Chapter 1041 Two things

Xu Jie stepped out of the elevator, and from a distance, he saw the deputy director Chen Song standing at the front desk, chatting with Yang Xiuyan for some reason.

However, it is not difficult to see from Yang Xiuyan's respectful appearance that the conversation is definitely not gossip news in the entertainment industry.

"Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting!" Xu Jie walked over quickly, stretched out his hand, and said enthusiastically, "If you need anything, just give me a call. Why don't you come in person?" How about a run?"

Deputy director Chen is in his 50s, not tall, and has a fat body. From the standard Chinese character face, it can be seen that he was still very handsome when he was young, but he started to lose his head a little in middle age.

"Mr. Xu, don't be so polite. It's the same when you look for me and I look for you?" Chen Song tightly held the hand of this popular employee. Although it was not the first time we met, it was the first time. contacts.

Of course, as the deputy director of the TV station's personnel affairs, he has long been familiar with the other party's name, and he is also familiar with the other party's brilliant achievements.

In fact, he has long wanted to get in touch with the other party, but he has not been able to find an opportunity. This time, he happened to come to Jingshi Culture to take a look at the announcement of the appointment, and to get closer to the other party.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for your concern. On behalf of all employees of Jingshi Culture, Mr. Chen is welcome to guide the work. Which department do you want to visit first, I will guide you." Xu Jie said with a smile on his face.

In fact, leading the way is false, but being polite is true.

How could he fail to guess the purpose of Mr. Chen's coming here today?

But if he asked directly, it would appear that he was in a hurry, so he resorted to tricks and asked Master Chen to speak by himself.

After Chen Song felt the enthusiasm and respect of the young people, he was very happy in his heart, waved his hand and said: "There is no need to visit, I am here today, mainly to announce two things, let's go directly to the conference room , By the way, call all the managers above the middle level of the company to the conference room to gather."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback after hearing this.

two things?
Besides appointing him as the general manager of Jingshi Culture, is there anything else to announce?
What is it?

Confused, Xu Jie immediately ordered Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying at the front desk to inform the middle management of the company, that is, the heads of various departments to gather in the conference room, and then accompanied Deputy Director Chen to the conference room.

"President Xu, I heard that you went to Huxiang TV Station and Shanghai TV Station two days ago?" Chen Song pretended to mention it casually while walking.

In fact, the reason why he came here in person today is that apart from the two things that need to be announced by the official, there is also one thing that the director of the station specially delegated to him.

Touch Xiao Xu's thoughts and see if the other party has any plans to change jobs after returning from other places. Regardless of whether there is any, he must appease the other party and let the other party stay firmly at the Beijing TV station.

"Yes, go to the brothers' units to visit, learn their advanced concepts, and improve the quality of future programs." Xu Jie said solemnly.

He had already thought about this reason long before he left the capital. As for the real situation, he naturally couldn't say it, otherwise the Taiwan leaders would know that he was threatening him in this way, and why wouldn't he wear shoes later?


Chen Song nodded understandingly, but he didn't believe it. After all, no one would spread the word about job hopping in the original company before resigning. Isn't that a lack of heart?

"Mr. Xu, your programs are already doing so well, and you still want to go out to study. This kind of humility is really worth learning for all the staff of Beijing TV Station. I don't know what the results of this study are. You can tell me Say?" Chen Song asked insinuatingly, in fact, he wanted to see what attracts Huxiang TV and Shanghai TV to each other.

"Huxiang TV, as the overlord of entertainment, shows passion and professionalism in variety shows, which our JingTV culture lacks. Only with love, can one thing be done well. There is also Shanghai TV..."

Xu Jie came as soon as he opened his mouth, what he said was calm, what he said was serious, and Chen Song on the side was stunned. If he hadn't heard from Jiang Hai that the other party wanted to change jobs, he really thought that the other party would go to Huxiang TV And Shanghai TV Station is to learn from other people's experience in variety show production.

He really is the hottest screenwriter in the entertainment circle at present, he is really good at writing.

"You can see this, which means that there is still room for improvement in the future. I can't wait to watch your new variety show." Chen Song said expectantly.

