Chapter 1045 All Restless
In the morning, the sun was shining brightly, just like Xu Jie's mood.

The radio in the car played the song he and Su Yun sang at the China TV Spring Festival Gala. Although he is not a professional singer, this did not affect the popularity of the song in the slightest.

After the Spring Festival Gala, not only were people often playing on-demand on the radio, but they even occupied the top spot on a certain music website's hot song list, overwhelming many idol singers and powerful superstars. It can be said that they stole the limelight.

Xu Jie was humming while driving the car. Today was his first day at work as the general manager of Jingshi Culture. Although he was in the same place and faced the same group of people, his mood was completely different.

Because from today, Jingshi Culture will officially start its era.

The car slowly drove into the parking lot, and Xu Jie parked the car.

When he walked outside the company gate, the gate suddenly opened from the inside, and Zhang Yiquan, the person in charge of the company's administrative office, was standing inside with a smile on his face. Same as the doorman in the hotel.

No, more enthusiastic than the doorman.

"President Xu, you are here, please come in." Zhang Yiquan said enthusiastically, with a hint of flattery in his words.

In the past, Liu Feng was his supervisor. Now that Liu Feng has been dismissed, all the functional management departments in the company have no leader. If they don't stand up and perform at this time, when will they wait?

"Director Zhang, what's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at him curiously and asked.

Although he is now the general manager of the company, he can still do things like opening the door by himself, without such ostentation.

"Mr. Xu, it's like this. You are now the general manager of our Jingshi Culture. You need to change to Mr. Jiang's office before. See what you need, such as decoration, layout, what style you like, and bookshelves, Do you need to replace the hardware such as tables and chairs? I can also arrange it." Zhang Yiquan said.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just clean it up." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He has been to Boss Jiang's office. Although the decoration is very ordinary, it is not outdated, and the tables and chairs were all bought by Boss Jiang when he took office. It has been less than two years. It is a bit wasteful to just replace it like this. .

Zhang Yiquan was stunned.

No decoration?
Not arranged?

Then how can he make money, no, how can he serve the leader?
If you can't serve the leader, how can you become the leader's confidant?If you don't become the confidant of the leader, how can you move forward?
"Mr. Xu, don't be too troublesome. Isn't there me? Don't worry, I guarantee that the work will be completed within a week, and it won't take you too long." Zhang Yiquan said confidently.

Isn't the duty of the desk director to solve problems for the leaders?

"No need." Xu Jie waved his hand.

What's the use of luxurious office decoration?The important thing is not the door plate hanging outside the office?
As long as it is the general manager's office, no one dares to underestimate it, even if it is a rough room. If it is a bathroom, no matter how luxurious the decoration is, no one will discuss cooperation in it.

Some people say: A new seat, a new job, requires a new atmosphere.

But in his view, if you don’t work hard subjectively, no matter how good the objective conditions are, it’s useless.

At this moment, Zhang Yiquan's face was full of embarrassment. He thought that his chance to perform had come, but in the end it was the chance for Baojie to perform.

No, this opportunity must not be let go.

"Mr. Xu, you are a model of hardworking and thrifty housekeeping. I'm going to clean the office right now." Zhang Yiquan said flatteringly, and then walked towards the elevator.

He was going to clean up himself.

Xu Jie opened his mouth after hearing this, but finally said nothing.

Since the other party wants to show off, then give the other party a chance to show off, otherwise don't you think wildly?
Especially in the case of Liu Feng's sudden dismissal, there must be some people who are surprised and terrified by this, and he has just taken over as the general manager of Jingshi Culture, so he must stabilize the current situation, and stability is above all else.

Those who knew it were because of Liu Feng, those who didn't know thought he was not good at management.

When Xu Jie came to the office, the sign of the deputy general manager was still on the door, but the word "Xu Jie" had been removed. No need to ask, Zhang Yiquan must have done it.

He opened the door and walked in, and began to organize the documents on the table, put the useful ones into boxes, and threw the useless ones directly into the shredder.


As soon as it was time to go to work, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in!" Xu Jie shouted without looking back.

"President Xu, what are you busy with?"

A voice came from behind, Xu Jie straightened up and looked back, it was Wang Yang, the person in charge of the company's personnel department.

