The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1036 Taking Advantage?

Chapter 1036 Taking Advantage?
"Mr. Xu, regarding the communication between artists, you can just call me or send me a WeChat message. Why do you still go there yourself? Are you worried that I don't take it seriously?"

Huxiang TV Station, Dong Xiaoli warmly received Xu Jie and Su Yun in the office. Although she was a little surprised by their sudden arrival, she was generally very pleasantly surprised.

The so-called mutual exchange of artists is actually an exchange of resources, but the words are too straightforward and not pleasant to hear.

"Why, doesn't Editor Dong welcome me?" Xu Jie asked jokingly.

"Look at what you said, if you could come here every day, I would be too happy." Dong Xiaoli said while pouring water for the two of them herself.

"Thank you, Editor Dong." Su Yun said with a smile after taking it.

"You're welcome, we are not outsiders." Dong Xiaoli sat down, looked at Xu Jie with a smile and asked, "President Xu, do you have other things to do when you come to our Huxiang TV station this time?"

In her opinion, if it's just a trivial matter like resource exchange, there's absolutely no need for the other party to come in person.

"There is nothing else, but I feel that the first time we cooperate, people can show enough sincerity. If I have to say one thing, it is that I want to visit Huxiang TV Station and learn from colleagues in Huxiang Satellite TV. "Xu Jie said seriously.

Dong Xiaoli was slightly taken aback, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, you are now a master of domestic variety shows, and we should learn from you."

It wasn't that she was being polite.

The two highest-rated variety shows in China belong to each other.

The variety show with the highest naming fee in China also belonged to the other party.

Although the other party has not been engaged in variety shows for a long time, his brilliant achievements are an existence that many program producers cannot achieve in their lifetime. Who would not want to learn from the other party and master the secret of popular variety shows?
"It's just a fluke for me. Unlike your Huxiang Satellite TV, you not only can often launch blockbuster variety shows, but also have a strong ability to create stars. You are a well-deserved entertainment hegemony. Compared with you, I am just a rookie. There is a lot to learn, so I ask Editor Dong not to hide it."

Xu Jie kept his attitude very low. As far as entertainment programs are concerned, no TV station dared to say that the variety shows he produced were better than Huxiang Satellite TV, and he was no exception.

The high ratings of one or two variety shows are only temporary, and it’s nothing. Who doesn’t eat dumplings for a year?
Only if you can eat dumplings every year, and you can eat dumplings whenever you want, this is the real power.

When Dong Xiaoli heard this, she was immediately praised and smiled, "Mr. Xu, you are too modest. Let's learn from each other and make progress together."

"Yes, this cooperation is just the beginning. I think we will have more cooperation in the future." Xu Jie also expressed his attitude.

"President Xu is right!" Dong Xiaoli was very happy.

To be honest, she is not interested in having her cooperate with Beijing Satellite TV, but she likes it very much if she is asked to cooperate with Xu Jie.

It's not that she doesn't look down on Beijing Satellite TV, but that the young man in front of her is too good, surpassing the entire Beijing Satellite TV. Since she can't get him, it's good to have a long-term cooperation.

"By the way, there is a variety show that is being recorded. Do you want to see Mr. Xu and Xiao Su?" Dong Xiaoli asked.

"Okay, then I will trouble Editor Dong." Xu Jie was not polite, and agreed directly.

This time I came to Huxiang, one is to use the exchange of resources to give the station some sense of crisis, and the other is to learn from Huxiang Satellite TV. After all, "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" have been filmed for many seasons. No matter how good a variety show is, the audience will get tired of watching it one day.

Instead of being in a dilemma on that day, it is better to prepare for that day in advance and produce another variety show. Even if the audience hates the previous variety show, they can use the new variety show to top it in time.

Isn't there such a sentence?
People without thought, he must worry about.

If he can't produce a variety show that replaces "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", then his presence on Beijing TV will also decrease in the future.

You must know that the reason why he has his current position on the capital TV station is due to the blessing of variety shows. If there is no variety show, his influence on the TV station will also decline.

"Mr. Xu, Xiao Su, come with me." Dong Xiaoli stood up and enthusiastically led Xu Jie and Su Yun to the recording site of the variety show.

It is false to take two people to visit, but it is true to want to hear some suggestions from Xu Jie.

