Chapter 1026 Thanks!

In the evening, Xu Jie came home from get off work, changed into more casual clothes, and then went to Boss Jiang's house with Su Yun.

This is the second time he has gone there. The last time Boss Jiang approached him to discuss going to Jingshi Culture to seek new development, it has been a year and a half.

In a person's entire life, although a year and a half is not long, it is enough to change a lot, work, life, and even destiny.

Xu Jieji's Mr. Jiang is not allowed to park in the community, so he can only look for a parking space outside.

At this time, it was the rush hour for off-duty, and both the road and the roadside were full of cars. He circled around the community several times but couldn't find a parking space. Finally, he saw someone driving away after eating at the entrance of a restaurant. Only then quickly saw the stitches and stopped in.

The restaurant was not far from the gate of the community, only about 200 meters away. Xu Jie and Su Yun walked together hand in hand. Not far away, they saw Boss Jiang standing outside the gate of the community, poking his head out to look at both sides of the street.

Probably because he changed his clothes and was wearing a hat and sunglasses. Boss Jiang had already looked towards him, but turned around and looked the other way as if he didn't see it.

Obviously, no recognition.

"Boss!" Xu Jie yelled, and then waved in Boss Jiang's direction.

With his current attire and the fact that it was getting darker, even if Lu met his mother, he might not be able to recognize him.

Jiang Hai turned his head happily when he heard it, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the person waving.

"Xiao Xu, isn't your package too tight? I didn't even recognize it." Jiang Hai looked at the woman beside Xu Jie and said with a smile: "Sister and sister, you are here too, welcome. "

He didn't recognize him just now. First, Xiao Xu only showed half of his face. Second, he didn't expect Xiao Xu to bring his wife along.

Xiao Xu's wife is a big star.

Of course, in front of him, no matter how big a celebrity is, it's just that celebrities are busy, especially big celebrities, even if their family members want to see them, they have to make an appointment in advance, so he was surprised and very happy that Su Yun could come.

"Editor Jiang, thank you for taking care of my Xu Jie." Su Yun took off her sunglasses to show courtesy.

"They're all on my own, so why not be polite, besides, Xiao Xu also helped me a lot, and this is not a TV station, don't call me my position, just call me Brother Jiang." Jiang Hai said with a smile, and then pointed to the community The door, said enthusiastically: "Come on, it's cold outside, let's talk at home."

The three of them entered the community and soon arrived at the unit building.

The elevator rose slowly and stopped after a few seconds.

Jiang Hai opened the door and said loudly, "Honey, Xiao Xu and Xiao Su are here."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps in the house, and then a woman wearing an apron came over, with a bit of surprise on her face, it was Jiang Hai's wife Feng Lin.

"Xiao Xu, please come in quickly. You haven't been here for a long time. This is Su Yun's brother and sister, she looks much prettier than on TV." Feng Lin said with a smile on her face.

Her husband was successfully promoted to deputy editor-in-chief of the TV station. Could she be unhappy?
She left the station before closing time and spent hours preparing for tonight's meal.

And this meal also has two meanings, one is to celebrate her husband's promotion, and the other is to thank Xiao Xu.

"Thank you sister-in-law for the compliment. I don't know what my sister-in-law likes. A small gift is not a compliment." Su Yun said while handing over the shopping bag in her hand.

Inside is a bottle of red wine and a complete set of skin care products.

"Brother and sister, you are too polite, come as soon as you come, what else do you bring, don't allow it next time." Feng Lin took the shopping bag, pulled Su Yun and walked to the living room.


At this time, there was a sudden sound of opening the door, and then a girl in her seventeens and nineties, full of energy, rushed out of a room.

"Su Yun? Mom, why did I hear someone say Su Yun's name?" After the girl asked, she accidentally saw the guests standing in the living room, and she froze in place with a dull expression on her face.

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Su, this is my daughter Jiang Ailin." Jiang Hai took the initiative to introduce.


As soon as Xu Jie opened his mouth, the girl suddenly yelled.

"Oh my god, Su Yun? Old Xu? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Jiang Ailin rubbed her eyes a few times with her hands, and after making sure she wasn't blind, she suddenly ran back to the room.

Xu Jie looked a little confused, thinking: What's wrong with this child?
On the other hand, Jiang Hai and Feng Lin were also embarrassed.

"By the way, Xiao Su, my daughter is still your fan. She can sing almost all your songs, and she will watch every movie you have starred in in recent years." Feng Lin said, wanting to use this To ease the awkward atmosphere.

