Chapter 1022
The news that the title fee of the variety show "Crossover Actor" hit a new high quickly spread throughout the TV industry.

This not only means that the program has strong financial attraction, but also means that the program is deeply loved by audiences and advertisers.

If a program is not loved by the audience, it will naturally not attract advertisers to spend money, let alone attract money.

However, laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

What most people envy and envy is the sky-high naming fee, while some people envy that Beijing TV has Xu Jie, a cash cow.

Who doesn't know that the person in charge of "Crossover Actor" is Xu Jie?

Coupled with another popular variety show "Ordinary Courage", Xu Jie alone has occupied the two variety shows with the highest naming fees in China. What is it if it is not a cash cow?
In fact, these are nothing. Variety shows are at most two branches on the money tree, and there are many such branches on this tree.

Take movies as an example. Since returning from the Spring Festival holiday, there has been continuous news about Beijing Television Culture’s film shooting. There are plans to support new directors and cooperation with major directors. These have also allowed Beijing Television Culture to enter the film and television industry from the beginning. Meng Xin, who has become an upstart in the film and television industry, has become the object of everyone in the entertainment circle.

Who is behind all this?

Isn't it all Xu Jie?

Now it's not just people from major TV stations who are jealous, but also people from various entertainment companies. Who wouldn't want to own such a cash cow?
The second day after the Capital Satellite TV Merchants Conference ended.

Xu Jie left home as usual.

Today is not as active as the previous few days, but there are many scripts waiting for him to write.

In a while, "Crossover Actor" will be prepared. If you don't hurry up to write it now, you won't have time to write it in the future.

The car slowly drove out of the community, and was just about to turn a corner and merge into the driveway, when suddenly a person appeared from nowhere and stood in front of the car, blocking the way.

what's the situation?
Touch porcelain?
He even ran to touch porcelain outside the gate of the high-end villa area, and he was a person with ideals and ambitions.

Xu Jie lowered the car window slowly, and was about to tell the other party that there was a driving recorder in the car, when the man came quickly to the outside of the driver's seat, and said respectfully, "Mr. Xu, good morning."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, did he know him?
Knowing who he is, and still wanting to touch his porcelain, is this being targeted?

The man took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry to bother you and take up 2 minutes of your time. I have something very important to talk to you about. The Beijing TV culture is not suitable, so I can only come to your house to guard, I am really sorry."

After speaking, he bowed and apologized directly.

After Xu Jie took the business card, he glanced at it, and saw a line written on it: Zhou Yishan, director and deputy general manager of Mavericks Galloping Group.

Mavericks running wild?

Xu Jie looked at the other party suspiciously, it turned out that it wasn't for Touching Cier.

Although the name of this company is a bit strange, it is a very famous film and television culture company in China. It is involved in all kinds of business such as film and television investment, film and television production, performance brokerage, etc. It is a cultural company with considerable strength in the circle.

He had never met the other person before, but he could tell from the material of the business card that this person was definitely not lying.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

I thought to myself: Is it because I want to cooperate with Jingshi Culture?

Since Jingshi Culture signed a cooperation agreement with several big directors, many film and television companies have come to their door, hoping to get a foot in the door, whether it's money, hard work, or actors. In short, it's good to get a share .

These days, there are many good actors, but there are very few good directors, especially great directors.

There are few people, and the output is small, which is why great directors are so popular.

Scarce, quite scarce!
"Mr. Xu, I..." Zhou Yishan looked around cautiously, and then said: "That's right, I want to invite you to join our Mavericks. I wonder if Mr. Xu is interested?"

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, it turned out that he was here to poach corners.

"Thank you, I'm not interested." Xu Jie answered the other party directly without thinking.

Someone once poached him, such as Huxiang Satellite TV, but he didn't choose to change jobs when Beijing TV Culture was in the most difficult time. How could he leave after Beijing TV Culture got on the right track?
We must know that the current Jingshi Culture is no worse than other big companies in the circle, not to mention that Jingshi Culture has an official background.

