Chapter 1042 Playing?

Xu Jie sent Deputy Director Chen away, watched the car gradually go away, and stood there for a long time without leaving.

Although he knew in advance who belonged to the position of general manager, he was still full of joy at the moment when Deputy Director Chen announced it on behalf of the TV station.

In fact, since Boss Jiang left Jingshi Culture, he has been waiting for this day to come.

For him, this is not only a position, but also a symbol of identity and status.

From now on, he will be the general manager of Jingshi Cultural Communication Company, a senior member of Beijing Radio and Television Station, and an entertainment boss with hundreds of millions of funds.

For example, when facing people like Guo Chuan, the general manager of Forbidden Films, because of the extra word "deputy" in front of the position, they were always inferior when facing each other.

But now it's different.

As soon as the word "deputy" is removed, the two are on equal footing, truly equal.

Even if he went out to discuss cooperation in the future, the person in charge of any company would no longer assign a deputy to receive him.

This is the difference!

"Ring bell bell!"

A burst of music brought Xu Jie back to his senses. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and looked at the caller ID on the screen. It was Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

fast enough!
Xu Jie thought to himself.

As soon as deputy director Chen left, deputy editor-in-chief Lu called back. He couldn't help looking back at the Jingshi cultural building behind him. It seemed that there were spies among the employees.

Thinking of the other party's performance at the personnel meeting, he was extremely disappointed in his heart, but it also gave him an additional level of understanding. Forging iron still needs to be hard on your own, and you have to rely on yourself at any time. If you rely on others, maybe when will be pitted.

"Good afternoon, Editor-in-Chief Lu." Xu Jie answered the phone and greeted the other party politely.

Although there are 1 dissatisfaction in my heart, who made the other party the deputy editor-in-chief?
"Haha, Xiao Xu, how is it? Has Deputy Director Chen announced your appointment?" Lu Hong asked with a smile, his voice was hearty, and he sounded in a very good mood.

"Well, the announcement is over, Deputy Director Chen just left." Xu Jie replied.

"Congratulations, you have now officially become the general manager of Jingshi Culture, how do you feel?" Lu Hong turned into a reporter and conducted an interview over the phone.

"Work hard, repay the trust of Taiwan leaders in me with better performance, and live up to the expectations of Taiwan leaders in me." Xu Jie said solemnly.

"Haha, well said." Lu Hong said happily after hearing that.

Although what he said were some official words and clichés, and he had even heard it countless times from other people, but when he said it from Xiao Xu's mouth, it sounded very comfortable to him.

Is it possible to say something like "It's all the result of my own hard work" and "After becoming the general manager, you must reward yourself well"?
Even if you really think so in your heart, you can't say it.

However, since the other party mentioned living up to the leadership's expectations, there was one thing he had to ask.

"Xiao Xu, do you still remember the promise to produce a new variety show for Beijing Satellite TV? I wonder how the preparations are going now? Do you have a clue?" Lu Hong asked with concern.

He doesn't care whether Jiang Hai can be the deputy editor-in-chief, and he doesn't care whether Xiao Xu can become the general manager of Jingshi Culture. He only cares about the promise they made at the beginning.

Although Beijing Satellite TV now has two popular variety shows, as the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, why would he think there are too many variety shows?
Good variety shows can not only greatly increase the ratings of the entire satellite TV channel, but also increase the influence of Beijing Satellite TV, and bring huge advertising revenue to Beijing TV. This is unmatched by other programs, and he Pay special attention to Xiao Xu's reasons.

Although TV stations cannot be overly entertaining, variety shows will always be the trump card program of TV stations, which is the consensus of all TV stations.

Those who win variety shows have to watch!

This is not just talking.

"As for the new variety show, I'm still researching and inspecting it. When the show has a clue, I will report it to you as soon as possible." Xu Jie replied.

But I was thinking in my heart: If you don't support me as the general manager of Jingshi Culture, you still want to ask me for a new variety show?wait for you.

In his opinion, there may be new variety shows, but they are definitely not in the near future.