"It's nothing, just pack up the files and move to the new office later." Xu Jie explained.

"Mr. Xu, you have a heavy responsibility and you have to take care of everything. Let me do this little thing." Wang Yang rolled up his sleeves and started tidying up the bookcase.

"No need for Minister Wang, I'll sort them out as I clean them up, and I'll know where they are when I think of them later." Xu Jie said quickly, fearing that the other party would be a disservice, "Hey, by the way, are you here for something?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yang immediately said: "Mr. Xu, I'm here to send you the company's personnel files." After speaking, he picked up the document bag that was put aside just now, and handed it over with both hands.

"Thank you." Xu Jie took the file bag, took out the personnel file inside and briefly looked through it, and it was the same as the one that Boss Jiang gave him back then.

In fact, not only the personnel files, but even the company's financial statements, he can read them whenever he wants.

"You don't need to thank Mr. Xu, this is my job. If there is anything you need to do in the future, just tell me, and I will be there whenever you are called." Wang Yang said solemnly.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Isn’t this nonsense?How dare the head of a department disobey the orders of the general manager of the company?Isn't that uncomfortable?
Thinking about it, he knew that the other party was actually the same as the previous Zhang Yiquan, and they all wanted to show in front of him, to put it bluntly, to show loyalty, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with the other party's behavior.

"Well, I won't be polite to you." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"President Xu, then I will..."

Before Wang Yang finished speaking, there was another knock on the door outside.


"Come in!" Xu Jie shouted towards the door.


The door opened, and this time it was Zhao Xiaoshuang, the person in charge of the finance department.

Xu Jie was speechless after seeing it.

No need to guess, the other party must be the same as Wang Yang and Zhang Yiquan. They came to report work and show off by the way.

No way, who let the immediate superiors of these people be dismissed?
They all started to get restless.

"Mr. Xu, then I'll go back first." Wang Yang saluted and then left the office.

"Minister Zhao, what's the matter?" Xu Jie still asked Zhao Xiaoshuang to avoid embarrassment.

"Mr. Xu, this is the company's financial report for the past few years. I've sent it to you." Zhao Xiaoshuang handed over the document and secretly sighed, thinking: It's still too late.

The sooner you show your loyalty, the better. If you come too late, Mr. Xu has already heard others say it, and if you listen to her again, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"Thank you." Xu Jie took the report and put it aside.

Although he was the deputy general manager before, no one knows the company's financial situation better than him, not even the head of the finance department in front of him. After all, the money spent by the company and the money earned by the company, most It's all done through him.

"You don't have to thank Mr. Xu, it's my honor to serve you." Zhao Xiaoshuang smiled slightly, her long eyelashes fluttering.

In order to leave a good impression on Mr. Xu, she deliberately touched up her makeup before coming here, otherwise she would not have fallen behind Wang Yang.

Although she didn't know what Wang Yang said, she believed that the other party had the same purpose as her, and wanted to succeed Liu Feng as the company's deputy general manager.

Among the company's three vice presidents, whether it is the vice president in charge of content resources or the vice president in charge of marketing business, they can be airborne from the outside, because these two vice presidents don't need to know much about the company, they only need to understand the market just fine.

Only the vice president in charge of functional management has a higher chance of being promoted from within the company, because this position must have a good understanding of the company, otherwise how can we better manage the company and serve other departments?
As the finance department is one of the most important departments of a company, she thinks that she still has a good chance of becoming the deputy general manager.

"Well, I will come to you if there is anything else. Is there anything else?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"No, no, Mr. Xu, you are busy, so I won't bother you." Zhao Xiaoshuang bowed deeply, and left the office a little depressed.

It's a pity that I couldn't chat with Mr. Xu for a while.

She thought Mr. Xu would ask some financial questions, but she made a mistake.

Sure enough, it was Mr. Xu, who would never be guessed.

"Minister Zhao is so beautifully dressed today."

Suddenly a voice sounded, and Zhao Xiaoshuang turned his head to see that it was Wang Yang, the head of the personnel department who had left the office of Mr. Xu before.

