Chapter 1025 Fight?
Wang Yunjie looked curiously at Liu Feng who came over. Because the two were in charge of different jobs in the company, they rarely chatted, let alone communicated in private. What happened to the other party today?And it looks serious.

She opened the door of the office, invited the other party in, then looked at the other party and asked, "Mr. Liu, what's the matter? Did my people cause you trouble?"

Liu Feng didn't answer right away. He closed the door first, then shook his head, and said, "Did you know? Mr. Jiang is about to be transferred away."

"Huh?" Wang Yunjie was taken aback for a moment, and stopped halfway through taking off her coat. After a while, she asked, "Mr. Jiang is going to be transferred? Who did you hear that from? Why haven't I heard of it?"

She doesn't believe it.

Mr. Jiang did a good job, how could he be transferred?
"I went to Mr. Jiang's office to deliver documents just now. Mr. Jiang told me personally." Liu Feng said.

Wang Yunjie opened her eyes wide, with surprise written all over her face, but looking at the other person's expression, it didn't seem like she was joking. After confirming that today is not April Fool's Day, she asked: "Mr. Where are you going?"

"He didn't say that, but that's not the most important thing. Do you know who will replace Mr. Jiang?" Liu Feng asked mysteriously.

Wang Yunjie shook her head, it definitely couldn't be her anyway.

"It's Xu Jie." Liu Feng announced the answer, then pointed to the door, and said, "Boss Jiang is handing over work to Xu Jie."


Wang Yunjie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

For her, as long as it wasn't the general manager who came by airborne.

Isn't there such a sentence?The new official took office with three fires.

If it is the general manager who comes by air, after taking office, he will definitely find fault in order to establish prestige.

Take Mr. Jiang as an example. When Mr. Jiang came to Jingshi Culture, didn't he rectify the company's internal affairs, and fired a few people who were usually disobedient?

On the contrary, if they are promoted from within the company, everyone is familiar with each other, so even if they want to stand up, they are embarrassed to make trouble deliberately.

"Mr. Xu is very good, and his business ability is super strong. Since he came to our Jingshi Culture, various businesses have fully blossomed, and his performance is better than before." Wang Yunjie thought for a while and said.

"Yunjie, Yunjie, those are just superficial efforts. Although the company's business was really good last year, it was because our company is a subsidiary of Jingcheng TV Station. Everyone cooperates with him for the sake of Jingcheng TV station. If he didn't have the support of the TV station, would he be able to attract so much business? Hmph, it's absolutely impossible."

Liu Feng pursed his lips, with a look of disdain, as if I could do it myself.

Wang Yunjie frowned slightly, and she heard dissatisfaction and anger towards Mr. Xu from the other party's words.

This is strange, when the benefits were distributed during the Chinese New Year, the other party was quite happy and praised Mr. Xu for his wealth. Why did he suddenly change his face when he saw that Mr. Jiang was about to take over as the general manager?

Isn't this picking up the bowl to eat meat and putting down the bowl to scold your mother?

and many more!

This person has no objection to Mr. Jiang's transfer, but has such a big opinion on Mr. Xu's succession. Could it be that the other party is dissatisfied and also has ideas about the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture?

Wang Yunjie couldn't help but want to laugh, is it true that Lin Zida has all kinds of birds, a person in charge of functional departments, who is not proficient in marketing at all, and wants to become the general manager of the company?
It's just a fool's dream and overthinking one's abilities!
As a cultural communication company that focuses on marketing, even she is better than this person. At least she has made money for the company, even if it is not much, it is more than this person.

Wang Yunjie didn't speak any more. After hanging up her coat, she returned to sit behind the desk.

Now that the person in charge has changed and the company's situation is unstable, it's better to keep a low profile under such circumstances. Anyway, no matter who is chosen in the end, it has nothing to do with her. There is no need to speak ill of others behind their backs, and there is no need to offend them.

There is an old saying that goes well: a man is worthy of self-knowledge!
She knows how much she weighs.

Even if he was lucky enough to become the general manager, he still had to rely on Mr. Xu. Without Mr. Xu, the company's business would be impossible for anyone.

When Liu Feng saw that Wang Yunjie didn't make a statement, he became anxious. He said so much, but he didn't just let the other party listen.

"Yunjie, vice president Xu has only been in the company for one year, and he has been promoted from deputy general manager to general manager. Isn't this promotion too fast? You have been in the position of vice president for five years. I didn’t have you twice, so I will fight for you, at least the stage should consider the emotions of the old employees.” Liu Feng said dissatisfied.

