The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1035 Special Existence

Chapter 1035 Special Existence

Jiang Hai froze in place when he heard the word "job hopping".

Although I have never heard Xiao Xu say that he wants to change jobs, other TV stations have never stopped poaching Xiao Xu. In addition, the inquiry on the station yesterday made Xiao Xu feel that his dignity was hurt. decision.

Especially Huxiang Satellite TV.

One is the entertainment overlord in domestic TV stations, and the other is the gold medal director of domestic variety shows. The two are simply a strong alliance, a match made in heaven.

The most important thing is that Huxiang Satellite TV is not only rich, but also has very loose requirements for staff, such as allowing endorsements, allowing participation in commercial activities, etc., which will bring huge income to employees.

The simplest example is the host of Huxiang Satellite TV. Which one is not soft when receiving advertisements, and movies and TV shows are available whenever they want?This situation is almost unimaginable in other TV stations.

With Xiao Xu's talent, if he went to Huxiang Satellite TV, he would be fully released and earn more money. Like in Beijing Television Culture, his cooperation with his brother-in-law would be subject to investigation.

The more Jiang Hai thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and scratched his head with his hands anxiously.

If Xiao Xu leaves, won't the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture fall to someone else?Didn't the happy one become the person who wrote the report letter in the end?

Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu, you must not let this person succeed!

"Old Lu, what if Xiao Xu really wants to change jobs?" Jiang Hai said anxiously.

If Huxiang Satellite TV can give Xiao Xu a higher position, he will not stop him. The question is, can Huxiang Satellite TV do it?

With Xiao Xu's current situation, unless Huxiang TV is willing to take the position of director of the satellite TV program center, he doesn't think it's worthwhile to be even a deputy director.

"What should we do? Of course we can't let him have such thoughts!" Lu Hong walked up and down the office anxiously, stopped after a while, looked at Jiang Hai and said, "First of all, the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture is a small job. Xu’s, Xiao Xu was the deputy director when he was in the art program center, and he was the deputy general manager when he arrived at Jingshi Culture, now it’s time to straighten him up.”

"Even if you don't tell me about it, I know about it, but this alone may not be able to completely win back Xiao Xu's heart." Jiang Hai said worriedly.

Now that this topic has already started, he must of course strive for the greatest benefit for Xiao Xu, which can be considered as a reward for Xiao Xu.

"Of course, I just don't know if the director and others will agree, because there has never been such an example in our TV station before." Lu Hong hesitated and said.

"Tell me quickly?" Jiang Hai suddenly became interested.

no example?

That means it must be good.

"Add project share for Xiao Xu." Lu Hong said.

"Project sharing?" Jiang Hai's eyes lit up. This is indeed a very attractive proposal. It can not only bring Xiao Xu a lot of income, but also mobilize Xiao Xu's enthusiasm for work.

Just like now, no matter how high the naming fees of "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" are, they have nothing to do with Xiao Xu. At most, they have more performance salary and more year-end bonus, but they are all very limited .

And "The Legend of Lan Xi", Xiao Xu, as the producer and screenwriter, can't get a penny of compensation, isn't it a bit unreasonable?

These days, if you want people to work, you can't just draw big cakes for them, you have to spend some real money, otherwise, after a long time, after the freshness, who will work hard?
How can there be such a good thing if you want the cow to run away but don't let the cow graze?

"I agree!" Jiang Hai straightened up and said.

Now that the position is in place and the money is in place, what reason does Xiao Xu have to leave?
"What's the use of your consent, the director must agree to it." Lu Hongbai said the same as Jiang Hai.

"Then let's persuade the director together when we have a meeting to discuss the general manager of Jingshi Culture." Jiang Hai said positively.

He doesn't think this is an excessive thing, more pay for more work, isn't this a normal thing?

Besides, Xiao Xu is a meritorious minister of the TV station, one-third of the entire TV station's income is brought by Xiao Xu, what's the matter with giving him some share?
Compared with that share, if Xiao Xu leaves Beijing TV Culture and jumps to Huxiang TV, it will have a greater impact on Beijing TV.

Lu Hong looked at Jiang Hai, rolled his eyes, and said, "It's okay to persuade together, but there is something involved."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hai asked curiously.

