Chapter 1027 exposed!
"Boss, you thanked me just now, and I want to thank you too." After eating for a while, Xu Jie put down his chopsticks, and not only poured wine for Boss Jiang, but also took the initiative to hold the cup.

Although the two meet every day, most of the conversations are about work, even outside the company, most of the conversations are related to work.

The two of them seldom talk about topics like gratitude, and thank you usually requires an atmosphere to drive it. Once the atmosphere arrives, the true feelings will be revealed.

"No, don't thank me, I didn't help you with anything." Jiang Hai said while waving his hands, as if he had already guessed what the other party was about to say.

"Why didn't you help? You gave me the opportunity and the platform you gave me. If it weren't for you, I would probably still be answering hotline calls in the life program center." Xu Jie said seriously.

When he was suppressed by Li Donglai in the life program center, it was Boss Jiang who brought him to the art program center and gave him the opportunity to create programs independently, which led to the later "Delicious History". , is not something that can be answered in a few simple words.

"Exaggerated, haven't you heard a word? Gold always shines." Jiang Hai said, he knew that the other party would definitely mention this matter.

Speaking of which, it was Qin Yan who strongly recommended Xu Jie to him at the beginning, so he asked him to go to the art program center. At that time, he only thought that the other party was Su Yun's husband, and there must be a lot of news on him, but he didn't expect it to be a treasure. It was an accident, so he felt worthy of the other party's thanks.

"That's not necessarily the case. I put the gold in the box and never take it out. How can he shine? The premise of his glow is that someone has picked him out." Xu Jie retorted.

"You, I really can't say no to you!" Jiang Hai shook his head with a wry smile, then picked up the wine glass and touched it with the other's.

But this is because he likes Xiao Xu and knows how to be grateful.

"By the way!" Jiang Hai put down his wine glass, looked at Xu Jie solemnly and said, "Recently, you have to pay attention to it. Once I leave, the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture will be vacated. Now Jingshi Culture's performance is so good. , There must be a lot of people watching, although I recommended you to the director, but I can't guarantee that the director will arrange you in that position, there will always be many people fighting for the job, you know."

"Understood." Xu Jie nodded.

If he fights for performance, he will definitely be fine, but if he fights for relationships, contacts, and backstage, he, a rising star, is really not as good as those old fritters on stage.

"Lao Jiang, the candidate for the general manager of Jingshi Culture was decided by the top management of the TV station. You are also one of them now. Don't forget to say a few words for Xiao Xu when the time comes." Feng Lin reminded.

"Of course!" Jiang Hai said after hearing his wife's words: "I have to persuade other high-level officials to support Xiao Xu, and I will definitely not let other people pick peaches."

In the past, Jingshi Culture was just a peach pit. Even if you threw it on the road, some people would think it was a peach pit. But now it is different. Under Xiao Xu’s careful care, the peach pit has grown into a peach tree. It was full of fruits, how could he allow others to pick off the peaches that originally belonged to Xiao Xu at this time?
"Boss, there's no need for that. If Taili thinks I'm suitable, he will naturally let me take over your class. If Taili thinks other people are more suitable, you don't have to offend others for me." Xu Jie said lightly.

It's not that he doesn't care about the position of general manager, but as a worker, when he can't win the favor of the leader and can't change the leader's mind, it's better to accept the reality and then think about countermeasures.

Whoever becomes the general manager of Jingshi Culture will be responsible for Jingshi Culture's performance.

If he is, he will be responsible, if others are, he will hold others accountable.

Want to pick peaches?

You have to be able to climb trees.

"Xiao Xu, what do you mean by that? Do you look down on me?" Jiang Hai frowned directly, and said loudly: "Let's not talk about other things, just the general manager of Jingshi Culture. If I don't If you argue hard, am I still a human?”

If he was the director of the Arts and Programs Center, he would definitely be worried about offending the station's leaders, but he is now the deputy editor-in-chief. Except for the station director, everyone else is at the same level as him, so what is there to worry about?

"Xiao Xu, I know you are also thinking about Brother Jiang, don't worry, he knows." Feng Lin looked at Xu Jie and said, "If the director wants to appoint someone, even if other people disagree in their hearts, they don't have the guts to say Come out, but if other deputy directors or deputy editor-in-chiefs want to nominate others, Lao Jiang will definitely not stand idly by."

