The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1030 Give me an explanation!

Chapter 1030 Give me an explanation!

Some things, even if you see them with your own eyes, may not be true. Maybe there are other stories hidden behind him. If you make a final judgment without detailed investigation and understanding, the result may be one-sided correct, arbitrary, wrong.

Liu Shengmao, as the person in charge of the disciplinary inspection of Beijing TV Station, has always paid great attention to this point in the process of work. Even when the investigation is very clear, he will still give the investigator a chance to explain, neither wronging a good person nor letting him go a bad guy.

However, today, he encountered the most embarrassing and guilty question in his working life.

Not because of anything else, but because the subject of the inquiry is not only unjust, but also has experienced too much grievance and sadness. Even if it is just a routine question, there will be a sense of shame and self-blame for helping the bad guys and wronging good people.

"Three leaders, if you don't believe what I just said, you can send someone to verify it. If there is any one thing that is nonsense, I, Xu Jie, will immediately get out of the TV station and surrender myself to the public security organ."

Xu Jie is neither humble nor overbearing, and his words are even louder. His uprightness even surpasses the three big bosses on the opposite side, and he vividly interprets "don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts calling the door".

Only when you have confidence can you speak hard.

"Xiao Xu, don't get excited. Didn't I just say that? I came to you today just to find out about the situation. You said it, and we understand it. Isn't it all right?" Lu Hong hurriedly spoke out to smooth things over.

If this really pissed Xiao Xu off, the impact and loss on Beijing Satellite TV would be huge once the other party picked him up. You must know that the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" is about to begin.

"That's right, Xiao Xu. Director Liu was just making a routine inquiry just now, and he didn't say that you abused your power to seek personal gain for your relatives as written in the report letter. You have to trust us and the organization, and you will be given justice in the end." Wang Yuan also said at this time.

I really don’t know if I don’t ask, I’m startled when I ask.

If you don't ask today, how will you know that Xiao Xu has paid so much for the company and the TV station?
Where is the suspect here?
He is clearly a hero, and he is also a great hero.

This is the end of the matter, why ask a fart?

Ask again, won't it hurt your heart?

If this breaks Xiao Xu's heart, once the other party chooses to resign, it will be a huge loss to Jingshi Culture Communication Company and even the entire TV station.

He heard that many TV stations outside are trying their best to poach Xiao Xu. If the other party joins other TV stations, won't the loss of Beijing TV station be even greater?
The most depressing person present was undoubtedly Liu Shengmao. He was supposed to be upholding justice, but now he seemed to be a villain.

"I'm very calm, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here. In addition, I would like to trouble the three leaders to help me promote the publicity. If anyone in the station is interested in investing in movies and TV shows, you can come to me for cooperation. It happens that I have many projects that are missing. Investing, of course, as to whether you can make money or not, that’s up to fate, if there is no money in your life, I can’t help it.” Xu Jie said.


Liu Shengmao and others were speechless.

Although Xiao Xu didn't look excited anymore, he spoke in a strange way, but they didn't blame each other. After all, they were wronged so much, why shouldn't anyone complain?
And after hearing what the other party said before, [-]% of the movies will lose money, and [-]% of the TV series will not be aired. Who would dare to invest money in it?

"Actually, I am very grateful to the person who reported me. He made me start to seriously consider my future, whether to stay in the TV station, or to go out to make money while I am in a good market. Directors, actors, screenwriters, whatever There are tens of millions of items, and it’s quite cool to think that you can achieve a small goal after working for two years.” Xu Jie said at the end, showing a serious thought.

When Lu Hong and Wang Yuan heard this, they became anxious immediately.

The other party is not only the money-making boy of Jingshi Culture, but also the cash cow of the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station. Once the other party leaves like this, next year's advertising revenue will at least drop by several small targets.

If others say that, they won't care, because they know that those people are bragging. After all, those who can get tens of millions of labor fees are usually first-line directors, second-line actors and first-line screenwriters, but if they put these on Xiao Xu, they know Definitely not bragging.

"Xiao Xu, I know you have emotions, and I can fully understand you. I assure you, this matter will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation, and you will never let those who falsely accuse you go unpunished." Liu Shengmao said seriously.

