Chapter 1021 Questioning
Jiang Hai watched the director secretly, trying to read something from the director's face, but he didn't see anything except waiting.

This is hard to do!
A good answer can easily make people feel arrogant, but if the answer is not good, it can easily make people feel unconfident. How to determine the scale of the answer is a difficult problem.

He really wanted to spend some more time thinking about it. It would be best if he could call his wife and Xiao Xu to discuss it together, and then give the final answer, but the director was waiting in front of him, and the situation did not allow it. , he can't tell the director to listen to the answer tomorrow, can he?
After much deliberation, he straightened his mind, raised his chest, raised his head, and retracted his abdomen, and replied loudly: "Director, I think I am qualified for this position."

"Oh? Why? This deputy editor-in-chief needs to manage multiple channels, which is very important to our Beijing TV station. Are you sure you can do it well?" Zhao Juncheng asked with narrowed eyes, and at the same time looked at Jiang Hai with great interest. Looking forward to the other party's answer.

"Director, you know that I used to work in the art program center, and I know the work in the channel very well. Although I don't work at the TV station now, I have also been working in JingTV Culture for a year and a half. It taught me a lot of things that I couldn't get in touch with in Taiwan, such as business management, marketing, etc., which are very precious wealth to me..."

If Jiang Hai doesn't talk, he won't stop, and once he talks, he can't stop.

After a short period of thinking, he had already figured it out thoroughly, no matter what the director's attitude was, or who the candidate was in the other party's mind, as long as he did what he should do.

There is an old saying that goes well: People plan things, but God makes things happen.

Be yourself and do your best. As for whether you can achieve your goal, the rest depends on your luck. Even if you don’t succeed, at least you won’t regret it because you didn’t work hard and fight for it.

Besides, isn't this an opportunity for performance?
Through my own dictation, let the director understand him and have trust and confidence in him. Isn't the position of deputy editor-in-chief almost inseparable?

In the past, there was no opportunity, and he had to take the initiative to create an opportunity, but now the director gave him such an opportunity, how could he not seize it?
Moderate use, must be moderate use!

Zhao Juncheng listened very seriously. In fact, he already had a candidate in his mind, but before making a final decision, he still wanted to confirm it, which was also a chance for the candidate to show himself.

Listen to the candidate to convince him, and then let him convince other leaders in the city. After all, Zhao Juncheng does not own this TV station alone. Even if he has a lot of say in this personnel appointment, he still has to give a reason, right?

But I have to say that Jiang Hai's eloquence is still very good, and those who are engaged in literature and art can speak, and what they say is vivid and emotional, no matter whether it is true or not, it sounds clear and logical anyway.

However, he has seen too many self-presentation sessions, and he no longer feels any attraction. He has no theoretical foundation and nonsense skills, and he can't climb to his current position. Working in a TV station, speaking is his strength. In contrast, he is more willing to look at the candidates' thoughts and evaluations of competitors.

"How do you compare yourself to Guo Tian?" Zhao Juncheng asked again.

The corner of Jiang Hai's mouth twitched, this was another extremely difficult question to answer.

Saying that he is better than Guo Tian is suspected of speaking ill of others behind his back. If it is more serious, it can even rise to a character problem, but if he says that he is not as good as Guo Tian, ​​doesn't that mean he raised his hand and surrendered before the fight?What's more, he didn't think he was worse than Guo Tian.

In the past, personnel transfers did not have these problems. What happened this time?
Moreover, shouldn't this kind of comparison between candidates be something that these leaders do?How did you hand over these candidates to them?

Jiang Hai didn't dare not answer, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Director Guo and I are equally equal, each has his own strengths, and his professional ability is relatively strong. The quality of the programs he is in charge of is guaranteed, and it will definitely not be bad. And I The marketing ability is relatively strong, and they are good at discovering market demand, seizing opportunities, attracting more people's attention, and increasing their influence."

