Inside the noodle shop.

Xu Jie ate the noodles with big mouthfuls. The chewy noodles were covered with oily braised sauce, and they tasted just right with a salty aroma.

"Boss, eat noodles. If you don't eat noodles, you'll be lumpy." Xu Jie reminded Boss Jiang who was sitting opposite him while eating.

Ever since the other party heard that he had made tens of millions of profits from the company's project, he looked depressed. It had been 3 minutes since the braised beef noodles arrived, and the other party not only didn't eat a single bite, he didn't even move his chopsticks.

"Boss, do you have a brother-in-law?" Xu Jie asked suddenly.

"There is no brother-in-law, but there is a brother-in-law, what's wrong?" Jiang Hai asked after hearing it.

"Let your uncle register a film and television culture company, and I will bring him in before the next film and television drama production." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai was stunned. Is this pulling people to make film and television dramas, or pulling people into the water?
In fact, he was not angry at Xiao Xu for making money and not taking him. He has a company outside, and Lao Lu also has a company outside, but everyone did it very covertly. Only Xiao Xu did it too obviously, and it was too easy to check. , doesn't this give people a handle?

This kind of thing is usually nothing, but when it comes to the critical moment, it is very likely to kill people and careers.

"Xiao Xu, when are you still in the mood to joke? I guess the station is investigating right now, otherwise it wouldn't have spread to Lao Lu. Let's think of a way to deal with it quickly." Jiang Hai said anxiously , My throat hurts a little from getting angry for Xiao Xu.

No matter what the facts were, he didn't want anything to happen to Xiao Xu.

"The way to deal with it? What way? Isn't it good to tell the truth?" Xu Jie asked.


Jiang Hai stared blankly at Xiao Xu's innocent appearance, and was speechless.

It's not impossible to talk about this kind of thing. After all, things have already happened and have been reported. It's definitely not okay not to talk about it, but it must be said with discretion.

Some seemingly bad things, as long as you can find a good reason, maybe you can get forgiveness.

Xiao Xu usually looks very shrewd and can speak, but how come he becomes confused when it comes to important moments?

Could it be that the family has money, so they don't take tens of millions seriously?
"How about this, Xiao Xu, when the stage asks you for questioning, don't say that you let him register your brother-in-law's company, just say that you don't know that company belongs to your brother-in-law, by the way, hurry up and give it to your brother-in-law Call and talk to him," Jiang Hai urged.

Seeing that the other party was indifferent, he was a little naive to be honest, so he could only think of a way for the other party.

"Boss, do you think this reason is credible?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Where is this reason convincing people?

It's simply deceiving yourself and others.

If he answered that to Deputy Director Liu, who was in charge of discipline inspection, the other party would either think he was mentally retarded, or they would think he was mentally retarded.

"Don't laugh, as long as you persist, even if the TV station knows what's going on, they can't do anything to you." Jiang Hai also knew that the reason he thought of was not perfect, but it was better than telling the truth.

"Boss, my brother-in-law has come to Jingshi Culture to sign the contract, and his name is still on the contract. Do you think the Taiwan leaders will believe it?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.


Jiang Hai opened his mouth, but this time he didn't say a word.


The person in charge of the project is Xiao Xu, and the name of Xiao Xu's brother-in-law is on the contract. Who can believe it?

Being stubborn depends on the situation.

If there is no evidence, it is natural to be stubborn, but if the evidence is overwhelming, it is recalcitrant, which is tantamount to courting death.

Isn't there such a sentence?Confessions are lenient, and resistance is strict.

From this point of view, Xiao Xu was right, to be frank, to be frank.

"Xiao Xu, don't worry, I will go with you when the time comes." Jiang Hai gritted his teeth and said.

"Boss, don't go. If you go, won't you be troubled?" Xu Jie said while shaking his head.

As the general manager of Jingshi Culture, if the other party didn't know, it would be an oversight at most, but if he spoke for him, it would be a crime of covering up.

What he knew was that the two had a good relationship, but those who didn't know would definitely think that Boss Jiang had something to do with it.

"Am I the one who is afraid of being implicated? Without you, I wouldn't be the deputy editor-in-chief. At worst, I will be demoted back and continue to be the general manager." Jiang Hai said after hearing this.

For him, the position of deputy editor-in-chief is important, but the relationship with Xu Jie is even more important.