"That's right." Jiang Hai said.

He felt that his wife's explanation was very important. If the director insisted on appointing someone to be the general manager of Jingshi Culture, even if he had the courage, he would not dare to argue with the director.

"Okay, then I will thank the boss in advance." Xu Jie said with a smile.

The four of them kept chatting until ten o'clock in the evening. If they didn't have to go to work tomorrow, it would be fine to chat for a few more hours.

Because of drinking, Xu Jie didn't drive. Su Yun called the driver, Lao Zhou, and drove them home.

"Husband, do you really care about the position of general manager?" After the car drove for a while, Su Yun looked at Xu Jie curiously and asked.

As a wife, she naturally hopes that her husband can improve his career to a higher level, but when she was at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Jiang's house just now, she felt that her husband didn't seem to care much about the general manager.

You must know that in her heart, her husband has always been a very ambitious person.

"How is it possible!" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this, and then stretched out his hand to hold his wife in his arms.

"Then what did you just..."

"Boss Jiang has just become the deputy editor-in-chief, and his foundation is still not stable. Not to mention the leaders in the station, just take the departments he will be in charge of in the future. Those who compete with him for deputy editor-in-chief must be feeling very uncomfortable right now, and even if they don’t find fault with Boss Jiang, they will probably be passive and sabotage for a while, I don’t want to cause trouble for Boss Jiang at this time.”


Su Yun finally understood now, but a new question popped up in her mind: "Jiang Hai is now the deputy editor-in-chief, and the department head dares to fight against him? Aren't they afraid that the top-ranking officials crush people to death?"

"What are you afraid of? Not being able to produce new and good programs is not a crime, even if you will be scolded, so what? At the level of director of the program center, if you don't make a big mistake, you won't be easily taken down." Xu Jay said.

Su Yun thought for a while, it seemed that was the case, and then asked: "Then do you think you have the hope to become the general manager?"

"I hope there must be, but the current Beijing TV culture is a piece of fat, and there are quite a few people staring at it." Xu Jie squinted his eyes and thought about all the people on the stage who might be parachuted.

"Do we need to find someone?" Su Yun asked in a low voice.

"That's not necessary." Xu Jie said with a smile while stroking his wife's long hair: "Although Jingshi Culture is a piece of fat, it's not something everyone can eat. I'm not bragging to you. The current JingTV Culture can’t do without me.”

"Oh? So, if you don't become the general manager, you plan to be passive and sabotage your work? Are you not afraid that the new official will be the first to be fired on your head?" Su Yun asked.

"Pay attention to the lectures. Didn't I say it just now? It's not a crime not to produce new and good programs. Can he still fire me? Hmph, he's not qualified."


the next day.

When Xu Jie came to the company, the matter of Boss Jiang had already been settled, and he was about to devote all his energy to the creation of the script.

As for the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture, he felt that there was no need to devote too much energy.

If it was him, everything would be business as usual, leading all the employees of the company to continue eating and drinking spicy food. If it wasn't for him, whoever came would be left with nothing to eat.

Whoever loves to create scripts will create them.

For programs, whoever loves to direct will direct.

Movies, whoever loves to make them can make them.

The cooperation failed, the ratings dropped, and the box office was dismal. What does it have to do with him?Anyway, when Boss Jiang was in office, everything was fine.

Near noon, Xu Jie was about to go out for dinner when there was a knock on the door.

The door was ajar, and before he could open his mouth, the door was pushed open from the outside.

"Xiao Xu!"

Jiang Hai couldn't wait to walk into Xu Jie's office, and said excitedly: "I went to the station just now, and the appointment has been made, and I will go to work at the TV station tomorrow."

"So fast? Boss, congratulations." Xu Jie was a little surprised. The appointment was made today for what was decided just yesterday, which is really efficient.

"Haha!" Jiang Hai laughed loudly, and his laughter was full of complacency.

Only the city made a decision yesterday, and he is not yet the deputy editor-in-chief, but from the moment the appointment is made today, he has officially become the deputy editor-in-chief.