It’s not enough to just say that the other party is bad, and it’s not enough to just say that the other party is good. Then you have one advantage, and I have one advantage. Put your own advantages and mine on the table, and let the director choose by himself.

In this way, not only the director's question was answered, but also the question was returned to the director.

After Zhao Juncheng listened, he nodded involuntarily.

He agrees with Jiang Hai's view of Guo Tian. As for Jiang Hai's own view of himself, he is not sure, but Jingshi Culture's performance can prove that the other party's statement is true.

If you don't know marketing, can Jingshi Culture turn a profit in just one year, and even perform very well?

Can ordinary people do it?
Can't do it!
This is also one of the important reasons why he listed the other party as a candidate.

This is also what Beijing TV Station needs most at present.

Speaking of which, Jingcheng Satellite TV has been able to win the title of "The Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year" in the past two years. At the beginning, the other party took it out when he was the director of the cultural program center.

This feat cannot be erased.

This alone is beyond the reach of others.

No matter how many award-winning programs there are, if there is no ratings and no sponsors, they will gradually disappear on TV in the end.

No matter how high the realm is, there must be an audience to watch it, right?
The program is not just for the judges of the awards.

For a really good program, both quality and ratings must be considered.

Jiang Hai has been observing the director's expression, and seeing that the director seems to be lost in thought, he can't help but feel a little uneasy.

Although he is very satisfied with his speech just now, who knows what kind of person the director likes?
If you like him like this, you can be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse before, but if you like Guo Tian's strong business ability, then he is tantamount to giving himself a knife.

Thinking about it now, those words just now were too risky.

Zhao Juncheng pondered for a while, and suddenly turned his gaze to Jiang Hai again. This move also startled Jiang Hai, who was secretly looking at him, and quickly lowered his head and coughed.

"If you leave Jingshi Culture, who is the most suitable to take your place?" Zhao Juncheng asked.

Jiang Hai was shocked by this sudden question.

This, what does this mean?
Could it be that the director has decided that he will replace Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou?

In an instant, all the cells in his body jumped up excitedly, and his heart also changed from surprise to surprise.

Doesn't letting him choose a successor mean that his job will be transferred?In the entire TV station, only Zhou's deputy editor-in-chief is vacant.

However, when he was excited, he forced himself to calm down and hold back. After all, it was just a question from the director, not an appointment talk. As long as the city didn't issue a formal appointment, he couldn't be happy in advance.

These days, are there few things where extreme joy begets sorrow?
So after calming down, he looked at the director seriously and said, "I think Xiao Xu is the most suitable position for the general manager as Deputy Manager Xu Jiexu."

"Well, but don't you think he's too young?" Zhao Juncheng asked.

He has seen Xiao Xu's file, it seems that he is just 29 this year, not yet thirty, this age is considered young among the general managers of the subordinate companies, even among the middle managers of various departments, he is still quite young .

"Director, it's not a sin to be young, and Xu Jie's ability and achievements are obvious to all. I can't think of anyone who is more suitable for the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture than him. He is more suitable than me. " Jiang Hai replied cleanly, more seriously than answering his own question.

Although he also knew that everything in Huaxia was based on seniority, but he still chose to firmly support Xu Jie.

Without him, there might not be Xu Jie now, but if there is no Xu Jie, there must be no him now.

Xiao Xu has been supporting him, how can he not support Xiao Xu?Isn't that ungrateful?

Zhao Juncheng thought for a while, but did not continue to ask.

This answer was within his expectation, because Xiao Xu's performance was too dazzling. It was like this when he was in the art program center. Already famous people are overly famous.

Of course, being young is not what he is worried about, but he is worried that others will use this reason to reject Xiao Xu.

Zhao Juncheng looked at the serious Jiang Hai, smiled suddenly, and said, "Okay, it's all right, you can go back."

Jiang Hai was startled.

That's the end of it?Just ask a few questions?Shouldn't you tell him something like "go back and wait for news" or "be prepared for a job change"?