"I'm thinking about it, and when the new variety show comes out, I will definitely inform you, Master Chen." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." Chen Song smiled happily.

The other party is conceiving a new variety show, which means that it is impossible to leave Jingshi Culture in a short time. This sentence can be regarded as a reassurance for him, and he will finally be able to talk to the director when he returns.

The two chatted as they walked, and soon came to the conference room.

Not long after, all the middle-level and above personnel of the company arrived, and everyone sat quietly under the stage, as if they had already guessed what Deputy Director Chen was going to announce, and their eyes were full of excitement and joy.

This moment has finally come.

Xu Jie glanced at the conference room with his eyes, and then whispered to Deputy Director Chen beside him: "Master Chen, everyone is here, can we start?"

"En." Chen Song nodded.

Xu Jie turned around, faced all the middle-level employees of the company, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "The reason why everyone was called here suddenly is that Deputy Director Liu of Beijing Radio and Television Station came to our Beijing TV Culture Communication Company to guide the work. , please give warm applause to welcome Deputy Director Liu's speech."

"Clap clap clap!"

There was applause at the scene.

Although there were not many people, the applause was very loud.

Chen Song smiled, and after the applause stopped, he said seriously: "I am here this time to announce two things on behalf of Beijing Radio and Television Station. The deputy general manager Xu Jie is the general manager of Jingshi Culture Communication Company..."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Applause broke out again in the conference room, louder and more enthusiastic than just now.

The news had been circulating all day, and the official appointment finally came down.

When Mr. Xu was the deputy general manager, he took everyone to eat and drink spicy food. Now that he is the general manager, why don't he take everyone to dinner every day?

Thinking of this, everyone clapped their hands harder.

And Liu Feng, who was sitting on the stage, clapped his hands with everyone, but his eyes were full of disappointment and loneliness.

He originally thought that as an old employee for so many years, he would have hope to compete for the position of general manager, but his ideals are full, but the reality is very skinny.

Not to mention the general manager, even the candidates didn't go in, so depressing!

Chen Song glanced at the middle management of the company present, and it was not difficult to see from the excited faces of everyone that Xu Jie was still very well recognized by the employees in the company, which also showed that the decision made by the station was correct and in line with public opinion.

"President Xu, can you tell me a few words?" Chen Song asked Xu Jie, who was at the side.

"Forget it, they are all acquaintances, we see each other all day long, there is nothing to say, and you may not know, I just finished a meeting with them in the morning, by the way, don't you have another thing to announce You should come." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

He was more curious about another thing than speaking.

Seeing Xu Jie, Chen Song didn't want to say anything, and he didn't try to force him, but his face suddenly changed, and he said with a serious expression: "The second thing, after the meeting, it was decided to remove Liu Feng, the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture Communication Company. The position of general manager..."

ah! ? !
After hearing this, everyone showed surprise expressions on their faces, and their eyes shifted from Deputy Director Chen's face to Deputy General Manager Liu's.


Is this too sudden?
Everyone knew that Deputy General Manager Xu would be promoted, but they had never heard that Deputy General Manager Liu would be dismissed.

After everyone was surprised, they began to have doubts in their hearts.

A promotion needs a reason, and a dismissal also needs a reason. It is unreasonable for a person to be dismissed suddenly without making any mistakes.

and many more!

Could it be that Vice President Liu made a mistake?

Everyone looked at Deputy Director Chen again, hoping to hear a thing or two from the decision of the stage.

However, when Deputy Director Chen finished his announcement, he did not mention the reason for Deputy Director Liu's dismissal.

What's happening here?
Not only the onlookers, but even Liu Feng, the person involved, was stupefied at the moment.

I did a good job, why was I dismissed?

You must know that in the years of hard work in Jingshi Culture, even if there is no credit, there is hard work. Even if there is no hard work, working every day is very tiring. How can you say that you are dismissed without giving a reason?

"Master Chen, why?" Liu Feng asked with a frown.

He knew that asking Deputy Director Chen in front of so many people was very inappropriate, even immature, but he still couldn't help asking.

"Aren't you clear in your heart?" Chen Song asked coldly, his sharp eyes shot at Liu Feng like a sharp arrow, as if he wanted to pierce someone.