If he doesn't show some attitude, won't the station put the responsibility of the other party leaving the TV station on him?

He won't take this responsibility.

"Yes!" Wang Yuan, as the deputy head of the station in charge of daily work and the number two person in the TV station, also expressed his attitude at this time, "Xiao Xu, you go back to work with peace of mind, and the station will definitely make decisions for you."

"But the whole TV station already knows about the report letter, so how can I work with peace of mind?" Xu Jie sighed deeply after speaking.

"I'll clarify for you right away!" Liu Shengmao said quickly.

This matter was spread from him, so he was naturally required to turn off the fire.

"I will also notify the heads of various departments so that they don't spread rumors." Wang Yuan also said.

Lu Hong got up and came to Xu Jie's side, and said gently: "Xiao Xu, how can there be a TV station outside? Outside, you have to listen to others and the manipulation of capital, but it's different here. The TV station supports you, even capital has to bow its head in front of you."

Xu Jie thought to himself: If I didn't like this, I would have left long ago.

"Editor Lu, what you said is indeed correct, but the old saying is good: take people's money and eliminate disasters for others. Now that we are ready to make money, of course whoever gives the money will listen to whoever, assuming the station does not give me I won't work here even if I get paid, right?" Xu Jie asked back.


Lu Hong didn't know what to say for a moment.

In the past, Xiao Xu was very polite and respectful to him, but today he is really full of firepower.

Of course, it's normal for someone to have a little temper after suffering such a big grievance. Talented people generally have personalities, so you can't blame the other party for this matter, no, you can't blame the other party at all.

"Xiao Xu, I have understood the situation clearly, you can go back." Liu Shengmao said with a smile.

If the person is left behind, he may be the one who gets pissed off.

"Can I really go back? Is there anything else I need to know? By the way, my wife finally got more than 1000 million box office share because of the big hit of the movie. As the leading actor, I also got some. These are in the company It is mentioned in the project report that if necessary, I will send it to you when I go back." Xu Jie said.

"No, no, we all know about this." Liu Shengmao said awkwardly.

He has already read the project report that the other party talked about. It was included in the work report submitted by Jingshi Culture to the TV station at the end of last year.

He didn't investigate the matter clearly, and he wouldn't call the other party for questioning at will, but he didn't expect that there were other stories besides the black and white.

"There are also some things about "Legend of Lanxi". For example, the remuneration of the actors in "Legend of Lanxi" is all negotiated by me, which is much less than the market price. In addition, because the investment in this TV series is too large, in order to reduce risks... "

Before Xu Jie could speak, he was interrupted by Liu Shengmao.

"Little Xu, Xiaoxu, stop for a moment. This is a matter of your Jingshi culture. You are the acting general manager now. You can make up your own mind and don't need to report to us." Liu Shengmao said with a wry smile.

"Oh, then I'll go back." Xu Jie stood up, leaned forward slightly, saluted the three big brothers, then turned and walked out.


As the door closed, Wang Yuan, Liu Shengmao, and Lu Hong all breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously they are the leaders, but when they faced Xiao Xu just now, they were full of pressure. The key is that instead of criticizing each other, they had to find ways to appease each other.

It's hard being a leader.

"What about Xiao Xu?" Lu Hong looked at Wang Yuan and Liu Shengmao.

In fact, this matter is not within the jurisdiction of his deputy editor-in-chief. It's just that Xiao Xu is too important to Beijing Satellite TV, so he wants to find out.

"Since the matter has been clarified, it is natural to deal with business and return Xiao Xu's innocence." Liu Shengmao said.

"If it's just changing Xiao Xu's innocence, I'm afraid it won't satisfy him." Wang Yuan looked at Liu Shengmao and asked, "Old Liu, do you know who wrote the report letter?"

"I know." Liu Shengmao nodded.

It is precisely because it is a real-name report that he takes it so seriously. Who would have thought that he would step on the thunder directly.

"The person who reported has bad intentions and must be dealt with." Wang Yuan said coldly.

"Agreed!" Lu Hong raised his hand in agreement.

He will destroy whoever wants to destroy his lucky general.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, so he said to Wang Yuan and Liu Shengmao beside him, "You talk, I'll go first." After speaking, he hurried out of the office.

