The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1024 Work Handover

Chapter 1024 Work Handover
Not long after Xu Jie waited in the parking lot, he saw Boss Jiang coming out of the TV station building. The other party seemed to be trying to hide something, but there was still a hint of joy on his face.

In an instant, Xu Jie knew the answer.


The co-pilot's door opened from the outside, and Jiang Hai slumped in. At this moment, he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, and he grabbed Xu Jie's arm tightly with both hands and said loudly: "Xiao Xu, it's done, the deputy editor-in-chief's We have done it, and it will be officially announced in a few days."

He didn't even tell his wife, and went downstairs to tell Xiao Xu, because Xiao Xu contributed the most in this matter, so he wanted to share it with her as soon as possible.

As for the wife, it can only be ranked second.

"Boss, congratulations!" Xu Jie said from the bottom of his heart, while feeling happy, he was also filled with emotions.

From being underappreciated to entering the leader's field of vision, from being listed as a candidate to breaking through the siege and winning, although the time was short, the process was very difficult, but if there is one thing that is not done well, it may affect Boss Jiang This promotion.

Fortunately, the result is satisfactory.

"Same joy, same joy. Although the general manager of Jingshi Culture will be discussed in the station after a while, the director has just asked me to hand over the work to you. From this point, it is not difficult to see that the director still favors you very much. Yes." Jiang Hai said with a smile, feeling happy for the other party in his heart.

In his opinion, Xiao Xu's matter is almost a certainty.

The general manager of Jingshi Culture was appointed by Jingcheng TV Station. He is now a high-level executive of Jingcheng Radio and Television Station, and Lao Lu will definitely favor Xiao Xu. The director and several deputy directors also appreciate Xiao Xu. Under such circumstances, even if the brother-in-law of the Jade Emperor came, he had to stand aside.

"My business is a trivial matter, but yours is a major one. Have you told your sister-in-law?" Xu Jie asked.

He is not worried about his own affairs, because no one will threaten him whether it is inside Jingshi Culture or the TV station, in terms of ability or performance.

The general manager of Jingshi Culture is definitely in his pocket.

"Not yet." Jiang Hai shook his head.

"Call sister-in-law quickly, I think sister-in-law must be very anxious now." Xu Jie reminded.

Jiang Hai nodded, then took out his cell phone, found his wife's number and called.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Honey, I have some good news for you. The director just talked to me. The city has decided to appoint me as the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing Radio and Television Station. It will be officially announced in two days!" Jiang Hai said directly.

"Ah! Really?"

Suddenly there was a loud cry from the microphone, Xu Jie could hear it even if the hands-free was not turned on, it must be his sister-in-law's voice.

Speaking of such a big thing, who wouldn't be excited after hearing it?

From the person in charge of the branch company to the top management of the TV station, this is a qualitative leap. I don't know how many people have been stuck in the positions of company person in charge and program center director for their entire lives.

"I know, it's up to you to say, I'll tell him, goodbye, see you tonight." After Jiang Hai hung up the phone, he turned to look at Xu Jie and said, "Do you have time tonight? Your sister-in-law wants to invite you home Have a meal."

"No need? Just celebrate with your sister-in-law. I don't want to be a light bulb." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Such a great good thing, while sharing it with the family, it is natural to celebrate it with the family.

"What light bulb, you are the main contributor to this matter, without you, I would not be where I am now." Jiang Hai said seriously.

These words are definitely not being polite, but the truth from the heart.

Although he had peeked at the position of the deputy editor-in-chief, it was just thinking about it, but Xu Jie made his dream come true, what is it if he is not a hero?
"Isn't it suitable? How about another day?" Xu Jie asked.

"There's nothing inappropriate, so it's settled." Jiang Hai directly settled down.

Seeing that Boss Jiang was so happy, Xu Jie didn't want to spoil the atmosphere, so he nodded and agreed.

"Let's go, go back to the company, and hand over the work." Jiang Hai waved his hand, and he couldn't wait to take up his post and work in a new position.

Xu Jie started the car and slowly drove out of the parking lot.

He is still very satisfied with today's results. Not only did the previous efforts not go to waste, but he also found new support for future development.

You must know that Boss Jiang, the deputy editor-in-chief, is an official high-level TV station. In the entire system of Beijing Radio and Television Station, there are only seven people in total, and the power is quite large.

