The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1019 Bite on the scalp

Chapter 1019 Bite on the scalp

In the morning, Xu Jie came to the company as usual. Instead of writing the script immediately, he turned on the computer to read news about the company.

Since returning from the long Spring Festival holiday, Beijing Television Culture has not stopped for a single day. Either there are activities, or they are on the way to create activities. In short, there is one word: do it!

Do him a sunrise and sunset, do him a resounding earth, do him a wind and water, do him a lot, let the whole cultural circle know what Beijing Television Culture has done during this period of time.

It is said that the city is about to start discussing the candidate to succeed Zhou's deputy editor-in-chief, and the results will definitely come out before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. If you don't hurry up and do it now, it may be too late to do it later.

How about an old saying?

Not to be missed!
Xu Jie looked at it carefully for a while, but his expression became more and more serious. There were many news reports on Beijing Television Culture on the Internet, but not many people paid attention to it, and the response was not even as enthusiastic as that of celebrities and artists in reality.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not incomprehensible. Compared with cooperation, netizens should care more about works.

It's just a cooperation ceremony, and there is no program, what's there to watch?

If it were him, he might not discuss it, at most, he would take a glance.

Xu Jie fell into deep thought for a while.

It seems that we have to continue to expose Jingshi Culture and Boss Jiang. If a piece of news is not even popular, how can it attract attention?


A sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

When he turned his head to look at the door, he found that Boss Jiang had arrived.

"What are you thinking about, so engrossed?" Since the door was open, Jiang Hai walked in from the outside after knocking on the door.

"Thinking about the script." Xu Jie didn't want to make the other party anxious, so he found a random reason, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, just to remind you, don't forget that you are one of the protagonists of the investment promotion meeting held on the TV station at two o'clock in the afternoon." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

In fact, one of the protagonists is a bit low-key, it should be the protagonist, there is no one.

Because if there is no accident, today's investment promotion meeting will become the other party's wealth promotion meeting.

I remember that last year, the Beijing Satellite TV Merchants Association reached a total of more than one billion sponsorships, and the other party's program alone won 11 billion sponsorships, which directly accounted for more than half.

What is not the main character?
"I know." Xu Jie nodded.

How could he forget such a big event of China Merchants Association?Or did he take the initiative to request that the China Merchants Association be brought forward from March to February?

And in his plan, this is also an opportunity to promote Jingshi culture and Boss Jiang's achievements.

and many more!

Xu Jie frowned, suddenly realizing a problem.

In today's Merchants Fair, he will still host the two programs "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", but by doing so, isn't it tantamount to stealing Boss Jiang's limelight?
When the news is reported, he must be the protagonist, so how can he highlight Boss Jiang?

Although he is the chief director and chief screenwriter of these two variety shows, it doesn't make any sense for him to report the news. Even if he produces two more variety shows, he won't be able to be the deputy editor-in-chief.

But if the protagonist is replaced by Boss Jiang, the significance will immediately become more significant. After all, these two variety shows are cultural programs, and they happen to be under the supervision of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou. It is definitely Boss Jiang who competes for the position of Deputy Editor bonus.

"Xiao Xu, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie with concern, not understanding why the other party frowned suddenly.

Xu Jie originally wanted to find another reason, but now that Boss Jiang said this, the film king immediately possessed him, covered his stomach with his hands, and said with a sad face: "It's nothing, it's just that my stomach hurts, and I don't know what to eat. Eat bad."

"Stomach pain? Have you taken your medicine? I remember that the front desk seems to have medicine, so let them deliver it." Jiang Hai grabbed the phone on his desk and prepared to dial.

"Boss, don't bother me. I've already taken the medicine. It may take a while for the medicine to take effect. I'll go to the toilet first." Xu Jie stood up holding his stomach, and then hurried out.

Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Xu's back and couldn't help sighing. He lowered his head and looked at the time on his watch. It was 09:30 in the morning, and there were still four and a half hours before the China Merchants Meeting. But it's big.

Xu Jie hid in the bathroom. He had already made up his mind. He would leave the company in a while and hand over the investment promotion task of hosting the two variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" to Boss Jiang. Is it coming?

He played a few rounds of Doudizhu, and felt that the time was almost up, so he walked out of the bathroom lightly. However, as soon as he went out, he saw Boss Jiang standing in the corridor. Seeing him coming out of the bathroom, he immediately walked forward with concern.