"Mr. Xu, don't rush to answer, it's not too late to listen to the conditions offered by our company." Zhou Yishan then said confidently: "If you are willing to go to our Mavericks, the position of general manager of the group is yours." , an annual salary of 1000 million, plus company shares and year-end dividends, how about it?"

The reason why he dared to dig and was very confident was that Jingshi Culture, where the other party was located, was a TV station company.

As we all know, the salary and bonus of the TV station company are very limited, so he believes that the generous conditions he offered will definitely make the other party fall in love with him, and he will act if he is moved.

After Xu Jie heard this, he laughed straight away, looked at the other party and said, "I didn't mean to make fun of you, but you are just a vice president, why should you give me the general manager? Besides, the annual salary is 1000 million. You see, I am not that good." 1000 million people? If I play any leading actor, there are 1000 million people."

Since the filming of "Lovers in Time and Space", some film and television companies have invited him to star in movies, and the highest salary even reaches 2000 million, but he has rejected them all.

He wouldn't even blink for 2000 million, let alone 1000 million.

Can this also be called poaching?

It was obvious that he wanted to take advantage of him.

"Mr. Xu, I'm the director and deputy general manager. I'm here to represent the board of directors of the group. As for the annual salary, if you disagree, we can discuss it again. How about you make a price?" Zhou Yishan asked.

If the company hadn't discussed it well, he wouldn't be here today.

"Thank you for your company's kindness, but I have no plans to leave Beijing TV Culture yet. As for money, although my family doesn't have much, I still have a few small goals. In the future, if I have plans to leave Beijing TV Culture in the future, I will definitely I will carefully consider your invitation today." Xu Jie smiled after finishing speaking.

"Farewell, Mr. Xu, I have been waiting here for two full hours to see you. I am very sincere. How about I find a place where we can sit down and have a good chat?" Zhou Yishan was in a hurry, and the directors of the group Still waiting for his good news.

"Mr. Zhou, I am deeply honored to be so valued by your company. Even if we can't work together, we can still cooperate. I believe that we will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future. It's getting late and I'm going to work. See you, Mr. Zhou. "

Xu Jie raised the car window while talking, and then drove forward slowly. After seeing Zhou Yishan was at a certain safe distance from the car, he stepped on the accelerator and threw him far behind.

"Mr. Xu? Mr. Xu!" Zhou Yishan yelled, and stopped after a few steps after chasing him, with depression written all over his face.

Xu Jie looked in the rearview mirror while driving, and was relieved when he saw that no one was catching up.

Although Zhou Zhoushan's offer is very generous, he knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

If the other party spends so much money on him, they must want to get more money from him. If he can't bring huge benefits to the company after he goes, those people will definitely not be as attentive as they are now.

No company will hire a mascot back with 1000 million plus equity.

These days, are there still few examples of being invited and being driven away?

Even if the other party is really willing to pay for a mascot, he will not go.

It's not about money.

In Jingshi Culture, he can cover Su Yun, pave the way for Su Yun, and clear the obstacles for Su Yun, but he can't do this when he goes to those companies outside.

What's more, he now has a lot of ways to make money. As long as Jingshi Culture has a film and television project to start, he will have the opportunity to make money.

Annual salary of 1000?

It's drizzling!

There was some traffic jam on the road, but we arrived at the company soon.

Xu Jie parked the car in the parking lot, but as soon as he opened the door and got out of the car, another person appeared in front of him.

"You are Xu Jie, the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, right? I have heard of you for a long time!" The middle-aged man said with a smile on his face, "Let me introduce myself. I am the deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai TV Station and Gao Cheng, the person in charge of Shanghai Satellite TV."

When Xu Jie heard the other party's introduction, his eyes were full of surprise. He had heard of the name Gao Cheng, which was equivalent to the existence of Lu Hong, the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station at Shanghai TV Station, but why did the other party appear here?
"Editor Gao, it's a pleasure to meet you." Xu Jie extended his hand politely, shook hands with the other party, and asked, "Are you looking for me here?"

"That's right!" Gao Cheng nodded, then put away the smile on his face, and said solemnly: "I am here in the capital this time, mainly for you, and I want to invite you to come to our Shanghai TV station as the satellite TV program center." director."

Xu Jie stayed where he was this time.

