Chapter 1033 Leave
After get off work, Xu Jie left the company. Instead of going home directly, he drove to his wife's studio.

Today Su Yun needs to take a few sets of photos for a certain endorsement brand, and it will be late to go home, and he is not busy today, to be precise, he deliberately did not work, so he has enough time to pick up his wife and go home.

After being asked about this matter today, he wanted to understand a truth, the company belongs to others, but his body is his own, why should he work so hard for other people's company?

No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you work for the company, you will be suspected as much as you should be.

He figured it out, he needed grades and a promotion, but he definitely wouldn't work as hard as before.

Work not done?
Let whoever can finish it do it.

Anyway, he won't be acting like a cow or a horse for others.

"Ms. Xu, you are here. Sister Yun will be back soon, please wait a moment." The little beauty at the front desk said respectfully, not only because this man is the husband of the boss, but also because of the unusual status of the other party.

Even big stars have to be polite when they meet, let alone an ordinary employee like her.

"En." Xu Jie nodded, and then walked into the office area beside him.

Although it's past the off-duty time, there are still many people in the studio, and everyone is not idle, looking very busy.

After the Spring Festival, that is, a few days ago, the studio held a recruitment and hired more than a dozen people, so the number of employees seems to be much larger than when they came last time.

No way, this is a business need.

In the past, the studio only served Su Yun alone, but now there are three more artists in the studio, so more employees are naturally needed.

This is also part of the studio's bigger and stronger.

Only when the services for artists are in place, will more artists join in.

The studio will not only sign three artists, this is just the beginning, and more artists will be signed in the future.

"Mr. Xu!"

Xu Jie was about to go to his wife's office when he suddenly heard someone calling him. When he looked back, he found that Chen Siyan came out of a room wearing a white dress with a very long skirt, and there was an assistant behind him helping to carry the skirt.

"Siyan? Are you going to a party or a dinner party?" Xu Jie asked curiously, the dress was a bit too exaggerated.

"I'm taking photos for publicity next week." Chen Siyan said with a smile.

"How is it? How are you doing recently? Is there anything you're not used to after joining here? Just tell me what's missing, and you're all your own people." Xu Jie said.

"Very good. Sister Yun introduced me to a script. It is expected that she will join the group next month. The second female lead will have a lot of roles. In a few days, she will be shooting the cover of a fashion magazine..." Chen Siyan said excitedly.

Since joining Sister Yun's studio, resources have been pouring in one after another. TV dramas, magazines, and endorsements are much better than when she was in the prosperity agency.

In the past, she asked Liu Jinghua for it on her own initiative, and even if she asked for it, she might not be able to get it, but now, the resources came by themselves.

The most important thing is that the company will not force her to do something she doesn't like, such as attending dinners and the like.

Of course, if she chooses to go, she will get more and better resources.

In the entertainment industry, all good resources are won by the stars themselves. Unless they have a strong backer or background, like Sister Yun, it is difficult to get good resources!

"It's just the beginning, and there will be more and more resources in the future. By the way, how many months will it take for the TV series to be filmed?" Xu Jie suddenly remembered something.

"It's estimated to be four months, and it will end at the end of June." After Chen Siyan answered, she suddenly felt that Mr. Xu must have a job to hand over to her when she asked this question, so she asked actively: "Mr. Xu, if you have something to say, I will do my best to do what you told me to do.”

Although she signed under Sister Yun's studio, in her heart, Mr. Xu is her boss.

"Huxiang Satellite TV has two variety shows in the second half of the year. Which one do you want to be on, tell me in the next two days, and I will arrange it for you." Xu Jie said after thinking for a while.

"Crossover Actors" is about to start, and he gave Dong Xiaoli three spots. It's time to confirm the variety shows of Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan, and Ding Mengni and exchange them with each other.

Chen Siyan was stunned when she heard it, she couldn't believe her ears, and even wondered if she heard it wrong.

Hunan Satellite TV's variety show?
Shouldn't it be a variety show on Beijing Satellite TV?

