Chapter 1046 Candidates

Xu Jie has been working as a deputy all the way, and he has never had a deputy by his side. Now that he is asked to recommend the vice president of the company, he really doesn't know who to choose for a while.

In fact, he wants to choose someone like him, who has outstanding abilities, who can stand up to ten, who is capable of writing and martial arts, and has outstanding thinking.

But such an outstanding person, he is the only one in the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station, and many TV stations are looking for him. Where can he find the second one?

After much deliberation, I can only settle for the next best thing.

Based on his many years of experience as a deputy, ability is definitely necessary, but it doesn't have to be so demanding. After all, Jingshi Culture has him, and all the work should be carried out around him.

The other one is to be obedient, to be able to unswervingly implement his orders, to let him go east instead of west, and let him chase dogs instead of catch chickens, so that his orders can be implemented.

Combining these two, and then choosing from the several departments in charge before, Wang Wen and Lu Zhihong are both acceptable.

Wang Wen is good at coordinating work, Lu Zhihong is good at controlling details, Wang Wen is more emotional and good at communication, while Lu Zhihong is more rational and has a stable personality.

If he had to choose one of the two, he would prefer Wang Wen to be the deputy general manager.

Of course, it’s not that Lu Zhihong is worse than Wang Wen, but because the future development of Jingshi Culture focuses on movies. Wang Wen is the head of the film department. Before being transferred to Jingshi Culture, she worked in Forbidden Films for several years At that time, it would be beneficial for the cooperation with Forbidden Pictures to have the other party as the vice president.

At least at this stage, Beijing Television Culture's film and TV drama projects need the support of Forbidden Pictures.

"Wang Wen, if you were the deputy general manager in charge of content resources, what would you do?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Wen and asked suddenly.

Wang Wen was taken aback when she heard it, her eyes were filled with joy and panic. She was happy because President Xu seemed to intend to let her take over, but panicked because she didn't know how to answer to satisfy President Xu.

Once the content of the answer does not reach Mr. Xu's heart, the promotion matter may be ruined.

How to answer?
Although she had thought about the position of the deputy general manager, she didn't expect President Xu to ask such a question suddenly, which caught her off guard.

"I, I will follow Mr. Xu's command!" Wang Wen blurted out.

This is what she did when Mr. Xu was the deputy general manager of the company. Now that Mr. Xu is the general manager of the company, she should do this even more.

Thousands of words merged into one sentence: She will listen to whoever can bring her a bright and bright future.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wen in surprise. He didn't expect the other party's answer to be so simple and direct. He thought that the other party would at least give a statement on the next work, look forward to the future of each department, and finally As a guarantee or something, aren't these regular quotations that have been reused?

Yesterday he was still fooling Deputy Director Chen and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

If you want to say that the other party said something bad, there is nothing wrong with thinking about what the other party said, but if you want to say that the other party said something good, you didn't say one, two, three, four.

He discovered another advantage of the other party: practicality.

"Don't be so nervous, I just asked this casually." Xu Jie said with a smile, just like the formal conversation before the promotion.

Even if we talk, it should be the leader of the station who talks to the other party, not him.

"Mr. Xu, I'm a little nervous, but I definitely don't answer casually." Wang Wen said seriously.

The answer just now is indeed not level, but it is an answer from the heart.

Isn't there such a sentence?
The simpler, the more real.

What she said was gaudy and extravagant, but it seemed hypocritical, so even if she calmed down now, she still felt that what she said was fine.

"Then why do you think I suddenly asked you this question?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Now that you are serious, talk to the other party again.

"Because, since the day Mr. Xu came to Jingshi Culture, you have regarded movies as the top priority of the company's future development. But your thoughts at that time have never changed. Now that you have become the general manager of the company, you need someone who is very familiar with the film industry to take over your original position and continue to increase the number of films. I am very familiar with the industry, so you intend me to be the deputy general manager."

Wang Wen said all the thoughts in her heart in one breath.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Mr. Xu is most concerned about variety shows. After all, they are broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, and the influence is also very large.

However, she knew that Mr. Xu really cared about movies.