Not long after, the two returned to Jingshi Culture.

Jiang Hai stepped into the company's gate in a high spirited manner, with a smile on his face.

However, this scene directly stunned Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying who were sitting in the front desk.

In the morning, the two of them were still gossiping about why Mr. Jiang had such a stern face. How could he be so happy after going out for a trip, as if he was a different person?
Seeing Vice President Xu following President Jiang, the two couldn't help but think of President Jiang's changes on Vice President Xu. Could it be that Vice President Xu couldn't do magic?Say whoever is happy, who will be happy?


Zhao Xiaoying looked at Boss Jiang who was walking towards the elevator, beckoned to Xu Jie curiously, and then asked in a low voice: "Boss Xu, what's wrong with Boss Jiang? Has it changed too fast?"

"Don't inquire, you will find out in a few days." Xu Jie didn't say anything, then took a few quick steps and followed Boss Jiang into the elevator.

Zhao Xiaoying looked at Mr. Xu's back suspiciously, still thinking about what the other party said just now.

Know in a few days?
How many days will it be?

"Did Mr. Jiang encounter a problem, and Mr. Xu helped solve it?" Yang Xiuyan asked beside him.

When the two of them went out before, they were not what they are now, so it's hard not to let people think of Mr. Xu, after all Mr. Xu is a master at solving problems.

"It should be." Zhao Xiaoying was not sure, she just hoped that these few days would pass quickly.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, and Jiang Hai walked out.

"Xiao Xu, come to my office." Jiang Hai reached out and patted Xu Jie's back, and said as he walked towards the office: "There are many documents in my office, related to personnel, related to finance, and related to business Yes, in short, all the important documents of the company are with me, although you have read many of them, it is better to familiarize yourself..."

Xu Jie nodded and followed Boss Jiang.

Jiang Hai returned to the office. Although he had been here for a year and a half, he didn't miss him at all, because he had no choice but to choose to come here.

In the whole company, the only one he can miss is Xiao Xu.

As for the others, to be honest, he hasn't recognized everyone in the company until now.

At this time, Jiang Hai picked up a document from his desk and handed it to Xu Jie, and said embarrassingly: "Xiao Xu, the agreements signed these days are all here, you put them away, I'm leaving, I will trouble you did it."

Not only to help him, but also to help him wipe his ass, it would be a shame.

"No problem." Xu Jie took it and put it aside.

These agreements are not only for helping Boss Jiang, but also for other purposes, so even if Boss Jiang doesn't say anything, he will carry out the agreement to the end.

Jiang Hai packed some documents under the table and handed them to Xu Jie, and some were not here, so he picked up the phone on the table and called Vice President Liu Feng, asking the other party to send over some important documents from various functional departments .

Liu Feng's office is also on this floor, so not long after Jiang Hai's phone was put down, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

Xu Jie took the initiative to open the door. Liu Feng was taken aback when he saw it, and then said politely, "Mr. Xu is here too." Then he walked into the office with eight or nine folders in his hands, looked at Jiang Hai and said: "Mr. Jiang, here are the documents you want."

"Well, just leave it to Mr. Xu." Jiang Hai said after hearing that, he had already started to tidy up the office, putting all his things into a box.

Liu Feng didn't react for a while, but after a while, suspicion appeared on his face.

You must know that what he is holding in his hand are important documents from departments such as personnel, finance, and legal affairs, and these departments are all managed by him. Why did Mr. Jiang ask him to hand over these documents to Xu Jie?Isn't Mr. Xu in charge of the marketing business?
and many more!

Is Mr. Jiang going to remove him?

Thinking of this, Liu Feng immediately became nervous.

Although his deputy is always appointed by the TV station, as the person in charge of the company, as the general manager, Mr. Jiang definitely has the right to replace him.

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, is there something wrong with me?" Liu Feng asked cautiously.

"Why did Mr. Liu say that?" Jiang Hai asked while packing his things.

I was too busy during this period, I didn't clean up the office properly, and the files were not organized together. Now I looked through it and found some important files.

"Then why..." Liu Feng didn't continue, but just glanced at Xu Jie beside him.

Some things cannot be said too bluntly, otherwise people will be offended, after all, we are still colleagues now.

