The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1018 Playing with the actor and actress

In the evening, Xu Jie drove away from the company. Even though it was past the off-duty time, his mobile phone kept ringing. There were people asking for dinner, some tea, and some taking a bath. That was more than one.

Although he didn't say what was going on, Xu Jie knew very well in his heart that he just wanted to gain some benefits from the cooperation between JingTV Culture and Yu Zijian, Liu Yulin, and Yang Chaoxian.

The so-called: The prosperity of the world is all for profit.

Even more so in the entertainment industry.

Xu Jie dealt with everyone tirelessly. At this moment, he just wanted to go home quickly, and when the time came, he would turn off his mobile phone, and the heavenly king would ignore him.

As for now, he was worried about missing his wife's call.

There is some traffic jam on the road, but fortunately, the company is not very far from home, and it takes only [-] minutes to arrive.

Xu Jie took out the key to open the door, and was about to turn off the mobile phone when suddenly there was a "crash, clatter" sound from inside the house.

According to his many years of experience, this is definitely not the sound of cooking, but the sound of rubbing mahjong.

He walked into the door suspiciously, followed the sound to the living room, and saw two tables there, eight people were divided into two groups, and they seemed to be having a good time.

Apart from his wife Su Yun, Liu Qing, Ding Mengni, Liu Jiaman, Hu Jing, Jiang Liwen, Chen Guang and Luo Wanglin, the main actors in "Legend of Lan Xi" are basically here.

what's the situation?
Xu Jie was a little confused.

In order to leave more time for the actors to reunite with their families, "Legend of Lan Xi" will be restarted after the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month. These people don't take the time to have fun with their families, what are they doing here?
Besides, I used to play mahjong at Liu Jiaman's house, why did I come to his house today?

"Hi, I'm back!" Seeing Xu Jie, Liu Jiaman stretched out his hand to greet him, and then hurried to touch the cards.

When the others heard it, they all looked over.

"President Xu, long time no see, I wish you a happy old age."

"Director Xu, come back so late, are you busy?"

"Director Xu has worked hard, take a rest."

Maybe it was because of the need to continue playing cards, or maybe it was because everyone was old acquaintances, so everyone quickly turned back after a simple greeting, without being polite at all.

Xu Jie blinked and didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only look at his wife, hoping that the other party could give him an answer.

Although Su Yun noticed her husband's signal, but there were so many people present, it was hard to speak directly even if she had something to say, so she could only shake her head slightly, and then continued to play cards.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he saw it. It seemed that his wife didn't know why these people suddenly came to play mahjong at home.

Could it be that your hands are itchy?


The only ones who were really addicted were Liu Jiaman and others. Judging from the number of people, they could make up a table.

Do you want to ask him about poker skills again?

But judging from the current attitudes of these people, the idea of ​​playing cards is obviously more important than studying.

Taking off his coat, Xu Jie glanced at the faces of several people. Everyone's attention was on mahjong, so he didn't see anything after watching for a while.

and many more!

Are these people also here for cooperation?

Speaking of which, there are a lot of people who called him today, first-tier stars, second-tier stars, popular traffic, among them there are some movie kings and actresses who are the queens of the emperor, but none of these people here called him.

When you think about it, this is completely unreasonable.

The cooperation between Beijing Television Culture and the three major directors is such a big deal in the entertainment industry. It is impossible for these people not to know. Now that they know it, how could they not want to cooperate with everyone who is so familiar with each other?

No matter how awesome the actor or actress is, he has to be called a teacher in front of the big director.

Without these great directors, they would not be what they are now, and without these great directors, their careers may not have further opportunities.

Of course, it might be that he was overthinking, after all, these people are very addicted to cards.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Xu Jie decided to test it.

He went back to the study room, took out a file bag from somewhere, then walked behind Su Yun, and whispered softly in Su Yun's ear, "Honey, I'm coming back to get some things, and I have to go back to the company for a meeting later. I might not come back later, I was worried that you would be lonely if you were alone at home, but now that everyone is here, I feel relieved."

Then he straightened up again, looked at the others and said, "Go on, I have something to do with the company, so I can't stay with you at home, I wish you a good time." After speaking, he picked up his clothes and left.

However, just two steps away, Liu Jiaman suddenly stood up and grabbed his sleeve, and the other people who were staring at the mahjong tiles also turned their attention to him.

Xu Jie showed doubts on his face, but he was actually holding back his laughter.

It was exactly as he had guessed.

Don't come early, don't come late, and come at a time when the news of the cooperation is full of wind and rain, it's no wonder that there is nothing wrong.