Not only because the first thing Mr. Xu did after he came to Jingshi Culture was to make a movie, but also because she has never forgotten what the other party said to her.

Then to the support plan for new directors and the cooperation with many great directors, isn't it all related to movies?

Moreover, the projects Mr. Xu participated in the most are actually movies, but these movies have nothing to do with JingTV culture, such as the movies "Human World", "Mulan", "Strange Road" and "The Game in the Game".

In fact, she has long understood that as long as it is a movie starring Su Yun, President Xu will participate in it, even if there is no pay.

With this in mind, Mr. Xu will definitely focus on developing the company's film business in the future.


Xu Jie once again showed a surprised expression. He didn't expect the other party to be able to guess the truth. It seems that the other party is not only real, but also smart.

"Since you understand what I mean, I hope you won't let me down in the future." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Wang Wen was startled, and immediately regained her spirits, raised her chest and stood up straight, and said in a crisp voice: "Mr. Xu, please rest assured, I will definitely make the film better and bigger under your leadership, and at the same time, I will not forget to further develop other businesses." , to generate revenue for the company.”

Only by letting her do it can we talk about failure or disappointment.

In other words, Mr. Xu has decided to recommend her to the TV station as the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture Communication Company.

Wang Wen was excited at the moment, but also felt unprecedented pressure.

The excitement is naturally due to the high probability of being promoted, and the pressure comes from Mr. Xu, because she doesn't know whether she can manage the departments of movies, TV dramas, TV programs, performances, and creations like Mr. Xu once did.

There is no way, with Mr. Xu, the awesome former vice president, standing in front, she is under too much pressure.

Compared, it must be incomparable.

She just hopes that she will not be too bad, and her performance this year will not be too bad.

"Okay, go back and get ready. Remember, others will convince you only if you show your grades, understand?" Xu Jie clicked on the other party at the end of his speech, implying not to be too happy too early, the position of deputy general manager He can fight for the other party, but the trust of the employees needs to be won by the other party themselves.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" Wang Wen's expression was solemn, and she understood what Mr. Xu meant when she heard it.

Some people would be dissatisfied with her being the deputy general manager of the company. For example, Cheng Yingjie from the TV program department, Lu Zhihong from the TV drama department, and Zhang Qize from the performance department. All four of them are in charge of departments under the content resources department. Why? Can she be the deputy general manager?

In terms of seniority, she is not as good as these three; in terms of performance, the film department has been at the bottom of the company in recent years, even after Mr. Xu came, the performance is not the best.

Don't look at everyone's relationship is very good at ordinary times, and they always talk and laugh when they meet, that's because everyone is a colleague and equal. If this balance is broken, some people will definitely be dissatisfied, and the speed of turning faces is definitely faster than turning pages .

If she can't come up with results that convince the heads of other departments, these people will definitely bypass her and go directly to report to Mr. Xu. By then, her deputy general manager will really become a display, and even a joke among the employees. .

She doesn't want to be a joke!
It seems that the position of the deputy general manager will burn his ass in the future.

Wang Wen walked out of the office with frowning eyebrows, not thinking about the joy of becoming the deputy general manager, but thinking about how to carry out her work after becoming the deputy general manager.

There is no way, there are too many people who can threaten her, and if she is a little negligent, she may be overtaken.

Xu Jie picked up the personnel file on the table and was about to decide on another candidate for the deputy general manager. At this moment, he suddenly thought of one thing. If Wang Wen was promoted to the deputy general manager, wouldn't the position of director of the film department be vacant?
He quickly got up and chased him out, wanting to ask Wang Wen's opinion, he can decide on this personnel appointment, but the corridor was empty, and Wang Wen had already left.

Xu Jie returned to the office, took out the personnel information of the film department and looked through it.

When he came to Jingshi Culture, the first thing he did was to make movies, so he knew the people in the film department quite well.

He first looked at the profiles of the two vice ministers, and then looked at the profiles of the employees. These people are fine in terms of doing work, but none of them are capable of leading the film department.

Who should I choose?

Xu Jie was lost in thought.

This person must have a certain professional level. In addition to directing ability, he must also have related specialties, such as screenwriting, writing and directing, and being able to lead a team to complete a movie independently is the best...

