The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1029 The Three Trials

Chapter 1029 The Three Trials
Xu Jie drove to Beijing TV Station, and as soon as he entered the door, he found someone pointing at him.

As a celebrity in the station, he is highly recognizable. Whether it is an old employee or a newcomer, basically there is no one who does not know him.

Although Xu Jie didn't hear what these people were saying, he could roughly guess it, so he wasn't surprised. After all, it had already been reported to JingTV Culture, and it was normal for the TV station to know about it.

He was just curious, who reported him, and who spread the news all over the city, ruining his reputation.

He walked straight to the elevator with a calm and composed face. Even though he was called in for questioning, his aura remained undiminished. Wherever he passed, everyone gave way, as if seeing a plague god.

The old saying goes well: Don't do anything wrong with your heart, and don't be afraid of ghosts calling your door.

Regarding his company's participation in the Jingshi cultural film and television project, he never felt that he had done anything wrong, so he was completely honest about the question of waiting.

"Old Xu!"

Suddenly a voice came from behind, and Xu Jie stopped immediately after hearing it.

Although he is not the only person with the surname Xu in the TV station, he is the only one who can use this title.

Xu Jie turned his head and saw Qin Yan, Song Huanhuan, Liu Jinbao and others walking quickly towards this side. They were some of his colleagues when he was in the cultural program center.

"Hello!" Xu Jie greeted his old colleagues with a smile, and when they approached, he jokingly said, "Don't get so close to me, I'm reciting words now, be careful not to get bad luck on you."

"When is it? Are you still in the mood to joke?" Qin Yan rolled her eyes, then dragged Xu Jie's clothes into the safe passage, and asked with concern: "Is the rumor outside true?"

Song Huanhuan and others also looked at Xu Jie with concern, with a bit of nervousness on their faces.

As for bad luck, they never believed in those things, even if there was, Xu Jie brought them good luck.

It is Xu Jie's existence that makes them be reused and become the backbone of the cultural program center.

"En." Xu Jie nodded directly, and didn't ask what the matter was. It's completely unnecessary to ask at this time.

When everyone heard this, they were immediately dumbfounded.

Even if the news had already spread in the station, they still believed that Lao Xu would not do such a thing, but who would have thought that it was true, which made their belief collapse.

How could Lao Xu be such a person?
"What's the matter? Are you disappointed? Do you think I've become corrupt after becoming an executive?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Everyone's expressions changed, and their expressions became more and more embarrassing. They really thought so for a moment just now. After all, Lao Xu had never done that kind of thing when he was in the cultural program center.

"Who said that? I never had such an idea." Qin Yan said solemnly: "I believe that there must be a reason for you to do that."

"Well, you still know me well, there is indeed a reason why I did that." Xu Jie nodded.

"What's the reason?" Qin Yan asked hastily, her eyes lit up, as if seeing the light again.

"Money!" Xu Jie said.


The corner of Qin Yan's mouth twitched, she was so angry that she almost fainted, and the other people around her also had speechless expressions.

They thank Lao Xu for trusting everyone so much and for being able to tell everyone the truth, but can we not be so frank?
"Haven't you thought about other excuses?" Qin Yan asked with a frown.

She originally wanted to think of a way for the other party to avoid being punished after learning about the situation, but when she heard the other party say this just now, she was suddenly enveloped by a sense of powerlessness.

The other party has admitted, what else can I do?
"You mean, you want me to lie to Deputy Director Liu?" Xu Jie asked.

"No, what I mean is...about the same." Qin Yan didn't know how to explain it, anyway, it's right to say whatever is beneficial.

"It usually takes countless lies to make up for one lie, not to mention that this report is aimed at me, and the other party must have evidence in their hands. If I lie at this time, wouldn't it be the same as handing the knife to the other party? Am I the kind of person who would make such low-level mistakes?" Xu Jie said eloquently.

Qin Yan thought to herself: You will not make that kind of low-level mistakes, you will only make high-level mistakes.

"It's nothing. I'm going up. Director Liu is still waiting for me. Let's talk later." Xu Jie pointed to the upstairs, and then walked towards the elevator.

Everyone looked at Lao Xu's back with very complicated emotions. They were both worried and anxious for the other party, but they couldn't help him in any way.