I saw the other party leaning against the wall, with his hands folded over his chest, and there was still a hint of a shy smile on his face.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Zhao Xiaoshuang asked, frowning, and then looked back at Mr. Xu's office, thinking: Could this person be eavesdropping outside just now?
Fortunately, she didn't say anything to Mr. Xu. If she said something that shouldn't be said, wouldn't Wang Yang catch her ass?
"Aren't I waiting for Minister Zhao?" Wang Yang replied.

"Wait for me? What's the matter?" Zhao Xiaoshuang asked suspiciously, but still didn't give him a good look.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that Minister Zhao's outfit is different from usual today, so I want to take a closer look." Wang Yang said with a half-smile.

Zhao Xiao's face turned cold, how could she not hear the other party's voice?Didn't he just want to insinuate that she seduced Mr. Xu?

What happened to the seduction?
That's because she has this condition, and some people don't even have a chance to seduce her.

Then again, wouldn't it be something to be proud of if you were able to seduce someone successfully?

"Minister Wang, you and I are both family members. You'd better be more careful when you speak." Zhao Xiaoshuang said the same thing as Wang Yang, then twisted his hips and walked towards the elevator with a catwalk.

Looking at Zhao Xiaoshuang's back, Wang Yang couldn't help curling his lips, with a sneer on his face.

Know that there are families who still come to this hand?How shameless.

If it is only about work ability, he is definitely not afraid of the other party, but when it comes to tricks outside the market, he is really a little worried. After all, women chase men's interlayer gauze. Hua Xiang, how many men are exposed to cheating after marrying a female celebrity?
He was indeed eavesdropping outside the office just now, but the sound insulation of the door was so good that he didn't hear anything.

But judging from the time when Zhao Xiaoshuang came in and out, nothing should happen.

The most important thing is that when Zhao Xiaoshuang came out, there was no special expression on his face, such as: excitement, joy and so on. This is also the reason why he sneered at the other party. What if the other party really becomes the deputy general manager's immediate boss in the future?
Of course, even if nothing happened, he didn't dare to take it lightly. After all, in the functional management department, Zhao Xiaoshuang was the biggest threat to him.

Alas, I don't know what Mr. Xu would like.

Xu Jie sorted out the documents, went back to the desk and sat down.

He knew very well what Zhao Xiaoshuang and the others were thinking, but the position of the deputy general manager was not up to him, it had to be arranged by the station, he could only recommend it, and had no right to decide it.

But then again, if he were to be selected, he would still prefer to be promoted from within the company. After all, he is one of his own people, he knows the basics, and he is sincerely convinced by him and will not pick things up.

Once a person arrives in the air, when the time comes, there will be someone behind him to fight against him. Will he fight or not?

Let's fight, it seems that he is short-tempered and doesn't give face to the Taiwan leaders; if he doesn't fight, he feels uncomfortable. It seems that he can only threaten Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Deputy Director Liu.


The door suddenly rang again, and when Xu Jie heard it, he felt like he was about to collapse.

If I knew this was the case, I should have called everyone together. If there was something to do, I would leave the court if there was nothing to do. What's the matter with one by one?

"Come in!"


The door opened and it was Wang Wen.

Seeing that it was his own, Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was the department heads under Liu Feng again.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you're having trouble with the new director?" Xu Jie asked.

"No Mr. Xu, one of the scripts has been revised, please have a look." Wang Wen presented the printed script with both hands.

"Oh? Really?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up.

Although he selected two scripts in the support plan for new directors, in order to make better movies, he put forward a lot of opinions and suggestions for the scripts. He did not expect to finish the revision so quickly. The rookie director was also very anxious to start the machine.

He couldn't help but look through it directly, especially the place where he made his comments before.

"President Xu..." Wang Wen hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but speak.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked while watching.

"About scripts and movies, you are the general manager of the company now, who should I show these projects to in the future?" Wang Wen asked.

"Of course it's for..." Xu Jie stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking. He raised his head and looked at Wang Wen who was opposite him. His eyes kept sizing up the other party's face, and he quickly understood the other party's meaning.

What the company lacks now is not only a deputy general manager in charge of the functional management department, but also a deputy general manager in charge of content resources, that is, a person who takes over his original job.

It seems that the other party has an idea!


(End of this chapter)

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