The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 103 Anxiety factor?

Chapter 103 Anxiety?

on Monday.

A brand new week has officially started.

Outside the gate of Beijing TV Station, a BMW Mini was parked on the side of the road. Everyone who works here knows about this car, because it is the car of Su Yun, the queen of Chinese.

The big star came to send her husband to work again.

"Husband, today I'm going to Huaxia TV to participate in the rehearsal of the New Year's Eve party. I won't be able to bring you meals at noon, so I have to eat well." Su Yun told Xu Jie who got off the car.

Xu Jie was overjoyed, he finally didn't have to force his mouth in full view.

His mouth heaved a sigh of relief, and his stomach twitched even more excitedly.

He suppressed his joy, looked at Su Yun in the car, and said in a caring tone: "I see, you should also eat well."


Su Yun drove away, Xu Jie looked at the car going away, clenched his fist tightly, yeah!
I must go to the cafeteria to have a big meal at noon today.

Xu Jie hummed a little tune and walked into the column group. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhang Mingliang standing up and blinking at him non-stop.

"Brother Liang, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked in a low voice.

"The director asked you to go to the office. Also, the first brother is here, and his face is ugly. Do you owe him money?" Zhang Mingliang asked in a low voice.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He thought that Brother Yi would come to him, but he didn't expect to come earlier than him. It seemed that he was really in a hurry.

It's no wonder that his Weibo post "Heating is the people's livelihood" has been popular in the past two days, and its influence is not only in the capital, but even netizens in other northern heating cities have followed suit, taking photos of "We are from XX community." Owner, the temperature in our home is not up to standard" video was posted on the Internet, on Weibo, and also on the short video app, and even rushed into the trending search.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said with a relaxed face, and then walked to the senior sister's office.

The door of the office was ajar, and Li Donglai's voice was heard as soon as he approached.

"How did you become the director of the column? You can't even control your own subordinates. Do you know how I spent this weekend..."

Xu Jie frowned when he heard that, posting on Weibo was purely his personal behavior, how could he blame the senior sister?
"Dangdang!" Xu Jie knocked heavily on the door.

"Come in." Li Donglai said with a straight face.

Xu Jie opened the door and walked in. Li Donglai was sitting, and the senior sister was standing. Seeing the depressed expression on the senior sister's face, she should have been criticized a lot.

"Director, are you looking for me?" Xu Jie looked at the senior sister.

Wang Jingmin pointed to Li Donglai who was at the side, and said to Xu Jie, "Director Li is looking for you."

Xu Jie then looked at Li Donglai and asked, "Director Li, what's the matter?"

Li Donglai looked at the young man in front of him sullenly, and said, "Let me ask you, why did you post such a video on the official Weibo of the program group on Friday night?"

"Of course I'm speaking out for the residents of the old community. Didn't Director Li see it?" Xu Jie asked strangely.

"Didn't I tell you last week that you are not allowed to report on heating news?" Li Donglai asked loudly.

"Yeah, I didn't report it on the show, so I posted a small video on the official Weibo. Later, our director told me that I couldn't post it on the official Weibo, so I posted it on my own Weibo. What's the matter? Question?" Xu Jie's face was full of doubts.

Li Donglai almost didn't come up in one breath, thinking: You post on your own Weibo, which attracts more attention than official Weibo.

"Xu Jie, I told you to pay attention to the impact. Why didn't you listen to it? Didn't it make you reflect? Do you know how bad the impact of your actions is? Do you know how much it has brought to everyone? Trouble?" Li Donglai became more and more agitated, and the spit stars began to fly around.

Xu Jie wiped his face, bad breath!

You said I didn't pay attention to the influence, I agree, you said I caused trouble for everyone, isn't this nonsense?
"Why did I cause trouble for everyone?" Xu Jie asked.

Li Donglai didn't expect Xu Jie to dare to talk back, his face was flushed with anger, he pinched his waist with one hand and pointed at Xu Jie, and said loudly to Wang Jingmin next to him: "Look, he is still not convinced."

Wang Jingmin blinked at Xu Jie, and signaled to the younger brother to stop talking, as it would be fruitless to talk back to Director Li.

Seeing that Wang Jingmin was still helping Xu Jie, Li Donglai was so angry that he said to Xu Jie angrily, "Let me tell you, your biggest mistake is not recognizing your own mistakes. become an uneasy factor in society, understand?"

Xu Jie raised his eyebrows, and posting his own Weibo became a factor of anxiety?
Regardless of his senior sister's wink, he said: "Director Li, is it a bit too much? I just helped the residents of the old community report the problem of substandard heating on Weibo. How did it become a social unrest factor? As the media People, I am also a reporter for the "Serving the People's Livelihood" column, so I should speak for the people, if I can't speak for the people because of some people's relationship, then there is no need for our column to exist."

"You..." Li Donglai blushed, "You are simply hopeless."

Xu Jie sneered secretly, reasoning with reason, and swearing when he didn't. What's the difference between this and a shrew?
"Director Li, if you say that, I'll ask my wife to forward that Weibo too." Xu Jie said flatly.

"Your wife? So what if your wife retweeted it?" Li Donglai was so angry that he didn't think about it at all, but Wang Jingmin who was on the side quickly grabbed Li Donglai and said in a low voice: "Director, have you forgotten, his wife It's Su Yun."

Su Yun?

When Li Donglai heard this, he was immediately stunned.

Fuck, I was so excited just now that I forgot about it.

He looked at the young man in front of him. The other party has 300 million followers on Weibo and has already become popular on Weibo. Su Yun has 4000 million followers, so he won't be on the evening news by then?

No, this matter must not become a big one.

Do you want to swallow your own anger?
Do not!
How can I be the director of the life program center of Beijing TV Station, a small employee?Where do you put your face?Do you still want your own prestige?
"You, don't do anything from now on. You don't need to manage Weibo, and you don't need to answer the hotline. When will you realize your mistake and when will you resume work." Li Donglai said in a deep voice.

Boy, let me stay with you for a few days, wait for this matter to come to an end, and then find a reason for you to pack up and leave.


At this time, there was another knock on the door.

"Come in!" Wang Jingmin hurriedly said, in order to break the current stiff situation. She didn't want Xu Jie to continue to fight with Director Li. This would not do any good to the younger brother. After all, no matter how big your wife is, she can't control the TV station. .

Zhang Mingliang opened the door and walked in from the outside. Seeing the serious atmosphere in the office, which even smelled of gunpowder, he whispered, "Director, there are audience members looking for Xu Jie on the hotline."

Wang Jingmin looked at Li Donglai, and then said: "Xu Jie is reflecting on himself and won't answer the hotline."

"But this is already the fourth audience looking for Xu Jie." Zhang Mingliang said in embarrassment.

Wang Jingmin was startled, and looked at Li Donglai again.

It's okay not to let Xu Jie answer the hotline, but the audience is now calling for Xu Jie by name. If he is not allowed to answer, it will affect the entire column.

Li Donglai naturally knew this too, he couldn't ruin a pot of soup because of a piece of mouse droppings, not to mention that this kid wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut for long.

"Go!" Li Dong said and walked out.

"Thank you, Director. Let's go slowly, Director." Xu Jie said.


(End of this chapter)

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