"Sister Yan, do you think Lao Xu will be okay?" Song Huanhuan asked worriedly.

If the matter is confirmed, demotion is minor, expulsion is major, and it is more likely to be handed over to the police, and it will really be over by then.

"Probably, no." Qin Yan thought for a while and said.

"No? Old Xu has already admitted it just now, how could it be okay? And this time the incident is so big, even if the stage wants to deal with it coldly, alas, Old Xu probably got stuck this time, I don't know Who is so bad, if you let me know, I will beat his shit out." Liu Jinbao said angrily, clenching his fists even more tightly.

"Why do you think Lao Xu doesn't seem nervous or afraid?" Qin Yan asked in confusion, unable to understand this.

If the other party has a backer, the only one who is good with the other party in the station is Deputy Chief Editor Jiang, and Deputy Chief Editor Lu is barely added, but the matter has already reached Deputy Chief Liu. Whether it is Deputy Chief Editor Jiang or Deputy Chief Editor Lu seems Can't speak.

"Is it because Old Xu knew he couldn't explain clearly, so he simply broke the jar?" Song Huanhuan guessed.

"Impossible, Old Xu was never that kind of person." Liu Jinbao said firmly.

"I know he's not, but..."

"Okay, stop talking." Qin Yan interrupted the others distractedly, "Let's wait for the result here."

When the others heard this, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, that's all they could do.


Xu Jie came outside Deputy Director Liu's office, reached out and knocked on the door.

He didn't wait for Deputy Director Liu's voice, but he saw the door opened from the inside, and it was Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Xiao Xu, you are here, come in quickly." Lu Hong said as he turned sideways to get out of the way. At the same time, there was a trace of worry on his face.

"Editor Lu is here too." Xu Jie was a little surprised, and then walked into Deputy Director Liu's office. It turned out that not only Deputy Director Liu was there, but also Deputy Director Wang Yuan, who was in charge of the daily work of the TV station, was also there.

This battle is not small.

"Master Wang, Master Liu, good afternoon." Xu Jie greeted each of them with a faint smile on his face. It can be said that he was gentle and poised, and he didn't look like he was here to accept inquiries.

"Xiao Xu, sit down." Liu Shengmao pointed to the chair opposite the desk, and his tone was relatively relaxed, not as serious as he usually treats other people.

On the one hand, it is still just a conversation stage, and the person involved needs to be given a chance to explain, and he cannot just listen to one side of the story; on the other hand, he has a certain understanding of this young man and has dealt with him before. Reporting, I almost wronged the other party, so I must not make the same mistake this time.

Especially in this special period, Jiang Hai was promoted to deputy editor-in-chief, and Beijing Television Culture has no leader. Countless people are staring at the position of general manager.

Xu Jie sat down and looked at the three bosses. Looking at the situation, there will be three joint trials today.

"Xiao Xu, don't be nervous. I called you here today, mainly to ask you about the situation." Wang Yuan said kindly.

The director went to participate in the event, and he came on behalf of the director. After all, Xiao Xu is also the cash cow of the TV station, so this matter needs to be extra cautious and rigorous.

"I know, I'm not nervous." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Well, I can see it." Wang Yuan nodded, then turned to look at Liu Shengmao beside him, indicating that it was time to start.

Liu Shengmao picked up a piece of paper from the table, looked at the young man across from him and asked, "Xiao Xu, we received a report letter this morning, which generally said that you abused your power, violated the company's interests, and did it for your brother-in-law. profit..."

He briefly recounted the content of the report letter, emphasizing the two cooperations with outstanding film and television culture companies, the first was "Lover in Time and Space", and the second was "Legend of Lan Xi". Write clearly.

"What do you think about the contents of the report letter?" Liu Shengmao finally asked, waiting for the other party's explanation.

Lu Hong on the side looked nervously at Xiao Xu. In his opinion, this matter is not a big deal, but it is a big deal if someone exposes it. Now it depends on how Xiao Xu solves it.

To be honest, he didn't want anything to happen to Xiao Xu, because if something happened to Xiao Xu, something would happen to Beijing Satellite TV's variety show, and the impact would be immeasurable.

The reason why he called Jiang Hai was that he hoped that the other party could tell Xiao Xu that Xiao Xu should be mentally prepared and not panic when facing Deputy Director Liu.

