Chapter 1032 Care?

Xu Jie's uncharacteristic attitude confused the five department heads present. After all, in everyone's mind, Mr. Xu has always been a vigorous and resolute person.

Could it be that he wanted to slow down because he was striding too far before?
Well, that's very possible.

The company has accumulated too many projects recently, and it is indeed difficult for everyone to complete them all in a short time.

After thinking about it clearly, everyone was moved by Mr. Xu's behavior of sympathizing with his subordinates. At the same time, they secretly felt that meeting such a boss is really a blessing accumulated in the previous life.

However, sympathy is sympathy, and some projects cannot be slowed down.

"Mr. Xu, you can slowly prepare for movies and TV shows, but TV shows don't have that much time to prepare. Like the fourth season of "Crossover Actor", if you don't prepare, it will be too late." Cheng Yingjie, the person in charge of the TV program department, said.

"Crossover Actor" is broadcast in April every year, but now it is the end of February, and there is only one month of preparation time left.

Although the show has been filmed for three seasons, everyone has long been familiar with the whole process, but new actors and new content are also quite a challenge for the production team.

If you can’t communicate well in advance, when you actually record, it’s easy to have problems of one kind or another.

The release time of movies can be pushed back, and the premiere time of TV dramas can also be pushed back, but the broadcast time of variety shows cannot be pushed back.

"So what? If the production team is not ready, if there is no wonderful script for the contestants to perform, I would rather delay the broadcast time than destroy Xu Jie's famous brand." Xu Jie said seriously.

"But Beijing Satellite TV..." Cheng Yingjie reminded worriedly.

"Crossover Actor" has always been broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV. If the program cannot be broadcast because it is not ready, what will be shown to the audience during the original broadcast of "Crossover Actor"?Trivia?
"It's not something you should worry about, just do your part well." Xu Jie said lightly.

When Cheng Yingjie heard this, he felt that Mr. Xu seemed a little angry, so he shut his mouth obediently and stopped talking.

After seeing Cheng Yingjie's embarrassing appearance, the other four people also learned to be good, and listened attentively, only moving their ears and not their mouths.

Xu Jie continued with a serious expression: "Although Jingshi Culture has built a reputation in the industry, we are still newcomers in the industry, and our reputation is very fragile. If we don't pay attention, the reputation accumulated before may collapse, so we have to Strictly demand ourselves, and we must not slack off in the slightest, otherwise we may be eliminated by the market, understand?"

"Yes!" The five responded in unison, and now they finally understood Mr. Xu's intentions.

The heights are so cold!
Mr. Xu is reminding them that Beijing Television Culture's current achievements are hard-won, and they must be more cautious.

After all, the higher you stand, the more painful it is to fall.

"In addition, all projects in the company are not allowed to start without my permission. They must be approved by me. Do you understand?" Xu Jie said again.


"Okay, let's all go back." Xu Jie said, the expression on his face softened.

After the five persons in charge heard it, they immediately saluted and left.

Xu Jie looked at the closed door, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Too late?
It's right if it's too late!

Otherwise, how can the capital TV station know his importance?
If you don't know the importance, how can you give him the position of general manager?


At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"Come in!" Xu Jie said loudly.


The door was pushed open, and Wang Yunjie was seen walking in from the outside.

"President Wang? What brought you here?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Wang Yunjie closed the door, then walked to the desk, and said solemnly: "Mr. Xu, I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie pointed to the opposite chair, beckoning him to sit down.

"I'm not the one who wrote the report letter to the station to report you." Wang Yunjie said seriously.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect the other party to say this, so he asked suspiciously: "Mr. Wang, what are you talking about? When did I say that you wrote the report letter?"

He did doubt Wang Yunjie and Liu Feng, but it was only suspicion, and he only mentioned it to Boss Jiang, how did the other party know?

Could it be Boss Jiang who told him?
Isn't this equivalent to revealing the secrets in his heart to the parties in advance?

Boss Jiang is not this kind of person.

But Wang Yunjie's current reaction is indeed a bit guilty.

