The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1020 Very Successful

Chapter 1020 Very Successful
After Xu Jie finished posting the photos, he stared at WeChat and waited for a long time. After not receiving a message from Boss Jiang for a long time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his behavior this time was a bit unethical and unrefined, his starting point was good, and he also believed that Boss Jiang would definitely be able to resolve the crisis he encountered satisfactorily. The next deep impression.

"Young man, are you done filming?" The old man who was infusion next to him asked weakly. Although he didn't know why the young man was filming his bottle, he didn't stop him.

"The filming is over, the filming is over." Xu Jie quickly put down the phone, and then said gratefully: "Thank you, sir, I wish you good health and all the best."

"Young man, do you want to ask the leader for leave? Then you can't just take pictures of hanging bottles, you need a hospital certificate." The old man reminded.

"It doesn't matter, our leader is free to talk, as long as there are photos." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Medical certificate?

Who dares to ask him for a hospital certificate?Who has the nerve to ask him for a hospital certificate?

The old man was obviously taken aback when he heard it, probably because he didn't expect such a talkative leader to exist in this world.

"Young man, your leader is very good, but don't let him down." The old man said earnestly.

"Well, I'm helping him now." Xu Jie said.


The corner of the old man's mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a moment.

Skipping work is also called helping?

Could it be that this person is a shit stirrer?
The old man looked at the young man wearing a mask next to him, and he really couldn't be judged by his appearance.

Xu Jie stayed in the infusion room for a while, until four o'clock in the afternoon, when he guessed that the investment promotion meeting in Taiwan was about to end, and then left the hospital.

However, he didn't go back to the company, but drove to Beijing TV Station, pretended to be anxious and rushed to the grand theater.

"President Xu? Why did you come here?" The staff on the first floor asked in surprise.

"It's delayed by something, is the Merchants Fair over?" Xu Jie asked with concern.

"Not yet, but..." The staff member looked at his watch, and then continued: "It should be soon, you should hurry up."

Xu Jie nodded, then ran upstairs.

The venue for the investment promotion meeting is on the third floor of the Grand Theatre, so it's easy to find.

When he finally came outside the venue and opened the door with both hands, he saw the host standing on the stage and said with a smile on his face: "This is the end of today's Beijing Satellite TV Investment Promotion Conference. Thank you for your support and participation. Let's look forward to our next reunion!"

Xu Jie was stunned, is it over?
The timing is just right.

However, he was happy, but he didn't show it at all. He still had an anxious look on his face, and walked quickly to the front row of the venue.

"Boss, how's it going?" Xu Jie approached Boss Jiang and asked about the result straight to the point.

Everything he does today must be based on the complete success of the China Merchants Association. If there is a big gap between the naming fees of the two variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" compared with last year, then his It's just doing bad things with good intentions, and really cheating Boss Jiang.

Jiang Hai was taken aback when he saw Xu Jie, then stood up excitedly, and said excitedly: "Both 'Crossover Actor' and 'Ordinary Courage' sold for [-] million yuan, by the way, are you okay? "

After speaking, he looked up and down with concern.

Xu Jie's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this.

Although the naming fee of "Ordinary Courage" has not changed, the naming fee of "Crossover Actor" is 5000 million more than last year.

His plan worked!
Lu Hong on the side also stood up at this time, and asked with concern: "Xiao Xu, I heard from Lao Jiang that you ate something and went to the hospital for an injection? How is it, are you alright?"

"Well, it's much better after the injection." Xu Jie sighed pretendingly, and said embarrassedly: "Editor Lu, I'm really sorry, because of my own business, I delayed today's investment promotion conference. Be careful next time."

"It's okay, this is also an accident, no one wants it, as long as you are fine." Lu Hong comforted.

The other party is not only his lucky general, but also the cash cow of the entire TV station. How can he blame the other party?Besides, who hasn't had a time of illness and disaster?
"Fortunately, Mr. Jiang is here, otherwise I would be a sinner in today's investment promotion meeting, thank you Mr. Jiang." Xu Jie said loudly on purpose, in order to let more people hear, because he saw not far away Department leaders and city leaders.