"Old Jiang, you were the general manager of Jingshi Culture before. When discussing the next general manager of Jingshi Culture, the head of the station will definitely ask your opinion first, so regarding our concerns and suggestions just now, it is up to you It is better for you to speak out, you understand the situation better, and what you say is more convincing. After you finish speaking, the director will definitely ask other people for their opinions. At that time, I will stand up and echo you, and the effect will definitely be better. What do you think?" Lu Hong expressed his thoughts.

After Jiang Hai thought about it for a while, he immediately understood what Lao Lu meant.

No, it should be a routine.

The other party was simply afraid of being hated. After all, this proposal was the only one in the entire capital TV station, and once this was the first of its kind, would anyone else want to enjoy this treatment?These are issues that need to be discussed.

But routines are routines, as long as he can help Xiao Xu, he doesn't care about being bullied.

Xiao Xu has helped him so much, and he is worried that he will not find a chance to repay him. Isn't this a good opportunity?
If he doesn't rush, who will rush?

"Okay, then let's make a deal, you can't back down." Jiang Hai reminded.

"Old Jiang, look at what you said, am I that kind of person?" Lu Hong showed a look of displeasure, but he was smiling in his heart, and finally someone stood up to replace him as the leader.

Jiang Hai thought to himself: It's hard to say.

In order to remind Lao Lu of the importance of this matter, and to stimulate the other party's enthusiasm for this matter, he pretended to agree and said: "Yes, yes, you are not that kind of person. After all, if Xiao Xu changes jobs, the most affected It’s your Beijing Satellite TV, right?”

The corner of Lu Hong's mouth twitched involuntarily, not to mention, it was true.

The most popular programs on Beijing Satellite TV are "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage". Once Xiao Xu quits, it will inevitably affect the word-of-mouth and ratings of these two variety shows, and the naming fee will also be greatly affected. Influence.

Seeing Lao Lu's expression, Jiang Hai started to laugh secretly.

We are grasshoppers on a rope, and no one can escape.


News of Xu Jie's appearance at Huxiang TV quickly spread across the Internet, and even made headlines on the entertainment pages of major portal websites. That's called being clear.

Now he is not only the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, but also a star, not to mention that he has a big star wife beside him, so he can't help being noticed.

However, it was these photos that made the TV circles, entertainment circles, and netizens who saw the photos excited. Everyone speculated about the purpose of Lao Xu's trip to Huxiang TV.

As we all know, Lao Xu is a member of Beijing TV Station, and Huxiang TV Station is one of Jingcheng TV Station's competitors in the ratings market. This is worth thinking about.

Some people speculate that Lao Xu went to Huxiang Satellite TV for "The Legend of Lanxi", some speculated that Lao Xu went to Huxiang Satellite TV to discuss cooperation, and some speculated that Lao Xu went to Huxiang Satellite TV to investigate the environment and prepare for job hopping. Guess what.

It's just that the outsiders watched the fun, but the companions panicked. The original positive working atmosphere of Jingshi Culture was directly broken.

"Minister, didn't you say Mr. Xu is at Beijing TV Station? But what does the news say Mr. Xu is at Hunan TV Station?" Li Xiaofei, an employee of the TV drama department, couldn't help asking Lu Zhihong who was passing by the office area.

One is in Beijing and the other is in Hunan. Not only are the pronunciations different, but the distance is more than 1000 kilometers apart. Isn’t that too big a difference?
If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was his immediate superior, he would have prepared to sue the other party for spreading rumors.

Lu Zhihong was a little embarrassed after hearing this. He didn't know where Mr. Xu was. It was Deputy Editor Jiang who asked him to say that. Can you blame him for inaccurate information?
But there is something to be happy about, that is, I finally know where Mr. Xu is.

If there is no more news from Mr. Xu, he is ready to call the police.

"What's so strange about this? It only takes about two and a half hours to fly from Beijing to Hunan. It's two o'clock in the afternoon. President Xu is on Beijing TV in the morning and Huxiang TV in the afternoon. Isn't the time right?" Lu Zhihong asked rhetorically.

Although he didn't know why Mr. Xu went to Huxiang TV Station, he must not show timidity when faced with questions from his subordinates, otherwise it would affect his prestige as the head of the department.