At this time, a figure suddenly flashed through his mind, and Xu Jie couldn't help being startled.

The reason for this is because the person he thought of just now is not someone from Jingshi Culture.

Ye Chu!

The other party has both directing ability and screenwriting ability, and has a certain pursuit of film art. The most important thing is that the other party has proved himself with his works.

I remember that when he first came to Jingshi Culture, the other party came here to join him. At that time, the other party was very popular because of the movie "Human World". Many film companies invited the other party to make movies. I don't know how the other party is now. During the Spring Festival this year, the other party paid him a New Year greeting.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found Ye Chu's number among the contacts, and called the other party.

If the other party is doing well now, he will not delay the other party's future. If the other party is not doing well, he can just send an invitation.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone was quickly connected.

"Hello, is this Ye Chu? I'm Xu Jie, what have you been up to lately?" Xu Jie asked.

Understand the situation of the other party first, and then decide whether to speak or not.

"I'm not busy, I left the capital after the Chinese New Year, and walked around to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland." Ye Chu replied.

Xu Jie was taken aback.


As a new director who is highly sought after by the capital, instead of going to work immediately after the Spring Festival, he travels around?

Is it enough money, or go out to collect folk songs?

"Hey, you are so elegant, you really know how to enjoy life, unlike me, you are exhausted. By the way, when will your new work be released? Why is there no publicity?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, don't mention those unpleasant things. Are you okay now? I heard that you are going to cooperate with director Yu Zijian?" Ye Chu immediately changed the topic.

Xu Jie frowned after hearing this.

unpleasant thing?
Isn't it nice that someone invests in making a film?Is it like when the movie "The World" was filmed, the poor actors were happy because they couldn't afford it?
"Ye Chu, what happened? Did something happen?" Xu Jie asked with concern.

What the other party said just now, combined with the walk around before, doesn't sound like going out for a trip, but more like going out to relax.

"It's nothing." Ye Chu sighed after finishing speaking.

"Why, don't you want to tell me? Or, I'm not qualified to listen?" Xu Jie asked.

"Without Mr. Xu, I definitely didn't mean it. I...I'll tell you straight, I'm not satisfied with the movie I made last year. It's not the movie I wanted to make." Ye Chu said, with the words Full of disappointment, and unwillingness.

"Not satisfied? Why? You are the director, if you are not satisfied, just reshoot." Xu Jie said.

"Well, it would be great if we could reshoot. The investors arrange the actors without authorization, and the actors modify the lines without authorization. As the director of the movie, I don't even know what I'm shooting every day. I can only be directed by others..." Ye Chu Start pouring bitter water.

He has held back these words for a long time.

Xu Jie finally realized suddenly.

That's what happened.

It is normal for investors to interfere with the filming. It is very common for actors to modify their lines. If it is an ordinary director, as long as the money is in hand, the rest is free. However, as a person who pursues movies, Ye Chu must I would be very disgusted with this kind of thing, otherwise, with the talent of the other party, I wouldn't be able to make a movie and no one would invest in it.

It can be said that he and Su Yun saved each other's movie career, but at the same time made each other fall into even greater pain.

"Don't worry about these things, isn't it normal? When my wife went to act in your movie, didn't I also change the plot and lines?" Xu Jie comforted.

"Mr. Xu, how can this be the same? What you put forward are good suggestions, but what they make are stupid decisions. I have to brainwash myself every day, telling myself not to care about those sand dollars, if not Because of the contract, I left the crew long ago, and I really don't want to stay there for a day." Ye Chu continued to complain.

Xu Jie was overjoyed, it was a coincidence that it was better to come early, this phone call was just right.

"Lao Ye, why don't you come to my side? I'm the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and I happen to be short of a director of the film department. How about it?" Xu Jie asked.

Ye Chu was taken aback, and the depression on his face turned into surprise.

In fact, he had wanted to have sex with Mr. Xu for a long time, but the other party kept rejecting him because of his future. Now that he heard Mr. Xu's invitation, he was not to mention how happy he was.

Not to mention the Minister of Film, even ordinary employees, he is willing.

"Okay, I'm going back to the capital now!"


(End of this chapter)

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