"Wait!" Liu Jiaman said.

"Sister Man, what's the matter?" Xu Jie pretended to be puzzled.

"Old Xu, don't be in a hurry to leave." Luo Wanglin also stood up at this time, stepped forward and put his arm around Xu Jie's shoulders, and said cheerfully: "No matter how busy you are at work, you must rest, otherwise what should you do if you are exhausted? ? Come, sit here with me, play mahjong and relax at the same time, combine work and rest."

After speaking, push Xu Jie to the position where he was sitting just now.

"Brother Luo, I really don't have time. There are still a lot of people in the company waiting for me to go back to the meeting. To be honest, if the documents weren't left at home, I wouldn't be able to come back tonight." Xu Jie said while evading.

Although all the movie kings and queens were present, his acting skills were not bad.

There is an old saying that goes well: Play chess with a stinky chess basket, the more you play, the more stinky you will become.

So what about playing with the actor and actress?The acting skills will definitely improve.

He is going to have a show with these movie kings and queens now, maybe he can act again in the future, and by the way, get another movie king as the emperor or something.

When Luo Wanglin heard this, he immediately put his hand on Xu Jie's shoulder. It would be fine if the other party didn't say that, but once he said that, he couldn't let the other party go.

"Xu, this time period is in the evening rush hour. Even if you go out now, you will be stuck in the middle of the road. Why don't you spend the time in the traffic jam to relax? It's better than sitting still in the car?" Chen Guang Also speak.

"Brother Chen, you can't say that. No matter how blocked the outside is, you can still move a few meters. Sitting here, you can't even move a step. Besides, there are exactly eight of you, so let's play." Xu Jie waved his hands repeatedly.

After the other few saw it, anxious expressions immediately appeared on their faces, and they kept winking at each other, as if they were discussing something.

Luo Wanglin frowned for a while, then suddenly covered his forehead with his hand, stepped back and said, "Oh, I'm a little dizzy, maybe my blood pressure is up, you guys play first, I'll take a rest." Said and sat on the sofa .


Everyone was speechless after seeing it.

This reason is so bad, and this acting is even worse, it is ashamed of the title of actor.

"Brother Luo, do you need to go to the hospital?" Xu Jie asked with concern.

"No, no, I'll be fine just sit for a while, you guys go ahead and play, don't worry about me." Luo Wanglin said hastily.

"Brother Luo, you are so uncomfortable, why do we have the nerve to ignore you? Seeing that you are suffering, even if we play, we will not have fun, or let's break up, let's get together again another day, how about it?" Xu Jie said Finished looking at the others.

I thought: Since I want to play, I will play with you to the end.

The corner of Luo Wanglin's mouth twitched, he was both moved and depressed, the touch came from the other party's concern, and the depression was because he seemed to be self-defeating.

"Don't, don't interrupt everyone's pleasure because of me, it will make me feel more uncomfortable, a few minutes, you can just take a few minutes for me, this is an old problem of mine, it will be fine after a while." Luo Wanglin said.

"Yes, yes, I know Lao Luo's problem, it's okay, Xu, don't worry." Chen Guang comforted Xu Jie.

"Yes, he often does this, and we have already gotten used to it." Hu Jing also said.

"Brother, even if you are in a hurry, you will play two games for Lao Luo. Besides, you haven't played cards with me for a long time. How did you promise me?" Liu Jiaman had no choice but to Being able to carry out the promise the other party made to him at the beginning, during the filming, he will be there whenever he is called.

"Okay, just two rounds." Xu Jie compromised.

When everyone heard this, joy appeared in their eyes immediately, so they continued to play cards.

"Six!" Liu Jiaman smiled and threw out a card.

"That's right, four tubes." Xu Jie took out a four tubes, then picked up the six tubes, and brought them to him.

"Hu..." Liu Jiaman's eyes lit up, and he wanted to say nonsense, but then he thought about it, Xu Jie left soon if he said nonsense so soon?
"Sister Man, are you crazy?" Xu Jie asked.

"No, no huh!" Liu Jiaman shook his head and explained: "I'm chanting a mantra, huh huh, hurry up and let me be huh."


The people around were speechless again.

Following actor Luo Wanglin's hot acting skills, actress Liu Jiaman's acting skills also suffered a setback.

What's the matter with everyone today?
Is it worse?
Another actress, Jiang Liwen, realized that things were not good. If this continues, all the staff will overturn, so she pretended to ask casually: "Mr. Are there any new projects coming up recently?"

"Yes, the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" is about to start, and the company is worrying about picking people." Xu Jie sighed after finishing speaking.

