The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1044 Sharing with Wife

Xu Jie's cell phone rang continuously throughout the afternoon, and it was full of people who congratulated him, including the leaders and colleagues of the TV station, the bosses and executives of the entertainment company, and the stars who had worked with him before. Artist, sometimes another call comes in before the call is finished. Anyway, it's a favor.

It was obviously Deputy Director Liu who announced him as the general manager in the conference room of Jingshi Culture Company, but now it seems to be announced on TV. It feels like everyone who knows him knows about it.

But for him, this is definitely a good thing, because the more people call, the more influence he has in this circle. Otherwise, why are the big guys so anxious to express their congratulations at the first time?Isn't his position in these people's minds very important?

On the contrary, if no one calls to congratulate him after he becomes the general manager of Jingshi Culture, it can only prove that he has no influence and no one cares about him.

At that time, it's not that I think these people are annoying, but that I don't have the ability, and I don't even have anyone to contact me.

"Ring bell bell!"

Xu Jie said that his mouth was dry, and he was about to pour some water when the phone rang again.

He glanced at the caller ID, it was Hu Zhen.

"Old Hu, you are calling to congratulate me, right?" Xu Jie asked while receiving the water.

"Of course not. I invited you to dinner, and I would like to invite Mr. Xu to treat you tonight." Hu Zhen said with a smile. In fact, the purpose of the dinner tonight was also to congratulate the other party.

Of course, not only the two big men, but also several popular female artists in the company, this was not forced by him, but signed up by these female artists themselves.

There used to be such a thing, these female artists were a hundred unwilling, and finally had to go, but this time, for some reason, one by one was more positive than the other, and he was not happy not to let go, which made him start to suspect that he was It's not that I didn't express myself clearly.

Have a meal?

Xu Jie glanced at the clock on the wall, and before he knew it, it was past 4 o'clock, and he was about to get off work soon, but he didn't realize it.

"Old Hu, we are not outsiders, so don't do this with me." Xu Jie said.

Such a happy thing, of course, should be shared with my wife, how can I share it with outsiders first?
"Mr. Xu, I know that you don't treat me as an outsider and think about me in everything you do, but you have to let me balance my heart, otherwise I will always owe you, and I will be embarrassed. You have to give me a performance." chance?" Hu Zhen said with a wry smile.

Mr. Xu can say such words, he is still very happy in his heart, but he is happy when he is happy, and he is always not together to connect with each other, so it is inevitable that he will feel alienated.

Especially when the position of the other party is getting higher and higher, and the influence is getting stronger and stronger, there are many people in the circle who want to climb up to this level of relationship. In practice, resources will inevitably be dispersed, and it will be too late to cry.

There is no way, people nowadays have no bottom line, especially some newcomers in the entertainment industry, they are not only ambitious, but also open-minded, willing to do anything, he is really worried that Xu will always be confused by those goblins .

You know, there are not a few female artists who do whatever they can to get ahead.

And between him and Mr. Xu, apart from having known each other earlier than others, thinking about it carefully, there is no other friendship or communication, which is also the reason for his nervousness.

Moreover, the higher the opponent's position, the more nervous he is.

Because the higher the position, the greater the temptation you will face.

"Since you know what you owe me, then don't try to send me away with a meal. After a while, we will start filming many projects of JingTV Culture. When the time comes, we will borrow someone from you. Just don't push back." Xu Jie Said.

In fact, he knew the other party's worries. Not only this time, when he came to Jingshi Culture as the deputy general manager last year, the other party also wanted to invite him to dinner. At that time, he also felt that it was unnecessary.

Relationships come from being together, not from eating. Those who make friends at the dinner table are called wine and meat friends. Even if such people eat together every day, it is useless.

In contrast, he prefers practical things, such as being able to help him at work.

Back then, wasn't that how he met Hu Zhen?

Hu Zhen's eyes lit up when he heard it. It's not that he was helping the other party, it was clearly that the other party was doing him a favor.

Why are there so many people who want to get to know each other, don't they just hope to get some resources from each other?

