The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1023 One more step

Chapter 1023 Going Further

Xu Jie walked into the company quickly, in a hurry, as if something terrible was chasing him behind him.

In fact, he had already thought about the matter of poaching people. He remembered that after the Beijing Satellite TV Merchants Conference ended last year, someone wanted to poach him. The representative was Dong Xiaoli, the person in charge of Huxiang Satellite TV. , Changed from poaching to cooperation.

It's just that he didn't expect that after a year, there are still people thinking about him.

Just as Xu Jie was about to take the elevator upstairs, he saw Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying at the front desk muttering something, as if they were gossiping
"Early in the morning, what are we talking about?" Xu Jie asked casually.

The two women were shocked when they heard it, and quickly stopped gossip and stood at the front desk.

"Good morning Mr. Xu, we are talking about work." After Yang Xiuyan finished speaking, she deliberately looked at Zhao Xiaoying to confirm, "Zhao Xiaoying, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Zhao Xiaoying nodded repeatedly.

Seeing the situation, Xu Jie stopped immediately. With the appearance of these two, could they be talking about work?
If he answered honestly, even if he was not working, he would not care about it, but the two dared to lie to him, which aroused his curiosity instead.

What kind of gossip can't you tell him?
You must know that when there was gossip in the past, even if he didn't ask, Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying would rush to tell him.

what is it today?
Could it be gossip about him?
Xu Jie came to the front desk, looked at the two women with a serious face, frowned and asked, "Why, do you even dare to lie to me? Or do you think I have bad eyesight and can't see anything?"

Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying hurriedly shook their heads in fright, and explained: "President Xu, you misunderstood, we really didn't lie to you."

The other also said: "Mr. Xu, really, we are indeed talking about work, but we are talking about Mr. Jiang..."

"Boss Jiang? What's wrong with Boss Jiang?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that when I saw Boss Jiang coming, I found him very serious. Even when we greeted him, he didn't respond. He looked preoccupied." Yang Xiuyan thought for a while and said.

"President Xu, is something wrong?" Zhao Xiaoying asked in a low voice.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and his heart was also full of doubts.

Yesterday's investment promotion meeting was very successful, even the director personally affirmed Boss Jiang's performance and made him the only candidate for the deputy editor-in-chief.

It stands to reason that Boss Jiang should be happy today, how could he be serious?

"I'm probably thinking about work. After all, the company has a lot of projects to launch, and we can't neglect any of them." Xu Jie found a reason for Boss Jiang, then looked at the two women at the front desk and said, "Okay , don’t talk about it, the company is thriving now, don’t scare yourself.”

Boss Jiang is the general manager of the company, and the other party's mental state will directly affect the emotions of the company's employees. As the deputy general manager, he naturally cannot let bad emotions appear in the company, and even if there are, he must nip them in the bud.

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying replied in unison, then stood obediently and stopped talking.

Xu Jie left the front desk and walked into the elevator.

Although there was no expression on his face, he was always concerned about what Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying said, wondering if Boss Jiang was in any trouble.

The elevator stopped slowly, and Xu Jie walked out after the elevator door opened, but instead of going back to his office, he went directly to Boss Jiang's office and knocked on the door.


He wanted to ask Boss Jiang. It would be better if there was nothing wrong. If there was something wrong, we could discuss it together.

"Come in."

A voice soon sounded in the house.

After Xu Jie heard this, he opened the door and walked in. He saw Boss Jiang standing by the window, not knowing what he was looking at, but just like Yang Xiuyan said, Boss Jiang looked very serious, and his brows were also furrowed, as if he had something on his mind look.

"Boss!" Xu Jie called softly.

Hearing this familiar voice, Jiang Hai immediately turned around, and his brows relaxed, "Xiao Xu, you are finally here."

Xu Jie walked over, looked at Boss Jiang who had a faint worry between his brows, and couldn't help asking in doubt, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"You don't know yet, do you? I received news this morning that the city will hold a meeting this morning to discuss personnel adjustments, including the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station," Jiang Hai said.

"Really?" Xu Jie was a little surprised. Although he knew that the personnel appointment was just a few days before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Well, an old classmate of mine told me, and the news is absolutely reliable." Jiang Hai explained.