Everyone was stunned after hearing this, as if the explanation really made sense.

"But what did Mr. Xu suddenly go to Huxiang TV Station? Why have you never heard that Mr. Xu is going to Huxiang?" Another person raised doubts.

"What does Mr. Xu want to do, and why should he report to you? Who do you think you are? I'm going out now, do I need to report to you?" Lu Zhihong said angrily.


When everyone heard it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

"There are rumors on the Internet that Mr. Xu is going to leave for Huxiang TV. Is it true?" A female employee asked worriedly.

"Is there any news on the Internet about my fortune this year, whether I can win a lottery ticket?" Lu Zhihong rolled his eyes directly.

When he was paying attention to Mr. Xu's news just now, he also saw such speculation, and even believed in the comments of netizens. Isn't this because his brain was trapped by the door?

Everyone stopped asking questions, for fear of being squeezed by the minister again.

When Lu Zhihong returned to the office, the moment the door closed, the seriousness on his face disappeared instantly and turned into anxiety.

Of course, he was not anxious about Mr. Xu jumping to Hunan Satellite TV, but because he still couldn't get in touch with Mr. Xu.

According to the original plan, tomorrow the TV drama department and film department will go to Hengdian to continue filming the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi". All the actors have been notified, but now they can't contact the producer, can he be in a hurry?

With the mentality of giving it a try, he took out his mobile phone and called Mr. Xu again.


"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later."

Still don't pick up.

Lu Zhihong scratched his head vigorously, and a few hairs hung from his fingers.

The anxious ones have already started to lose their hair.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

In order to prevent people from fluctuating, Lu Zhihong immediately returned to his seat and sat down, and then said loudly: "Come in."


The person who came in was Wang Wen, director of the film department.

"Old Lu, haven't you contacted Mr. Xu yet? Should we go to Hengdian tomorrow as originally planned, or wait for news from Mr. Xu at the company?" Wang Wen asked directly.

It was supposed to go to Hengdian. This was a plan that had been made last year, but Mr. Xu mentioned at the meeting yesterday that all projects in the company were not allowed to start without his permission.

The filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" should count as such a big event, right?

"I don't know. I called Mr. Xu, but no one answered, and wechat didn't reply. If I didn't read the news, I wouldn't even know where Mr. Xu is." Lu Zhihong said with a bitter face.

"Ah? Then what should we do?" Wang Wen frowned and asked, "Why don't you ask Editor Jiang again?"

Lu Zhihong thought for a while, and that was the only way to go.

He picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed Editor Jiang's number again.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Editor Jiang, I'm sorry to bother you, but it's me, Lu Zhihong."

"I know, is it possible that you still can't contact Mr. Xu?" Jiang Hai asked directly.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang. According to the original plan, the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" will start tomorrow. We don't know whether we should go or not. How about you give us an idea?" Editor, former general manager of Jingshi Culture.

"Did Xiao Xu not explain to you before leaving?" Jiang Hai asked.

In his impression, Xiao Xu is not that kind of person, even if Wan Wan disappears, he will arrange things well before disappearing.

Lu Zhihong thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Xu held a meeting for us yesterday and told us that without his permission, all projects of the company are not allowed to start."

"In this case, then suspend the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" and make a decision when Mr. Xu returns from Huxiang." Jiang Hai said lightly.

He knew that before Xiao Xu left, he would definitely arrange the work.

"But the actors have already been notified, and the venue has also been negotiated. If it is delayed, the crew will suffer a great loss." Lu Zhihong said anxiously.

"Did you lose your money?" Jiang Hai asked.

Lu Zhihong was stunned, and the question pierced his soul.

"No, no." Lu Zhihong replied blankly.

"Did you lose your benefit salary?" Jiang Hai asked again.

"No." Lu Zhihong said obediently.

"Who is the person in charge of your Jingshi Culture now?" Jiang Hai then asked.

"President Xu." Lu Zhihong said.

"Any other questions?"

"No, no more."


Jiang Hai hung up the phone directly.

Tomorrow morning, the station will discuss the candidate for the general manager of Jingshi Culture. Now he has to prepare the manuscript to persuade the director and others, but he has no time to chat with Lu Zhihong.


(End of this chapter)

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