It seems that he is fighting for others, but he is actually fighting for himself, because he has two years more in the position of vice president than Wang Yunjie's five years.

Seven years, he has been in the position of vice president for seven years.

"Maybe the leader thinks I'm not suitable. After all, the business I'm in charge of hasn't made much progress in the past few years." Wang Yunjie said flatly.

Her job is to deal with clients and the media, so how could she not hear the provocation in Liu Feng's words?

However, the more the other party is like this, the calmer she is, and it is absolutely impossible for her to be the first bird.

Her work performance is not very good, but that doesn't mean she's stupid.

Besides, most of her performance last year was taken advantage of by Mr. Xu. If she jumped out to oppose Mr. Xu at this time, wouldn't this year's business directly return to the previous one?
"You can't say that. The business you are in charge of is the most difficult in the whole company. It is normal to fail to achieve results. In fact, you have done a very good job." Liu Feng praised.

"Oh? Really?" Wang Yunjie raised her head, stared at Liu Feng and asked, "So, you support me as the general manager of the company?"


Liu Feng hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, that's right, I think either of us as the general manager is better than Vice President Xu. After all, you and I are both old employees of the company, and we don't treat the company more than him. Understood? Don't you think so?"

Wang Yunjie smiled. With this level of speaking, do you still want to be the general manager?Go dreaming.

"I'm very satisfied with my current position. What's so good about the general manager? Every year there is performance pressure. If I don't do well, I will be scolded. Whoever likes to be the one should be the one." Wang Yunjie said.

As far as her work performance in the past few years is concerned, it is already very good if she has not been transferred to an idle position.

Let others fight it.

Seeing Wang Yunjie's lying down attitude, Liu Feng was speechless.

Why is this woman not motivated at all?It's just a salty fish, don't women like to be jealous?

Liu Feng was very disappointed that he couldn't get a helper, and the smile on his face disappeared.

In his opinion, as long as he and Wang Yunjie stand together, it is not certain whether Xu can become the general manager, but now...

He can only do it himself.

"Forget that I didn't say anything, you are busy, I'm leaving,"

The words were not speculative, and Liu Feng finally said something indifferent, then turned and walked out.

"Mr. Liu, you are in such a hurry to leave. I will come and sit here when I have nothing to do." Wang Yunjie said deliberately loudly after hearing this, but when she left, a sneer appeared on her face.

stupid guy!

The transfer of work between Mr. Jiang and Mr. Xu must have been arranged by Taili. The deputy general manager of a small subsidiary company also wanted to fight against Taili's decision, and he didn't say how much he was.

In other words, if Liu Feng becomes the general manager of the company, she will be the first to refuse to accept it.

One thing on the surface, another thing on the back, there is definitely a problem with character.

Fortunately, she is not interested in the position of the general manager. Of course, the main reason is that she is not capable. If she really showed the attitude of wanting to compete for the general manager in front of Liu Feng just now, the other party would definitely stab her in the back.

There are no impervious walls in the world.

Although the city has not officially announced Jiang Hai's appointment, the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station has already known about it.

For a while, Jiang Hai's cell phone kept ringing, and countless people called to congratulate him.

The first one to call was Lu Hong.

"Old Jiang, I heard that you will take over the position of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou? Congratulations." After answering the phone, Lu Hong said directly, with a loud voice and a hearty smile.

To be honest, he was very happy.

Because the deputy editor-in-chief needs to cooperate with his work and also deliver programs for Beijing Satellite TV. With the relationship between the two of them, Lao Jiang will definitely not neglect, and even if there is any problem, the two can communicate effectively. If it were someone else, it would be hard to guarantee that they wouldn't be duplicity, obedience and defiance.

Of course, what made him most happy was that Lao Jiang finally left Beijing TV Culture. As a result, the other party was separated from Xiao Xu. In the future, he could contact Xiao Xu directly if he had any program needs, instead of going through a middleman.

Moreover, he can also sneak in at this time and gain Xiao Xu's trust, so he no longer has to worry about Beijing Satellite TV's programs in the future.

"The city hasn't announced it yet. Keep it low-key, low-key." Although Jiang Hai was happy in his heart, his mouth was extraordinarily humble.

"You don't need to announce it in the city. The whole station already knows it. Tell me, how can you thank me? I have said a lot of good things about you in front of the director. I told the director about the things you did in Beijing Television Culture. You You won't even forget these things, right?" Lu Hong asked.