Xu Jie finally understood why Boss Jiang looked worried. Anyone would be nervous about such a big matter.

Even he is now nervous.

I don't know who the director finally chose between Boss Jiang and Director Guo.

"Xiao Xu, do you think everything we did before will be in vain?" Jiang Hai asked suddenly.

"No." Xu Jie said firmly.

If Boss Jiang is promoted, those projects will be a help, if Boss Jiang is not promoted, those projects will also become the hope of making a fortune.

So no matter what, they will not be busy in vain, it may only be that things fail to meet people's wishes.

Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Xu. Although the other party was not the leader of the city and could not decide the final result, this answer made him feel a lot easier.

After all, Xiao Xu has always been his lucky star.

Seeing Boss Jiang's current appearance, Xu Jie couldn't help but feel a little worried. What would happen if the promotion failed?Wouldn't Boss Jiang be very disappointed, depressed, and decadent?
Thinking of this, he forced himself to say relaxedly: "Boss, don't be so nervous. We have no hope for this promotion. If you succeed, it means you are awesome. It is normal to fail, and you are not very old. , there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and maybe you will be appointed as deputy editor-in-chief and director of the satellite TV program center at that time, isn’t this more important than the vacant position now? It’s a long way to go.”

Xu Jie did psychological work in advance to prevent Boss Jiang from giving up on himself after he was not promoted.

After all, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

Jiang Hai knew that Xiao Xu was comforting him, so he nodded, squeezed out a smile and said, "Okay, I see, you can go back! Don't worry, I'm fine. In fact, I didn't have any expectations for this time. It’s up to you to write so many scripts.”

"Boss, that's why you don't understand. It's better if someone wants to cooperate with me than everyone dislikes me." Xu Jie said.

Cooperating with a great director is not only an opportunity to expand Beijing TV's cultural influence, but also an opportunity to make money, and it is also an opportunity to create suitable characters for Su Yun. Such a good thing that kills three birds with one stone, how can it be painful?
Xu Jie talked to Boss Jiang and left the other party's office. Knowing the other party's thoughts, he was not as worried as before.

Of course, it is impossible not to worry at all. After all, the city's decision is related to Boss Jiang's future and affects his future.

If it affects his future, it will affect the future of many people.

When Xu Jie returned to the office, he originally wanted to continue writing the script, but he stared at the computer screen for a long time without writing a single word. All he was thinking about was the city's decision, and he couldn't drag it back.

After sitting like this for more than half an hour, he simply turned off the computer, and came to the window like Boss Jiang, looked through the window into the distance, which was the direction of the Beijing TV station, and waited quietly for the result.

For many people, this is destined to be a day of suffering.

Near noon, Xu Jie was going out to eat, turning his anxiety into appetite to divert his attention.

However, just as he pushed open the door, he saw Boss Jiang coming out of the office with nervousness written all over his face.

"Boss, is there a result?" Xu Jie hurriedly asked, his eyes full of expectation.

"There should be a result." Jiang Hai said, his voice trembling.

"Should?" Xu Jie was puzzled.

If there is, there is, if there is no, there is no, what should be the case?

"Just now the director called me and asked me to go to the TV station. He didn't say whether it was the matter of the deputy editor-in-chief, and I didn't dare to ask more." Jiang Hai explained.

Xu Jie's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he said excitedly: "Is there any need to ask? It must be the result of the deputy editor-in-chief's matter, and you are the boss. Otherwise, why is the director looking for you at this time? It's no good to have lunch with him." ?”

"Maybe they want to comfort me." Jiang Hai thought for a while and said.

In fact, he also felt that his matter had been accomplished, but he did not dare to be too complacent without hearing the director's announcement, what should he do if extreme joy turns into sorrow?
"Consolation, there are so many personnel appointments in the stage in a year, and I have never seen the head of the stage comfort anyone." Xu Jie pulled Boss Jiang and said as he walked: "Boss, hurry up, I will drive you there."

Jiang Hai did not refuse.

In fact, he is very excited now, and it is really difficult for him to drive. If he loses his mind while driving, he will not be promoted to deputy editor-in-chief, but will be directly promoted to the top, to the sky.

