The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1040 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 1040 The overall situation has been decided
Immediately after the meeting, Jiang Hai returned to his office, couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone, and called Xiao Xu.

Through the news reports of the past two days, he has generally understood that Xiao Xu's intention of not answering the phone on purpose must be to put pressure on the leadership of the TV station.

But now, the personnel meeting has ended and the result has been settled. The other party did not understand and refused to answer the phone.

He believed that the other party must also be looking forward to the results of today's personnel meeting.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone call that had been blocked before was quickly connected this time.

"Good afternoon, Editor-in-Chief Jiang, what are your orders?" Xu Jie's voice sounded from the microphone.

Jiang Hai was slightly taken aback when he heard it. With such a polite and respectful attitude, if it weren't for the word "Xu Jie" written on the contact person of the mobile phone number, he would even wonder if he had made a wrong call.

From the perspective of their identities, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this attitude, but from the perspective of their personal relationship, this official attitude is really suspicious.

and many more!

Does the other party think that there is someone beside him?
Well, it must be so.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hai said directly: "Xiao Xu, I'm in the office. The personnel meeting has just ended. You have been appointed as the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and the code has been removed."

"Thank you boss." Xu Jie said with a smile, the politeness before was gone in his voice.

In fact, he had already expected this result, so he didn't have too many surprises. Of course, he was very happy, and finally became the chief official of the frontier, a person in charge of his own affairs.

"Thank you, this position should belong to you." Jiang Hai said.

In fact, he has long felt that Xiao Xu is more suitable for the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture than him.

Since the two were transferred from the Art Program Center to Beijing Television Culture, he has not made any special contribution to the company except for daily management. On the contrary, Xiao Xu has done well in all aspects. The other party will not have the Beijing TV culture of today.

"Boss, why did the personnel meeting take so long today? Is there some bad person making trouble?" Xu Jie asked very directly.

Under normal circumstances, the meeting should have ended long ago.

As the old saying goes: When things go wrong, there must be demons!
Someone must be at fault!
Jiang Hai was startled, can he guess all of this?Xiao Xu is really amazing.

"It's Wu Zhiming. He didn't get the position from other people, so he picked me, the newcomer, at the end. If he hadn't opposed him in every way, the meeting wouldn't have lasted so long." Jiang Hai said simply.

Even looking back now, I still feel very angry.

"Wu Zhiming?!" Xu Jie was slightly fascinated by his eyes, and there was a trace of coldness in them.

This old guy!
He brought more than one-third of the advertising revenue to Beijing TV Station. As the vice-director in charge of advertising promotion, the other party not only did not support him, but stood up against him. Isn't this ungrateful?

Thinking that the other party once came forward to act as a peacemaker for Liu Jinghua, he shouldn't give the other party that face.

Hmph, revenge for kindness!

Huh, no!

Xu Jie frowned suddenly.

Even if Wu Zhiming objected, what about Deputy Director Wang, Deputy Director Liu, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu?
With the three of them and Boss Jiang, it was a one-on-four. In such a situation, Wu Zhiming had no chance of winning at all, and it shouldn't have taken so long.

"Boss, when Wu Zhiming opposed me being the general manager of Jingshi Culture, what was the attitude of the others?" Xu Jie asked.

Although I don't intend to retaliate, I also want to find out the attitude of the high-level people.

"Hmph, don't mention it, if the director hadn't expressed his opinion, they wouldn't be able to speak."

It's okay not to mention this matter, but when it is mentioned, Jiang Hai gets even more angry.

Especially Lao Lu, although he did say a lot for Xiao Xu later, his behavior of pretending to be deaf and dumb before was simply betrayal.

What's the use of icing on the cake if there is no charcoal in the snow?

Xu Jie was very upset after hearing this.

A few days ago, Deputy Director Wang, Deputy Director Liu, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu kept saying that they would compensate him, but that's how it turned out?

Especially Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

He never expected such an attitude.

During these days, he was still thinking about producing a new variety show for Beijing Satellite TV, but now it seems that there is no need for that at all.