Director of Satellite TV Program Center?

This is a very powerful position.

The satellite TV program center is in charge of the programs of the satellite TV channel, and the satellite TV channel is the top priority of the entire TV station. This ensures compliance of other program centers.

wait, no!
Xu Jie looked at Gao Cheng and asked, "Editor-in-Chief Gao, aren't you the director of the program center of Shanghai TV Satellite TV?"

"As long as you can come, this position is yours." Gao Cheng said.

Xu Jie looked at the other party for a while, and it didn't seem like he was joking. Besides, who would make a joke about such a big thing?
He stretched out his hand and scratched his forehead, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Editor Gao, thank you for your kindness..."

However, Gao Cheng stretched out his hand at this moment and interrupted Xu Jie's words, "I haven't finished yet. In addition to the position of director, you can also get the advertisement share of variety shows, and will not interfere with your program production. As long as it is your program, it can be featured on Shanghai Satellite TV."

After hearing this, Xu Jie kept swallowing his saliva. This salary is already quite high, and he admitted that when he was listening just now, his heart was really moved for a moment.

The height in front of him was different from the Zhou Yishan he met just now. The other party was a senior executive of Shanghai TV, and as one of China's five major TV stations, Shanghai Satellite TV had the same influence as Beijing Satellite TV.

However, it was only a momentary heartbeat, and after that moment passed, he regained his composure.

Firstly, Beijing is the center of Chinese culture, and he is backed by Beijing TV Station, which influences the entire entertainment circle; It's just a job for people.

Although Gao Cheng gave him the director of the satellite TV program center, he didn't give him the deputy editor-in-chief, and he had to listen to the other party's instructions.

This wishful thinking, it hits loudly.

As for other conditions, such as not interfering with the production of the program, the program can be broadcast on Shanghai Satellite TV, and he is also treated in the same way at Beijing TV Station, so it is not a preferential treatment to say it from Gao Cheng.

The only difference may be the advertisement share of variety shows, but he can get it back from other things.

"Editor-in-Chief Gao, you are the director of the program center of Satellite TV. If you are forced to leave because of me, I will feel sorry for you. I think it's better to forget it." Xu Jie waved his hand and said.

"Don't be embarrassed, those who are capable should be in high positions." Gao Cheng said solemnly.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Then why don't you give me the deputy editor-in-chief too?
He felt that this was a routine, to deceive him with a seemingly large and important position first, and after he went, wouldn't he have to obediently obey the leadership of the other party, the deputy editor-in-chief?
"Editor Gao, thank you for attaching so much importance to me. To be honest, I am really tempted. The conditions you offered are so tempting. I want to leave with you right now..." Xu Jie sighed
Gao Cheng smiled.

This is what he wants.

When meeting a big cake, knock the other person unconscious, and then both the person and the cake belong to him.

"But..." Just when Gao Cheng was happy, Xu Jie suddenly changed the subject and continued, "I don't want to leave yet."

"Why?" Gao Cheng asked suspiciously.

Is it because of labor contracts?
Wouldn't it be okay to resign voluntarily?
These days, it is not easy to find a suitable job, but resigning is very simple.

"I am currently in charge of several projects in the company. If I just leave, will I not be tied back? So even if I want to leave, I will leave after the completion of the project." Xu Jie explained.

"So, you agree to join our Shanghai Satellite TV?" Gao Cheng asked excitedly.

"Let me think about it, after all, this is a major event in life." Xu Jie showed a cautious look.

"Okay, then you should think about it carefully. I'll go back to Shanghai first and contact you in a few days." Gao Cheng said with a smile.

Although the other party said to think about it, he felt that the matter was inseparable. Didn't the other party also say that he was moved?

"Alright, Editor Gao." Xu Jie nodded.

"Then I'll go first, I really hope you can come to our Shanghai TV station, and all the colleagues of our Shanghai TV station are also looking forward to your joining." Gao Cheng said while holding Xu Jie's hand tightly. Hand, and then said goodbye, and then left.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the other party, and couldn't help curling his lips, wanting him to help with part-time work, let's have a good dream.


(End of this chapter)

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