"Don't be boss, I know you are for me, I appreciate it, but we have won the position of deputy editor-in-chief with great difficulty, how can we come down immediately? If you come down, wouldn't our previous efforts be in vain? Is it in vain?" Xu Jie was worried that Boss Jiang would be impulsive, so he said indifferently: "Boss, don't worry, I know about this matter, and the stage will not do anything to me."

"Stop comforting me." Jiang Hai sighed deeply after speaking, he didn't expect that he would be unable to protect Xiao Xu after becoming the deputy editor-in-chief.

"Who comforted you? Besides, do you think I seem to be worried about this? People who are worried, can they eat such a big bowl of noodles with a plate of braised beef?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"You turned worry into appetite." Jiang Hai firmly did not believe that the other party was not worried at all.

"I'm full and ready to fight." Xu Jie put a piece of beef in his mouth, and then said: "What if the stage finds that I have committed a major violation? The worst result is that I Expelled from Beijing TV Station, do you think I will do better or worse if I leave Beijing TV Station?"

"Of course it's better." Jiang Hai said.

He has always felt that Xiao Xu's development is restricted by his status as an employee of Beijing TV Station. Otherwise, with the strength of the other party, directing, acting, and writing plays, which one is not a source of wealth?
If the other party leaves the capital TV station and enters the entertainment circle, he will really be at home.

"That's right, it's better to mix well, why are you worried about me?" Xu Jie began to imagine the life after leaving Beijing TV Station, "When I leave Beijing TV Station, I can justifiably become the boss of an outstanding film and television culture company. At that time, I specialized in variety shows, and the stand leaders would not ask me to cooperate."


Jiang Hai was stunned, and couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene Xiao Xu had painted.

Yes, when the time comes, will Beijing Satellite TV buy Xiao Xu's variety show?

Not buying?

Xiao Xu's variety show is a guarantee of ratings. If Beijing Satellite TV does not buy it, other satellite TVs will rush to buy it.

How can you be ashamed to buy someone else's program after you just fired him?

Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Xu, and it turned out that talented people can really do whatever they want.

After lunch, the two returned to the company.

However, as soon as I walked in the gate, I saw a group of people gathered at the front desk. Everyone formed a circle, three floors inside and three floors outside, and what they were talking about was very exciting.

At this time, whoever said, "Mr. Xu is back", everyone turned around and looked at the gate in unison, all nervous and worried.

Jiang Hai was so preoccupied that he didn't have time to pay attention to it, but Xu Jie was very interested. He looked at the crowd and asked, "Why are there so many people talking? Is there another artist who is about to enter the game?"

After everyone heard it, their expressions became more complicated.

Wang Wen, director of the film department, hesitated for a while, but finally stood up and asked concerned: "Mr. Xu, is this true?"

"Things? I don't even know what you're talking about, so how do I know it's true?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"That's right, it's about you abusing your power, infringing on the company's interests, and cooperating with your relatives in violation of regulations." Wang Wen said bravely.

Since this matter is just a rumor, and she is not sure whether it is true or not, she also needs courage when she asks it out. Those who know are caring, and those who don't know think they are cursing someone.

Jiang Hai, who was about to go back to the office, suddenly stopped and reprimanded with a serious expression: "Don't talk nonsense, it's all about nothing, don't listen to the wind and rain, go back to work quickly."

Although he said so, his mood fell to the bottom at this moment. Even the employees of the company knew about it. One can imagine how big this incident was.

You should know that under normal circumstances, reporting such things is very confidential and will not be leaked easily.

If the story spreads all over the city and everyone in the stage knows, then there is only one possibility. The stage has already launched an investigation, and there is a high probability that it has been confirmed.

so fast!
Jiang Hai was amazed in his heart.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not difficult to investigate this matter, as long as you get the cooperation agreement and investigate whether the general manager of the outstanding film and television culture company is Xiao Xu's brother-in-law.

Everyone heard Mr. Jiang's words, no, they heard Jiang's deputy editor-in-chief's words. Some people left, but some did not.

Those who did not leave were not because Deputy Editor-in-Chief Jiang was no longer the CEO of the company and did not listen to him, but because they cared more about Mr. Xu's situation.

Whether Xu is always good or bad, whether to go or stay, will directly affect the future of the company and their future.

"You all know?" Xu Jie was also a little surprised.

It's really good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.


In order to win the position of the general manager, the person who reported him will definitely spread his story everywhere. In this way, even if the insiders want to cover the cover, they will not be able to remove it.

