The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1039 Unanimous Pass!

Chapter 1039 Unanimous Pass!

For the vast majority of people, the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture is a piece of fat, because it not only has two of the most popular variety shows in hand, but also has signed contracts for many movies. It is calculated in billions, with such strength, who would not be tempted?
However, for Xu Jie, there is no temptation at all, because whether it is a variety show or a TV movie project, the foundation of these is him.

Without him, there would be no popular variety shows, and without him, those movies would not be possible.

Rather than saying that the general manager of Jingshi Culture is a piece of fat, it is better to say that Xu Jie himself is that piece of fat. What everyone is sitting here is just fighting for a false name, and what Huxiang TV and Shanghai TV are fighting for is the core.

Jiang Hai looked at the people in the conference room with a sneer, almost showing contempt on his face.

These people made a mistake from the very beginning. It wasn't that Xiao Xu wanted to compete for the general manager, but that Beijing TV Station needed to use the position of general manager to keep Xiao Xu, otherwise Xiao Xu might be snatched away by other TV stations.


no experience?

You think Xiao Xu is young and inexperienced, but other TV stations don't think so.

These days, older people are everywhere, but there are very few people who can bring ratings and income to the TV station.

Now that there is such a thing in the station, instead of cherishing it, you want to suppress it. Are you born with cerebellar dysplasia, or did you get your head caught by the door the day after tomorrow?



"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Jiang, what did you mean just now that Xiao Xu might change jobs?" Director Zhao Juncheng asked tentatively.

If the previous words came from someone else's mouth, he might not care so much, but if it came from Jiang Hai's mouth, he couldn't ignore it.

Because among these people in the meeting room, Jiang Hai is undoubtedly the one who knows Xiao Xu best. From the art program center to Beijing Television Culture, Jiang Hai has always been Xiao Xu's superior. Jiang Hai said that Xiao Xu might change jobs, so Xiao Xu will definitely It is possible to change jobs, maybe Jiang Hai has already heard something from Xiao Xu.

"I'm not sure, this is just my personal guess." Jiang Hai replied calmly.

The subtext is: I have already reminded, if Xiao Xu changes jobs in the future, don't blame me.

Zhao Juncheng fell into deep thought after hearing this.

If, as Jiang Hai said, Xiao Xu is considering quitting, then he can no longer sit idly by, and must take action and performance.

"Just because Xiao Xu went to another TV station, you think he will change jobs? Are you too sensitive?" Wu Zhiming asked with a smile, while pretending to be relaxed.

In fact, he wanted to downplay what Jiang Hai said just now, so as to get rid of the blame on him.

"Perhaps in some people's eyes, the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture is very precious and important, but for a capable person like Xiao Xu, this position is a kind of restraint. You know Xiao Xu's current status in the film and television industry. What is the market price? Someone offered him 1000 million yuan to direct a movie, and the script he wrote has become the object of competition among major directors," Jiang Hai said.

"Hmph, that's because he has the halo of our capital TV station on him, just like the group of people in the Calligraphy and Painting Association. If they are not in this association, who would buy their works?" Wu Zhiming said indifferently.

"Oh? So, Deputy Director Wu, your works are also very valuable in the outside world? I don't know how much the market price is, how many works have been sold, let me see it?" Jiang Hai looked at the other party with a mocking face, and did not Because I am a newcomer, I will be discouraged.


Wu Zhiming's face was flushed with anger, and his eyes were even more rounded.

Although some people have asked him for calligraphy, but most of them are for asking him to do business. If it is really going to be sold in the market, it will be strange if someone can buy it.

But the facts are the facts. Isn't it a run on someone by what the other party said?

Let alone him, even the director's calligraphy and paintings are not worth much.

"As far as I know..." Lu Hong said suddenly at this time, "Huxiang Satellite TV once wanted to use 1000 million signing fees to find Xiao Xu, but in the end, for some reason, Xiao Xu rejected it. A few days ago, Dong Xiaoli came When Jing Cheng and I attended the signing ceremony for the first broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi", he mentioned this matter."

"I've heard of it too." Wang Yuan said.

When Wu Zhiming heard this, he immediately shut up obediently.

At least no TV station is willing to spend 1000 million to invite him to go.

