Chapter 1034 Missing?

In the early morning, the sky is full of snowflakes. This is the first spring snow of this year. Although it is not big, it adds a different atmosphere to the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month.

However, among all the festivals, the Lantern Festival should be the one with the least sense of existence. It is one of the traditional festivals in China, but it is not a legal holiday. .

Thousands of words and one sentence: Festivals must be celebrated; work must also be done.


Zhang Qize knocked on the door of Deputy General Manager Xu's office.

Beijing Satellite TV's Lantern Festival Gala will be broadcast tonight. As one of the producers, he will lead a team to Beijing TV Station to record the show.

Before leaving, he wanted to ask Mr. Xu if he had anything to explain.

After a few seconds, the door did not open, and there was no sound from the room.


Zhang Qize knocked on the door three more times, then looked down at the time on the watch, it was already past nine o'clock, logically Mr. Xu should have come.

Did Mr. Xu go to other departments to inspect the work?
Or went to the bathroom outside?
He waited outside the office for a few more minutes, but he still couldn't wait for Mr. Xu, so he could only choose to leave in the end.

At this time, the elevator door slowly opened, and Lu Zhihong from the TV drama department came out with a stack of documents.

"Minister Wang, are you also here to see Mr. Xu?" Zhang Qize looked at the other party and asked, which was regarded as a normal greeting.

"Well, I'm going to Hengdian tomorrow to report to Mr. Xu." Lu Zhihong said with a smile.

"Wait a while, President Xu isn't here." Zhang Qize said.

"Oh, thank you." Lu Zhihong was about to get into the elevator again, but after thinking about it, it would be fine to go back to the office by himself, so he said, "I'll wait here for a while, maybe Mr. Xu will be back soon."

"Well, if Mr. Xu is back, please let me know on WeChat." Zhang Qize said after hearing this, and then walked into the elevator.

Lu Zhihong came outside Mr. Xu's office, knocked on the door a few times with the mentality of giving it a try, and after hearing nothing, he stood outside and waited obediently.

1 minutes……

10 minutes……

Two 10 minutes...


The door suddenly opened, but it was another office.

The expression on Lu Hongzhi's face changed from excitement to disappointment like a Sichuan opera, and then he asked loudly, "Mr. Wang, do you know where Mr. Xu has gone?"

"I don't know." Wang Yunjie shook her head lightly, then glanced at Xu Jie's office, and asked curiously, "Why, isn't President Xu here?"

"En." Lu Zhihong responded.

"Maybe go to another department. If you have something urgent, you can call him." Wang Yunjie reminded.

"I see, thank you Mr. Wang." Lu Zhihong said politely.

"It's okay." Wang Yunjie turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Lu Zhihong looked at the document in his hand, there was actually nothing important in it, but because he was going to film in Hengdian tomorrow, he seemed a little anxious.

After thinking about it, he struggled between disturbing Mr. Xu and not disturbing Mr. Xu, and finally took out his mobile phone and dialed Mr. Xu's mobile number.


"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

Lu Zhihong looked at the phone in a daze, didn't answer?Mr. Xu didn't answer?What's happening here?Is Mr. Xu holding some important meeting?
However, I haven't heard that the company will have a meeting today.

Or, not in the company?

By the way, two people must know whether Mr. Xu is in the company.

Instead of waiting in place, he took the elevator to the first floor, came to the front desk, and found Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying.

"Xiao Yang, Xiao Zhao, has Mr. Xu gone out?" Lu Zhihong asked.

Who has left the company, the front desk knows best.

"Mr. Xu? I didn't see it. He doesn't seem to be here today." Yang Xiuyan looked at Zhao Xiaoying beside her and asked, "Have you seen Mr. Xu?"

"No, Mr. Xu did not come today." Zhao Xiaoying said with certainty.

If it was an ordinary employee, she might not remember, but as the soul and pillar of the company, how could she not remember Mr. Xu, the acting general manager after Mr. Jiang left?

After Lu Zhihong heard it, his mind immediately became chaotic.

Mr. Xu didn't come to work today?
Why didn't you come to work?
Is there other work, or is it related to yesterday's report letter?

Reminiscent of Mr. Xu not answering the phone, his intuition tells him that something may have happened to Mr. Xu, maybe he is locked in a single room for self-reflection at the moment, confiscated the communication equipment, unable to contact the outside world, waiting for the investigation of the relevant department, not all in the TV series Is that how it was played?
"Are you sure Mr. Xu really didn't come today?" Lu Zhihong asked with a serious expression, as if he was facing a big enemy.