"En." Wang Wen nodded, and the others followed suit, looking at Mr. Xu expectantly, hoping that the rumors were not true.

"If it wasn't intentional embellishment, it should be true." Xu Jie said with a smile.

For a moment, everyone in the hall was stunned.

When everyone was discussing together just now, they all felt that this matter was spreading rumors, and they all fought for Mr. Xu. What happened?The person concerned has now admitted it himself.

To say that slaps in the face are light is to give each of them a hard punch.

"Mr. Xu, you..." Lu Zhihong opened his mouth, but he still couldn't get the words out.

He originally wanted to ask why you did this, but immediately thought it was nonsense.

Of course it's for money.

"Don't think about it, the matter has not yet been determined, and it is still unknown what will happen in the end." Jiang Hai was worried that Xiao Xu would lose his support, so he stood up and said solemnly: "You should be very clear about what kind of person Mr. Xu is. The matter itself is a conspiracy, some people deliberately used deceitful methods to prevent Mr. Xu from becoming the general manager, you must not be fooled, just follow Mr. Xu in the future."

Everyone looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Jiang, framing him, that was a conspiracy, and now that President Xu has admitted it, what kind of conspiracy is this?At best it is called exposing.

"Don't worry, everyone. Continue with the previous work. Let's not say that I am fine now. Even if I have something to do, the earth will turn around without me. Doing a good job is the first priority." Xu Jie said calmly, looking Not affected by the report at all.

When everyone heard Mr. Jiang's words, they became anxious immediately, because everyone knew that without Mr. Xu, although the earth would continue to rotate, Beijing Television Culture would not be able to.

Isn't it all thanks to Mr. Xu that Beijing Television Culture can have such a big change in just one and a half years?
"Mr. Xu, how about we jointly intercede for you in Taiwan?" Wang Wen asked.

"Yes, joint name!"

"Just do it!"

Others followed suit.

They don't know that Mr. Xu has not abused his power. They only know that Mr. Xu has brought them jobs, bonuses, and a sense of accomplishment.

For your own gain?

In their view, this is not a big deal at all.

These days, who does things not for themselves?

It doesn't matter if you seek profit for yourself, as long as you can think about the big guys, this is called leading everyone to get rich together.

Like those leaders in rural areas promoted on TV, while enriching the villagers, didn’t they also enrich themselves?I haven't seen any leader who gets rich with nothing but walls.

Thinking about it from another angle, if the leaders can't get money, how can they lead everyone to make money together?
"No, this matter has nothing to do with you, so don't make a fuss." Xu Jie said loudly, suppressing the voices of others.

"But, but if Mr. Xu leaves, what shall we do?" Zhang Qize asked anxiously.

Take his performance department as an example. The reason why China TV cooperated with Jingshi Culture is entirely for Mr. Xu. If Mr. Xu leaves, will their performance department be able to cooperate with China TV in the future?
"Mr. Xu, if you leave, I will also resign and go to your brother-in-law's company to apply for a job." Qian Cheng from the creative department said.

"I am coming too!"

"Add me one!"


Xu Jie waved his hand, and waited for everyone to calm down before saying, "That's all right, all right, stop arguing, my brother-in-law's company is just an empty shell, even if you go to apply for a job, he won't use you."

Jiang Hai quickly bumped Xiao Xu with his elbow, how could he talk about things like shell companies casually?In this way, don't others know that my brother-in-law is actually just a cover?
"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Xu Jie's cell phone rang suddenly. He took out his cell phone and looked at the caller ID, and then connected the call in public.

"Master Liu, hello!"

In an instant, the hall became completely silent.

Everyone knows that there is only one director of Beijing TV Station surnamed Liu, and that is the deputy director Liu Shengmao who is in charge of discipline inspection.

Now Mr. Liu's call has reached Mr. Xu, which is obviously not a good thing.

"Well, okay, I see, I'll go right away." Xu Jie said a few words briefly, then hung up the phone, turned to look at Boss Jiang with a nervous face, and said, "Boss, I'll go to Liu Explain the situation to the deputy director, and I'll be back in a while."

Jiang Hai's face was tense, what should come is still here.

It's okay to explain the situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back after a while.

"Be careful, something is pushed on me." Jiang Hai instructed.

Xu Jie smiled, turned and walked out of the company without saying anything.

Everyone looked at Mr. Xu's back, feeling extremely depressed. They didn't know whether Mr. Xu would be able to come back after leaving!


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