"Xiao Xu, why are you being polite to me? This is what I should do. Besides, isn't it because of you that everyone is so enthusiastic about these two variety shows?" Jiang Hai waved his hands again and again, proving that it has nothing to do with him.

Because the two variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" both sold for a good price, he now feels very relaxed and in a great mood.

"Although I was not at the scene, I know that without Mr. Jiang's control of the field, the naming fee would not have been sold at such a high price." Xu Jie said seriously.

"All right, all right, you two don't compliment each other." Lu Hong couldn't stand it any longer, he directly interrupted the conversation between the two, and then suddenly lowered his voice to remind: "The director is here."

Xu Jie turned around and saw director Zhao Juncheng and deputy director Wu Zhiming walking towards this side.

"Xiao Xu, are you okay?" Zhao Juncheng asked with concern.

"It's all right." Xu Jie replied.

"Well, that's good, you must pay attention to your health in the future." Zhao Juncheng instructed.

"Thank you Director for your concern, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future." Xu Jie said emotionally.

Zhao Juncheng nodded, then looked at the other people around, and continued: "Today's investment promotion meeting was very successful, you all worked hard, especially Jiang Hai, who took orders in the face of danger and remained calm when things changed, that's good."

Jiang Hai secretly rejoiced, being praised by the director at this time was more important than the usual ten or eight praises.

"This is what I should do. I can't embarrass Beijing Television Culture, let alone our Beijing TV station." Jiang Hai said solemnly.

Zhao Juncheng smiled, not only satisfied with the results of today's investment promotion meeting, but also satisfied with Jiang Hai's performance.

If nothing else, the revenue of Beijing TV Station will hit a new high this year.

As the head of the station, he is naturally very happy, after all, this is also his political achievement.

"Jiang Hai, come to my office later, I have something to talk to you about." Zhao Juncheng looked at Jiang Hai and said.

When Jiang Hai was in a daze, the head of the station would definitely not chat with anyone casually, he must have something to tell him.

What can happen at this time?
The more he thought about it, the more nervous he became, the more excited he became, the faster his heart beat, the more his legs trembled.

"Good director." Jiang Hai said quickly, his voice even trembling.

Zhao Juncheng didn't say anything, went to communicate with other sponsors for a while, and then left the venue with the city leaders.

Xu Jie was also about to leave, but before he could leave the venue, he was surrounded by a group of people.

"Mr. Xu, please stop. I'm Jiang Hao, the general manager of Qicheng Network Company. This is my business card. Do you have time tonight? I couldn't shoot "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" just now. It's a pity, I don't know if you have other programs, movies and TV shows, we can cooperate."

"Mr. Xu, although I didn't get the naming right today, but I can see you. Even if it's not in vain, please accept my business card. I hope we will have better opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Mr. Xu, I heard that you have been preparing a movie recently? As long as you can show our company's products a scene in your movie, I am willing to pay 500 million."

"I would too!"

Xu Jie looked around at the bosses who were vying to pay for the sponsorship. This is because they failed to spend money on the naming rights, so are they all planning to use money to hit him?

Well, it works!

What are you making movies for?
Naturally, to make money.

Now that money is delivered to your door, is there any reason not to make money?
The old saying goes well: If you have money but don't make money, you are a bastard.

He doesn't look like a bastard.

"Thank you, thank you for your kindness. I have accepted the business cards. After the film project is confirmed, I will definitely come to the door in person. Don't send me away." Xu Jie said while putting all the business cards in his pocket. inside.

In fact, every time he attends a business promotion meeting, he will receive a lot of business cards, as did last year, but there are more this year.

Wu Zhiming, who was not far away, saw this scene and swallowed enviously. It would be great if he had such a person under his hands.

Think about the way you humbly laugh with me when you are looking for sponsors, and then look at how they are admired by the stars of the sponsors. They are all in this line of work. Why is there such a big gap?
After Jiang Hai left the theater, he went to the director's office alone.

Outside the office, he saw Zhang Benyi, the director's assistant.

"Assistant Zhang, is the director back?" Jiang Hai walked over and asked politely.

"It's Mr. Jiang, the director hasn't come back yet, sit here, wait a moment." Zhang Benyi also politely pointed to the chair beside him.

"Okay." Jiang Hai said as he sat down.