Of course, it's also possible that Mr. Xu simply overslept, and that's the best way to go.

"Sure." Zhao Xiaoying said.

Lu Zhihong didn't say anything more, and hurried towards the elevator.

come back to the office.

Lu Zhihong walked back and forth in the room with a lot of preoccupations. Although Mr. Xu was not able to come in the past, he would usually tell Mr. Jiang or the front desk. In this way, everyone would know that Mr. Xu was away from the company.

But today, Vice President Wang didn't know, neither did the front desk. President Jiang was transferred to Beijing TV Station again.

By the way, Mr. Jiang!
Mr. Jiang and Mr. Xu have a good relationship, so he must know about Mr. Xu's situation.

Thinking of this, he immediately picked up his cell phone and called Mr. Jiang.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the phone is connected.

"Mr. Jiang...Editor Jiang, I'm Lu Zhihong from the TV drama department of Beijing Television Culture." Lu Zhihong got used to calling him, and almost called Mr. Jiang directly again.

"Xiao Lu, I know it's you. What can I do for you? Did you make a wrong call? I'm not the general manager of your Beijing TV Culture now." Jiang Hai reminded with a smile.

"That's right, Editor-in-Chief Jiang, I do have something important to ask you, do you know where Mr. Xu has gone?" Lu Zhihong asked tentatively.

"President Xu? You mean Xu Jie? He is the vice president of Beijing Television Culture, you should know it best, why would you think of asking me?" Jiang Hai thought it was funny.

He was transferred back to Beijing TV Station to work, and there was no Xiao Xu, so why did he ask him?
But after laughing, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. If Xiao Xu was in Jingshi Culture, could Lu Zhihong call him?
He even said that if the other party could get through to Xiao Xu, they wouldn't call him.

"Why, you can't contact Mr. Xu?" Jiang Hai put away his smile, and his expression became serious.

It's not a good sign that Xiao Xu can't be contacted at this time.

"Well, Mr. Xu didn't come to the company today, and no one answered the phone." Lu Zhihong said truthfully.

"Okay, I got it. If someone asks Mr. Xu again, just say that he is in a meeting with the TV station. He may not be back when there is something to do. Let's talk about it later." Jiang Hai instructed.

This is also done to avoid rumors like yesterday.

"Yes." Lu Zhihong was not an idiot, so he naturally understood what Editor-in-Chief Jiang meant.

Jiang Hai put down his phone and tried to call Xiao Xu, but it rang for a long time, just like Lu Zhihong said, no one answered at all.

He, who was already a little worried, became even more uneasy.

I haven't heard that Xiao Xu is going to be punished in the station. Besides, didn't Deputy Director Liu confirm that the content of the report was false yesterday?
Did she know about his relationship with Xiao Xu, so she deliberately kept it from him?
Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still any longer, left his seat directly, and headed decisively to Lao Lu's office.


After Jiang Hai knocked on the door, he pushed the door open and walked in without waiting for the people inside to speak.

Lu Hong was writing a report when he saw Jiang Hai, who had just taken office on the first day, he couldn't help but said, "Old Jiang, although we are at the same level now, shouldn't you get my consent before you enter my office?"

Jiang Hai ignored it, as if he hadn't heard it, walked straight to Lu Hong, and asked with a serious expression: "I ask you, old Lu, is Xiao Xu being censored in the station?"


Lu Hong was stunned when he heard it, and it took him a while to come back to his senses. He asked suspiciously: "Lao Jiang, who did you hear that the stage was censoring Xiao Xu? Did you get it wrong? The inspection is almost the same."

Now that the general manager of Jingshi Culture is missing, Xiao Xu, as the deputy general manager, is naturally the focus of investigation in Taili. As for the review, it will only be reviewed when a mistake is made. The matter of the report letter has been asked clearly yesterday, so There is no censorship at all.

"Old Lu, we have been friends for so many years, and Xiao Xu has made both credits and hard work for Beijing Satellite TV. You have to tell me the truth." Jiang Hai couldn't believe it.

"Old Jiang, you have already said that we have been friends for so many years, do I need to lie to you? Do you think I think something will happen to Xiao Xu?" Lu Hong stood up, pointed to the sofa beside him, and motioned for him to sit down. Then he poured a glass of water and put it in front of the other party, and asked puzzledly: "Lao Jiang, can you explain clearly what's going on?"

Jiang Hai took the water glass, carefully looked at Lao Lu's face for a while, and after confirming that the other party seemed to be really ignorant, he said, "Xiao Xu, he's missing."