"Mr. Xu, what did you just say...Huxiang Satellite TV?" Chen Siyan asked in a low voice, actually wanting to remind the other party if they made a mistake.

"Well, Huxiang Satellite TV, not Beijing Satellite TV." Xu Jie knew what Chen Siyan meant, so he said it again with certainty.


Chen Siyan was shocked when she heard it clearly.

I thought to myself: When did Mr. Xu extend his hand to Huxiang Satellite TV?Is this too long?

She unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and her heart was filled with joy.

You must know that Huxiang Satellite TV has always had the title of entertainment overlord, and the entertainment programs it produces and broadcasts are even more famous in China, with high ratings all year round and a fixed audience.

If you can be on the variety show of Huxiang Satellite TV, you don't have to worry about exposure and topicality.

"Anything is fine, as long as you can get it, I won't pick anything." Chen Siyan said quickly, for fear that Mr. Xu would think it was too much.

"I don't know much about Hunan Satellite TV's variety shows, so you can choose which one you think is more suitable for you," Xu Jie said.

Moreover, he didn't know Chen Siyan very well, so some decisions had to be made by the other party himself.

Chen Siyan was so excited that she didn't know what to say for a while.

Huxiang Satellite TV's variety show resources have always been very sought-after in the entertainment industry. If other managers and artists want to obtain this resource, they usually need to lower their status and ask for help, which may not be possible to get.

Mr. Xu is great. Not only can he get resources easily, but he can also choose programs at will. It is estimated that even the bosses of entertainment companies outside will not have this kind of treatment.

At least Liu Jinghua never said that.

Mr. Xu is even better!
"President Xu, let me take a look first and get back to you later." Chen Siyan said.

She wants to see which two variety shows Huxiang Satellite TV will broadcast in the second half of the year, and then choose based on ratings, word of mouth, topics, and room for personal development.

Since you can go, it is natural to choose well.

"Well, think about it slowly." Xu Jie said, and then walked into Su Yun's office.

The appearance of Chen Siyan reminded him of two other artists, Hu Xuan and Ding Mengni, so he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and sent them WeChat messages respectively, asking them to make a choice as soon as possible.

Choose now, whether it is a variety show that will be broadcast in the first half of the year or a variety show that will be prepared in the second half of the year, you can choose. Who let us know the leader of Huxiang Satellite TV?
But if after a while, when the variety show in the first half of the year is broadcast, you can only choose the variety show in the second half of the year, and the variety shows to choose from will be directly cut in half.


Not long after, the door of the office suddenly opened, and then I saw Su Yun hurried in from the outside. Instead of smiling, there was a bit of worry on her face.

"Honey, are you done?" Xu Jie stood up from the sofa, opened his arms and hugged him.

Su Yun quickly walked in front of Xu Jie, looked at him, and asked with concern: "Husband, I heard that something happened to you?"

"Who said that? No, am I fine?" Xu Jie walked around in front of his wife as he spoke, with no missing arms or legs, and his spirit was normal.

"Honey, don't lie to me, I already know everything." Su Yun said with a serious expression, "Tell me the truth, did Xiaolei force you to cooperate with him?"

When Xu Jie heard this, he immediately understood what his wife was talking about.

It's really good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.

The company knows it, the TV station knows it, and now even the entertainment industry knows it.

Now, it is impossible for Taili to turn big things into small things.

"Honey, are you looking down on me, or are you thinking too much of your brother? How dare he force me like that? Just kidding." Xu Jie smiled.

It's not that he's bragging, his words are better for my brother-in-law than the other's parents.

This is strength!
"What's going on here?" Su Yun asked puzzled.

She also only heard about it on the way back. The person who told her only knew a general idea and didn't know the inside story. He wanted to ask her, but in the end, she asked the other party.

"It started with the filming of "Lover in Time and Space". At that time, the project lacked funds, but I had tens of millions in my hand, but due to my status, I couldn't directly participate in the investment, so I asked Su Lei to register a company. Participating in film investment, on the one hand, is to support my own film, and on the other hand, to earn some extra money..." Xu Jie simply explained the whole story.