"Mr. Xu, you haven't said that, but others will definitely think so. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, I want to make a statement to you today. I have always supported you as the general manager of Jingshi Culture. If there is a lie , let me go out and be hit by a car!" Wang Yunjie said seriously.

"Mr. Wang, we are not outsiders, so what?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

Wang Yunjie didn't want to either.

Everyone is a deputy general manager, and if they still say such things, is it embarrassing?
However, this is also impossible.

Now everyone in the company thinks that she and Liu Feng are the ones who reported Vice President Xu. What should I do if I am suspected by the other party?It's hard to say whether he can continue to stay in his current position by then.

"Mr. Xu, I know that you are kind and righteous, but God knows if someone will provoke you? In fact, I am very aware of my ability. A marketing and business department cannot develop, let alone the entire company. If it is not for your help , last year our department’s year-end bonus could not be paid out, everyone is very grateful to you..."

Although they are both deputy general managers, Wang Yunjie places her position very low. On the one hand, it is because of Vice President Xu's background, and on the other hand, because of Vice President Xu's ability. With these two aspects, the other party becomes The general manager of the company is a matter of time, so it's better to lower your status to gain the other party's favor and get more business from the other party in the future.

Of course, there is the most important point, she is afraid that the villain Liu Feng will sue first.

Liu Fengfeng said bad things about Vice President Xu in front of her, but he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't say bad things about her in front of Vice President Xu. This kind of person is two-faced and two-faced, and he has two skins. He is not trustworthy at all.

She was able to come today, and it was necessary to be on guard against others.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Yunjie intently. Although he said he believed it, he still wanted to find out something in the other's eyes.

And Wang Yunjie didn't dodge, she looked straight at the man's gaze, no matter how sharp the other's gaze was, she still went to meet him.

She is very clear that once she escapes at this time, she may take the blame for others and become a scapegoat.

Not to mention two gazes, even two laser headlights, you can't be afraid.

Xu Jie was quite surprised by Wang Yunjie's statement. How could this be to clarify a misunderstanding?It is clearly to show loyalty.

Before, I thought the other party had a guilty conscience, but looking at the other party's current appearance, could this be a guilty conscience?

Xu Jie looked at the nervous and even anxious Wang Yunjie, stood up directly from his seat, walked around the desk and poured a glass of water for him, and said calmly: "Mr. Wang, I understand what you mean. In the past, our two departments There are many places for cooperation, and we will continue to cooperate in the future, don’t you think?”

"Yes Yes!"

Wang Yunjie nodded repeatedly, and then took the water glass handed over by the other party, feeling much more relaxed.

Regardless of whether the misunderstanding was resolved or not, she felt much more at ease anyway.

What should be said has been said, and there is no need for her to stay here any longer, so she bid farewell to Vice President Xu, put down the water glass and left the office.

Xu Jie sent him out of the office before returning to his seat.

He was more inclined to believe what Wang Yunjie said just now.

Firstly, based on the other party's business level and performance in the company over the past few years, Taili would never hand over Beijing Television Culture to such a person; secondly, the department in charge of the other party is mainly responsible for media planning, brand promotion, and advertising marketing , unable to access the contract documents between the company and the outstanding film and television culture company.

Moreover, Wang Yunjie was not only sincere, but also did not dodge his scrutiny, which was affirmed to a certain extent by him.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party's psychological quality is good, and the ability to tell lies with open eyes has been perfected, so he can only admit that he is blind.

Xu Jie's mouth was dry, and he took the teacup to fetch water. At this moment, there was another knock on the door.


Xu Jie opened the door with a teacup, it was Liu Feng.

Didn't he also come to swear?
"Mr. Liu? What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"It's a little thing, can you go in and talk about it?" After Liu Feng finished speaking, he looked at the corridors on the left and right, then looked at Xu Jie, and forced a very reluctant smile.

"Well, please come in."

Xu Jie moved out of the way, and after Liu Feng came in, he deliberately poked his head out and looked in the corridor, but there was no one there.

What was the other party looking at just now?
Or, what are you still watching out for?
Xu Jie closed the door, looked back at Liu Feng and asked, "Mr. Liu, what do you want from me?"

