The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1038 Don't be forced!

Chapter 1038 Don't be forced!
After Jiang Hai heard Wu Zhiming's words, his face darkened instantly.

It never occurred to him that the other party would use his age to deny the young Xiao Xu, which is too bad.

What else did you say to lead the way for Xiao Xu and your grandma!
"Deputy Director Wu, why do you sound like judging people by their age? Xiao Xu is very young, but can't young people's minds mature? Think back to those great people who led the Chinese people to democracy. , Which one was not young when they devoted themselves to a great cause? Could it be that their thinking is not mature?" Jiang Hai said tit for tat.

He didn't deny that Xiao Xu was young, but he said that Xiao Xu was immature, so he had to stand up and have a good fight with the other party.

"Jiang Hai, you are comparing Xiao Xu with a great man. Isn't that an insult? Besides, it is a fact that Xiao Xu lacks management experience. If Jingshi Culture is handed over to him, the company will not be messed up? I still think that let him continue to be responsible For the company's business, it's better to choose an experienced person to take charge of Jingshi Culture, such as Dai Zhicheng among the candidates." Wu Zhiming said slowly.

This Dai Zhicheng is his man.

If Dai Zhicheng can be successfully promoted to the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture, not only will he be able to control this piece of fat from now on, even Xu Jie's ban on Liu Jinghua will stop.

"Deputy Director Wu, you have never worked with Xiao Xu, how do you know that Xiao Xu has insufficient management experience? What are you talking about, where do you get your facts from? I am the general manager of Jingshi Culture, Why didn't you see that he lacked experience in management?" Jiang Hai asked aggressively one after another.

He will bite anyone who does not support Xiao Xu!
"Jiang Hai, don't get excited. I know that Xiao Xu is your man. He has been your deputy from the art program center to Beijing Television Culture, but you can't be nepotism, right?" Wu Zhiming said lightly.

Jiang Hai was shocked all over, his face turned red, the color was like a pig's liver.

What I said was too ugly.

"I, Jiang Hai, have always been right about things and wrong about people. Xiao Xu's achievements are there. He is the most suitable candidate for the general manager of Jingshi Culture. May I ask Deputy Director Wu, apart from being a little older, what achievements has Dai Zhicheng made in recent years?" ? Did it produce a popular variety show, or a movie that sold at the box office? Or it brought a lot of advertising revenue to our station, can you tell me something to make me look better?" Jiang Hai said coldly .

How dare you say that he is nepotism?
It should be to promote the virtuous and not avoid relatives.

"Yes, Dai Zhicheng does not have any outstanding achievements, but the new media company is well-organized under his management. You must know that the new media company has only been established for a few years, and he can put the company on the right track in such a short period of time. It is enough to show how outstanding his management ability is, let him be the general manager, be in charge of managing the company, and let Xiao Xu continue to be in charge of the business, isn't this a good combination?" Wu Zhiming said with a smile.

Jiang Hai clenched his fists tightly, wishing to meet the other party in the octagonal cage.

This is not against Xiao Xu's appointment as the general manager of Jingshi Culture, it is clear that he wants to steal the attractive fruit of Jingshi Culture.


Who will be with you?
Are you worthy?
Jiang Hai turned his head and looked at Lao Lu beside him, signaling that it was time for the other party to export, and if he waited any longer, the cucumber dishes would be completely cold.

However, Lu Hong didn't seem to have received the signal, just blindly looking at the information in his hand, neither saying nor doing anything.

It's true that I don't hear what's going on around me, and I only read the information book.

Jiang Hai waited for a while, and when he saw that Lao Lu was indifferent, he was immediately pissed off.

Yesterday it was clearly agreed to jointly recommend Xiao Xu, and before the meeting, he also expressed his support. Why are you acting like a turtle now?Isn't this getting cold feet?
It seems that today's meeting can only depend on him.

"Xiao Xu, can you do it? I'm not sure, and you're not sure. Why don't you give him a chance? At least let him try." When Jiang Hai said this, he didn't look at Wu Zhiming, but looked at the stage. Director, I hope the director will stand up and speak out.

As long as the director speaks, other people will inevitably echo him. Even if Wu Zhiming is given a little courage, he will not dare to oppose the director's opinion.

If Xiao Xu can seize this opportunity and prove himself in front of everyone, then no one will stand up to oppose him.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Jiang, we are holding a personnel meeting to decide who will be the general manager of JingTV Culture, not here to do experiments, and JingTV Culture is an important asset of our station, how can it be treated as a trifling matter? After Wu Zhiming finished speaking, there was a trace of ridicule on his face.

Jiang Hai gritted his teeth, not knowing what to say for a while.

