Chapter 1031
The lobby on the first floor of Beijing TV Station.

Lu Hong tightly grasped Xu Jie's arm with both hands, shook it vigorously a few times, and comforted him amiably: "Xiao Xu, concentrate on your work after you go back, don't think wildly, Taili still believes in you, and I believe in you too. Otherwise, can Lao Jiang inform you in advance?"

In fact, these words were said in Liu Shengmao's office, but at the time it was said to appease Xiao Xu, but now it is said to show the attitude of all Taiwan employees, Xiao Xu is innocent.

In the lobby, people would come and go no matter what time, if something happened here, it would be broadcast to the entire TV station immediately.

At that time, if one spreads ten, ten spreads one hundred, there is no need for him to deliberately hold a meeting to clarify, and the rumors will be self-defeating.


Qin Yan, Song Huanhuan, Liu Jinbao and others who were hiding in the safe passage all showed surprised expressions when they saw this scene.

They suspended work and waited here for more than half an hour, just wanting to know the result of the inquiry about Lao Xu.

Although he hasn't connected with Lao Xu yet, it is not difficult to see from the attitude of deputy editor-in-chief Lu to Lao Xu that Lao Xu seems to be fine.

It's okay to make tens of millions for relatives?

It is simply an anecdote that has never happened in a hundred years.

"What's the situation? Old Xu doesn't seem to have received any punishment. Look at the actions of Editor-in-Chief Lu, it's too intimate." Song Huanhuan said.

"Why, are you unhappy that Lao Xu is fine?" Liu Jinbao asked back.

"I'm happy, of course I'm happy, but it's a little strange, what did Lao Xu say to Deputy Director Liu, and there's nothing wrong with it." Song Huanhuan asked with a question mark.

Qin Yan looked at Lao Xu, who was as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help recalling the other party's calm and unworried appearance before. Now it seems that the other party must have a backhand.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense face also relaxed.

And the employees passing by the hall were also full of surprises when they saw this scene.

The matter of Vice President Xu was rumored in the TV station, and everyone thought that the matter must be true, but now it seems that most of the rumors are wrong.

Xu Jie smiled faintly when he heard the words of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

To be honest, if it wasn't because the other party leaked the matter to him in advance, he wouldn't have answered the three leaders' questions in such a calm mood just now.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go back quickly." Lu Hong let go of Xu Jie, then waved his hand at Xu Jie with a smile.

He knew that all his current expressions and actions would be remembered by the people around him, and then spread to everyone in the stage.

Therefore, he must try his best to show the intimacy with Xiao Xu, so that people can know the result of the inquiry.

"Editor Lu, then I'm leaving." Xu Jie nodded to the other party, then turned and walked outside.

Lu Hong looked at Xiao Xu's back until he walked out of the door, then turned back to the office.

When Qin Yan, Song Huanhuan, Liu Jinbao and others saw the deputy editor-in-chief Lu leaving, they immediately ran outside like a swarm, and finally saw Xu Jie in the parking lot.

"Old Xu, wait!" Qin Yan shouted while running.

Xu Jie turned his head, looked at Qin Yan and the others who ran over, and couldn't help laughing, "Why, you haven't returned to the office, have you been squatting here with me?"

"Don't talk about this first, let me ask you, how was the result of the inquiry? What did Deputy Director Liu say?" Although Qin Yan guessed that Lao Xu might be fine, she was still very concerned.

"The result? Of course it's okay. Deputy Director Liu, Deputy Director Wang, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu not only understand me, but also fight for justice for me. If you don't believe me, ask Deputy Director Liu." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan and the others were all stunned.

It doesn't matter if it's okay, Taili still wants to seek justice for Lao Xu?

How can there be such an unbelievable thing in the world?
"Old Xu, what did you tell Deputy Director Liu? What ecstasy soup did you give him?" Qin Yan asked in a daze.

I knew that the other party would be reasonable, but I didn't expect that even Deputy Director Liu and Deputy Director Wang would follow the other party's way.

"I didn't drink ecstasy soup, I just told the truth." Xu Jie explained.

Everyone blinked after hearing this, so simple?
Although the Beijing TV station has always been lenient and strict with comrades who have made mistakes, is this too lenient?