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. I just came to see you. I heard that someone wrote a report letter to report you to the station. How is it? Are you all right?" Liu Feng asked concerned.

"It's okay, am I fine now?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Ah? Yes, yes, Mr. Xu, do you know who wrote the report letter? Isn't this person too hateful?" Liu Feng said indignantly.

Xu Jie looked at the other party, then shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Then do you have anyone to suspect? Someone reported you just after Mr. Jiang left. He must be trying to compete with you for the general manager. Could it be the director of a program center? Or the general manager of a company under the TV station?" Liu Feng asked while analyzing.

"I don't know, anyway, I'm upright and not afraid of the shadow, if they want to report, let them report." Xu Jie said indifferently.

"Mr. Xu, why don't everyone say you are arrogant? There is no one in this measure." Liu Feng stretched out a thumb, and then seemed to think of something suddenly, and asked curiously: "By the way, I saw you just now. Wang Yunjie came out of your office, she also came to see you, right?"

Xu Jie froze for a moment after hearing this, then nodded, while picking up the teacup to drink water, he secretly glanced at the man opposite.

The other party saw Wang Yunjie walking out of his office?
But there was an interval of four or five minutes between Wang Yunjie leaving and the other party knocking on the door. What was the other party doing during this time?

Did you come here because you saw Wang Yunjie coming?
There are many coincidences in the world, but if they cannot withstand scrutiny, the so-called coincidence is intentional.

"As a media person, Mr. Wang is eloquent. As a woman, he is thoughtful. He must be able to analyze the black hands behind the scenes clearly and logically. Are you right?" Liu Feng said with a smile, with a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

"Well, that's right." Xu Jie deliberately followed the other party's words, because he felt that Liu Feng seemed to be deliberately asking him what Wang Yunjie said just now.

Why did Liu Feng ask these questions?

What on earth was the other party worried about what Wang Yunjie would say to him?

Or is it that Wang Yunjie knows some secrets about the other party?

But even if Wang Yunjie knew about it, why did the other party think that Wang Yunjie had just told him?

Is it too sensitive?

There must be something wrong here.

Thinking about it, Wang Yunjie didn't mention Liu Feng in the conversation just now, that is to say, Wang Yunjie didn't say what Liu Feng was worried about, and Liu Feng thought that Wang Yunjie might have said that.

"I don't know who Mr. Wang thinks is the person who reported it?" Liu Feng continued to ask, but his expression was obviously a little nervous.

Xu Jie squinted his eyes and looked at the other party. Compared with Wang Yunjie just now, this should be the real guilty conscience.

Moreover, he was even more convinced of his previous guess.

"Is that all Mr. Liu wants to know?" Xu Jie asked with a half-smile.

"No, no, I'm just a little curious. Not only me, but the whole company is curious about who wrote the report letter." Liu Feng defended with a flustered expression.

Xu Jie smiled, then said no and yes, did they exist?Are you talking nonsense?
He even suspected that the other party might not know what he was talking about now.

Wang Yunjie was worried about being misunderstood by him, and Liu Feng was worried about what Wang Yunjie said to him, and the answer seemed to be ready.

"I have already promised Mr. Wang not to share her analysis, but the station has already classified this report as a false accusation, and the person who wrote the report letter will be punished soon." Xu Jie deliberately frightened the other party.

"False, false accusation?" Liu Feng panicked for a moment, unable to believe it, and afraid that it was true.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu?" Xu Jie yelled, but the other party didn't respond, and the other party came back to his senses after calling out a second time.

"Mr. Xu, what, what's the matter?" Liu Feng asked bewilderedly, with no color on his face.

"What's wrong with you? You don't look well. Is there something wrong?" Xu Jie said with concern.

"It's okay, I've lost weight recently, maybe I didn't eat at noon, I'm hungry, since Mr. Xu is fine, then I don't worry, I'm going back." Liu Feng pointed to the door of the room, and then left with a heavy heart.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Feng's back with a sneer on his face.

He already knew the answer.


(End of this chapter)

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