Chapter 1016

"Dear guests and friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to come here to participate in the signing ceremony of the cooperation between Jingshi Culture Communication Company and Mr. Yu Zijian. I am Qin Yan, the host tonight..."

After a short wait, the cooperation signing ceremony officially began.

Qin Yan stood on the stage in a clean and tidy white professional suit, and introduced the guests sitting on the stage gracefully.

"First of all, our protagonist today, Mr. Jiang Hai, General Manager of Jingshi Culture..." Qin Yan pointed to Jiang Hai while introducing.

After Jiang Hai heard it, he stood up from the sofa and nodded to the reporters in the audience.

Zhang Qize, Wang Youlin, and other employees of JingTV's cultural performance department who were scattered in the crowd immediately raised their hands and clapped vigorously. When the surrounding reporters heard it, they all applauded too.

"Wow wow wow..."

After Jiang Hai sat down, Qin Yan continued to introduce, "Next is our other protagonist Yu Zijian, Director Yu."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The audience continued to applaud.

"Today we are also honored to invite several heavyweight guests. They are the famous director Mr. Liu Yulin, the famous director Mr. Yang Chaoxian, the actor Mr. Jiang Chaoyang, the actress Ms. Ye Aijia..."

When Qin Yan read the names of each guest, there would be warm applause at the scene.

For everyone, these few are all big stars in the film and television industry, and anyone picked out at random is the target of everyone's pursuit of interviews, let alone gathering so many at once, how can you not be happy?

After introducing the protagonists and guests on stage, Qin Yan reached out to pick up a folder from the desktop, and then said with a smile: "The cooperation agreement is in my hands now, but before the official signing, I want to interview the stage first." Everyone above, don’t know if it’s okay?”

Yu Zijian was very calm when he heard it, because Xu Jie had already revealed the interview to him before going on stage, and he was already mentally prepared, so he smiled and nodded at this moment to express his agreement.

However, Liu Yulin, Yang Chaoxian, Jiang Chaoyang and Ye Aijia next to them looked confused. They were just here to join in the fun, and Yu Zijian was the protagonist. Why did they interview them?It was Yu Zijian who cooperated with Jingshi Culture, and it was not them who cooperated with Jingshi Culture.

Looking at the many reporters in the audience, if the answer is no, wouldn't the organizer, Jingshi Culture, lose face?Those who know are here to join in the fun, those who don't know think they are here to spoil the scene.

The four of them looked at each other, knowing that they should not sit on the stage.

and many more!

Could this be Mr. Xu's conspiracy?
The four couldn't help looking at Mr. Xu who was sitting in the first row under the stage, the smile on his face was so bright.

Absolutely a conspiracy!
Qin Yan also saw that Liu Yulin and the others seemed unprepared, so she said, "Since everyone agrees, let's start with Director Yu first."

Put down the cooperation agreement after speaking.

The reason why she chose Director Yu is because Director Yu is the protagonist today. How can there be a reason to interview the guest first instead of the protagonist?The second is to give Liu Yulin and others some time to prepare, and think about the same questions when Director Yu is interviewed.

After Qin Yan sat down, she looked at Yu Zijian and asked, "Director Yu, I heard that your movie "The Game in the Game" has not yet been completed and is currently in the post-production stage. What about signing a cooperation agreement? Is it because there is already a filming plan for the next movie?"

The venue fell silent for an instant.

Everyone looked at Yu Zijian in unison, their eyes full of expectation.

I have to say that Qin Yan's question just now definitely touched everyone's hearts.

You must know that big directors have very high requirements for their works, and usually only a few years will be released for a work. For a new film like Director Yu, before the production is completed, it is very common in the circle to decide on the partner of the next film. rare.

Generally, there are only two possibilities for this kind of situation: one is that Director Yu owes Jingshi Culture, and he repays it through cooperation; Movies are not allowed.

I don't know which category Yu Dao belongs to this time.

Yu Zijian was stunned when he heard it. He didn't expect the hostess' question to be so sharp, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

If the answer is that there is a filming plan for the next film, doesn't it mean that other people in Cao Ying have their own hearts in Han, and they are half-hearted and half-hearted?But if the answer is no, you must explain why you want to cooperate with Jingshi Culture.