If you don't want to be happy too early yesterday, then you can be happy now and laugh how you want.

"Let's go out to eat." Jiang Hai walked out with his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders, and suddenly sighed after a while, "After today, there will be fewer opportunities for us to eat together in the future."

Xu Jie felt awkward when he heard it, and felt like eating less than one meal.

"Boss, it's okay. From now on, I'll go to the TV station every day for dinner." Xu Jie said jokingly.

"Okay, then it's settled." Jiang Hai took it seriously.

"Ring bell bell!"

Just as the two walked out of the company gate, the phone in Jiang Hai's pocket rang suddenly, and when he saw the name on the caller ID, he couldn't help laughing immediately.

"It's Lao Lu!" Jiang Hai said to Xu Jie. It must be congratulations to call at this time, so after answering the phone, he said, "Lao Lu, what's the matter? Is it... what?"

Jiang Hai stopped suddenly, and the smile on his face froze instantly.

Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang strangely, what's wrong?What did Editor-in-Chief Lu say on the phone?Could it be that Boss Jiang's appointment has been cancelled?It seems unlikely.

The expression on Jiang Hai's face became more and more serious, and his eyebrows frowned, as if something bad had happened. After a while, he said: "I see, I will ask him."

call ended.

Jiang Hai put away his mobile phone, faced Xu Jie, and was about to speak when he suddenly saw a company employee passing by. He turned his head and looked around, swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and then pulled Xu Jie to the parking lot quickly. in the direction of the field.


The door is closed.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

What is so serious?
Could it be that another deputy editor-in-chief has a physical problem?
Or, the general manager of Jingshi Culture has already been confirmed, but it's a pity it's not him?
"Xiao Xu, I want to ask you something, and you must answer me truthfully!" Jiang Hai turned sideways and looked at Xu Jie seriously, "Does your brother-in-law have a company called Outstanding Film and Television Culture Company, which also invested in our company?" movies and TV shows?"

Xu Jie's heart tightened, thinking of Boss Jiang's phone call with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu just now, did the station already know about it?
If you know it, you will know it!
"um, yes."

Xu Jie nodded calmly, without denying it.

It's useless to deny this kind of thing, and you can find it out once you check it.

When Jiang Hai heard it, his whole body seemed to be deflated, and his straight waist collapsed in an instant.

Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang strangely, and asked, "Boss, what's the matter? Did this matter affect you? Do you need me to go to Taiwan or the city to explain?"

Jiang Hai shook his head and said anxiously: "It didn't affect me, but it affected yourself. Guess what Lao Lu said on the phone just now? He said that Deputy Director Liu and Deputy Director Chen had just received a letter Report letter, reporting that you abused your power, favoritism and corruption, deliberately cooperated with brother-in-law's company on some film and television projects, and transferred the benefits that originally belonged to the company to your family..."


Xu Jie was startled.

Report letter?
Someone report him?
It's a coincidence to report at this time if you don't report it sooner or later.

The corners of Xu Jie's mouth turned up, and he couldn't help laughing.

He had thought that there would be someone who would make a black hand and shoot back, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

This is clearly aimed at the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture.

Jiang Hai, who was still relaying the content of the phone call, was stunned when he saw Xu Jie smile.

"Xiao Xu, what are you laughing at? It's clear that someone doesn't want you to be the general manager of Jingshi Culture. Tell me the truth, have you deliberately sent benefits to your brother-in-law's company?" Jiang Hai asked nervously.

In fact, this is not a big deal. This kind of thing is too common in TV stations, but as long as it is reasonable, the leaders above will usually turn a blind eye.

What I am afraid of is that it is unreasonable, and the company has suffered huge losses, especially if the amount is huge.

"No!" Xu Jie replied affirmatively.

"Really? Then I can rest assured." Jiang Hai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"In fact, this outstanding film and television culture company belongs to me. I asked my brother-in-law to register, and I also mean to cooperate with the company." Xu Jie said.

"How much did you earn?" Jiang Hai prayed secretly after asking, hoping that there was not much.

"It's not much, maybe tens of millions." Xu Jie replied.


Jiang Hai was stunned by Xu Jie's confession.

tens of millions?
Now it's troublesome!

(End of this chapter)

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