The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1043 Give You Justice

Chapter 1043 Give You Fairness

Liu Feng was shocked when he heard Xu Jie's words, his eyes were both surprised and guilty, and he asked after a while, "Mr. Xu, you, you know everything?"

But after he finished speaking, he began to regret it.

If you ask this question, doesn't it mean that you have changed your mind and admitted that he wrote the report letter?

In fact, after the other party came back from Beijing TV station after being questioned, he had a faint feeling that the other party seemed to have guessed that the person who wrote the report letter was him.

But the old saying is good: catch the rape and catch the double, catch the thief and catch the stolen goods.

He handed over the report letter to Deputy Director Liu, who is in charge of disciplinary inspection. No matter what the investigation results are, it is impossible for Deputy Director Liu to disclose the inner softness of the report letter to the object of the report.

Therefore, as long as he doesn't admit it, the other party can't do anything to him.

But now, the flustered him was caught off guard by the sudden question from the other party. How could he ask the other party to intercede for him?

This is his last straw!

"President Xu, I, I..."

Liu Feng wanted to defend himself, but I didn't know how to explain it for a long time.

Reporting others must be due to envy, jealousy and hatred, how else can I explain it?

For the sake of the company?Don't want a "worm" to eat up the company's assets?
How can it be!

He himself is not clean, so why talk about the company?

Besides, Mr. Xu is not stupid. Can the other party believe him when he explains it like this?

At that time, not only can't believe it, but will be furious because of being treated as a fool, and completely let go of it...

Huh, wait!

Liu Feng was startled suddenly.

act like a fool...

Since Mr. Xu already knew that he wrote the report letter, why did he agree to go to the TV station to intercede for him?
Repaying grievances with virtue?

If the other party really had such thoughts, he would not have said the matter just now, which made him deeply condemned in his heart.

Then there is only one possibility, the other party is teasing him, playing with him, and treating him as a fool.

Thinking of this, Liu Feng's face turned red in a flash. He looked at the person in front of him from embarrassment, only to find that the person in front of him was looking at him with disdain, as if he was using his eyes to despise him, mock him, and mock him. He completely tore off the pretense of helping others.

"You, were you teasing me before?" Liu Feng asked through gritted teeth.

If it wasn't for the fear of losing the fight, he would have already punched the opponent twice. Since he came to Jingshi Culture, no one has ever treated him like this face to face.

Even if Deputy Director Chen announced his dismissal just now, none of the employees in the company dared to laugh at him, because it was really possible that he could be used for other purposes, and maybe they would meet again in the future.

Only this person in front of him, teasing him and humiliating him, is too hateful.

"No, I definitely didn't mean to tease you." Xu Jie shook his head in denial and said, "I'm just pitying you!"

Liu Feng was stunned after hearing this, and was replaced by humiliation in his heart.

He regarded the other party as an opponent for the general manager, but the other party didn't see him at all.

How did pity come about?
The strong will feel pity when they see the weak, because no matter how the weak jump up and down, they will not pose any threat to the strong, so the strong will pity the weak, pity the weakness of the weak, pity the ignorance of the weak, pity the weak The overreach of the weak.

If the other party's teasing will make him feel angry, then the other party's pity will make him feel insulted from self-esteem.

Killing hearts!

"Old Liu, I know why you wrote the report letter. It was just to compete for the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture, but you think too much. Even without me, you can't be the general manager. Yu Kuanyu left You can't be it when Jiang Touer Jiang left, and you can't be it when Mr. Jiang leaves." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Why, why?" Liu Feng stammered and asked, this is what he didn't understand the most.

As the vice president of Jingshi Culture, I should be the most qualified to compete for the position of general manager.

It may be just an accident to be out of consideration once, but it is unacceptable to be out of consideration twice.

"Old Liu, people are self-aware. What have you brought to the company over the years? Have you never considered this issue?" Xu Jie asked.


Liu Feng wanted to list one, two, and three, so as not to let the young man in front of him underestimate him, but he thought about it for a long time, and there was nothing he could take out.

What he does is management, and he manages functional departments such as personnel, administration, and legal affairs, so it is impossible to bring revenue to the company.

