The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 102: Big Pig Farmer

Chapter 102 Pig Raising Big Boss
In the evening, Xu Jie drove away from home.

For this trip home, he was very satisfied. It not only satisfied his parents' desire to see their daughter-in-law, but also earned them enough face in the village, which was perfect.

He moved the four boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables packed by his parents into the kitchen, and was about to go back to the house to change clothes. When he saw Su Yun sitting in the living room and did not go upstairs, he thought she was tired, so he walked over and said, "Today Thank you for your hard work, if you need help in the future, just... what are you doing?"

I saw the woman holding two emerald green bracelets in her hands, looking left and right, shining on the lamp for a while, and breathing upwards for a while.

"Look at the bracelet." Su Yun said.

"Don't look at it, give it back to me." Xu Jie stretched out his hand.

"Why?" Su Yun turned her head in doubt, and said, "This is a gift from your mother."

"Wrong, my mother gave it to my daughter-in-law." Xu Jie corrected.

"I am your daughter-in-law now."

"You can be regarded as my partner and comrade-in-arms at best."

Su Yun didn't take it seriously when she heard it, put the bracelet on her wrist, swayed it in front of Xu Jie, and said: "This pair of bracelets is really beautiful, and it fits me well, is it a family heirloom of your old Xu family? "

"No." Xu Jie hooked his hand at the other party, signaling to take it off quickly.

"Why are you so stingy? Isn't it just a pair of bracelets?" Su Yun rolled her eyes, flashed a hint of cunning, and then said with a smile: "Tell me, if one day your mother comes to our house on a whim, she wants to see how the bracelets will work." What to do? I think it’s better to keep it with me first, because I happen to have a safe in my room.”

Xu Jie frowned slightly, and looked at the other party with squinted eyes, "No way, a top-notch star, who can be regarded as wealthy and earning a lot of money every day, actually wants to get rich? This is against your identity."

"I'm still interested in sex." Su Yun said indifferently: "Didn't my mother give you the book? When will I ask you for it?"

"Can a book compare to this pair of bracelets?" Xu Jie said.

"It's a shame that you are still a scholar, but you said such a thing, haven't you heard of 'the book has its own golden house'? How many golden houses did my mother give you?" Su Yun carefully admired the jadeite on her wrist The more the other party wanted the bracelet, the less she wanted to give it, and a woman's intuition told her that this pair of bracelets might be unusual.

"If you say that, then I will..." Xu Jie rolled up his sleeves.

"What do you want to do?" Su Yun raised her hands high, and looked at the man in protest, "I'd rather be broken than whole."

"Ding dong!"

At this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang in the house.

"Hush!" Su Yun immediately put her index finger to her mouth when she heard it, and said in a low voice, "It's Sister Hua, here to deliver something."

Xu Jie put down his sleeves, turned and walked towards the second floor.

Su Yun got up and went to open the door, Liu Jinghua walked in tremblingly.

"It's so cold tonight." He lifted the donkey bag in his hand, "This is the Beijing Film Acting textbook you want."

"Thank you, Sister Hua!" Su Yun took it over happily, took the bag and went to the living room, and took out the books inside.

"Huh?" Liu Jinghua's eyes lit up, looked at the bracelet and asked, "Is this your newly bought jade bracelet?" After speaking, he grabbed Su Yun's hand and looked at it carefully.

"It was a gift from someone else." Su Yun suddenly remembered that Sister Hua was very good at jewelry, so she asked, "What do you think of this pair of bracelets?"

Liu Jinghua looked at it for a while, then nodded and said: "This should be a pair of full-color natural jadeite bracelets from Burma. The texture is fine, crystal clear, and the head is also full. Even tens of millions."

"What, so expensive?" Su Yun was taken aback. She thought it was only worth tens of thousands of yuan, and she didn't take it seriously. She didn't expect it to be more than a hundred times.

She finally understood why Xu Jie had such a big reaction when he saw his mother take out the box, and why Xu Jie asked her for the bracelet as soon as he came back.

If she had known that the pair of jade bracelets were so expensive, she would never have accepted them.

"Sister Hua, are you sure? Take a closer look." Su Yun said.

"You can doubt my vision for people, but you can't doubt my vision for jewelry. Can I be wrong about such a good treasure?" Liu Jinghua said, looked at Su Yun and asked, "Which boss is so generous, don't you never buy it?" Do you accept expensive gifts? Are you not afraid that Xu Jie will be jealous if he finds out?"

"Sister Hua, you know that I went to Xu Jie's house today." Su Yun said.

Liu Jinghua nodded, Su Yun did tell her about this, or else she would have sent the book over during the day.

"This pair of bracelets is a meeting gift from Xu Jie's mother."


Liu Jinghua stayed for a while, then smiled and said: "Yunyun, don't joke with me, his family only raises pigs in the countryside, how could he give you such an expensive meeting gift? Ten thousand and one yuan would be fine .”

Su Yun looked at Liu Jinghua solemnly and said, "Sister Hua, you may not believe it. His pig farm is bigger than the Workers' Stadium, with tens of thousands of pigs and dozens of fruit and vegetable greenhouses."

"Really, really?" Liu Jinghua's voice began to tremble, a look of shock appeared on his face, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Fruits and vegetables are in the kitchen. You pack some back when you leave. By the way, do you remember the [-] small boxes of white strawberries you bought a few days ago? His father also packed a box. And it’s cultivated without soil, not only sweeter than the one you bought, but also has a faint creamy fragrance.”

Su Yun carefully took off the jadeite bracelet, wrapped it in a red cloth, and put it in a box. I said it was a joke to put it in the safe, but now I really want to put it in the safe.


Liu Jinghua was dumbfounded, like a wooden man.

At first she also doubted Su Yun's words, but she also felt that there was no need for him to lie to her.

This is so embarrassing. I thought I was a poor boy, but I didn't expect to be a second-generation rich man who raises pigs.

She remembered a short story she had read: When she was in college, there was a girl from Inner Mongolia in her class. When she came, she told everyone that her family sold a cow to pay tuition. Everyone thought it was not easy, so they took good care of her until graduation. , I invited everyone to her house to play, and saw that her family raised more than a thousand cows.

After a while, Liu Jinghua turned his head slowly, looked at Su Yun who seemed to be surprised by this matter, and asked curiously: "You, did you know this after you registered with him for so long?"

Su Yun's heart tightened and she wanted to reveal her secrets, but the acting lessons these days are not for nothing, she nodded, and said with a wry smile: "Yes, I was also deceived by him, the rich second generation hides their identities and goes to work to find a partner. This kind of thing, I always thought it would only appear in TV dramas, but I never thought it would happen to me, by the way, didn't Tang Fei mention it to you?"

Liu Jinghua shook her head blankly. She asked Tang Fei about her boyfriend's family situation. Tang Fei also said that she raised pigs and grew vegetables in the countryside. She will not separate the two of them even if they are vegetables in a greenhouse.


If Tang Fei knew the truth, wouldn't he blame her for the rest of his life?

"Yunyun, the company's annual meeting will be in a few days. When you see Tang Fei, don't tell her about it!" Liu Jinghua said quickly.

Tang Fei is now the company's key training target and one of the company's cash cows, so she must not be allowed to know about this.

"Don't worry." Su Yun said after hearing this: "Don't forget, I am also one of the company's shareholders."

Liu Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief, but remembering that she had ridiculed the poor man, she immediately stood up.

I couldn't say it at first, but now the only disadvantage has become an advantage, so don't stay here and take your own humiliation, let's go!


(End of this chapter)

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