Even if there is, he is more inclined to sell to Hunan Satellite TV or Shanghai Satellite TV. Firstly, he may earn more, secondly, he can expand his influence, and thirdly... he can let Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu know, even if there is no such thing as Beijing Satellite TV. Platform, his programs can also be sold at a high price.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news." Lu Hong said with a smile, "By the way, you should already know about the profit sharing of the project, right? It also applies to variety shows, and the 15.00% share is still quite impressive , you have to seize the opportunity, speaking of it, I brought up this matter at the meeting, just to reward you for your efforts..."

Lu Hong started talking non-stop, emphasizing his own role in this matter, hoping that the other party can stay in Jingshi Culture safely, and don't have other bad ideas, such as job hopping.

The director was worried that the other party would leave Beijing TV Station, and he was even more worried that the other party would leave Beijing TV Station, because once the other party left, the pressure would be on Beijing Satellite TV, and as the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, his pressure can be imagined.

Xu Jie listened to Lu's deputy editor-in-chief's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a sneer.

Playing this kind of icing on the cake with him again.

Does he need it?

No need!
As long as he wants to make money, does he still need the 15.00% share?
What he wanted was the position of general manager.

If the other party doesn't support him in the general manager's discussion, he won't accept it, let alone 15.00% of the profit share, even 15.00% of the full payment is useless.

Is he short of money?


Investing in film and television dramas requires money, and my wife's studio also needs money. No one would think that money is too much, but it is even worse.

Besides, if he wants such a request as profit sharing, other TV stations will agree, and may even give more.

This is his value.

"Xiao Xu, from now on, Jingshi culture will be handed over to you. You can do it boldly. The station will definitely not treat you badly, and I will not treat you badly."

Lu Hong talked for a long time, and finally ended with a cake.

Xu Jie sneered when he heard this.

Do you think he is as easy to fool as a fresh graduate?
Not to mention painting cakes, even if the cakes were actually taken out, he would not eat them, he wanted to eat meat.

The last time was Roujiamo.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu, I will definitely do it boldly," Xu Jie said.

I don't know if it is bold to sell the new variety show to other TV stations?
"Well, come on, I am optimistic about you. With your current development situation, in a few years, my position will also be yours. Okay, I won't disturb your work. Come to my office another day and let's have a good chat." Lu Hong said.

Xu Jie hehe in his heart, are you still painting cakes?

dont see!

After hanging up the phone, Xu Jie glanced in the direction of Beijing TV Station, then turned and walked towards the company.

Just as he was about to enter the door, he saw Liu Feng walking out with a cardboard box in his arms, distraught and listless, with a trace of depression on his face.

"Mr. Liu, what are you doing?" Xu Jie stopped, looked at Liu Feng in confusion and asked.

it's a pity!
Before he could make a move, Taili made a move first.

From this point of view, the other party is still very lucky, because if he makes the move, the other party may not only be dismissed.

Liu Feng was shocked and stopped. He looked up at the person standing in front of him, and his mood became extremely complicated for a while.

The so-called: things are unpredictable.

I didn't expect that instead of pulling the other party down, I was dismissed by Taili, which is too unfair.

"I was dismissed, and I am no longer Mr. Liu." Liu Feng said with a dejected expression, and his arrogance as a deputy general manager in the past was no longer present in his whole body.

"Mr. Chen only said he would be dismissed, but he didn't say that he would fire you. What are you doing with the box? Maybe there are other uses for it?" Xu Jie comforted him with kind words.

Liu Feng was slightly taken aback, a glint of hope flashed in his eyes, but then he shook his head, his eyes filled with bitterness.

Although Deputy Director Chen did not mention the reason for his dismissal when he announced just now, it is not difficult to see from Deputy Director Chen's cold expression that there must be no other reason.

And the old saying is good: don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts calling your door.

What has he done himself, can he not count in his heart?

It's just that he has done too much, so he didn't even have the courage to ask Deputy Director Chen, otherwise he would really feel ashamed and lose face if he said it in front of so many middle-level people in the conference room.

"Old Liu, don't be so depressed. We are not afraid of the shadow slanting. What are we afraid of? Go to the TV station later and explain it to the station. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. Just like me, I will reinstate you as an official later. , although I have only come to Jingshi Culture for a year and a half, I still admire your work ability." Xu Jie stretched out his hand and patted the other party's shoulder and said.