Although Huxiang Satellite TV's variety shows have always been good in terms of topicality and word-of-mouth, and even rank among the top ratings of domestic variety shows all year round, the gap must be clearly seen in order to make progress.

Even if this variety show is only popular for a while, it is necessary to analyze the reasons, learn from each other's strengths and make up for its weaknesses, so as to make full preparations for creating the next hit show.

Xu Jie followed Dong Xiaoli to the studio, and the three sat down at the back of the auditorium.

What is being recorded at the scene is a variety show called "Happy Everyday", which has been broadcast for more than ten years and is the trump variety show of Hunan Satellite TV.

Relying on various forms, changing styles, and new stars and artists appearing in each episode, the show has attracted a large number of audiences, especially young audiences, and it can even be said to be the youthful memory of many people.

And the two male and female hosts on the stage have also grown from rookies to gold medal hosts, and they can often be seen at some large-scale evening parties held by Hunan Satellite TV.

Xu Jie watched carefully. A variety show can be broadcast for more than ten years. This cannot be summed up in the word "success", it is simply... quite successful.

Among all the domestic variety shows, how many can be broadcast for more than ten years?
not much!

If he can learn from it, then he won't have to worry about variety shows in the next ten years.


"Clap clap clap!"

There were bursts of laughter and applause from time to time.

There is usually a big difference between the live variety show and the official broadcast content.

What the audience sees in front of the TV is edited and processed content, but what they see on the spot is the most authentic content, including the scheduling of the scene by the director's team, the control of the rhythm, and the host and artist. Laughing and cursing.

Just when Xu Jie was fascinated, someone suddenly came over.

"Editor Dong, you are here." A middle-aged man in his forties came to Dong Xiaoli and asked respectfully, "What instructions do you have?"

Then he politely nodded to Xu Jie and Su Yun beside him, as a greeting.

Usually, Editor-in-Chief Dong seldom comes to the recording site of the program. Not only did he come today, but he also brought people from Beijing TV Station with him. He must have some intentions.

"I don't have any instructions, just take Mr. Xu and Xiao Su to watch our Huxiang Satellite TV program, and listen to Mr. Xu's thoughts by the way." Dong Xiaoli said.

The middle-aged man looked at Xu Jie again, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The name Xu Jie is well-known in the entire variety show circle, and as a colleague, it is impossible for him not to know about it, not to mention that the other party has also acted in movies, and has been a leading actor, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is thunderous.

But the question is, isn't the other party from Beijing TV Station?Why did you come to Huxiang Satellite TV to raise ideas?Have you crossed the line?
Or, is it here to mess things up?

He was very puzzled and a little angry at the same time, but for the sake of Editor Dong, he still said politely: "Mr. Xu, please give me your advice."

"Don't say that." Xu Jie finally saw the job card hanging on the other party's chest at this time, Ma Weizhe, the chief director of "Happy Everyday".

Although I haven't heard of the other party's name, "Happy Everyday" has been broadcast for more than ten years, and the other party must be very famous in the variety show circle.

At least his predecessors.

"Director Ma, don't listen to Editor-in-Chief Dong. I'm not here to share my ideas. I'm here to learn from a teacher." Xu Jie didn't hide anything, and directly expressed his thoughts.

Ma Weizhe was a little confused when he heard it.

Steal a teacher to learn art?

The other party still uses stealing a teacher to learn art?

Isn't this equivalent to asking the second in the class for learning experience from the first in the class?

Even if the other party is willing to learn, he is too embarrassed to teach.

"Mr. Xu, if you want to steal a teacher to learn art, it should be me who steals a teacher from you." Ma Weizhe said.

"Happy Everyday" is out of date, and the other party is the hottest fried chicken.

"Director Ma, you are too modest. "Happy Everyday" has been on the air for more than ten years, and there are not many of them in the country. Based on this, you are a role model for me to follow." Xu Jie said seriously.

When Ma Weizhe was told, he suddenly felt a little proud, and he began to drift away.

The other party made a mistake?
That's right!

There are really not many long-lived variety shows like "Happy Everyday", which are awesome.

"Mr. Xu, you only know one thing but not the other."

Dong Xiaoli sighed suddenly at this time, and a trace of worry appeared on her face.

What the outside world sees is the scenery on the surface, but does not see the various problems behind the scenery.