"Why, don't you believe me?" Xu Jie asked, "Did you all see how Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu treated me just now? It's really all right, you guys should hurry back to work."

Although everyone was suspicious, they saw that Lao Xu didn't seem to be joking, so they stopped asking.

"Old Xu, take care of yourself."

"If you encounter any difficulties, you must tell us. Maybe we can't help you solve the problem, but we can still help you find news on the station or something."


Xu Jie looked at the colleagues around him, and his heart was filled with warmth for a moment.

The so-called: a friend in adversity sees the truth.

When many people are avoiding him, only these people dare to approach him and trust him. Although they don't help much, this friendship is extremely precious.

"Sorry, I made you worry about me, thank you." Xu Jie said emotionally.

"Thank you, thank you, whoever we are with whom."

"That's right. What's more, we didn't help much. You say that, but it makes us feel embarrassed."


Xu Jie didn't say anything about the inquiry, but said a brief farewell to everyone, and then drove away from Beijing TV Station.

Originally, he just thought that he was the most suitable candidate for the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and the final result may not be him, but after today's incident, he has full confidence and certainty in becoming the general manager of Jingshi Culture.

Leaving aside the presentation of merit just now in front of the three big bosses, Deputy Director Wang, Deputy Director Liu, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, even today's big misunderstanding needs the position of General Manager of Jingshi Culture to appease him Otherwise, how could it be called a satisfactory answer?

And the most important point, he can justifiably threaten Taili to hand over the general manager to him.

As for how to threaten...


The car slowly parked in the parking lot outside the Jingshi Cultural Building.

As soon as Xu Jie got out of the car, he saw Boss Jiang coming out of the gate on the first floor with a happy expression on his face, obviously he already knew the news.

"Xiao Xu!" Jiang Hai walked up to Xu Jie with a big belly, put his arms around his shoulders, and said happily: "I knew it, you will be fine."

Lao Lu just called him and told him the result of Deputy Director Liu's questioning of Xiao Xu. Although it was a bit unexpected, it was the result he wanted.

It seems that praying to the gods passing by before was not in vain.

"You are not afraid of the shadow slanting when you are upright, but..." Xu Jie looked up at the Jingshi Culture Building, and said with a sneer, "Some people may be disappointed."

Jiang Hai was slightly taken aback, and then looked in the direction Xiao Xu was looking at. His professional sensitivity made him understand instantly.

"Is the person who wrote the report letter from here?" Jiang Hai asked in a low voice, his brows were also frowned, and a faint look of anger appeared on his face.

"It may not be written by someone here, but there must be someone involved in it, otherwise the information in the report would not be so detailed, even a copy of the contract signed between the company and my brother-in-law." Xu Jie said lightly.

Jiang Hai's face darkened.

Those who can get a copy of the contract must be people from the company, so they didn't run away.

"Don't worry if you eat something that's inside and out, I will definitely find this person out." Jiang Hai said through gritted teeth.

If it was a report letter written by an outsider, that's all. It turned out to be done by an insider of the company, which made him very angry.

Isn't this a great situation to destroy Jingshi culture?

Moreover, he has just been promoted to the deputy editor-in-chief of the TV station because of his good management of Jingshi culture. This kind of thing happened before he officially took office, which is like giving him eye drops.

I know, because someone hides it too deeply, and those who don't know think that he only pays attention to revenue and does not pay attention to unity.

"Boss, I don't need you to come, I want to see how Deputy Director Liu and Deputy Director Wang will give me an explanation." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Xu, he was indeed a skilled person who dared to explain to the two deputy directors, and Xiao Xu was probably the only one in the whole system.

Anyway, if it was him, he would definitely not dare.

When Xu Jie returned to the company, the two beauties at the front desk immediately responded with sweet smiles.

"Welcome Mr. Xu home."

Although they didn't know the result, the performance of deputy editor-in-chief Jiang had already explained everything. Otherwise, would they be so happy?
"Thank you!" Xu Jie smiled lightly, and then said, "Notify several persons in charge of the content resources department to come to my office for a meeting."

"Yes, Mr. Xu."

After Zhao Xiaoying and Yang Xiuyan responded, they immediately started making calls.

