Chapter 104 Fan Line
"Boy, how can you talk to Director Li like that? Don't you think about it?" As soon as Li Donglai left, Wang Jingmin grabbed Xu Jie's ear and cursed.

She gave her a wink just now, and her eyeballs were about to fly out. As a result, instead of shutting up, the other party became more and more aggressive, and almost killed her from anger.

Torn up with the first brother of the Life Channel, isn't this grabbing fruit on the king's table and looking for death?

Xu Jie said with an aggrieved face after hearing this: "Director, listen to what Director Li just said. In his mouth, I am almost a 'terrorist'. Oh, the favor belongs to him, and the blame belongs to me. Am I a backer? How can I do this?"

Wang Jingmin sighed. She also felt that what Director Li said was too much, and he would go online at every turn. Didn't this chill the hearts of the following people?
What's more, the interview has been going on for so long, and if you say you don't want to do it, you won't do it. Doesn't this discourage everyone's enthusiasm for work?Who will seriously do interviews in the future, let's just dawdle, who won't fish?
"After all, he is also your leader. You can't be so serious with him. Do you still want to stay in Life Channel in the future?" Wang Jingmin let go of her hand and persuaded her earnestly: "You have to understand that in the future, you will be judged on job titles and excellence. , It’s all what Director Li said. You can’t be quick for a while. The old saying is good: endure for a while, so as not to worry about a hundred days. You have to think about your future. You are still young. There is still a long way to go.”

"Director, you are right, but I am afraid that if I endure it, I will become a salted fish, then the future will be meaningless to me." Xu Jie misses the pig at home, because getting along with pigs is better than getting along with people easy.

Wang Jingmin was taken aback for a moment, she knew that her junior brother was an independent person, a person with ideas, and it was impossible for him to let the other party fool around.

"Go away, hurry up and answer the phone, I'm annoyed when I see you." Wang Jingmin said impatiently, and then rubbed her temples with her hands, feeling a headache.

Xu Jie returned to his work station and picked up the phone on the table.

"Hello, this is the column of "Serving People's Livelihood". I am Xu Jie. What can I do for you?" Xu Jie asked.

"Are you really Xu Jie? Su Yun's husband?" A man's voice came from the microphone.

"It's guaranteed to be fake." Xu Jie took out a pen and paper, and prepared to record the content of the phone call.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just want to ask when you and my goddess will divorce." The man said.

Xu Jie's hands froze. Is this a hotline for him to provide news clues?Obviously to find fault.

"Hey, hello, why aren't you talking?" The man asked anxiously, with a bit of smug laughter in his voice.

Xu Jie could tell that the other party was not only here to find fault, but also to see his jokes.

Black fans!

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then replied: "About this matter, you asked the wrong person, you should not ask me, but you should ask Su Yun, and ask her when she wants to divorce me, what do you think, Su Yun is pretty, has a good figure, and has a lot of money. If I want to divorce her, wouldn't my head be squeezed? So, don't ask me such stupid questions again."

Colleagues in the office looked over after hearing it, what's going on?Why are you still talking about divorce?

There was silence in the microphone, and after a while the man on the other side asked again: "If Su Yun divorces you, do you think I have a chance?"

Xu Jie laughed directly this time, "I'm not a fortune teller, how would I know? But I can give you a trick, you post your information and photos on Su Yun's Weibo, I am very responsible Let me tell you responsibly, Su Yun not only frequently checks Weibo, but also reads fans’ comments, of course, if you dare not even ask, then hurry up and move bricks, brother, don’t dream here.”

This time, the colleagues around me were stupefied, why did they scold Master?This is the hotline of the column group, and you will be complained if you swear.

"Thank you!" The other party said, and then hung up the phone.

"You're welcome." Xu Jie put down the phone.

"Xu Jie, who was it just now?" Zhang Mingliang asked curiously.

"It's nothing, she's my wife's fan." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Xu Jie, if you encounter such calls in the future, just hang up." Zhang Huihui said: "I often received some calls looking for you some time ago, and when I asked them what the matter was, they would swear at people with swear words. You don't have to Get used to those people."

"Yes, I see." Xu Jie nodded.

In fact, he didn't care about the phone call just now, because he has always been tolerant of black fans, and even regarded them as a kind of wealth.

At the same time, such a post appeared in Xu Jie's post bar.

"I really believe that I called the hotline of "Serving the People's Livelihood" just now, and the person who answered was Xu Jie."

A follow-up post will appear shortly below.

"Is what the landlord said true?"

"I called yesterday, but no one answered."

"Ask for the hotline number."

"I'm going to make one right now."


Ring Ring Ring!
Not long after, the hotline on Xu Jie's desk rang again.

"Hello, this is the "Serving the People's Livelihood" column team." Xu Jie said.

"Are you Xu Jie?"

"Yes, what's your business, or any news clues you want to provide?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's okay, I just wanted to see if you answered the phone. By the way, I heard that you were assigned to answer the phone because you were offended by reporting the heating problem?"

"I am a brick of the motherland, and I can move it wherever I need it," Xu Jie said.

"Understood, although I don't think you are worthy of Goddess Su, but I support you in this matter, come on."

"Thank you." Xu Jie said with a smile.

When a person is frustrated, he can get support and encouragement from strangers. What a wonderful thing it is, and the haze in his heart will disappear.

That's right, I just did what a reporter should do, speak out for justice, and speak out for the people, and I didn't do anything wrong, so what if I offended my brother?I don't keep my master here, but I have my own place to stay. If you say I cause trouble, I still think you are afraid of trouble.

Ring Ring Ring!
"Hello, this is..."

As soon as Xu Jie spoke, he was interrupted by the person on the other side.

"Xu Jie, I have a question."

"Please speak." Xu Jie said.

It seems that everyone already knows that he is responsible for answering the hotline. The "Serving the People's Livelihood" hotline has almost become his fan line.

"I watched your show two days ago and said that drinking more black tea in winter is good for your health. Does drinking too much tea have any side effects?"

Xu Jie thought to himself: I finally met someone related to the show.

"Of course there is." Xu Jie replied: "Research shows that the more unmarried young men drink tea, the higher the chance of being single."

"Ah? Why?" The person on the phone asked curiously. Even the unmarried colleagues in the office listened carefully. This is the secret of a winner in life.

"Because you drink too much tea, you will urinate more. If you let your female friends see it, it is easy to be misunderstood as kidney failure. Do you understand?"


Everyone was speechless.

Everyone was listening to the truth, thinking that they could learn the secret of getting out of the order from Xu Jie, but who would have thought that the other party was talking nonsense in such a serious manner.

This is the hotline for the column team!

What happened to Xu Jie, did he let himself go?


(End of this chapter)

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