questions in addition to the signing ceremony later, all about cooperation, you can just say a few words It’s okay, it’s all our own people.”

After interviewing the scene for a long time, Yu Zijian knew what "one of us" meant, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine if there are no tricky questions.

After Xu Jie finished speaking with Yu Zijian, he quickly found the hotel staff and asked them to bring some more chairs to the stage.

Originally there were only four seats on the stage, one for the host, one for Boss Jiang, one for Director Yu, and one for him. Now there are four important guests from the film and television industry. How can these people really sit in the corner?Of course we have to sit on the stage and interview together.

This is the price of joining in the fun.

"Four, please take a seat." Xu Jie looked at Liu Yulin and the others, and pointed to the temporary chairs on the stage.

"Mr. Xu, you're too polite. We'll just sit down below. You can do your work." Liu Yulin said after hearing this, and then walked to the back of the hall.

The same is true for the other three. They know that once they take the stage, they will definitely speak, and they are not ready for an interview today.

"Director Liu, Director Yang, Teacher Jiang, Teacher Ye, don't leave." Xu Jie stopped the four of them directly, and said in front of these people: "Aren't you here to join in the fun? The excitement is on stage, so what if you don't come on stage? Can it be called joining in the fun? Besides, there are so many reporters here today, if they see you sitting in the back row, those who don’t know will think that I’m not entertaining you well.”

After Xu Jie finished speaking, without waiting for the four of them to respond, he opened his arms and pushed them onto the stage, like chasing ducks away.

No one wants to run!
Liu Yulin and the others looked at each other, and they were talking about this point. If they didn't sit on the stage, wouldn't they be ungrateful?So they came to the stage one after another and sat beside Yu Zijian.

Seeing the situation on the stage, the reporters in the audience were very excited.

When Mr. Xu invited them, he was talking about interviewing Yu Zijian, but he didn't expect Liu Yulin, Yang Chaoxian, Jiang Chaoyang and Ye Aijia to join them now.

Could it be that this was a surprise that Mr. Xu gave them?
You know, apart from the film festival, the only place where you can see these five big names in the film and television industry at once is here.

Originally, everyone came to participate in today's cooperation signing ceremony after receiving the invitation from Mr. Xu. After all, a simple cooperation ceremony has few highlights and few places worth reporting.

But now, they can only thank Mr. Xu.

Thank you Mr. Xu for the invitation.

With all five big names under one roof, there's bound to be a lot to report.

Come on today!


(End of this chapter)

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