He looked at Jiang Hai in the stands, then looked at Xu Jie in the stands, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Jingshi Culture is a very powerful company, and has produced many excellent works..."

Yu Zijian wanted to give an example, talking about the two films "Mulan" and "Stranger Road", but he remembered that these two films were not produced by Beijing Television Culture, but produced by Forbidden Pictures .

Although both Forbidden Films and Beijing TV Culture are the companies of Beijing Radio and Television Station, the object of his cooperation is Beijing TV Culture. If this is said, everyone will be embarrassed?

However, when he thinks about the works produced by Jingshi Culture, he can only think of "Lover in Time and Space". It seems that Jingshi Culture has only produced this movie in the past two years, and it has nothing to do with many.

This is awkward!
How to round up the words?
Huh, wait!

I just mentioned many excellent works, not many excellent movies, and there is still salvation.

So he continued: "Especially "Crossover Actor", I am a loyal viewer of this program, and I like the original stories in it very much, so I want to cooperate with JingTV Culture, hoping to get good scripts and good stories. .”

After the people in the audience heard it, they turned their eyes to Mr. Xu who was sitting in the first row.

Everyone knows that Xu is always the chief screenwriter of cross-border actors. According to Director Yu, does this mean that he wants to join forces with Xu?

Mr. Xu's screenwriting ability is well-known in the entire film and television industry. Not only has he cooperated with many directors, but his reputation has also exploded one by one.

"It seems that Director Yu still attaches great importance to the cooperation with Jingshi Culture. Do you have any expectations for this cooperation, such as how much box office you hope to achieve?" Qin Yan asked again.

"The more box office, the better, but compared to the box office, I am more looking forward to what kind of story Beijing Television Culture can bring me." The colleague Yu Zijian answered, looked at Xu Jie in the audience.

Obviously, the latter sentence was meant for the other party.

In fact, he didn't want to cooperate with Jingshi Culture, but wanted to cooperate with Xu Jie, but the other party was from Jingshi Culture, so the main body of cooperation became Jingshi Culture.

Anyway, for him, as long as he can cooperate with Xu Jie, it doesn't matter which company he makes movies for.

"I understand. Director Yu not only wants box office, but also awards, right? If, I mean if, what if you are disappointed after reading the script? Will the cooperation continue?" Qin Yan continued to ask road.

The corner of Yu Zijian's mouth twitched, thinking: The cooperation hasn't started yet, you are cursing here, how can you ask such a question?

But then I thought about it, the host is Mr. Xu's person, the host's question was probably provided by Mr. Xu, maybe the question just now was Mr. Xu's temptation to him.

"I believe in Jingshi culture, and no matter what, our cooperation will continue." Yu Zijian said firmly.

Qin Yan turned her head to look at Jiang Hai at the side, and asked, "Mr. Jiang, did you hear what Director Yu said just now? I wonder how you feel now?"

"Thank you Director Yu for your trust. Jingshi Culture will definitely not disappoint Director Yu." After hearing this, Jiang Hai replied: "The cooperation with Director Yu is one of our key projects of Jingshi Culture this year. They are all very important. I hope this cooperation is just the beginning, and there will be more cooperation in the future.

As the former director of the cultural program center and now the general manager of Jingshi Culture, Jiang Hai couldn't be more simple to talk about the scene. He just opened his mouth and didn't have to think about it.

"Okay, let me see who I'm going to interview next?" Qin Yan looked at the other four people, glanced around, and finally looked at Liu Yulin and said, "Director Liu, it's you, may I ask why you came here today? ?”

The reporters present were all stunned when they heard this.

What does this question mean?
Aren't Liu Yulin, Yang Chaoxian, Jiang Chaoyang and Ye Aijia the heavyweight guests invited by JingTV Culture?

Could it be that these four came here uninvited?

This is interesting.

There is no red carpet to walk here, so why do people come here uninvited?
Could it be that you want to rub the heat?

These few are hot spots in themselves, do you still use others?
Everyone looked at Liu Yulin curiously, waiting for his answer.

Liu Yulin didn't expect the host to ask such a question at all, isn't it too embarrassing?
Fortunately, he has a good psychological quality and has experienced countless big scenes, so he said calmly: "The few of us are here to join in the fun."

The reporters present were dumbfounded.