Liu Feng stayed where he was for a while, and then a trace of guilt appeared on his face.

The person in front of him had such a high evaluation of him, and even though he was dismissed from the station, he was still here to comfort him. On the other hand, he reported the other party behind his back for his own selfishness. Is this still a human thing?
"Mr. Xu, I..."

Liu Feng wanted to say sorry, but hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't say it.

"Old Liu, don't worry, we are all on your side, by the way, do you want me to accompany you?" Xu Jie asked.

"No need, no need." Liu Feng shook his head hastily.

If this lets the other party know what he has done, won't it directly destroy the other party's good impression of him?
But thinking about it again, the other party is fine for helping his brother-in-law to make money, and he was successfully promoted to the general manager, so maybe he can really help?
After all, Mr. Jiang has become Deputy Editor-in-Chief Jiang, and his right to speak has also become more important. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu has always valued each other very much, and even the head of the station is very caring for him.

Maybe it works!

"President Xu..." Liu Feng mustered up the courage to open his mouth.

"Okay, since you have confidence, Lao Liu, then I won't accompany you. I'm waiting for your return with all the employees of Jingshi Culture!" Xu Jie said loudly.


The corner of Liu Feng's mouth twitched, almost choked to death by the words in his own mouth, feeling that the flame of hope that had just been ignited was snuffed out by himself just like that.


This is his last hope!

"Mr. Xu, can you...can you do me a favor?" Liu Feng asked tentatively.

Although it's embarrassing and shameless, what is face compared to the position of deputy general manager?
He was dismissed by Taili today, and he will have no face to go out in the future.

"Oh? What's the matter? Tell me quickly." Xu Jie urged.

"You, you are so familiar with the high-level executives of our Beijing TV station, can you say a few words for me?" Liu Feng asked in a low voice with a guilty conscience.

"Okay, what can I say for you?" Xu Jie asked again.

"That's right, I just hope that because I have paid so much for the company for so many years, don't deal with it so seriously. I promise I will never do anything harmful to the company again, I swear." Liu Feng said at the end. Putting the box on the ground, he raised his hand.

"So, Lao Liu, did you do something that harmed the company before?" Xu Jie asked with a frown.

He originally wanted the other party to admit the report, but he didn't expect to have unexpected gains.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet, and it was a long time ago, really." Liu Feng said embarrassedly. .

"This is a bit difficult." Xu Jie said, frowning.

Liu Feng was a little disappointed, but he thought again, what the other party said was difficult, not impossible, so he immediately grabbed the other party's hand, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and said in a begging tone: "Mr. .”

"Mr. Liu, don't be like this. Let me defend the person who made a mistake. Aren't you letting me make a mistake?" Xu Jie said in embarrassment, and then shook off the opponent's hand.

"Mr. Xu, I can return the things I received, and I have realized my mistakes. Isn't there such a saying? Knowing the mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it, right? Just help me this time, and I will decide to listen to it in the future. Yours, no matter whether it's going to the mountain of swords or the sea of ​​fire, if I frown, I'm not human." Liu Feng said solemnly.

"Okay, then I'll call Deputy Director Liu and ask him what happened to you, so that I can prescribe the right medicine." Xu Jie was about to take out his mobile phone as he spoke.

Seeing that the other party agreed, Liu Feng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but when he heard that the other party wanted to call Deputy Director Liu, he immediately became nervous again and reached out to grab the other party's arm.

"President Xu, don't, don't call Deputy Director Liu!"

The report letter he wrote to the station was directly handed over to Deputy Director Liu, and now the other party wants to call Deputy Director Liu, what should he do if Deputy Director Liu says he missed it?
"Why?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Because, because Deputy Director Liu is very upright, I'm worried that he won't tell you if you make this call. I think it's better to call Deputy Director Chen who just left." Liu Feng explained.

"Well, what you said makes sense, then I'll call Deputy Director Chen." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief immediately, hope was rekindled in his eyes, and he stared at Mr. Xu's cell phone without taking his eyes off it.

Xu Jie found Deputy Director Chen's number. He wanted to press it, but he didn't press it. Before the deputy director calls, I have one more question."

"What's the problem?" Liu Feng asked casually.

"Why are you reporting me?"



(End of this chapter)

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