Xu Jie drove Boss Jiang's car to the TV station. Instead of getting out of the car, he sat in the car and waited for the result.

Jiang Hai came to the director's office with a feeling of anxiety, and his assistant Zhang Benyi stood up from his seat immediately after seeing the person coming, and said politely: "Mr. Jiang, the director is waiting for you inside, go in quickly. "

Jiang Hai nodded, then knocked on the door, and walked in after hearing the sound.

"Director, are you looking for me?" Jiang Hai asked as he walked across from the director.

"Come on, sit down." Zhao Juncheng said with a faint smile.

Jiang Hai sat down cautiously, listening carefully.

Zhao Juncheng didn't make any detours, and said directly: "There was a meeting in the city this morning, and the candidate for the deputy editor-in-chief was discussed, and it was finally decided that you will replace Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou..."

Jiang Hai was shaken all over, his legs were trembling uncontrollably, and he didn't hear a word of what was said behind him.

Although I had been looking forward to it for a long time, when I heard the director say it with my own ears, I couldn't believe it.

Did he really become the deputy editor-in-chief?
Isn't this dreaming?

No, definitely not dreaming, because he never dared to dream that he would become the deputy editor-in-chief.

You must know that a year and a half ago, he was still the director of the art program center, and the director of the art program center was never a seed player in the election of the deputy editor.

He really thought about going further, which is one of the reasons why he voluntarily left the Art Program Center to go to JingTV Culture.

It's just that he didn't expect to finish this step so quickly. He thought it would take at least three to five years, or even longer.

After a brief daze, he quickly came back to his senses. After the director finished speaking, he stood up abruptly, bowed and said, "Thank you for your trust and support, I will work harder in the future." , lived up to your expectations."

Zhao Juncheng was very satisfied with Jiang Hai's reaction, but he was satisfied. He had other things to say, "Do you know why I recommended you to the city?"

Jiang Hai thought for a while, and then said: "I guess, the director, you should have taken a fancy to my ability and want me to put more programs on the market and expand the influence of our station. I don't know if I'm right. ?”

"Yes, it seems that I did not choose the wrong person." Zhao Juncheng nodded and continued: "We have many excellent programs on Beijing TV Station, but they all have one thing in common, that is whether they are popular or not. Didn't you say yesterday that Are you strong in marketing? Now is your chance to prove yourself.”

Before recommending Jiang Hai, he hesitated for a long time, but after seeing the performance of the candidates after returning from the Spring Festival holiday, no one else made any movement. Only Jiang Hai's success in Jingshi Culture was confirmed.

"Please don't worry, director, I will definitely give full play to my advantages and launch more excellent programs that are both well-received and well-received." Jiang Hai said seriously.

At the same time, I thought: Sure enough, Xiao Xu's strategy is correct.

When analyzing the competitors at the beginning, Xiao Xu made a special personality design for him: he can make money, so as to maximize his strengths and avoid weaknesses, so as to impress the director.

Now it seems that it really worked.

"Well, very good, what I want is your attitude. Regarding your appointment, it will be officially announced in two days. You go back and prepare, and hand over work by the way." Zhao Juncheng said with a smile.

"Yes, director." Jiang Hai hesitated for a moment after finishing speaking, and then asked: "Director, who do I hand over the work to?"

"Leave it to Xu Jie first. After you take office, the station will discuss the candidate for the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and then make a decision." Zhao Juncheng said.

Although he has already identified Xu Jie in his heart, he still has to go through a formality and give others a chance to perform, so as to reflect fairness and justice.

"I know the director, I'll go back and hand over the work to Vice President Xu." Jiang Hai saluted, and then walked out of the director's office.

The moment he closed the door, a gleam of joy appeared on his brows. Now that the director is not in front of him, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He had waited a long time for this moment.

If it wasn't for the TV station, he would have raised his head to the sky and screamed, completely releasing the excitement in his heart.

Fortunately, he still remained calm, reminding himself not to get carried away.

In fact, the more you get to this kind of time, the more you have to pay attention to your own words and deeds, and don't give others a chance to attack.


(End of this chapter)

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