Are the four big coffees so busy?There is still time to join in the fun?
As journalists, you have participated in various ceremonies, such as press conferences, celebrations, premieres, and so on. I have only seen the organizers invite celebrities to join in the fun, but I have never seen the names come to join in the fun.

"Director Liu, since you are here to join in the fun, it must be because there is something that attracts you here. Can you tell me what attracts you so much?" Qin Yan asked.

She also knew that the question just now was a bit offensive, but Xu Jie asked her to ask it. She was innocent, but this question was what she wanted to ask, why did these big directors and stars come here uninvited.

Liu Yulin narrowed his eyes, this is a good question.

Although he came for Mr. Xu, seeing Mr. Xu sitting off the stage, he knew that today's protagonist was actually Mr. Jiang sitting on the stage.

Lao Yu's answer just now fully verified this point.

If he told the truth, how would the interview proceed?Will Jiang Hai stay on stage, or will he go offstage and replace Xu Jie?
What is the most taboo for subordinates?
Steal the leadership limelight!
He told the truth, how will Xu Jie face his immediate boss in the future?

"Director Yu and I have been good friends for many years. I heard that he is going to cooperate with Beijing TV Culture to make a movie. I am very curious about what attracted him. I asked Director Yu and he didn't tell me. I can only come here by myself. I'm looking for the answer." Liu Yulin said with a faint smile.

"Then Director Liu, have you found the answer now?" Qin Yan asked curiously.

"Found it." Liu Yulin nodded.

"What is it?" Qin Yan asked.

"Didn't Director Yu just say that? What he valued was JingTV Culture's ability to write stories. Now I suddenly have an idea." Liu Yulin said.

"What do you think?" Before she knew it, Qin Yan had changed from asking questions to being led by others.

Not only Qin Yan, but everyone.

"My idea is that I also want to cooperate with Jingshi Culture." Liu Yulin said.

Qin Yan was stunned.

The reporters at the scene also showed extremely surprised expressions.

As a well-known domestic director, Director Liu is usually invited by others. How could it be that Director Liu took the initiative to show his favor to others today?
"Huh? What a coincidence!" Yang Chaoxian, who was sitting next to Liu Yulin, said, "Actually, I also have the same idea."

"And me. Although I can't direct, I can still act. If you don't mind, arrange a role for me, and a cameo is fine." Jiang Chaoyang said.

"Me too!" Ye Aijia agreed with a smile.

When everyone saw the four big guys finished talking about their ideas, they were all not calm for a while.

The big directors are vying to make films for Beijing TV Culture, and the best actors and actresses are vying to act for Beijing TV Culture. What, what is going on?
In the film and television industry, usually only newcomers would recommend themselves to directors or investors, but what happened today?Do big directors and big stars do the same?
Although Jingshi Culture has the official background of Beijing TV Station, its reputation in the entertainment circle is actually not that great, even worse than some private entertainment companies.

Even if in the past year, Jingshi Culture did come up with some famous tricks, but it wouldn't become popular so quickly, right?
Abnormal, too abnormal!
Even Jiang Hai, who was sitting on the stage, was not calm this time.

Is what these people are saying true or false?

Are you kidding me?
If it is true, if this news is broadcast, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire entertainment circle, and JingTV culture will definitely be on the hot search list.

He quickly looked at Xu Jie in the audience, and asked him with his eyes.

Although these people didn't mention Xiao Xu, their intuition told him that this matter had a lot to do with Xiao Xu.

Xu Jie didn't say anything, just nodded at Boss Jiang.

Jiang Hai understood immediately, looked at Liu Yulin and the others and said, "Okay, Beijing Television Culture also wants to cooperate with you, since everyone is interested, choosing a date is worse than hitting the date, I think how about signing a cooperation agreement together today?
At this moment, all eyes were on the four big names on the stage, waiting for their responses.

To sign, or not to sign?

Just talking, or serious?

Liu Yulin didn't feel embarrassed this time. Since he dared to say it, he wasn't afraid that the other party would take it seriously. Both Xu Shenghua and Yu Zijian had cooperated with Mr. Xu, so what would happen without him?
At the celebration banquet, Mr. Xu did not give a clear answer to his cooperation proposal. Now, Jiang Hai is Mr. Xu's boss. Jiang Hai has agreed, so can Mr. Xu refuse to listen?

"Okay, sign and sign!"


(End of this chapter)

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