Zhao Juncheng's heart is getting heavier and heavier, the one on the left is 1000 million and the other is 1000 million, no matter how determined a person is, he can't resist such a temptation.

From this point of view, the position of general manager alone may not be able to retain Xiao Xu.

"Jiang Hai, how do you think we can keep Xiao Xu?" Zhao Juncheng asked.

Jiang Hai was secretly happy, the director finally asked, and this was what he was waiting for.


Jiang Hai pretended to think for a while, and then said: "There are no more than two methods of poaching people, one is high-ranking officials, and the other is generous salary. Since other TV stations can give it, why can't our Beijing TV station give it? Of course, like Huxiang Satellite TV. Giving money is definitely not enough, it is better to increase rewards, which can not only keep him and continue to work for our Beijing TV station, but also motivate him and bring more income to the company."

After Zhao Juncheng heard it, he couldn't help nodding his head. This method is indeed good, but what kind of reward can not only keep Xiao Xu but also motivate him?

"Jiang Hai's proposal is very good. Let's think about what kind of reward is more appropriate." Zhao Juncheng looked at the people present and said.

Everyone looked at each other, and the director had completely set the tone when he said this. The position of general manager of Beijing Television Culture is no longer his own, and it is useless for anyone to fight.

Although Wu Zhiming disagreed a hundred times in his heart, he also knew that he couldn't shake it with his own strength, so he shut up obediently in the end.

He dared to refute other people's opinions, but he didn't dare to talk too much about the director's opinion, given him some courage.

"How about increasing performance pay?" Wang Yuan said first.

"Xiao Xu is doing jobs with a relatively long cycle, such as programs and film and television dramas. Performance salary is not suitable for him." Lu Hong said while shaking his head.

"Simply, directly increase the basic salary, or the year-end bonus." Liu Shengmao said.

This method is both simple and brutal.

"No, if Xiao Xu leaves Beijing Television Culture in the future, will this treatment continue or not?" Zhao Juncheng directly denied.

"I think this reward can't just reward Xiao Xu, it's better to apply to other company leaders, otherwise everyone will have ideas." Lu Hong said at this time.

"Yes, the point Lu Hong mentioned is very important. We must reward Xiao Xu without making him special." Zhao Juncheng said.

Seeing that his opinion was approved by the director, Lu Hong showed a gleam of joy on his face, and then glanced at Lao Jiang beside him, signaling that it was time for him to speak.

The time has come.

Jiang Hai didn't speak immediately, he picked up the materials on the table, and also staged a show of pretending not to see.

I was anxious before because some people objected to Xiao Xu being the general manager. Now that the director has already spoken and has entered the discussion of rewards, he doesn’t need to be anxious. Maybe someone can come up with a better idea?When the time comes, just follow suit.

All he has to do now is to hold his breath and let the people around him hurry.

When Lu Hong saw that Jiang Hai's matter had nothing to do with him, he immediately lost his composure.

what's the situation?
Is this playing tricks on him?

Lao Jiang, Lao Jiang, now is not the time to be angry.

Lu Hong took a sip of water from the teacup on the table, then put the teacup on the side near Lao Jiang, and made a "bang", although the sound was not loud, but it was enough to attract others' attention.

However, after he waited for more than ten seconds, Lao Jiang still sat there without moving a muscle, looking like a monk who had entered meditation, and he almost shaved his head.

Seeing everyone's enthusiastic speech at the beginning turned into nothing to say now, Lu Hong's heart thumped, and he said directly: "I think it's better to add a project share. Every completed project can get a certain percentage of share as a reward. That’s good encouragement too.”

"No!" Wu Zhiming was the first to jump out to object, "Many of the projects of the following companies come from TV stations, so why should the person in charge be divided? Another thing, this method is easy to breed the phenomenon of false public benefit, such as cooperation, the project is clearly It is a loss of money, and the person in charge will get a share in the end, the company is the loser, but he himself is the richer, how can this work?"

Lu Hong's eyes turned cold, and he thought: Why are you everywhere?Makes you smart, doesn't it?

"Deputy Director Wu, I haven't finished my words yet."

Lu Hong directly interrupted Wu Zhiming's righteous speech.

If you want to step on him to perform, the opponent is not qualified enough.

"The sharing I'm talking about refers to the profit sharing of the project. That is to say, after the cost of the project is eliminated, a certain percentage of the profit is distributed to the person in charge. Motivate the work enthusiasm of the leaders of other companies.” Lu Hong explained.

