Chapter 105
"Tell everyone an interesting thing. Isn't it true that the scumbag answered the hotline of the "Serving the People's Livelihood" column? The phone has been blown up now."

"I heard that he never refuses to come and answer all kinds of questions, from astronomy and geography to trifles, from intractable diseases to sentiment analysis."

"Yes, I can prove that I asked him an English question for the postgraduate entrance examination, and the scumbag explained it to me very seriously, and the answer was exactly the same."

"Who knows the phone, I have a problem too."


The fact that Xu Jie answered the hotline quickly spread on the Internet, and jokes about Xu Jie answering questions also began to spread on the Internet. Netizens rushed to search for the hotline of the "Serving the People's Livelihood" column, hoping to be able to match Xu Jie talk.

"Xu Jie, the supermarket near my house often sells milk. I can't help but buy it. I can't finish it after buying it. It's often expired, but it's a pity if it's poured. What should I do?"

"It's very simple, find a boyfriend to help you drink."

"I just broke up with my boyfriend, and he hurt me deeply, so I have no plans to find a boyfriend for the time being."

"You can pour expired milk on a mopping rag and put it on your ex-boyfriend's face."

"But I'm a girl."

"Then pick a pink rag."


"Scumbag, my girlfriend always asks me: 'Who will you save first when your mother and I fall into the water?' What should I do?"

"You can answer her with practical actions."

"How to act?"

"Take your girlfriend and your mother to the small river, and then push your girlfriend into the water, so that your mother will introduce you to a new girlfriend."

"What if the new girlfriend asks this question too?"

"Then you take her to the river alone, and then push her into the water, so that you no longer have a girlfriend."


The whole morning, Xu Jie was answering the phone, and he didn't even have time to go to the bathroom. At noon, the phone was still ringing, so he simply unplugged the phone line and went to the cafeteria to eat with peace of mind.

"Xu Jie, why did you come here, hurry up." Someone shouted after seeing Xu Jie entering the cafeteria.

Xu Jie heard the voice and looked towards the corner of the cafeteria. Many people had already gathered there, but the most central place was empty.

He knew that was the seat reserved for him.

Xu Jie pretended not to see it, and came to the window with a plate to order food, and sat down in a random seat after the selection.

Seeing that Xu Jie hadn't passed by, those people sitting in the corner immediately gathered with their dinner plates.

"Xu Jie, why didn't you go there? Everyone was waiting for you." A fat man from an entertainment channel said.

"Didn't you see me cooking in the cafeteria? There is no love bento today." Xu Jie said lightly.

He ate in the canteen of his unit for two years, and he was already tired of eating, but after being baptized by Su Yun, he revived his desire for the food in the canteen.

Delicious, so delicious!

"Ah? No?" The people around were extremely disappointed when they heard it. Seeing that Xu Jie had the same meal as everyone else, they ate in a depressed mood, as if they had lost their souls.

Xu Jie lowered his head and ate it big mouthfuls. Later, he thought it was troublesome, so he simply poured all the vegetables on the rice, made his own rice, and simply mixed it to eat it, which was delicious.

When he looked up to drink the soup, he found that everyone was looking at him, so he asked, "What are you all looking at me for?"

"Cough, I'm used to it, let's watch you and eat." The little fat man said.


Xu Jie was about to leave with his dinner plate in hand when his phone rang suddenly. He took out his phone and looked at the screen. It was from his senior sister.

"Director, what's the matter?"

"Xu Jie, where are you?" The voice on the phone sounded excited and anxious.

"Dining in the cafeteria." Xu Jie replied.

Now no matter what news and tasks there are in the column group, it has nothing to do with him. He is only responsible for answering the hotline, which was hand-picked by Li Donglai.

Others are cautious when fishing at work, but he is aboveboard when fishing at work.

"Stop eating, come to my office!" Wang Jingmin said.

After Xu Jie heard it, he looked in the direction of the plate collection, and there was a man standing there with a red armband on his arm.

"No way, Director, you know that now Taiwan is advocating the CD-ROM campaign, and someone checks it. If I throw away the leftovers, I will be notified and criticized in the afternoon." Xu Jie said.

If you can’t eat the food you bring, you can take it away, and if you can’t eat the food in the unit’s canteen, you can only take it away.

"Then what are you talking about, eat quickly, I'll give you 5 minutes!" Wang Jingmin hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Xu Jie looked at the phone suspiciously, a series of question marks lit up in his head.

Why is it so urgent that he must be there?

It took Xu Jie 3 minutes to finish the rest of the meal, and then it took another 2 minutes to return to the column team and came to the director's office. Besides the senior sister, Zhou Miner was also there.

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Today's lunch was a failure. I was going to enjoy it, but it ended up being the same as eating Su Yun's food. I forced it into my mouth, like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, without any taste.

"Xu Jie, great news!" Wang Jingmin patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and said with bright eyes, "Did you know that the Heating Office held an emergency meeting in the morning to discuss the heating renovation of the old community, and now all plans have been passed. And handed over to the city management committee."

Xu Jie was slightly startled, and then showed an excited expression. He endured the ecstasy in his heart, looked at his senior sister and asked, "Director, who did you listen to?"

"An old classmate of mine works in the city management committee, and he told me about it." Wang Jingmin said: "He also said that the city management committee is going to invite you and some resident representatives to listen to your opinions and suggestions. In the past few days, let me remind you to be more prepared and not to lose the chain."

Xu Jie clenched his fists tightly after listening, his arms trembling with excitement.

it is good!
Finally got a response!

He has done so much just waiting for this day to come.

He did it.

His fans did.


Need not!

Because he was already ready!
"It's not bad, the reaction is fast enough!" Xu Jie raised the corners of his mouth.

"Isn't it because your video was shot well?" Wang Jingmin said with a smile. Seeing that this matter had made great progress, she was also happy for Xu Jie, "To tell you the truth, because of your video, the heating office People didn't rest this weekend, and it is said that their director was called by the head of the department in charge, and he had to come up with a solution on Monday."

"And now it's not just the heating office in our capital that is tense, even the heating offices in other cities are also very nervous." Zhou Min'er added: "Because netizens all over the country are imitating the video you shot, the heating renovation of old residential areas has become such a big problem. The most popular topic in two days, many news media are reporting this matter, it is impossible to pretend not to know."

"This time I plan to send the strongest lineup of our column group to report on this matter!" Wang Jingmin said.

The news this time is different than usual.

Usually, the column helps residents deal with trivial matters, such as neighborhood disputes, but this time, it will affect hundreds of thousands or even millions of people in all old residential areas in Beijing, and the heating renovation of old residential areas is a livelihood project , such a big thing must be focused on.

"Congratulations." Zhou Min'er looked at Xu Jie with joy and said, "I think Director Li Donglai has nothing to say this time!"



 Thanks to book friend Bei Hechen for donating 100 starting coins, and thanks to book friends for voting and collecting!

(End of this chapter)

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