When a person panics, his head is in a mess, and he will say anything.

Of course, he didn't want Xiao Xu to resist to the end, but he just hoped that the other party could give an explanation that sounded more reasonable, and turn the big thing into a small one.

"My point of view is that I don't wear the hats I wear, but I recognize everything else," Xu Jie said.


Lu Hong's eyes widened, the eyeballs almost flew out.

What did Lao Jiang do?Didn't he think of a good reason for Xiao Xu?

No hat?

I have admitted everything in the report letter, isn't that the same as admitting those charges?

"In other words, in the two projects of "Lover in Time and Space" and "Legend of Lan Xi", you did cooperate with your brother-in-law's company and gained a lot of benefits for it, right?" Liu Shengmao continued to ask, with a serious expression on his face. The expression on his face is no longer as friendly as before.

"Cooperation is cooperation, but I don't agree with the idea of ​​seeking benefits." Xu Jie's complexion changed, and he became serious, as if he was a different person.

"What do you mean?" Liu Shengmao raised his brows, wanting to see how the other party would make excuses for himself.

"As we all know, investing in film and television has certain risks. In the film industry, 90.00% of the films are in debt. In the TV drama industry, [-]% of the TV dramas cannot be broadcast every year. Therefore, before the movies are released and the TV dramas are not broadcast, who will I can't be sure that they will definitely make money, and the cooperation between me and my brother-in-law has been discussed before the filming of the film and television series, so there is no such thing as deliberately seeking profit." Xu Jie said confidently.

Liu Shengmao thought about it, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Although he is in charge of disciplinary inspection, he still knows a lot about the film and television industry.

After hearing this, Lu Hong secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that Xiao Xu had come prepared.

"If you calculate according to the risk-return of movies and TV series, it is not so much that I am making profit for my brother-in-law, it is better to say that I am cheating my brother-in-law. There is only a [-]% chance of making money, and it is impossible to determine how much profit. Such an investment May I ask how many people are willing to do it?" Xu Jie asked rhetorically.

Liu Shengmao nodded unconsciously, glanced at the report letter in his hand, and asked again: "Why do you want to cooperate with your brother-in-law's company? Do you know that "Lovers in Time and Space" and "Legend of Lan Xi" gather stars and make money?" The possibility of losing money is greater than the possibility of losing money, so I asked your brother-in-law to cooperate?"

"There are too many star-studded film and television dramas, and many of them are losing money. According to Mr. Liu, if there are many stars, you can make a steady profit, then there will be no money-losing movies in the world." Xu Jie said strangely , think this statement is very ridiculous. .

Liu Shengmao was a little embarrassed by what he said. There was indeed a problem with the question just now, but he can't blame him, because that's what was written in the report letter.

"Xiao Xu, speak well!" Lu Hong reminded him: "Master Liu is only following the procedures, so don't complain!"

"Hehe, what complaints can I have? How dare I have any complaints?" Xu Jie said with a sneer: "When I was filming "Lover in Time and Space", I asked the company for money, but the company didn't have any. Do I have any complaints?"

"Later, I went to my brother company Forbidden Films to seek cooperation, hoping that the other party would pay some money, but they refused. Do I have any complaints?"

"Because I didn't have the money to hire a star, I hired my wife to be the heroine, and I had multiple jobs, being a director, screenwriter, embarrassment, and producer. I was exhausted like a dog. Do I have a complaint?"

"The filming was finally finished. In order to get some film arrangements with the theater, I drank myself into the hospital and almost didn't wake up. Do I have any complaints?"

"I donated the 470 million I won from a bet to the company to implement the new director support plan. Do I have any complaints?"

"I put my face on the line, and finally got my brother-in-law to sponsor the movie. Just because the movie finally made money, I said I was abusing my power to seek benefits for my brother-in-law. It was also rumored that everyone on the TV station knew about it and was treated with a sneer. , isn't it unfair?"

Although Xu Jie's voice was not loud, it was loud, and the three big bosses who heard it had no temper at all, and were even full of guilt.

Especially Liu Maosheng, who was too embarrassed to continue asking.

How can you ask this?
If you ask any more, it's probably going to snow outside!


(End of this chapter)

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