Variety shows, movies, TV dramas, evening parties... the most important resources in the entertainment industry, there is no other party that does not have.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, I, Hu Zhen, supported your work before, and I will support your work even more in the future. When you need someone, just tell me, whether you are busy or not, I will definitely get the person to you as soon as possible." I'll send it to you." Hu Zhen swore.

Not to mention borrowing people, even if borrowing ghosts, he will grab one and lend it to the other party.

"Okay, then let's make a deal. Is there anything else? If not, I'll die." Xu Jie said.

After answering the phone all afternoon, my ears hurt a little.

"Don't hang on to Mr. Xu, actually, I really want to treat you to dinner." Hu Zhen returned to the previous topic.

The female artists are already in their positions, if the protagonist doesn't go, won't everyone be very disappointed?

What I know is that Mr. Xu has a good style of work. Those who don't know think that there is something awkward between him and Mr. Xu.

"No time!!!"


Xu Jie hung up the phone directly.

Is he a hungry person?


As soon as he opened his mouth, people who invited him to dinner would line up from the entrance of Jingshi Culture to the entrance of Beijing TV Station, and even hotel and restaurant owners all over the capital wanted to invite him to dinner.

Therefore, he refuses all meals that are not necessary. Wouldn't it be good to spend the time eating and drinking outside to go home with his wife?
"Ring bell bell!"

The phone continued to ring.

Maybe it's because it's getting close to the end of get off work time. Apart from congratulations, all the callers at this time want to invite him to dinner.

If Xu Jie rejected one, he had to reject all of them, otherwise the rejected person would definitely think wildly.

In fact, it is not easy to say something about rejecting people. Fortunately, his current position is high enough. Even if he rejects others, others will not say things like "Rejecting me means looking down on me".

Soon, it's time to get off work.

Xu Jie didn't know how many people's invitations he declined, and finally drove home directly.

Whoever you eat with is better than eating with your wife.

No matter how flattering others are or how enthusiastic their attitude is, they are all polite on the surface. Only his wife and him are truly one-hearted.


Xu Jie opened the door and smelled the aroma of food as soon as he entered.

He followed the smell to the kitchen, where Su Yun was showing her skills with a frying spoon. There were several dishes on the table beside her. There were no big fish or meat, but they looked very delicate, and they must be very delicious.


Xu Jie walked behind the opponent, stretched out his hands to wrap his arms around the opponent's waist.

He is so busy at work, but he still goes home to cook for him. What can a husband ask for if he has a wife like this?
"You're back, go change your clothes, and there are three dishes, which will be ready soon." Su Yun said softly.

"Didn't you agree to go out to eat?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously. Didn't the other party read the WeChat message he sent in the afternoon?

"Why, is my cooking not as delicious as the food outside?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"How come, what you cook is much more delicious than outside. In my heart, even a Michelin-starred chef can't compare to one-tenth of yours. Isn't this afraid that you will be tired?" Xu Jie said seriously after hearing this Said.

This is a bit exaggerated, but my wife's cooking skills have indeed improved a lot under his training, and she is still more than enough to cook compared with some small restaurant cooks.

The point is, isn't there love in this meal?As for the outside, apart from technology, it is hard work.

"It's just a meal, how can you be tired? Besides, today is your big day, as your wife, how can I not show it?" Su Yun said while shaking the frying spoon in her hand.

Rather than going out to eat, she prefers to cook a table meal by herself to reward her husband.

No matter how high-end the restaurant is, no matter how famous the chef is, in her opinion, it is far worse than at home.

Of course, it's not that the restaurants outside are bad, but that she spends most of the year filming outside, and it's rare to be able to cook a delicious meal for her husband at home. Now that she has this opportunity, she naturally cherishes it even more.

Isn't there such a sentence?If you want to keep a man's heart, you must first keep his stomach.

"Thank you!" Xu Jie said emotionally, and then kissed his wife on the face.

There is a celebrity wife who cooks for him. Five years ago, he would not have dared to think about this kind of thing.