"How is it? Are you okay?"

"Well, it's fine."

Xu Jie hunched over, pretending to look weak.

Since he had a few scenes with Luo Wanglin and others last night, he felt that his acting skills had improved in a straight line.

"That's good." Jiang Hai stretched out his hand to support Xu Jie, and while walking towards the office, he said, "Don't work in the morning, lie down on the sofa for a while, and have a good rest."

"En." Xu Jie replied weakly.

When he returned to the office, he slowly lay down on the sofa, then closed his eyes, as if he was going to sleep.

Jiang Hai knew that what Xiao Xu needed now was rest, so he closed the door gently and walked towards his office.

Although Xu Jieren was lying down, his ears were always erect, and he listened carefully to the movement outside. After waiting for a while, he felt that Boss Jiang could not stand outside for so long, then he put on his coat and left the office.

Acting plays a full set.

In order to avoid being seen by the employees, he looked weak all the way, until he walked out of the company and got into his car, he was relieved and his expression returned to normal.

Of course, this is only the first step. In order to completely get rid of the China Merchants Association, he still needs to do some things, so as to force Boss Jiang to save him.


Jiang Hai came outside Xiao Xu's office, reached out and knocked gently on the door.


"Xiao Xu, are you awake? Would you like something to eat?"

It was past twelve o'clock at this time. Although the investment promotion meeting was arranged at two o'clock in the afternoon, they needed to arrive at the scene half an hour in advance. Can get the strong support of these wealthy people.

Jiang Hai waited for a while, and found that there was no movement inside. He couldn't help feeling a little worried, thinking that Xiao Xu would pass out, right?So he opened the door and walked in.

"Xiao Xu..."

I saw that the office was empty and there was no one there.

What about people?

Jiang Hai had a question mark on his face.

I was still lying on the sofa in the morning, and it has only been two hours, why is there no one there?
He bent down and looked under the sofa, then under the desk, but there was no one there.

Is it possible to go out to eat?

Well, it's possible, it's lunch time now, if the stomach is uncomfortable, you should eat something warm, so that the stomach will be comfortable.

And there will be a business promotion meeting in the afternoon, so how can you have the energy to host it on an empty stomach?
Thinking of this, Jiang Hai returned to the office in peace.

a little closer.

Jiang Hai came to Xu Jie's office again, only to find that there was still no one there.

This time, he was really in a hurry. If the other party didn't come back, he would be late later.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found Xiao Xu's number, and quickly dialed the other party.


The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

what's the situation?
Jiang Hai looked at the phone in bewilderment, how could Xiao Xu not answer his call?

He hung up the phone and dialed again, but this time it was the same as before, and no one answered.

Jiang Hai was completely anxious.

He walked quickly to the elevator, took the elevator to the first floor, found Zhao Xiaoying at the front desk and asked, "Xiao Zhao, did you see Mr. Xu?"

"Hmm..." Zhao Xiaoying recalled for a while, and then said, "I saw that Mr. Xu went out."

"Where did you go?" Jiang Hai asked
"I don't know about that." Zhao Xiaoying shook her head, where did the deputy general manager go? How dare she ask a small receptionist?

"When did you leave?" Jiang Hai asked again.

"About eleven o'clock." Zhao Xiaoying thought for a while and said, a little uncertain.

Jiang Hai checked the time, and there were still a few minutes left, that is to say, Xiao Xu had been gone for two hours.

Two hours, where can the other party go?
Did you go to the TV station?


The two agreed to go together in the morning, how could the other party go first?And even if I go, I won't delay answering his call.

"Mr. Jiang, what's the matter? Did something happen?" Zhao Xiaoying looked at Mr. Jiang who was like ants on a hot pot, full of curiosity.

"It's okay, if Mr. Xu comes back, ask him to call me immediately." After Jiang Hai gave his instructions, he left the company directly and walked towards the parking lot.

Can't wait, it's too late.

If we wait any longer, we will delay the China Merchants Conference.

On the way to the Beijing TV station, Jiang Hai kept making calls, sending text messages and WeChat. At the same time, he did not forget to pray silently in his heart, hoping that Xiao Xu was okay.

The car was getting closer and closer to the TV station, but Jiang Hai's heart became more and more anxious. Just as the car drove into the gate of the TV station, the broadcast call finally got through.