Jiang Hai glanced back at Liu Feng, who was hesitant to speak, and immediately knew what the other party was thinking, so he said with a smile: "You misunderstood, I just handed over work to Mr. Xu, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Ah? Handing over work?" Liu Feng was shocked, and the shock on his face was even greater than the reaction just now.

Under normal circumstances, work handover will only take place when a person is about to leave the company. For example, if an employee leaves the company, the company will find another employee to take over the employee's work.

Could it be, is President Jiang going to leave Jingshi Culture?

Not right!

Mr. Jiang is in his early fifties, and he is in his prime. He should continue to shine in important positions. How could he retreat to the second line for the elderly?

"Mr. Jiang, why did you hand over the work?" A hundred thousand reasons popped up in Liu Feng's mind at this moment.

During the period when Mr. Jiang came to Jingshi Culture, the company's performance not only turned losses into profits, but also achieved breakthrough growth. There was no reason to transfer people away from here.

"I'm leaving here in two days. You have to cooperate with Mr. Xu well in the future." Jiang Hai said simply.

"Leave? Mr. Jiang, where are you going?" Liu Feng asked.

Although he had already guessed that the other party would be transferred, he was not sure whether he would be promoted or demoted, but judging by the happy look of the other party, it was probably not a demotion, at least it was a flat transfer.

"Well, don't ask, you'll find out in two days." Jiang Hai made a fool of himself and didn't say anything.

Before the official announcement in the station, he didn't want to tell anyone other than Xiao Xu, otherwise he might be regarded as showing off.

If the director knows about this, why don't you talk to him immediately?
The more you get here, the more low-key you have to be.

Of course, it’s out of the hands of others to go home and celebrate in private.


Liu Feng was speechless.

If he could wait, he wouldn't have asked the question just now. Isn't this obviously tempting?
But speechless is speechless. Before the official transfer order is issued, the other party is still the person in charge of Jingshi Culture, so he still cannot be presumptuous in front of the other party.

"Mr. Xu, here." Liu Feng handed the document in his hand to Xu Jie, and at the same time, a sense of imbalance rose in his heart.

Mr. Jiang and Xu Jie are handing over work, that is to say, after Mr. Jiang leaves, Mr. Xu Jie is very likely to take over Mr. Jiang's position and become the person in charge of Jingshi Culture, otherwise Mr. Jiang would not hand over work to Mr. Xu Jie.

He was one of the first batch of employees to join Jingshi Culture. He has worked here for many years. He is diligent and conscientious. Even if there is no credit, there is hard work. How can a person who has only been here for a little more than a year be made the general manager? ?

At his age and his qualifications, it should be him.

In fact, when Yu Kuan, the former general manager, left Jingshi Culture, he felt that he had the hope of becoming the general manager, but in the end he became an external transfer.

Well, Mr. Jiang used to be the director of the Arts and Programs Center, and his qualifications were older than him. He endured it, but now he has to replace a young man with much less qualifications than him as the general manager. This is not to treat him as air ?
"Thank you." Xu Jie took the document and put it on the desk, as if the desk belonged to him.

Of course, he didn't think so, but there were too many documents to read and he couldn't get them.

However, others don't think so.

Liu Feng watched all this silently, feeling extremely unbalanced in his heart.

He used to be the deputy general manager, and everyone was on an equal footing, but in the future, the other party would ride on his neck. How could he swallow this breath?

Being able to direct variety shows and acting, and marrying a national goddess as his wife, and now he is going to be the general manager, why does this person take all the good things?

You must know that the other party has only been here for a year. Could it be that his contribution is greater than that of an old employee who has been here for more than ten years?

"Mr. Jiang, if there is nothing else, I will go back." Liu Feng said expressionlessly.

"Well, let's go back." Jiang Hai said casually, he was looking for documents and had no time to pay attention to others.

Liu Feng gritted his teeth tightly, and then walked out of the general manager's office.

Just as he was about to go back to his office, he suddenly saw Wang Yunjie coming out of the elevator. Although the lowest temperature in the capital was still below zero, the other party was wearing a long skirt and walking with twists and turns, like The wind blows like willows.

"Brother Feng, you're busy." Wang Yunjie greeted normally, and then prepared to go back to the office.

Liu Feng heard what happened just now, and suddenly an idea came to his mind, so he walked over to Wang Yunjie's office, "Yunjie, wait, I have something to tell you."


(End of this chapter)

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