But if you don’t say anything, you will lose your face, and you can only say bluntly: "Yes, I did not contribute much income to the company's performance, but I also do auxiliary work such as personnel, finance, and legal affairs." Well-organized, even if there is no credit, there is hard work, and there is fatigue without hard work. Without me, the company would have been in chaos."

"Ha ha!"

Xu Jie smiled. At this time, the other party still doesn't have a clear self-cognition. No wonder he is full of illusions about the position of general manager.

In fact, many people are like this. They think too much about their own contributions, but in fact they don't have that much contribution. To put it bluntly, they are too self-righteous.

"Don't mention fatigue. According to you, the company's cleaning lady should be the most qualified to be the general manager. What age is this? Do you think you can do whatever you want with your qualifications? No extraordinary ability, no real contribution, It doesn't matter how old you are."

Xu Jie even began to doubt, how did the other party become the deputy general manager, and why didn't he understand anything?
Liu Feng is extremely depressed at the moment, it's no wonder he feels comfortable being lectured by someone younger than himself.

But if you think about it carefully, what the other party said is not unreasonable, but he is a little unwilling to be said so by the other party, as if he is useless.

"Old Liu, in fact, in the past year and a half since I came to Jingshi Culture, I have been very happy to work with you, but I really didn't expect you to be such a person. Forget it, let's not talk, you go After you get to Beijing TV Station, you must tell the truth and don’t hide anything, the station may arrange another job for you for the sake of your correct attitude.”

Xu Jie patted Liu Feng on the shoulder, and then walked into the company gate.

Liu Feng stood there in a daze, especially when he heard the voice "It's a pleasure to work together", he was full of regrets, regretting that he should not have written that report letter.

I don't want to be a general manager, but isn't the deputy general manager also very good?
Under the leadership of Mr. Xu, Jingshi Culture is bound to get better and better, and as the vice president of the company, his status in society will also rise. Unfortunately, all this can only be imagined, and he is no longer a member of this place. up.

Alas, the human heart is not enough to swallow an elephant, and jealousy makes people lose their minds.

He turned his head and glanced at the company. After leaving today, he was afraid that he would never come back again. He couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, and then walked towards the parking lot with heavy steps.

Xu Jie returned to the office and was just about to make a call to tell his wife the good news of his appointment when the cell phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID, it was Deputy Director Liu, and it seemed that Deputy Director Chen had already returned to the station.

"Master Liu, what instructions do you have?" Xu Jie asked lukewarmly, even a little bit strangely.

It's not that he became proud after becoming the general manager, but that he also has a lot of dissatisfaction with the other party. He clearly said that he would give him justice, but he didn't say anything at the personnel meeting. Isn't this just making fun of him? ?
"Xiao Xu, oh, no, it should be Mr. Xu now. Congratulations Mr. Xu, you have become the youngest company boss in the history of our Beijing Radio and Television Station." Liu Shengmao congratulated with a smile.

"Yes, so what? Many people are not convinced. They said that I used power for personal gain. I was a moth of the company. I was able to get promoted after making a mistake. I must have given a certain station leader a lot of benefits. Even if you enter the Yellow River, you won't be able to clean it up, hey!" Xu Jie sighed heavily after speaking.

Sighed depression, but also sighed loss, it sounds like he is not happy because he became the general manager, and it seems that he has added a lot of troubles.

After Liu Shengmao heard this, he immediately lost his composure.

The conversation has already reached this point, how can he still not understand what's going on?

Speaking of reporting this matter, he really has no way to completely eliminate the impact.

He can prove the innocence of the other party, but, the mouth grows on other people's faces, can he stop everyone's mouths?
As the old saying goes: A tree that is as beautiful as the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

If the other party performed so well, they would inevitably be envied and criticized by others.

The report letter is just a fuse. Even if there is no report letter this time, there will definitely be other things in the future.

It's just that he was unlucky and was taken advantage of.

This is the case in the field of discipline inspection. If you don't care about it, you will be considered to have taken advantage of it. If you don't care, you may be used as a gunman. I think I am unlucky.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, I have already dealt with those who made false reports. Deputy Director Chen should have finished announcing it? It's Liu Feng. In addition to dismissal, the station will pursue other responsibilities. In short, please Believe me, I will definitely give you justice." Liu Shengmao said seriously.