He didn't expect that Xiao Xu's promotion to the general manager would encounter such a big resistance. You must know that the drafts he prepared were all about the matter of sharing, and now they are useless at all.

He turned his head to look at the others, and saw that everyone was looking at him and Wu Zhiming, and they had no intention of speaking, so he cursed directly in his heart.

Especially Deputy Director Wang and Deputy Director Liu, they still say to compensate Xiao Xu, isn't this a lie?
Jiang Hai thought for a while, and it seemed that he could only change his strategy.

He directly threw the materials in his hand on the conference table, and said, "Since everyone doesn't trust Xiao Xu, then listen to Deputy Director Wu."

Lu Hong, who was sitting by the side, changed his face. He didn't expect Jiang Hai to give up his pick. If the other party didn't insist, wouldn't the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture fall into the hands of others?

"However..." At this time, Jiang Hai said again: "I'll put my ugly words up front. If Jingshi Culture's performance drops this year, don't blame Xiao Xu. Of course, you may not be able to wait until the day when the performance comes out."

This time, the expressions of everyone in the conference room changed, even including Wu Zhiming who had just recommended Dai Zhicheng.

It's very simple, because everyone knows that most of Jingshi Culture's performance is created by Xiao Xu. If Xiao Xu deliberately does not work hard, it will definitely affect Jingshi Culture's performance this year.

Rebuke Xiao Xu?

How to scold?
When Jiang Hai was in Jingshi Culture, his performance was outstanding. When he changed to Jingshi Culture, his performance declined. The new general manager was at fault.

"Jiang Hai, what do you mean by that? Are you helping Xiao Xu to threaten us?" Wu Zhiming asked with a frown.

He knew very well that if Xiao Xu really gave up on the pick, the Dai Zhicheng he recommended would not last long in Jingshi Culture, and he would be slapped in the face at that time.

"Hehe!" Jiang Hai sneered, and then said: "A few days ago someone reported Xiao Xu, and you didn't believe him, but today we are discussing the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and you still don't believe him. If it were you, would you feel comfortable?"

Wang Yuan and Liu Shengmao suddenly felt embarrassed.

It was they who called Xiao Xu to the TV station for questioning, and several days had passed, and they hadn't made any compensation to Xiao Xu.

Lu Hong also secretly blamed himself.

He thought that Lao Jiang could deal with Wu Zhiming alone, so he chose to hide himself temporarily, and it would not be too late to agree with Lao Jiang when he mentioned the matter of sharing.

But who would have thought that the opponent surrendered after persisting for a while, which caught him by surprise.

"As for threats..." Jiang Hai continued: "How dare I, a newly appointed deputy editor-in-chief, threaten you all? Xiao Xu is even less capable. With so many TV stations poaching him, is it worthwhile to offend you and threaten you? The worst thing is to change It’s a TV station, where are you working?”

As soon as these words came out, even the director Zhao Juncheng couldn't hold back.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Jiang, what are you talking about? Change TV station? Does Xiao Xu mean this?" Zhao Juncheng was anxious and worried.

You must know that Xiao Xu is the ace program producer of Beijing Radio and Television Station, and even those brand owners choose to sponsor because of Xiao Xu's reputation.

If Xiao Xu really leaves, those brand owners will definitely follow Xiao Xu, and the impact on Beijing TV will undoubtedly be huge.

Although the TV station can continue to operate without anyone, without Xiao Xu, the program ratings and advertising revenue will definitely decline.

"I don't know what Xiao Xu thinks. I also saw the news before the meeting. Xiao Xu went to Huxiang Satellite TV yesterday, and Dong Xiaoli personally received her. She also went to the recording site of "Happy Everyday". I went to Shanghai Satellite TV again today, as for whether I will go to other TV stations in the future, I don’t know." Jiang Hai shook his head and said.

He was the one who was most nervous about Xiao Xu before, but now he is also the one who is the least nervous about Xiao Xu.

He understood, these people, they can't be forced.

When Zhao Juncheng heard this, the expression on his face immediately became serious.

What did Xiao Xu do in other TV stations?
Although TV stations from all over the world are brother units, they are also competitors, and they rarely cooperate with each other. At most, they buy TV series premiere rights together.


Stop by?

If you want to go, you will also go to Huaxia TV Station.

So Xiao Xu's trip to Hunan, Shanghai, and other TV stations this time is really strange.

Moreover, everyone in Taiwan knows that the final candidates for several important positions will be decided today. As a strong contender for one of the positions, Xiao Xu not only does not wait for the news anxiously at the position, but goes to the major universities as if he has nothing to do with himself. The TV station visited, such a move is really abnormal.