"In recent years, variety shows of various themes have emerged, which have had a great impact on "Happy Everyday", and the ratings have also dropped significantly. In order to win back the audience, we have made a lot of efforts, such as changing to a new stage, Adding more games, increasing the interaction between the host and the celebrity guests, but with little effect. The current situation is that new audiences cannot be attracted, and old audiences are constantly being lost. I know Mr. Xu, you have a lot of ideas, you Can you give us some advice?"

What Dong Xiaoli said was very straightforward, and she didn't hide it just because the other party was not from Huxiang TV.

If you want the other party to help, the best way is not to cheat, but to tell the problem without reservation. As for whether to solve it, that is the other party's business.

On the side, Ma Weizhe's face was full of astonishment. He never expected that Editor-in-Chief Dong would tell the problems of the program to people from other TV stations. Wouldn't this be tantamount to exposing his weaknesses to others?
He didn't understand Editor Dong's behavior.

Is it just hope that Mr. Xu can help them solve the problem?
Huxiang Satellite TV, the domestic entertainment overlord, actually wants to ask an outsider for help. Isn't it shameful to say it?
What I know is that Editor-in-Chief Dong is outspoken, but what I don’t know is that I thought there was no one in Huxiang Satellite TV.

"Editor Dong, how can you be like this? I agreed that I came to study, why are you still engaging in sneak attacks?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

He came here to find inspiration for a new variety show, not to offer suggestions for other people's variety shows.

Besides, for a variety show that has been on the air for more than ten years, most of the viewers watch it for their feelings. If they want to have fun in their feelings and pass the time by the way, what more can they ask for?
Do you still expect the ratings to be as popular as it was at the beginning?
Even if celebrities are invited regularly, the freshness of the program will not be so strong.

"Mr. Xu, all of you are already here. Wouldn't it be a bit inappropriate if you just leave like this?" Dong Xiaoli said.


Xu Jie was speechless after hearing this.

Is this a bandit den?If you want to leave, what else must you leave behind?
But looking at the situation today, if he doesn't say something, it may be really difficult to get out of here.

"Editor Dong, it's okay to give suggestions, but you have to give me some time, let me think about it carefully? If you can understand it at a glance, then what kind of work do I have? I can just find a roadside stall and tell the fortune .”

Xu Jie chose to postpone the matter and leave here first.

He found a problem, why do these leaders always like to take advantage of others?

Editor-in-Chief Lu is, and so is Editor-in-Chief Dong.

"Mr. Xu, aren't you trying to put me off?" Dong Xiaoli narrowed her eyes and looked at Xu Jie.

"Editor Dong, it's not that you don't know where I work. Even if I escaped the monk, can I still escape the temple?" Xu Jie asked.

When Dong Xiaoli thought about it, she seemed to be right.

Moreover, it takes time to think about solving problems. It is indeed a bit difficult for the other party to speak out immediately.

Another one, if the other party really said it right away, how could this embarrass the director team of "Happy Everyday"?How can the human feelings of the entire Huxiang Satellite TV be so embarrassing?

One person can't beat an idea that one person came up with casually, and if it spreads, it won't become a laughing stock?
After going back and thinking about it, it can be regarded as saving some face for them.

"Okay, let's make a deal." After Dong Xiaoli thought it over, she stopped forcing her.

Perhaps the voice was a little loud just now, and the surrounding audience quickly noticed the situation here.

After seeing the two stars who suddenly appeared in the back row, everyone's eyes lit up immediately, and some even ignored the order of the scene and couldn't help shouting out in a low voice.

"Xu Jie and Su Yun!"

"What? Where?"

"Wow, it really is!"

One pass to ten, ten to one hundred, the audience who were originally looking at the stage turned their heads to look back at this moment, and the exclamation was heard one after another, spreading throughout the studio.

The hosts and artists on the stage were confused about the situation for a while, and the ongoing interaction also stopped, and they all looked where the audience was looking.

"I'm sorry Director Ma, I interrupted your program recording." Xu Jie said to Ma Weizhe, but after all, he waved at the audience around him.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the audience present are the best witnesses. I believe that it won't be long before the news of his appearance at the recording site of "Happy Everyday" will spread all over the Internet. By then, I don't believe the leaders in the station are not in a hurry.


(End of this chapter)

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