Liu Jiaman was very disappointed when he heard it, and said in his mouth: "There is nothing to worry about. "Crossover Actor" is so popular. I heard that musicians in the circle are vying to be on this variety show. If they are worried, they should be worried." That's right, what else are you busy with?"

"There is also a new director support plan. Although it is to support new directors, if it loses money, it will have a certain impact on the company's reputation, and the public will definitely think that our Jingshi Culture has a bad vision." Xu Jie said.

"Since they are newcomers, you have to allow them to make mistakes. Only failure can make them progress. Failure is the mother of success. Is there anything else?" Liu Jiaman continued to ask.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and finally shook his head under the expectant eyes of everyone, "Not anymore."

Now everyone is dumbfounded.

The entire entertainment industry knows about such a big cooperation with Yu Zijian and other directors, how could the other party say no?
Compared with this incident, "Crossover Actor" and the support plan for new directors are nothing at all.

"Really not? How did I hear that you JingTV Culture reached a cooperation agreement with Director Yu Zijian, Director Liu Yulin and Director Yang Chaoxian?" Liu Jiaman finally couldn't help asking.

After hearing this, the others also pricked up their ears, waiting for Xu Jie's answer.

"Yes, this is a good thing. Everyone in the company is happy about it, but the cooperation will have to wait at least half a year, so there is no rush to deal with it now." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Brother, do you know what it means to plan for a rainy day? If you don't deal with it now, you will be in a hurry like today, understand?" Liu Jiaman said while playing a card.

"Nonsense!" Xu Jie pushed down his cards.

Liu Jiaman was taken aback, "What are you talking about? What did I hit?"

"Batong!" Xu Jie said.

Liu Jiaman looked at his own cards, he was only focused on talking just now, and out of three octobers, he played one.

But fortunately, it has already entered the topic, which can be regarded as a delay.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Everyone started to rub their cards, and Liu Jiaman continued: "Brother, the director is confirmed, and the script is confirmed now?"

"No." Xu Jie said while placing his cards.

"Director Yu and the others are all great directors. You must be extra cautious when choosing roles, otherwise if you make Director Yu and the others angry, it will not end well." Liu Jiaman reminded.

"Thank you, Sister Man, for reminding me. I understand. It's up to me, right?" Xu Jie picked up the dice, threw it out, and started to take pictures.

Liu Jiaman frowned.

It's not enough to just understand, hurry up and find actors, there are so many good actors in front of you, what are you waiting for if you don't look for them?

After Xu Jie touched the cards, he put the cards back, and then pushed the cards down.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, Tianhu! Well, the two rounds are over, and I should go."


When everyone saw it, their anxious eyes were red.

According to the opponent's way of playing, let alone two rounds, even if there are two more rounds, it will only take a blink of an eye.

Can you talk a fart?

"Brother, you're doing this trick again. This round doesn't count. Let's do it again. I said I won't take you." Liu Jiaman immediately started to rub the cards.

And Luo Wanglin, who was sitting on the sofa, was worried that Xu Jie would make another fast Hu, so he was not going to go around, and said directly: "Xu, you just said that the cooperation will be in half a year? By then, the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" should have been finished. If there is a shortage of people, you can contact us at any time.”

"Then why am I ashamed? To be honest, I'm very embarrassed to ask you to be a guest star in "Legend of Lan Xi". This time, no matter what, I can't cause you any trouble." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Don't bother, don't bother, help my brother, what's the trouble?" Liu Jiaman said quickly.

"Yes, we are all our own people. If you think so, you treat us as outsiders." Chen Guang said with a serious expression.

"Director Xu, what you said really chills my heart." Hu Jing put her hands on her chest.

"That's right, if you don't need your own people, but use outsiders, aren't you looking far away?" Liu Qing also jumped out.

Xu Jie secretly laughed in his heart.

The fox's tail finally came out.

"Okay, then I won't be polite, and then don't dislike the low salary." Xu Jie said the ugly words first, and the reason why he acted just now was for this moment.

With the worth of these film kings and queens, if they are invited at market prices, the cost will inevitably increase. After all, the more investment, the greater the risk.

As one of the investors, he doesn't want to lose money and make money.

"Xu, have you met again, haven't you? You can just give the remuneration as you see fit, and your own people don't care about it, right?" Liu Jiaman smiled happily, and asked the others after speaking.


"That's right!"

Chen Guang and others agreed one after another.

"Then I would like to thank everyone in advance."

This saving is not thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, but tens of millions!
Xu Jie, laugh!

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