"It's too much!" Wu Zhiming said loudly suddenly, and then looked at Zhao Juncheng, "Director, isn't he just looking after the pot?"

"Deputy Director Wu, you can't say that. Xiao Xu said before leaving that he was going to discuss cooperation. He was in charge of the joint New Year's Eve party organized by JingTV Culture and Huaxia TV." Jiang Hai said .

"But now Jingshi Culture has no general manager, and he, the acting general manager, has left again. What should we do if something goes wrong in the company during this period? I have already said that he has no management experience. How can he leave the company at this time? ? Even if it’s for cooperation, you can talk about it after a while, it’s really immature.”

Even at this time, Wu Zhiming did not forget to continue stepping on it.

"Deputy Director Wu can rest assured that in order to avoid troubles in the company, Xiao Xu has given instructions before leaving that all projects of JingTV Culture will be suspended, and he will check carefully to prevent project mistakes and make a decision after he comes back." Jiang Hai said slowly.


After everyone heard it, they felt even more outrageous.

All projects suspended?
This impact is too great, right?

"Lao Jiang, how is "Legend of Lan Xi" going? Didn't the crew go to Hengdian to continue filming after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month?" Lu Hong asked nervously.

"I haven't left yet, I'm all in the company." After Jiang Hai finished speaking, he said in his heart like Lao Lu: traitor,
"What about "Crossover Actor"? Didn't you start preparing?" Lu Hong asked again.

"Hehe, what do you think? Xiao Xu is not here, who will prepare "Crossover Actor"?" Jiang Hai asked back.

Lu Hong didn't come up in one breath, and almost fainted.

Seeing that it will be March in a few days, and it will be the broadcast time of "Crossover Actors" in April, but the preparations for the show have not yet started, will it still be broadcast normally?
If it cannot be broadcast, how to explain to the audience?How to explain to sponsors?Is it possible to return the sponsorship fee?

"Old Jiang, you have to call Xiao Xu back quickly." Lu Hong couldn't help but said.

"Call back? Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, I don't care about him now, and he's here to talk about cooperation, so I can't bear the responsibility for breaking the cooperation." Jiang Hai said eccentrically.

I thought: Do you know the urgency now?What did you do early?
"Director!" Lu Hong didn't care so much, looked at Zhao Juncheng and said, "I think we have to find a way to keep Xiao Xu, otherwise the loss will not only be Beijing TV Culture, but also Beijing Satellite TV, Even our entire TV station."

Jiang Hai secretly laughed in his heart, sure enough, if he didn't force Lao Lu, the other party wouldn't open his mouth.

In fact, the person who is most anxious now should not be him, but Lao Lu. After all, Xiao Xu's programs are broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV.

"Yes, although Xiao Xu is young, his contribution to the TV station is very large and irreplaceable." Deputy director Wang Yuan also echoed.

"I agree with Xiao Xu as the general manager of Jingshi Culture." Liu Shengmao said.

They can't even open their mouths now.

If Xiao Xu really switched jobs, wouldn't the blame be on them?
Zhao Juncheng also nodded, "Yes, Xiao Xu is a precious asset of our Beijing Radio and Television Station, and should be put to good use..."

Wu Zhiming's face turned green when he saw the wind direction turn, and he dared to say that what he said before was all in vain.

Yes, in the face of absolute results, other problems are not a problem.

"Well, let's raise our hands for a vote, and Xiao Xu, who is the general manager of Jingshi Culture, raises his hand." Zhao Juncheng raised his hand first as he said.

At this time, any argument is useless. The most important thing is to keep Xiao Xu at the TV station in Beijing.


Wang Yuan raised his hand, Liu Shengmao raised his hand, Lu Hong raised his hand, and several others raised their hands one after another. Even Wu Zhiming raised his hand reluctantly after hesitating for a while. In the end, Jiang Hai was the only one left who did not raise his hand. hand.

Everyone knows that Jiang Hai did this out of anger, but no matter whether he raised his hand or not, seven of the eight people raised their hands, more than half, and the resolution was passed.

"Old Jiang, why don't you raise your hand? Aren't you supporting Xiao Xu?" Lu Hong blinked at Jiang Hai, signaling to him to show everyone face.

"It's okay to raise your hand. I'm just worried. We are discussing so lively here. What if Xiao Xu doesn't care? After all, other TV stations have long been interested in Xiao Xu. High-ranking officials and rich salary must be indispensable. Xiao Xu is young and has no firm will. Ah." Jiang Hai sighed deeply after speaking.

Others looked at Wu Zhiming one after another, thinking: Let you say that Xiao Xu is young, now he is better, and there is more reason to resign.

Wu Zhiming looked depressed.

I was hit by a pot, and my head hurts.


(End of this chapter)

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