Although he didn't believe that he could influence the director's decision, how could he miss such an opportunity to blackmail?

You know, the other party has cheated him of tea and wine a lot before, and it's time to see the money back.

"Thank you, thank you, I remember everything in my heart, and I will never forget it. After I switch back to the TV station, I will definitely provide you with some excellent TV programs..." Jiang Hai knew what Lao Lu wanted most, so he was unambiguous and directly Promise here.

As soon as Lu Hong heard it, he immediately smiled, "Okay, keep your word, I'll wait for you at the TV station."

"Thank you, thank you." Jiang Hai said again and again.

"Hey, are you Lao Jiang? When did you become so polite? This is not like you." Lu Hong joked.

In his impression, Lao Jiang was careless and rarely said thank you to him so politely. What happened today?It's like a different person.

Could it be that the position has changed, and the people have also changed?

"I'm still learning and improving," Jiang Hai said.

At the same time, I thought: When I go to the TV station, you will know that I have not changed.

"Ring bell bell!"

Before the call ended, another phone rang again.

He opened the drawer and looked at the incoming call. It was from the CEO of a company in the entertainment industry. No need to ask, he must have received the message and called to congratulate him.

If the entire TV station knows, then the entire entertainment circle will not be far away.

The first floor of Jingshi Culture.

"Hey, Xiaoying, have you heard? Mr. Jiang has been promoted." A male employee from the marketing department returned to the company from the outside, and immediately shared the news he heard outside with Zhao Xiaoying at the front desk, so as to To gain the favor of the other party.

"Did you give birth? I was told nonsense, Jiang is always a man, what's the matter?" Zhao Xiaoying gave the other party a blank look. This joke is a bit big. If Mr. Jiang hears it, why don't you just send him to clean the toilet?

"It's not the birth of a child, it's the promotion of a promotion. You don't know, Mr. Jiang is going to be promoted to the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing Radio and Television Station." The male employee said proudly, as if he was the one who was promoted .

"What?" Yang Xiuyan on the side immediately came over and said, "No wonder Mr. Jiang was so happy when he came back at noon. It turned out that he was promoted, which is easy to understand."

Zhao Xiaoying also nodded.

Being serious in the morning is because you are worried about the result, and being happy at noon is because you know the result.

"Mr. Jiang is really good. From the beginning of our Beijing TV culture, it seems that only Mr. Jiang has entered the top management of the TV station. The others either retreated to the second line or resigned to change jobs." Yang Xiuyan said with emotion.

Because of the work content, the person in charge of the subordinate company rarely enters the top management of the TV station. No matter how good the job is and how outstanding the performance is, it is already very good to be able to work in this position until retirement, like Mr. Jiang Those who can be promoted to deputy editor-in-chief have never been heard of in the system of Beijing TV Station anyway.

"Yes, but this also reflects the TV station's emphasis on our Jingshi culture from the side. Otherwise, why would he be promoted to President Jiang instead of the person in charge of other companies?" said the male employee.

"By the way, after Mr. Jiang leaves, who will replace him?" Yang Xiuyan asked curiously. As employees of Jingshi Culture, this should be their most concerned issue.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it." The actor shook his head.

"I think Mr. Xu is suitable. Since he came to our company, not only his performance has been increasing, but his bonus has also been increasing. I support Mr. Xu." Zhao Xiaoying expressed her opinion.

For migrant workers, they support whoever can lead them to get rich and whoever can show them real money.

As for the flatbread and chicken soup, I have already vomited.

"I agree, and Mr. Xu is handsome and has a good personality. He has no airs at all. Such a leader is hard to find with a lantern." Yang Xiuyan echoed.

"Xu is always nice, but there is one thing you have overlooked, that is, he is too young. He is the general manager of such a big company in his early thirties. You can't find a TV station in the whole country. Moreover, our company is developing so well now. , once Mr. Jiang leaves, there will definitely be many people staring at this position, Mr. Xu wants to take over, it is difficult." The male employee analyzed.

When Zhao Xiaoying heard it, she also felt that it made sense.

"Hmph, when our company was bad, no one was willing to take over this mess. Now that it's getting better, we're fighting again. What kind of bird people are these!" Yang Xiuyan said indignantly.

"Unfortunately, we are ordinary employees, and what we say doesn't count. It would be great if we could vote."

"Stop dreaming!"



(End of this chapter)

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