Wu Zhiming wanted to object, but just as he was about to speak, he heard the director say, "Profit sharing for the project, um, this is a good idea."

Seeing the director nodding frequently, Wu Zhiming immediately closed his open mouth, and swallowed all the words that came to his mouth.

"I also agree that doing so will not only guarantee the interests of the company, but also activate the business enthusiasm of the heads of each company, earn more, earn less, and earn less." Wang Yuan also voted in favor.

"The ratio of sharing is also very important..."

Lu Hong saw that everyone was supporting him, and there was a look of pride in his brows.

If you let Xiao Xu know about this, why don't you thank him heavily?
Focusing on this point, Xiao Xu will prepare more variety shows for Beijing Satellite TV in the future.

He glanced at Lao Jiang next to him with the corner of his eyes, and thought: Since you don't tell me, just give me the favor this time.

The scene of Xiao Xu being grateful to himself already appeared in his mind.

Although Jiang Hai stared at the information in his hand and did not speak, but what happened at the meeting just now did not escape his eyes and ears.

It is not good?

Even if he didn't say it, wouldn't someone say it for him now?
To him, it doesn't matter whether Xiao Xu is grateful or not, as long as the final result is beneficial to Xiao Xu.

He doesn't need Xiao Xu's thanks, because Xiao Xu has helped him too much.

"Who agrees to increase the profit share of the project for the company's person in charge?" Zhao Juncheng asked with a smile.

Although everyone enthusiastically supports it, it is still necessary to vote by show of hands, which is an indispensable part of major decisions.

Swish swish!
Everyone raised their hands one after another, this time even Jiang Hai, who was angry before, also raised his hands.

Zhao Juncheng raised his hand slowly, then nodded, and said with satisfaction: "Okay, unanimous vote, let's study the specific details of the share..."

The meeting was originally planned to end at 11 o'clock, but it continued until 12 o'clock, and the door of the meeting room was still not opened.

Those who were already anxiously waiting for the results of the meeting became even more restless at this moment.

The increase in personnel meeting time must be due to differences in the discussion process.

With disagreements, it becomes unknown who will be promoted in the end. Even those who were confident before could not help feeling guilty and began to reflect on their own mistakes, whether some unknown secret had been discovered.

These days, who hasn't done a few bad things?
At 12:[-], the door of the meeting room finally opened, and all the big shots came out talking and laughing.

Except for one person, Wu Zhiming.

Today's personnel meeting should not be too much of a failure for him. Not only did not a single cronies succeed in being elected, but he was even beaten to pieces and almost took the blame.

In a word: bad luck.

Especially next, when his subordinates asked him about the results of the personnel appointments, he didn't even dare to answer, because he didn't want to see his subordinates disappointed.

As a leader, if you can't get a good position for your subordinates, the final result is likely to abandon him and go to another leader.

He looked at Jiang Hai who was walking with the director in front of him, a trace of envy and jealousy flashed in his eyes, how he wished that the person walking beside the director was him.

"Jiang Hai, before Taili officially announces the results of personnel appointments, talk to Xiao Xu and find out what he thinks. If he wants to change jobs, you must persuade him to stay. He is your old subordinate. , your suggestion is still very important to him..." Zhao Juncheng said to Jiang Hai as he walked.

Now that there are high-ranking officials and rich salary, it depends on whether Xiao Xu agrees or not. Anyway, in order to keep Xiao Xu, he has added a reward policy that has never been done before. This is already the biggest concession he can make. If Xiao Xu still disagrees...

Then you can only play the emotional card.

If you want to persuade someone to stay, high-ranking officials and generous salary are important, but emotional cards are equally important, especially for those who value affection and righteousness, emotional cards even surpass high-ranking officials and generous salary.

In his opinion, Xiao Xu is undoubtedly a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Otherwise, why would the other party go wherever Jiang Hai goes?
"Yes, Director, I will try my best to persuade him to stay." Jiang Hai said solemnly.

After becoming the deputy editor-in-chief, I was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the director at the first personnel meeting. Can you not actively do it?

"I'll leave this matter to you. You must keep Xiao Xu at our capital TV station." Zhao Juncheng said.



(End of this chapter)

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