He was a little disappointed in his heart, the director dared to just ask casually?
But thinking about it, I think it's unlikely.

At this point in time, the director will never ask him to talk about these issues for no reason.

He thought of the news he had inquired about. It seemed that the city hadn't had a final meeting to decide on the candidate for the deputy editor-in-chief. Even if the director said it now, it was just a verbal check. I guess the director thought about it that way.

"Director, then I'll go back." Jiang Hai bowed respectfully, then turned and left the office.

Finally, there is no need to answer the difficult questions raised by the director.

While Jiang Hai breathed a sigh of relief, his heart became itchy.

This feeling of being hung up is so uncomfortable.

He walked out of the Beijing TV station building in a daze, and was about to drive when he saw Xu Jie standing in the parking lot from afar.

"Boss!" Xu Jie shouted, waving at Boss Jiang.

Jiang Hai walked over quickly, and remembered that the other party went to the hospital to get a bottle, so he took a good look at the other party again, and asked with concern: "Xiao Xu, are you sure you're okay?"

"The medicine is cured, and I was fine just now." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he looked around cautiously, then pulled Boss Jiang to the side of the car, and asked in a low voice: "Boss, what did the director want you for? Has the candidate for the deputy editor-in-chief been decided?"

After the Merchants Fair ended, he had been waiting here. Although he was not among the candidates for promotion to deputy editor-in-chief, this matter had a lot to do with him.

Jiang Hai shook his head after hearing this, and then told the original story of what happened in the director's office just now, hoping that the other party could help him analyze the director's intentions.

"Xiao Xu, you said the director asked me the questions just now, did you also ask Guo Tian?" Jiang Hai asked after finishing talking.

"It doesn't matter whether you ask or not. What is certain is that among the many candidates for deputy editor-in-chief, only you and Director Guo are left." Xu Jie said with a smile.

It is already a big leap from being out of consideration at the beginning to the current two-strong competition, and it also shows that the efforts made some time ago were not in vain. The director of the station saw it, and the leaders in the city also saw it. arrive.

Of course, it's too early to be happy.

Even if there are only two people, as long as Boss Jiang fails to be promoted to deputy editor-in-chief, the result will be a failure.

Does the process matter?

But the result is more important.

In this matter, if a good result cannot be obtained, all the process will be in vain.

"Then tell me, what are my chances of winning?" Jiang Hai continued to ask.

He really wants to know the answer now.

"Boss, I'm not the leader of the city, how could I know the result?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

In fact, after listening to Boss Jiang's account of what happened in the director's office, he felt that at least [-]% of the other party wanted to become the deputy editor-in-chief, but he couldn't make random guesses about job appointments. Boss should be so disappointed.

"Oh!" Jiang Hai sighed.

He was completely confused when asked by the director.

Before, I was working hard for the goal, but now I am anxious about the result.

"Boss, don't be depressed." Xu Jie put his arms around Boss Jiang's shoulders, and said comfortingly: "The old saying is good: there are times in your life, and there are times in your life. Don't force it. For this matter, being a deputy The editor-in-chief is better, if not, let’s focus on making money, I don’t believe that the deputy editor-in-chief can be richer than the general manager of Jingshi Culture.”

Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Xu. He really thought so when he applied to be transferred to Jingshi Culture, but when the opportunity really came in front of him, he still hoped to become the deputy editor-in-chief.

This is not a matter of money or not, but at his age, in this position, and facing such a rare opportunity, the temptation to rise will naturally be greater.

"Well, that's right." Jiang Hai nodded with a smile on his face.

Of course, it wasn't that he let go, but that he didn't want Xiao Xu to worry about it anymore.

This period of time can exhaust the other party.

Moreover, the appointment of the deputy editor-in-chief may only be in the next few days. Not to mention that this year's annual work has almost been completed in advance, and even if there is still, it may not be in time for the news.

He looked back at the roof of the Beijing TV station behind him, and now he could only pin his hopes on the director.


(End of this chapter)

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