"What happened to Lao Lu?" Wang Yuan asked curiously, as if there was something urgent.

"I don't know, probably to send a letter to Jiang Hai." Liu Shengmao guessed.

Lu Hong trotted all the way, and finally saw Xu Jie who was waiting for the elevator.

"Xiao Xu, wait for me."

He quickened his steps.

"Editor Lu, what else is there?" Xu Jie asked, raising his eyebrows.

Just now he clearly said it was fine, but now he comes up again, isn't this bullying an honest person?

"It's okay, I'll see you off." Lu Hong said with a smile.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, but soon understood what the other party meant.

Now everyone in the TV station knows that he was called by Deputy Director Liu for questioning. Now that the questioning is over, Deputy Chief Editor Lu personally sent him away. Doesn't this mean that he is fine?
At that time, it will be spread to ten or ten to a hundred, and even rumors will be saved.

Really old fox!
The elevator door opened and the two walked in.

After descending three floors, the elevator stopped.

As the elevator doors slowly opened to the left and right, the people waiting outside were stunned when they saw the people inside.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu?

Vice President Xu?
Isn't it rumored that Vice President Xu was called to the office by Vice Director Liu for questioning?Is the questioning over?

Seeing that the people standing outside the door hadn't come in for a long time, Lu Hong asked, "Which floor are you going to?"

"Oh, me, I'm going to the fifth floor."

"I'm going to the first floor."

"I'm on the third floor."

The people outside answered immediately after regaining consciousness, and then hurried into the elevator, for fear of delaying Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's time.

As the elevator doors close, the elevator descends again.

Lu Hong looked at the obviously nervous employees in front of him, and suddenly asked Xu Jie beside him, "Xiao Xu, how is the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" going?"

"I took half of it, and I will continue to shoot the other half after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month." Xu Jie replied.

"After you go back, don't worry about it. After all, it will be broadcast on our Beijing Satellite TV. We must ensure the quality and refuse rough production." Lu Hong said seriously.

"Understood." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Haha, I heard you wrote the script? I can't wait to watch this TV series." Lu Hong said with a smile.

The few employees standing in front were already dumbfounded.

Didn't it mean that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Xu abused his power to benefit his relatives?Didn't it mean that Vice-Director Liu has investigated clearly and the evidence is conclusive?
But according to what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said just now, Deputy Director Xu seemed to be fine.

what's the situation?
Could it be that Deputy Xu is always innocent?The so-called report is actually a false accusation?

At this time, the elevator door opened again, and several employees walked in from the outside.

Maybe it was because someone was blocking them, these people didn't see Xu Jie and Lu Hong who were standing in the innermost, and continued to chat about what they just said outside.

"Old Xu must have failed this time. If Deputy Director Liu has no solid evidence, can he be called for questioning?"

"That's right, Deputy Director Liu never asks people to ask questions at will, but as long as he is called, something will happen more or less."

"I heard it's not a small number, it seems to be tens of millions."

"Fuck, I can't earn that kind of money in my whole life. It's really how bold people are and how productive they are."

"Oh, it's a pity. The variety show directed by Lao Xu is the trump card of Beijing Satellite TV. Without Lao Xu, I don't know where "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" will go in the future."

The people who came in before heard these conversations and immediately covered their mouths and coughed as a reminder.

"Cough cough!"

"Cough cough cough..."

However, those who came in later continued to discuss as if they didn't understand.

"Do you think Lao Xu will be punished, fired, or sent directly to the public security organ?"

"Family ugliness should not be publicized, I think it's better to deal with it internally."

"It stands to reason that Lao Xu is a rich second generation and married Su Yun. His family should not be short of money. How could he do such a thing?"

"That said, who would think too much money?"

Lu Hong couldn't listen any longer, and said loudly on purpose: "Xiao Xu, after Jiang Hai left, Beijing Television Culture will depend on you. After the stage has not decided on a candidate for the general manager, you, the acting general manager, must take the burden. stand up……"

After hearing this, those who entered the elevator turned around reflexively. After finding the deputy editor-in-chief Lu and Lao Xu standing in the innermost part, they immediately turned around in shock and broke out in cold sweat for a while.

It felt like seeing a ghost.

So terrifying!


(End of this chapter)

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