"What? Missing, missing?"

Lu Hong was in a daze.

How could such a big person, neither a child nor an old man, be missing?
"Old Jiang, don't be joking, today is the Lantern Festival, not some kind of April Fool's Day." Lu Hong patted Jiang Hai on the shoulder
"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Jiang Hai had a cold face, not only serious, but also very worried.

Lu Hong watched for a while, the smile on his face gradually froze, and his brows also frowned, "How can you be sure that Xiao Xu is missing? What is the basis?"

"I can't get through the phone, and I didn't go to work." Jiang Hai said seriously.

"This can only prove that you can't contact Xiao Xu, it can't prove that he is missing, maybe he overslept, or the phone is not with him..." Lu Hong talked about several possibilities in a row.

He knew Xiao Xu well.

How could such a shrewd person lose it?

Maybe people are trying to win new projects.

"By the way, have you contacted his family? Did his family say he was missing?" Lu Hong asked.

Jiang Hai was taken aback for a moment. He really hadn't called Xiao Xu's family, and he didn't have the phone number of Xiao Xu's family, but when they had dinner together a few days ago, his wife seemed to have added contact information with Xiao Xu's lover. .

Thinking of this, he immediately called his wife and asked her to contact Su Yun to ask what Xiao Xu was doing.

Lu Hong smiled, patted Jiang Hai on the shoulder, and said, "Lao Jiang, don't worry, if something happened to Xiao Xu, it would have already spread, and he wouldn't be unable to contact him, just like the last time he was drunk in the hospital. Didn’t someone inform us in the end? Calm down, come, drink some water.”

Jiang Hai felt that Lao Lu's words were not unreasonable. In fact, after careful calculation, it was only two hours since he went to work today.

Lu Hong saw that Lao Jiang's expression softened, so he said: "Lao Jiang, didn't you say that as long as I help you, you will shoot a new variety show? I don't know how the preparations for the new variety show are going? I can't wait. gone."

"What's the rush? Variety shows are not stir-fried dishes. You can cook them whenever you want. Don't you give them more time to prepare?" Jiang Hai said angrily.


Lu Hong was speechless.

When the other party begged him to pass the message to the director, he didn't have the attitude he has now, and this contrast also made him feel cheated.

"Ring bell bell!"

A mobile phone rang, and Jiang Hai quickly connected the phone.

"How about it, did you get in touch... Oh, I see."

After two short sentences, Jiang Hai hung up the phone, not only heaving a sigh of relief, but also the expression on his face eased a lot.

"Have you found it? Are you not missing?" Lu Hong asked with a smile. Actually, there is no need to ask, this can be confirmed from the other party's face.

"Well, I'm not missing." Jiang Hai said while putting away his phone, "Xiao Xu and his wife went to Huxiang, saying they want to discuss cooperation with Huxiang Satellite TV."

"Let me just say, he's sure..." Lu Hong said halfway through, his face suddenly changed, he looked at Jiang Hai and asked loudly, "What did you say? Xiao Xu went to Huxiang, and he still wants to cooperate with Huxiang Satellite TV? "

"Yes." Jiang Hai straightened his clothes, stood up and said, "Old Lu, excuse me, you are busy with your work, I will go back."

"Wait!" Lu Hong grabbed Jiang Hai's clothes.

"What?" Jiang Hai asked.

"We have to let Xiao Xu come back quickly, and we can't let him cooperate with Huxiang Satellite TV." Lu Hong said solemnly.

"Why? You only need to cooperate with Huxiang Satellite TV, and he is not allowed to cooperate with Huxiang Satellite TV? Isn't it typical of you to only allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps? Besides, Xiao Xu developed the company's business to Huxiang, isn't that right? Is it good?" Jiang Hai said.

Jingshi Culture has been trapped in the capital for these years, and now it is a good thing to be able to go out, and it can even be said to be a great achievement.

It is not difficult to go from 1 to 2, but it is difficult to go from 0 to 1
If Xiao Xu can do it this time, he will be happy, even if Huxiang Satellite TV is a competitor of Beijing Satellite TV.

"Xiao Xu gave the high-quality program to Huxiang Satellite TV, so what about our Beijing Satellite TV? Also, Xiao Xu was just framed yesterday, and went to Huxiang today. He hasn't told anyone. You don't think there is a problem here. Is it?" Lu Hong frowned tightly.

"What's the problem?" Jiang Hai scratched his head.

"Xiao Xu, do you want to change jobs?"



(End of this chapter)

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