Liu Feng trembled all over, and immediately avoided Deputy Director Chen's gaze, and his aura instantly weakened, but there was still a trace of doubt in his eyes.

He has done too many things that violate the company's articles of association, but he doesn't know which one was found in the stage?
If this account is wrong, if you tell what you don't know in the station, wouldn't the consequences be more serious?
Wang Yunjie looked at Liu Feng, who was out of his mind, and then at Mr. Xu, who was calm and calm, thoughtfully.

Maybe others don't know, but she knows very well that the person who reported Mr. Xu a few days ago was Liu Feng.

If President Xu is demoted, it means that Liu Feng's report is correct, but now that President Xu has been promoted, it means that the content of Liu Feng's report is seriously inaccurate. Mr. Xu is fair.

Even if Mr. Xu doesn't care about it, what about Jiang Hai, who just became the deputy editor-in-chief?

Mr. Jiang had just left Beijing TV Culture, and someone reported that the vice president had a problem. Doesn't this mean that Mr. Jiang will be removed?
Now you are the deputy editor-in-chief Jiang, who is a high-level TV station, can you spare Liu Feng?

"Liu Feng, go back and pack your things, and go to the TV station for investigation in the afternoon." Chen Song said.

The old saying goes well: If you want others to not know, you must do nothing yourself.

For some things about the employees, the insiders actually know about them, but usually they choose to turn a blind eye because of the trivial matters, but if they don’t restrain themselves and become more and more rampant, then they have to dig out the old accounts Calculated with the new account.

"Yes, I, I understand." Liu Feng lowered his head, his voice was weak, and his whole body seemed to be emptied.

At this moment, Chen Song stood up, with the previous smile on his face again, looked at Xu Jie and said, "President Xu, congratulations, the matter is over, I should go too."

"Farewell, Mr. Chen, you finally came here, listen to the reports of our employees, and give you some guidance on the work." Xu Jie said quickly, and at the same time blocked the other party with his body to prevent him from leaving.

"No need, you are now the general manager of Jingshi Culture, you should be in charge of Jingshi Culture's work, you are in charge, I don't worry, and so does Taili." Chen Song said with a smile.

If it was in other companies, he would just say a few words, but in Jingshi Culture, he didn't dare to talk nonsense. If the company's performance drops, who will it be?

What's more, Taili took great pains to keep Xiao Xu, hoping that the other party can manage Beijing TV culture well, so what's the matter with him as a guide?

And he has also come from the bottom step by step to the present, so how could he not know that the people below say that, usually they are just polite?

Really lost.

"By the way!" Chen Song suddenly thought of something, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Your Jingshi Culture has two vacant deputy general managers. If you have a suitable candidate, you can report it to me directly, and I will take it We will discuss it at next week's personnel meeting."


Xu Jie thought about it for a while, and really thought about this matter carefully.

"Okay, then I'll leave, you don't need to send it away." After Chen Song finished speaking, he picked up the briefcase on the table and walked to the meeting room.

Xu Jie caught up immediately, how could he let the other party leave by himself?

In any case, the other party is the deputy director, and his status and rank are there. If he said no, it would be polite. If he really didn't go, he would have no superiors.

After Xu Jie and Deputy Director Chen left, the conference room immediately erupted. Everyone clapped hands and celebrated that the adverb in front of Deputy General Manager Xu was removed.

But soon, everyone became quiet again, and all eyes turned to Vice President Liu who was sitting on the stage. No, the other party was no longer the vice president.

Some people were going to come forward to comfort them, such as those heads of departments that Liu Feng was in charge of, but they didn't know what was wrong with Mr. Liu, and they didn't even know how to comfort them, so they had to give up in the end.

Liu Feng looked at everyone's strange eyes, and now he wished he could find a hole in the ground and get in.

In the past, although he was not the top leader of the company, he was also an existence under one person and above ten thousand people. However, now, he feels like a fallen phoenix, not even as good as a chicken.

He stood up quickly and left the conference room as if fleeing.

Right now, he just wanted to go to the capital TV station quickly and ask him what mistake he had made, so he was dismissed directly.


(End of this chapter)

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