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, her daughter ran out of the room in a hurry, this time holding a poster and a pen in her hand, stopped in front of Su Yun, and asked nervously: "Sister Su Yun , can you sign it for me?"

After speaking, he displayed the poster, and the character on it was Su Yun.

"I'm inferior, call me Auntie." Jiang Hai corrected.

His name is Su Yun's brother and sister, and his daughter's name is Su Yun's sister. Isn't this a mess?
"Auntie? Dad, are you kidding me internationally?" Jiang Ailin said after hearing this.

In her opinion, aunts are all from the generation of parents and at least 30 or [-] years old, and Su Yun is only a little over [-], and she is so beautiful, how can she be called aunt?Can't call out at all.

"Who is joking with you? Don't be too big or small." Jiang Hai pretended to be angry and said, but there was an unbearable doting in his eyes.

"Brother Jiang, it's okay, let's talk about it separately." Su Yun said indifferently.

In fact, she cared very much, she cared about others calling her auntie, if it was a child of a certain age calling her auntie, it would be fine, but it was a bit unacceptable for a teenage girl to call her auntie.

"Yes, it's different." When Jiang Ailin saw her idol speak for her, a bright smile appeared on her face, and she was even a little smug.

The corner of Jiang Hai's mouth twitched, his face full of helplessness.

Su Yun took the poster at this time, wrote her name on the lower right corner, returned it, and said with a smile, "Here you are, little beauty."

"Thank you, Sister Su Yun." Jiang Ailin looked at the name on the poster, her eyes sparkled with excitement, then she looked at Su Yun again, and asked nervously, "Can I take a photo with you and Lao Xu?" ?”

"What old Xu, is your name old Xu? Uncle!" Jiang Hai scolded with wide eyes. If he had known this, he should have sent the child to her grandma's house tonight.

"Don't boss, it's inappropriate for me to be called uncle at such a young age. I should call you brother. I don't think I'm young." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and then looked at Boss Jiang's daughter, "Come on, Let’s take a picture together.”

Jiang Ailin happily handed the phone to her mother, then stood between Xu Jie and Su Yun, smiling at the camera, a little shy in excitement.

Fans are like this in front of idols.

After Feng Lin took the photo, she returned the phone to her daughter and said, "I signed my name and took a photo. Should I go back to my room to study?"

"Mom, I'll stay here for a few more minutes to chat with Lao Xu and Sister Su Yun, as a landlord, otherwise if it gets out, people who don't know will think I'm not polite." Jiang Ailin said solemnly.

"Go, go, study quickly, don't forget that you have more than 100 days to take the college entrance examination!" Feng Lin said.


Jiang Ailin was speechless and left with her head down.

"Xiao Xu, brothers and sisters, I'm used to this kid, he's not big or young, don't mind." Jiang Hai said embarrassingly.

"It's pretty good. Unlike me back then, I didn't dare to leave the house when there were people in the house." Xu Jie said.

"Really? I really didn't see it." Jiang Hai was a little surprised. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the other party should have been an extroverted person when he was a child.

"The food is ready, let's eat and chat while eating." Feng Lin pulled Su Yun after finishing speaking.

"Where's the little beauty? Tell her to come out for dinner?" Su Yun looked towards Jiang Ailin's room.

"She has already eaten after school, don't worry about her, let's eat ours."


When the four of them came to the restaurant, the food had already been set up. There were ten dishes in total, ranging from hot to cold. They looked very sumptuous. Although they were not as fancy and delicate as hotel meals, home-cooked dishes were the most comforting to the hearts of ordinary people.

There was a bottle of wine on the table. Xu Jie picked it up and was about to pour it for Boss Jiang, but the other party snatched it away.

"Don't move, sit down, I'll pour it for you." Jiang Hai said.

"Come on, boss, isn't today celebrating your promotion to deputy editor-in-chief? How can I ask you to pour me wine." Xu Jie stood up, reaching out to snatch it back.

"Wrong, tonight's meal is not to celebrate my becoming the deputy editor-in-chief." Jiang Hai blocked Xu Jie with one hand, and poured wine into the glass in front of Xu Jie with the bottle in the other hand.

Feng Lin who was on the side also said: "Xiao Xu, sit down. When you get here, it's like going back to your own home. Don't be so polite. Besides, Brother Jiang is happy today, so let him pour you a glass of wine. If you don't let him pour it, Then I'll do it."