"By the way, in addition to personnel appointments, Taili is also planning to introduce a new reward policy. In the future, all company leaders under Beijing Radio and Television Station will get a share of the project profits. After paying the money, they will get a certain share reward from the profits." Jiang Hai said.

"Oh? Really?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up.

For him, this is definitely good news.

In the past, no matter whether he directed a variety show or a movie, the most he could get was some performance salary. If he could get a share of the profits, even if it was [-]% of projects with hundreds of millions of profits, such as variety shows and film and television dramas. millions.

"Boss, what's the percentage?" Xu Jie asked.



Xu Jie's pupils instantly widened.

If it is 15.00%, that is tens of millions!
It seems that in order to motivate the company leaders to improve the company's performance, the station has also done a lot of bloodletting.

Hey, this is the only way to keep people.

"Boss, I'm going back to the capital tomorrow!" Xu Jie said.

No one has trouble with money, and he is no exception.

In the future, there will be project profit sharing, plus outstanding company investment to get profit sharing. Don't be too excited. Let alone a small goal, even if you achieve a few more small goals, it will not be a dream.


Xu Jie originally planned to stay outside for a week, but because he successfully became the general manager of Jingshi Culture, coupled with the incentive of profit sharing rewards, he returned to the capital in three days.

When he opened the door and returned to the company, all the employees in the hall applauded unanimously, and everyone's face was full of excitement and joy.

"Clap clap clap!"

wow wow...

"Morning Mr. Xu!"

"Mr. Xu, congratulations on becoming the general manager of Jingshi Culture. This is what the people want and what everyone expects."

"Mr. Xu, under your leadership, Jingshi Culture will definitely get better and better in the future!"


Everyone sent congratulations and wishes one after another, because wishing Mr. Xu is to realize their own wishes. Mr. Xu is getting better and better, and the company is getting better and better, so they can get better and better.

"Thank you everyone." Xu Jie said with a smile.

He is still very happy to be recognized by everyone, and his work for more than a year has not been in vain.

As the old saying goes: people leave their names, and geese leave their voices.

Even if Beijing Television Culture is only one stop in his working life, Xu Jie also hopes to leave a good name, and hope that when he leaves here, when the employees talk about him, they will give a thumbs up and say: Xu Jie In general, very awesome.

It's not in vain.

"Okay, let's all go back to our jobs." Xu Jie looked at everyone and said.


The people present spoke in unison, and then left the hall obediently, and all of them looked energetic, as if they were full of energy from top to bottom.

This is the power of hope!

Deputy General Manager Xu became the general manager of the company, bringing greater and more hope to everyone.

As long as people have hope, whether it is life or work, they will be full of motivation.

Xu Jie returned to the office. Just as he sat down, there was a knock on the door.


"Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and Lu Zhihong came in from the outside.

"Lao Lu, sit down."

Xu Jie pointed to the chair opposite. The other party didn't go to Hengdian. It seemed that he had realized the true meaning of his meeting.

"Mr. Xu, congratulations." Lu Zhihong said excitedly.

After learning from the employees that Mr. Xu appeared in the company, he rushed over immediately, saying that flattering is too vulgar, and he came to express his inner excitement.

After all, with Mr. Xu around, the future of the drama department will be bright. As for the others, anyway, he and his drama department members don't believe it.

"The station hasn't officially released an announcement yet, so keep a low profile." Xu Jie said while waving his hands.

"Sooner or later." Lu Zhihong said.

In fact, after the high-level meeting ended yesterday, the news about the appointment of personnel has already spread throughout the Beijing radio and television system.

How could it be easy to go back on something that was decided at the high-level meeting?

Lu Zhihong suddenly turned his face straight, and said seriously: "Mr. Xu, according to your instructions, during the few days you left, our TV drama department has conducted repeated research on the part of "Legend of Lan Xi" that has already been filmed, and gained a lot. Great consolidation, everyone's emotions are very high now, I don't know when we can continue filming?"

"Tomorrow!" Xu Jie said decisively.

Now that he has become the general manager of Jingshi Culture, all the projects that the company has stagnated before must continue to move forward, and strive to complete them earlier and meet the audience earlier.

"Yes, I'll go back and prepare now." Lu Zhihong said loudly.