"Xiao Xu, what do you mean, those ministers did it?" Jiang Hai asked in a low voice as he walked.

Calling someone to hold a meeting right after being asked a question can easily make people associate with Settlement after Autumn.

"They don't have that courage, nor that ability." Xu Jie walked into the elevator.

There is still a deputy general manager between the head of the department and the general manager. Even if these few people write a report letter, the possibility of eventually becoming the general manager is very slim.

What's more, these several responsible persons not only tasted the sweetness from him, but also knew his importance to each project, so how could they report him?

"Could it be Liu Feng or Wang Yunjie?" Jiang Hai thought of the other two vice presidents of Jingshi Culture.

Hearing what Xiao Xu said, he immediately felt that the suspicion of Liu Feng and Wang Yunjie was the biggest in the entire company.

The position of the general manager of the company was vacant, and the most promising one was the deputy general manager. At this time, one of them was attacked, and the other two were naturally the prime suspects.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Although he didn't go to the police academy, this matter is as obvious as the lice on the bald head, how could he not guess it?
"Who is it among them?" Jiang Hai asked.

"I don't know yet, but no matter who it is, I have to thank him for giving me the opportunity to appoint me as the general manager. I will not let this person down." Xu Jie said.

"Yes, that's called stealing a chicken without losing a lot of rice!" Jiang Hai followed up.

Although he didn't know what Xiao Xu was going to do, he was very happy to see the other party's self-confidence. At least it proved that Xiao Xu was not affected by this incident. In this way, he could leave here with peace of mind.

The elevator door opened, Jiang Hai didn't continue to follow, but returned to his office, watching things and preparing to leave.

What Xiao Xu needs now is not him as the general manager, but him as the deputy editor-in-chief, so he must arrive at the post as soon as possible to speak for Xiao Xu.

Xu Jie returned to the office, and after a while, all the heads of the five departments under him were present.

Everyone stared at Mr. Xu intently, waiting for the other party's next instruction, but judging from Mr. Xu's serious and serious expression, the company must be in trouble.

"This year is a very special year for Beijing Television Culture. Not only are there many projects, but also heavy tasks. How are you preparing?" Xu Jie asked the five department heads.

Wang Wen and the others were taken aback for a moment, but no one expected Mr. Xu to immediately start working after being questioned.

This work attitude is no one else.

"Mr. Xu, our TV drama department has finished preparations, and we will go to Hengdian to film after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month." Lu Zhihong, head of the TV drama department, reported earnestly.

"It's the same with our film department. Just yesterday, I arranged for two production teams to contact two new directors respectively. We have already entered the casting stage, and it is expected to start around May." Wang Wen, director of the film department, said.

"Our program department has already organized an elite team. As long as Mr. Xu gives you an order, the production of "Crossover Actor" can start."

"Our performance department..."

"Our creative department..."

The five ministers took turns to report on their work. It is not difficult to see from the content of the reports that everyone has made sufficient preparations for this year's work and is waiting for Mr. Xu's order.

"Well, you did a good job." Xu Jie first affirmed everyone's work, and then said: "The projects you mentioned are the top priorities of the company this year, so there must be no negligence or carelessness. Don’t rush to start work, check it several times after you go back, for example, Lao Lu, hasn’t filmed a movie for almost a month, right? You must watch the movie you finished shooting a few times first, to find out what you feel, don’t shoot anticlimactic, inconsistent .”

"And Wang Wen, we not only need to support new directors, but also help them pass the exam. The support fund for a single film is only a few million, so the preparations before the start must be careful and careful. The company has no extra money for them to waste. ..."

"Qian Cheng, what the company needs now is a high-quality script, not a script with vulgar content and low quality. You go back and ask the employees to spend more time refining the script. Anyway, this year has just started, and it will take a long time. If anyone dares to fool me, don't Blame me for turning my face and denying people."


Xu Jie commented on all the work of the five departments, which is also his work requirement for the five departments.

The five responsible persons listened carefully, and at the same time they did not forget to take notes and write down the important content, but while writing, a question popped up in their minds.

Why was Mr. Xu in a hurry before, but today he is suddenly not in a hurry?
Is there something wrong here?


(End of this chapter)

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