Su Yun suddenly realized that this was the case, and then asked nervously: "I heard that you went to the TV station to be interviewed this afternoon? How is it?"

"The station refuses to pay, and the brother unit doesn't help, so why don't I ask my brother-in-law to invest in the film? It's okay." Xu Jie comforted his wife in his arms.

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm rich." Su Yun hugged her husband's waist tightly, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I know you have money, isn't that enough? If I don't have enough money, I will definitely ask you for it in the end." Xu Jie was worried that the other party would be sad, so he replied like this.

In fact, even if he didn't have enough money to make a movie at the time, he wouldn't look for the other party. After all, it was his first time making a movie, and he was somewhat uncertain. It is often called a prodigal son, but it is not good to talk about your wife's money.

Su Yun raised her head at this moment, looked at the man seriously and said, "The next time you need money, you must remember to look for me. We are husband and wife, and my money is your money!"

"Understood!" Xu Jie smiled flatteringly at the other party.

But in the future, this kind of situation is very small, because investing in "Legend of Lan Xi" can make him a small profit at least a small goal, plus the original capital, making movies will be rich.

What's more, there are too many people who are chasing after him to cooperate with him and want to invest in him to make a movie. There are those people who can lose their money, so why lose their own wife's money?
Unless it is an investment that is sure to make no loss, he will never pull his wife.

"By the way, wife, do you have time tomorrow?" Xu Jie asked, changing the subject by the way.

"Yes." Su Yun nodded.

"Do you have time in the next week?" Xu Jie asked again.

"It should be possible to spare a week, what's the matter?" Su Yun asked curiously.

She has been picking scripts recently, so she still has plenty of time. Although there are some commercial activities, they can be postponed.

"Honey, I want to go to Huxiang tomorrow and talk to Dong Xiaoli from Huxiang Satellite TV about Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan, and Ding Mengni's participation in Huxiang Satellite TV's variety show." Xu Jie explained.

Su Yun was startled, this is a matter for artists in her studio, how could she have the nerve to ask her husband to make a special trip for her?

"Husband, thank you for thinking of me, I'd better go by myself, don't delay your work." Su Yun said empathetically.

If it was normal, I would have gone there, but Brother Jiang has been promoted from Jingshi Culture to the deputy editor-in-chief of Jingcheng TV Station. Now is the critical period for the TV station to decide the general manager of Jingshi Culture.

If the husband is not in the company at this time, and it is because of a personal matter, once it gets to the ears of the TV station executives, what will those leaders think?Why don't you just cross off your husband's name from the list?

"I just want to delay work, otherwise why would I plan to go for a week?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Huh?" Su Yun was a little confused.

Delay work?

on purpose?
My husband has always done his best at work, so it's not too late, what happened today?Stimulated?
"Why?" Su Yun asked puzzled.

"Taiwan listened to the report and questioned me. The matter has already spread to the TV station, causing my reputation to be seriously damaged. I have to ask them to give me an explanation and let them know that Beijing Television Culture can't do without me. Do you understand?" Xu Jie stated his purpose.

If it was someone else, he would definitely not say it, but the woman in front of him is his wife, even if it is a conspiracy, there is no need to hide it.

So this trip to Huxiang, on the surface, was to discuss cooperation, but in fact it was to travel and play, and took the opportunity to let the leaders of the TV station know the importance of him in Jingshi culture.

Besides, the clay figurine was still angry, so how could he swallow such a big matter this time?

Su Yun understood what her husband meant, so she nodded and said, "Understood, I have time, I will accompany you, but are you sure it's okay? Don't overplay it."

"Don't worry, I know what I know." Xu Jie said confidently.

It doesn't matter if the Taiwan leader asks, anyway, he has countless reasons to deal with, and each reason is very reasonable, which can not only make the Taiwan leader anxious, but also make the other party have nothing to say.

What is needed is this kind of strength.

One week is enough for Taili to make a choice.


(End of this chapter)

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