Some people, in order to become famous, give up their families.

And some people, even when they become famous, still have family in their hearts.

Perhaps, this is the gap.

Xu Jie went back to his room and changed into loose clothes, then rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen, ready to help his wife.

As a result, as soon as he entered, he was pushed out by the other party, and said in his mouth, "You just stay here."

Xu Jie couldn't help showing a wry smile. If he knew it, he wanted to reward him. If he didn't know it, he thought he was dissatisfied with him.

Since his wife wants to show off, he can't tear things down, can he?So I came to the restaurant honestly, and while sitting and admiring the graceful back of my wife, I really can go to the hall and go to the kitchen.

"Husband, do you know? The studio received many cooperation invitations today, including endorsements, covers, and movies, and all of them are important." Su Yun said while cooking.

"Really? It seems that the market is still very optimistic about you. No wonder, who made you the goddess of the nation and the queen of music?" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

Just because of his wife's performance in the film market in the past few years, if he is a brand owner, editor-in-chief of a magazine, or a film director, he would choose the same way.

This is the market, and whoever is popular will take advantage of it.

"I think these people are not optimistic about me, but you." Su Yun turned to look at her husband.


Xu Jie was startled at first, but soon understood what his wife meant.

A wife is more expensive than a husband.

The husband was a noble man, so the wife naturally did not dare to be neglected.

"That's right, you are now the general manager of Jingshi Culture, the object of many people's fawning." Su Yun said with a smile.

Although the status of her husband was not ordinary before, those who were polite to him were celebrities, such as directors and actors, but now, even the bosses of entertainment companies and editor-in-chiefs of magazines are very polite to her. Even she herself was a little embarrassed.

"That's also because of your strength. Whether it's acting skills or work attitude, you are well-known in the circle. Whether it's image or traffic, you are outstanding in the circle. They didn't choose you before. That was their mistake. Now they choose you , can be regarded as repenting." Xu Jie said lightly.

He didn't want to obliterate the fruits of his wife's hard work.

Even if there is indeed his reason behind this, it is still a little bit, not worth mentioning.

If a person does not work hard, no matter how hard the background is, he will not be recognized by the public.

What about capital?

Capital can only control the entertainers in the entertainment industry, but it cannot control the thoughts of the public.

"I suddenly discovered a problem." Su Yun came out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes, and stared at her husband intently, as if she had discovered some secret.

"What's the question?" Xu Jie asked curiously, meeting the other's gaze at the same time.

"Obviously my starting point is higher than yours, but why are you doing better than me now?" Su Yunxiu frowned slightly, showing a look of puzzlement.

Kind of cute.

I still remember the day when the two met. At that time, she was the queen of the music industry, a serious star, and the other party was just a little-known reporter. But it was only a few years, she did not change much, while the other party Already able to call the wind and rain in this circle, even she has to borrow the light of the other party.

If someone had said this to her five years ago, she would never have believed it.

"Isn't that simple?" Xu Jie smiled and explained, "It means you are prosperous."

Su Yun was taken aback, what she said... makes sense.

When something cannot be explained by science, it can only be understood by metaphysics.

Yes, that's right, definitely Vanves.

"So, half of the credit for my becoming the general manager today is due to you." Xu Jie stood up, went around the dining table, pushed his wife on the chair, and said, "I will do the rest, and let me show myself. "

"Come on, there are only two dishes left."

Su Yun wanted to stand up, but was pushed back by Xu Jie.

"Honey, just sit here and make me happy."

Without saying a word, Xu Jie plunged into the kitchen.

He glanced at the dishes on the table, and immediately knew what his wife was going to do, so he started to operate.

Seeing the man's busy figure, Su Yun got up and walked behind him, took off her apron, tied it on the man's body, and then stuck it tightly on the man's back.

"Husband..." Su Yun called softly.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked.

"I'm so happy to meet you." Su Yun murmured.


When Xu Jie heard it, he couldn't take it anymore.

What kind of meal is this?

Just do something else!

Turn off the fire.


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