He has been waiting for this moment for the past few days.


Just as Lu Zhihong left, there was another knock on the door.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that you are back. Let me report to you about the work of the past few days." Wang Wen said respectfully.

"Is it about the support plan for new directors?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes." Wang Wen nodded and was about to report in detail when she was interrupted before she could speak.

"If you follow up on these two film projects, you don't have to go to the film department of "Legend of Lan Xi"." Xu Jie said.

"Ah?" Wang Wen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Xu, if we don't go to the film department, the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" may..."

"You don't have to worry about this. I will contact the people from Forbidden Films when the time comes. Your film department should just focus on the two projects of new directors. This is also the top priority of your film department this year. I don't want this to be anticlimactic. "Xu Jie said seriously.

When he came up with this plan to support new directors, he did a lot of publicity. If the film produced had a poor reputation, someone would definitely jump out and laugh at the plan, and by the way, him. Therefore, these two projects must not fail.

Just a few days ago, Guo Chuan, the general manager of Forbidden Pictures, asked him about cooperation. Isn't this a good opportunity to expand our influence?
Not at this time, when to wait?
"Yes!" Wang Wen raised her head and stood up straight.

Mr. Xu's arrangement is an order!
Outside the office, Cheng Yingjie, Zhang Qize, and Qian Cheng had already lined up.

Congratulations to Mr. Xu is only one aspect, mainly for reporting work, and by the way, ask Mr. Xu whether the project can start, or else I feel a little flustered.

Around ten o'clock, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

Seeing that the call was from the front desk, Xu Jie pressed the hands-free button.

"what's up?"

"Mr. Xu, Deputy Director Chen is here, and he's downstairs." Yang Xiuyan said.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth.

There is only one deputy director of Beijing TV Station, and that is Chen Song, the deputy director in charge of personnel work.

The other party's appearance here at this time must be related to the current vacancy of the general manager of Jingshi Culture.

However, there is still a trace of doubt in his heart.

Shouldn't he be sent to the capital TV station for announcing his appointment?Why did Deputy Director Chen come in person?Is there something else going on here?

Speaking of which, among the deputy directors of Beijing TV Station, he really didn't have any dealings with Deputy Director Chen.

"I see, I'm going down now." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he hung up the phone, then got up and walked out of the office.

However, he didn't go downstairs immediately. Instead, he came to Wang Yunjie's office and knocked on the other's door.


"Please come in."

When Xu Jie heard Wang Yunjie's voice, he immediately grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open.

Wang Yunjie, who was sitting behind the desk, immediately stood up from her chair when she saw the person coming, and asked with some respect: "President Xu, you are here, please sit down."

After speaking, he walked around the desk and prepared to get a cup to pour tea.

In the past, everyone was the deputy general manager, so there was no need to pay attention to these things. Now the other party is about to become the general manager, can she not be more courteous?
This is also a kind of gesture.

Xu Jie didn't go in, but stood by the door and said with a smile: "Stop sitting down, Deputy Director Chen is here, let's go downstairs to greet him together."


Wang Yunjie knew the results of the meeting yesterday, so she was not surprised by Deputy Director Chen's arrival. She could even guess the purpose of Deputy Director Chen's visit today.

Xu Jie turned around and went to the next door, and knocked on the door of another deputy general manager's office.


"Come in!"

An impatient voice came from the door.

Xu Jie pushed the door open and saw Liu Feng who was sitting behind the desk frowning.

Liu Feng was startled when he saw the person coming, and he stood up while supporting the table, and asked guiltyly: "Xu, Mr. Xu, what do you want?"

"Vice Director Chen is here, let's go downstairs to greet him together." Xu Jie said blankly, then turned and left without waiting for the other party's answer.

It was completely different from the attitude when facing Wang Yunjie before.

"Yes..." As soon as Liu Feng spoke, his voice stopped abruptly.

Looking at Xu Jie who disappeared at the door, I felt so embarrassed and embarrassed.

The so-called: a guilty conscience.

With the overall situation settled, he didn't even dare to express any dissatisfaction, so he could only walk out of the office quickly, for fear of being left behind.


(End of this chapter)

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