"Xiao Xu, you finally answered the phone. Where are you? Why did you answer the phone? You want to kill me!" Jiang Hai said anxiously.

Maybe it was too excited, one didn't pay attention, and the car drove directly into the lawn.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and stepped on the brakes in time, otherwise he would have hit a wall.

"Boss, I just fell asleep and didn't hear your call." Xu Jie said weakly.

"Asleep? Don't talk about it yet, come to the TV station now, I'm already here." Jiang Hai said after parking the car.

"Boss, I can't go anymore. The doctor said I have acute enteritis and I am on an IV in the hospital. I just asked the nurse. It will take two hours." Xu Jie said.

"What? Acute enteritis?" Jiang Hai was startled, recalling the way the other party was holding his stomach in the morning, it seemed that he still couldn't get over it.

"Boss, I'm sure I won't be able to go to the investment promotion meeting in the afternoon, and I'll ask you to host it for me then." Xu Jie continued.

When Jiang Hai heard this, he was a little flustered, "Xiao Xu, "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" are both your shows, how could I replace you? And if the host is not good, the loss may be tens of millions or even tens of millions. [-] million!"

"Then what should we do? If you and I don't join, then we can only let people from Beijing Satellite TV join, but in this way, today's investment promotion meeting seems to have nothing to do with our Jingshi Culture." Xu Jie reminded road.

Jiang Hai was taken aback, yes.

Today's investment promotion meeting, not only the director will be there, but also the relevant leaders of the city will also be there. How can such an opportunity to subsidize Beijing TV culture be given to Beijing Satellite TV?

"Boss, this is a good opportunity for Beijing TV Culture to show its presence in front of the director. Wouldn't it be a pity if we just missed it?" Xu Jie asked.

Jiang Hai nodded unconsciously after hearing this.

Beijing Television Culture is not under the director's nose, so there are very few opportunities to perform in front of the director. If you just give up this time, you don't have to wait until when you will perform in front of the director next time.

What's more, now is the critical moment for him to be promoted to deputy editor-in-chief, the opportunity is right in front of him, how can he back down?

Xiao Xu has helped him so much, now it's his turn to stand up for himself!
"Okay, I'll host it." Jiang Hai's heart thumped, he gritted his teeth, and decided directly, "It's just, how should I explain it to others?"

"This is easy to handle. Tell the truth to the deputy editor-in-chief Lu, and to those sponsors, just say that I went to other places to invite celebrities, but because the plane was temporarily delayed, I couldn't make it back in time." Xu Jie had already thought about it for Boss Jiang. reason.

When the sponsor heard about it, he felt that he had done his best for the show, and he would definitely increase the money actively when bidding.

"I see." Jiang Hai said.

Things have come to this, he can only bite the bullet and go on.

After talking on the phone, Jiang Hai walked into the Beijing TV station building. At this moment, WeChat rang. He took a look. It was Xiao Xu, and there were two photos in it.

One is a photo of a hospital ward, and the other is a photo of a drip.

Jiang Hai sighed after reading it, maybe this is fate.

"Old Jiang is here." Lu Hong saw Jiang Hai, and immediately went up to meet him, then looked behind him, and asked suspiciously, "Why is it only you? Where's Xiao Xu?"

You know, Xiao Xu is the protagonist tonight, many people are waiting for him to appear, who will make him not only the director of variety shows, but also a star?
"Alas!" Jiang Hai sighed as soon as he came, and then temporarily held the photos he had just seen before Lu Hong's eyes, "Xiao Xu is in the hospital with acute enteritis, please come."


Lu Hong opened his eyes wide, looked at Jiang Hai in disbelief and asked, "Acute enteritis? He, how could he have acute enteritis?"

"Old Lu, look at what you said, isn't it normal for people to get gastritis and enteritis after eating whole grains?" Jiang Hai said.

"But if he doesn't come, who will host "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage"? So many advertisers are waiting for Xiao Xu to appear." Lu Hong frowned anxiously.

Xiao Xu is the money printing machine of Beijing TV Station, if the other party does not come, the money will be less.

"What are you panicking, am I here? Don't worry, I'm here!" Jiang Hai patted his chest and said, cheering himself up.

"You?" Lu Hong looked suspiciously.

"Don't look at me like this, why, look down on me? Today I will let you know how powerful I am, Jiang Hai!"


(End of this chapter)

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