"Fair? It doesn't matter if it's fair or not, and it doesn't matter whether you pursue it or not. For me, the most important thing is to completely eliminate the bad influence of this matter. I don't want to go out to discuss cooperation in the future. When the other party hears my Xu Jie After the name, the first thing that comes to mind is that I am using power for personal gain, and if the cooperation fails because of this matter, Deputy Director Liu, who will be responsible?" Xu Jie asked.

When Liu Shengmao heard this, cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

Who will be responsible?

This is to directly pin the blame on Jingshi Culture's future performance decline on his head.

Is this still available?

Besides, can he be responsible?
I can't be responsible.

You must know that Beijing Television Culture is talking about projects worth hundreds of millions. Even if he borrows from the sky for another 500 years, he still can't afford to pay so much money.

He thought that as long as the whistleblower was severely punished, the matter would come to an end and Xiao Xu could be given a satisfactory answer, but now it seemed that the matter was far from over.

"Mr. Xu, how do you solve this matter?" Liu Shengmao asked tentatively, somewhat guilty in his heart.

It is true that he is the deputy director of the station, but he has to admit that he has done something wrong to avoid further expansion of the mistake.

Xu Jie couldn't help curling his lips on the phone.

How to deal with it?

It's too late.

"Taiwan Liu, aren't you embarrassing me? If I knew how to solve it, I would have solved it long ago. Is it because I can't solve it that I responded to you? You can't ignore it." Xu Jie said at the end , took out the tone of vindictiveness, and was short of holding a small sign above his head.

Liu Shengmao opened his mouth, but didn't say a word.

He has taken care of it, but the other party is not satisfied, what else can he do?Is it necessary to gag everyone's mouths?

Alas, it is really easy to ask God to send God away!

In his entire career, he had never encountered such a difficult person.

Even if similar things happened in the past, the subject of the investigation would not choose to let him go because he was the deputy director. Only this person is not only not afraid of him as the deputy director, but also intends to hold on to him.

To be honest, it was also the first time he encountered such a thing, so he was quite confused, what should he do?Listen to the tone of the other party, and it is absolutely impossible not to give the other party a satisfactory answer.

He thought about it carefully, and the best way to crush negative rumors is to establish a positive image, so that the negative news will naturally disappear.

positive image……

Got it!

"Mr. Xu, this year's Beijing Youth May [-]th Medal selection and commendation work has already started. Our station is studying the list to be submitted upwards. If you can win this award, you will definitely be able to stop the mouths of those who gossip." Liu Shengmao said.

As a cultural media organization directly under the capital, Beijing Radio and Television Station will have a quota every year, which can be said to be very precious.

Xu Jie's eyes lit up.

This is a serious city-level award, and he may even win the China Youth May Fourth Medal. If he has such an honor, his influence in the circle will be even greater in the future.

"Master Liu, the method you mentioned is good, but am I qualified?" Xu Jie tugged at the other party.

"With your achievements and influence in society, it is definitely enough." Liu Shengmao said seriously, and at the same time he was relieved.

As long as the other party is satisfied.

"Then I will trouble Mr. Liu, but I am still a little worried. You said that after a short period of forgetting, will everyone remember it again?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Ah?" Liu Shengmao was stunned.

Not so bullying.

Do you still want him to be responsible for the rest of his life?

"I remember that the city's advanced workers are announced at the end of the year. I think, if there is an award at the beginning of the year and an award at the end of the year, and both approaches are used, then everyone will believe me instead of rumors. What do you think, Mr. Liu?" Xu said Jay asked.


Liu Shengmao only felt that there were countless alpacas running past in his mind.

Do you want both the May [-]th Movement and Advanced Workers?

This man is too greedy.

"Mr. Xu, each person can only get one of these awards every year." Liu Shengmao explained.

"You said it, it's normal, and there are exceptions, right?" Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, why don't you talk about it next year?" Liu Shengmao asked after discussion.

"Sigh, I don't know what the performance of Jingshi Culture will be this year." Xu Jie said with a sigh.


Liu Shengmao felt that the other party was threatening him.

But who made him unlucky?
"Mr. Xu, this matter is on my shoulders." Liu Shengmao said vowedly, but he was thinking in his heart: never deal with this person again.


(End of this chapter)

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