As soon as Xu Jie heard this, he stopped arguing and sat down obediently.

After pouring the wine, Jiang Hai picked up the wine glass, looked at Xu Jie and Su Yun and said, "First of all, you are welcome to come, and I hope you will come often in the future..."

Thinking of leaving Beijing Television Culture and Xiao Xu in the future, he suddenly felt lost and sad.

With Xiao Xu around, he has the confidence to do anything. If Xiao Xu is not around, he always feels lost.

In his eyes, Xiao Xu is no longer his subordinate, but has risen to a close friend, brother, and year-end friend, so he sincerely hopes that even if the two of them do not work in the same place in the future, they can still communicate frequently.

So for the first glass of wine, he didn't mention the promotion, nor did he mention the hard work of the other party.

"Come on, cheers!"

The four wine glasses collided together, making a crisp sound.

Xu Jie saw Boss Jiang doing it straight away, so he drank up the wine in the cup himself, while Su Yun and Feng Lin didn't drink all of it, but they also took a big gulp.

At this time, Jiang Hai poured wine for Xu Jie and himself again, and this time it was finally the topic.

"Xiao Xu, thank you for being busy with my affairs these days. Without you, I, Jiang Hai, would not be able to be the deputy editor-in-chief this time. In fact, I have to thank not only these days, but also this year. Over the years you have contributed to Jingshi Culture, and others have attributed the credit to me when they see Jingshi Culture's performance, but I know best that Jingshi Culture can have what it is today because of you..."

"Boss." Xu Jie interrupted Boss Jiang at this time, "the old saying is good: the train runs fast, it all depends on the headband, if you don't take me with you, I won't be where I am now, let alone There will be today’s Beijing TV culture.”

"Xiao Xu, there are no outsiders here, so don't be modest. Which one of us doesn't know who? Which of the company's performance is not made by you?" Jiang Hai said seriously.

"You can't say that. Why did the four masters and apprentices in Journey to the West succeed in learning from the scriptures? Did they rely on Monkey King? No, relying on Monkey King, they went directly to Huaguo Mountain; was it Zhu Bajie? No, relying on Zhu Bajie. Gao Laozhuang would not be able to get out; relying on Sha Wujing? Not to mention, Sha Wujing listened to this and that, and had no idea at all, so the key to success in learning scriptures is Tang Seng, without Tang Seng as the backbone, without Tang Seng's grasp Direction, other people don’t talk about Xitian, they can’t even reach the West Fourth Ring Road, do you think it makes sense?” Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang.

"I, I..." Jiang Hai talked for a long time without saying anything, and finally raised his glass, "I can't say enough to you, but thank you anyway!" After speaking, he drank not a drop.

When Xu Jie saw it, he didn't hesitate, and drank all the wine in the glass in one go.

Last year, he drank and went to the hospital, which gave him a new understanding of his drinking capacity. Two drinks were nothing to him at all.

Of course, it was an occasion like today, and the situation was special, but he would not drink it in another place.

Jiang Hai wanted to pour wine, but this time he was stopped by Feng Lin who was on the side.

"Lao Jiang, don't just drink, let Xiao Xu and Xiao Su eat some food."

After speaking, he kicked his husband under the dining table.

She heard from her husband that Xiao Xu went to the hospital after drinking alcohol. What is the difference between drinking now and then?
Although I'm very happy today, I still have to drink moderately. If the drink is good or bad again, won't the city hold a meeting to discuss the candidate for the deputy editor-in-chief after knowing it?
She did this not only for the good of Xiao Xu, but also for the good of her husband. After all, age is here, and she can no longer drink one cup after another like when she was young.

Although Jiang Hai was excited, he remained sober and understood his wife's meaning at a glance, so he put down the wine bottle, pointed to the food on the table and said, "Xiao Xu, younger brothers and sisters, eat vegetables, let's see how your sister-in-law is doing Sample."

"Xiao Xu, you have eaten my dishes, let's see if my skills have improved after such a long time." Feng Lin looked at Su Yun again, and said enthusiastically: "Xiao Su, this is the first time you have eaten Come on, try it out, and give me a comment, I heard that your craftsmanship is very good, and you often delivered meals to Xiao Xu for a while, so we can discuss it."

Men chat with men, and women have to chat with women. This is also a way to get closer to each other and enhance mutual affection.

And sometimes, women talk to women, the effect will be better.

It's called lady diplomacy.


(End of this chapter)

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