He originally thought that it would take a long time for the director to see off the city leaders, but after sitting for a few minutes, he saw the director come out of the elevator.

He stood up quickly, straightened his clothes, then went up to meet him and said respectfully: "Director!"

"En." Zhao Juncheng nodded with a smile, then pointed in the direction of the office and said, "Go to my office and talk."

"Yes." After Jiang Hai finished speaking, he followed behind the director.

Zhao Juncheng walked into the office, went back to the desk and sat down, then pointed to the chair opposite, motioning for Jiang Hai to sit.

Jiang Hai sat down cautiously, but only dared to sit on half of his buttocks. Now, although he was very much looking forward to the next conversation, he was also very nervous.

I have been to the director's office many times before, but I was never as nervous as this time.

"Jiang Hai, don't be so restrained. It's not the first time I've come here. I just want to chat with you." Zhao Juncheng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Although Jiang Hai agreed, there was no change.

Zhao Juncheng looked at Jiang Hai, and asked with interest: "Jiang Hai, do you know what I want to talk to you about?"

"Ah? I...don't know!" Jiang Hai hurriedly shook his head.

I almost slipped my mouth.

As a subordinate, how dare he speculate on what the boss thinks?

Even if you have guessed it, you can't say it.

"Then why are you nervous? You were not like this when you came to my place before." Zhao Juncheng said.

Jiang Hai coughed lightly. In fact, he didn't see that Zhao Juncheng was nervous, but he was nervous about the topic that might be discussed next, which was about his promotion and his fate. Can he not be nervous?
"Just after the business promotion conference, you called me to come, director. I'm worried that my performance is not good." Jiang Hai casually found a reason to deal with it.

"Didn't I just say that you performed well in the venue? Forget it, let's not talk about this topic." Zhao Juncheng took a sip of water, then looked at Jiang Hai and said, "You should know about Zhou Zhengliang's situation, right?" ?”

"Well, I know something." Jiang Hai nodded.

"With his illness, he can no longer serve as deputy editor-in-chief, so the position of deputy editor-in-chief is vacant. Do you have any ideas?" Zhao Juncheng asked Jiang Hai, staring at him.

Jiang Hai swallowed, he already had an idea, but how could he say such a thing in front of the director?

If this is admitted, wouldn't it be considered that he doesn't work hard all day and only wants to get promoted and get rich?

"Well, life is impermanent. Editor-in-Chief Zhou usually looks so healthy, but he didn't expect to fall ill when he said he was ill." Jiang Hai pretended to be confused with understanding.

"Yes, life is impermanent. When you were the director of the Arts Program Center, he was your superior. Now that he is ill, who do you think is the most suitable to replace him?" Zhao Juncheng asked.

Jiang Hai thought to himself.

He wanted to say it, but finally held back.

"Director, this is a matter for your city leaders. It should not be my consideration. In the end, it is up to you to decide who will replace Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou," Jiang Hai said.

The more you get to the end, the more careful you are.

Be careful.

Now is not the time for him to talk loudly in front of the director.

Too many words will be lost.

Zhao Juncheng nodded, he likes such a person, so he continued to ask: "If Guo Tianlai from the Science and Education Program Center takes over, what do you think?"

Jiang Hai's heart tightened, did the director have interest in Guo Tian?

He couldn't help feeling a sense of loss in his heart, but then again, Guo Tian has always been the most suitable candidate for deputy editor-in-chief, and he is also the person most likely to succeed deputy editor-in-chief Zhou among the many candidates. He always wanted to compete with the other party, even if the position of deputy editor-in-chief finally fell on Guo Tian's head, it was expected.

Uncomfortable or uncomfortable, he still insisted and said: "Director Guo has won many awards, and he is well-known in the station for his strong personal ability. Among these channels, he should be the best choice."

He deliberately said that he was in the channel, but he was not in the channel.

"Well, that's right, what do you think if you take over the position of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou?" Zhao Juncheng asked again.

Jiang Hai was taken aback, why did he ask him again?

What exactly does the director mean?
His mind was a little messed up, he didn't know what was going on in the director's mind, so he couldn't answer the director's question.

God knows if there are any traps in these words.

It's really not that easy to be the deputy editor-in-chief.

Is this a test?

(End of this chapter)

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