Chapter 1047 Reassurance

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Xu Jie came to Beijing TV Station and reported to the director as the general manager of Beijing Television Culture.

It is said to be a report, but in fact it is to show determination, set goals, and strive for advancement. This is what every person who has just been promoted must do.

Not reporting is disrespecting the leader, not reporting is not knowing the rules, a person who doesn't respect the leader and doesn't know the rules, his future is bound to be dark.

Although Xu Jie has already taken the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture, he still wants to continue to make progress, so reporting is necessary, and it must be reported on the first day, so as to reflect the importance he attaches to the leadership, even if it is put on the second day , are disrespectful to the leadership.

"Assistant Zhang, I'm here to report to the director." Xu Jie said to the assistant Zhang Benyi who was sitting outside the director's office.

When Zhang Benyi saw someone coming, he immediately stood up from his seat. How could he dare to neglect someone whom the station director valued?

According to the other party's current development speed, he might become the other party's subordinate in the future.

Such a person would rather pay more than offend.

"President Xu, the director has been waiting for you in the office, and he said that as long as you come, you can come in at any time, please." Zhang Benyi said politely, then walked to the office door beside him, reached out and knocked three times , said in his mouth, "Director, Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture is here."

After speaking, he pushed the door open.

Xu Jie said "thank you", then walked into the director's office, and was about to call for someone, when the director got up and greeted him warmly.

"Xiao Xu, you are here." Zhao Juncheng held Xu Jie's hand tightly, then pointed to the sofa beside him, "Sit down quickly."

Xu Jie was a little flattered.

Normal reporting work should be at the desk. He stood and said, and the director sat and listened. However, now, the two of them sat down on the side of the sofa. It didn't look like they were here to report work. chatting.

From this tiny move, it is not difficult to see that the director's attitude towards him is unusual.

But then again, who doesn't like a minion who can make money?If it were him, he would definitely be so enthusiastic.

"Director, I'm here to report to you." Xu Jie was sitting upright, and the folder in his hand contained the personal information of the two deputy general managers recommended by him.

"That's not urgent." Zhao Juncheng shook his head indifferently, and then asked with a smile: "Today is your first day as the general manager of Jingshi Culture. How is it? Do you feel okay?"

"Fortunately, the emotions of the company's employees have not been greatly affected by this. I believe that as the work unfolds, everyone will enter the best working state." Xu Jie replied.

"That's good. The reason why Taili entrusted Jingshi Culture to you to manage is not only because of your work ability, but also because of your mass base in Jingshi Culture. According to my knowledge You know, your support rate in Jingshi Culture is very high." Zhao Juncheng said.

Although he seldom interferes with the work of Jingshi Culture Communication Company, he still knows the situation in the company very well. As long as he wants to know, there is nothing in the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station that he can hide from him.

"I am very happy to receive everyone's support. I will work hard in the future to live up to your expectations, Director, and the support of the company's employees..."

Xu Jie began to express his position in a serious manner, which was also part of his report work today.

What is a job?

Not only is the job in hand a job, satisfying the leader is also part of the job.

"Well, very good. I like your hard-working attitude. If you need anything in the future, just tell the stage that as long as the stage can do it, I will definitely help you." Zhao Juncheng patted Xu Jie's Said over the shoulder, showing enough attention.

The other party's previous performances have proved the other party's ability, so why should he not support the other party's move to increase revenue for the company and the station?

If there are more people like Xiao Xu in the station, the revenue will surpass that of Huxiang TV, and it will be easy for him to be the head of the station.

"Thank you Director for your concern and love. With your words, I have confidence in my heart. I can do it with confidence and boldly, and strive to make the company's performance this year to a higher level..."

Xu Jie expressed his position again, which is also a link that the leaders like very much.

"Okay, I'll wait to see your performance this year." Zhao Juncheng is very satisfied with Xu Jie's attitude. Although the results have not been seen yet, but the attitude is worthy of praise. At this time, he remembered something and looked at Xu Jie Asked: "By the way, if I remember correctly, you Jingshi Culture currently has two vacancies for vice presidents? Do you have any suitable candidates?"

"Director, I'm here this time to report this matter to you."

Xu Jie opened the folder in his hand, took out the personal information he had prepared before, and presented it with both hands.

"These are the two vice president candidates recommended by me. They are middle-level managers of Jingshi Culture. They have worked in the company for many years. They not only know the company very well, but are also very proficient in business. They have always been the backbone of the company. If Being able to be promoted this time shows everyone that Taili attaches great importance to the company, and I think this is also a good encouragement to all employees in the company."

Xu Jie’s implication: If you choose from within the company, the employees of Jingshi Culture will be very happy. Everyone will feel that their work has been recognized by the station, and they will work harder in the future. power.

The top management of Beijing Television Culture has been airborne from outside many times, like Boss Jiang and him. Such a result will more or less make the middle management feel desperate for promotion. If the middle management cannot be promoted, then the ordinary employees will be There is no chance of promotion.

If things go on like this, everyone's enthusiasm for work will inevitably decrease, which will affect everyone's work efficiency and business development.

Zhao Juncheng nodded, and instantly understood Xiao Xu's meaning.

I chose to airborne high-level executives before because of the poor performance of Jingshi Culture in the past, and it was necessary to inject fresh blood into it to change the situation of Jingshi Culture.

But now, Jingshi Culture's performance has continued to rise, and the results are obvious to all. This shows that the existing team is very good, and there is no need to transfer outside to support.

If you transfer outside at this time, not only will you not be able to help, but it may even affect unity. Why bother?

Once the future performance declines, who will count?
Is it Xiao Xu's, or the airborne executive's, or his?
"I have accepted the information. I will support these two people at the meeting tomorrow. Although I don't know much about these two people, I trust you." Zhao Juncheng said.

The implication: I chose these two people because of you, so don't always think about changing jobs in the future.

The reason why Xiao Xu was chosen to be the general manager of Beijing Television Culture this time is because the other party's work ability is indeed very strong, and on the other hand, he does not want the other party to be poached by other TV stations.

In his opinion, Xiao Xu is not only the treasure of Jingshi Culture, but also the treasure of the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station. If Xiao Xu leaves due to some sesame-sized reasons, it will be too late to regret it.

Of course, even now, he doesn't dare to take it lightly. After all, Xiao Xu can bring too much profit. God knows if other TV stations will spend a lot of money frantically to snatch him away.

"Thank you for the director's trust. I will definitely redouble my efforts. If the company's performance this year cannot really increase, then I will take the initiative to step aside." Xu Jie said confidently.

"Okay, your courage is very good, but it doesn't matter if you can't achieve growth. If you don't have it this year, won't it be next year? I have confidence in you." Zhao Juncheng hurriedly appeases you in fear.

He spent so much effort to keep the other party, how could he allow the other party to run away?

Absolutely not!

In fact, Xu Jie is just talking about it. Although this year has just started, the known performance this year is already quite impressive. "Crossover Actor" and "Legend of Lan Xi", these two projects alone are close to 20 billion, plus For other businesses, let alone more than last year's revenue, it would be fine even if it doubled.

Besides, he has paid so much and finally became a member of the party, so how can he just leave?

To be honest, even if he were to be replaced by a deputy editor-in-chief, he would not change.

Although the level has gone up, can he do as many things as he does now?
In his view, as long as the company is bigger and stronger, even if the rank is not as high as the deputy editor-in-chief, its influence will definitely exceed that of the deputy editor-in-chief.

Of course, if it's the deputy director, it's another matter.

In the following time, Xu Jie briefly talked about the current situation of the company, and then left the director's office. After all, the director is also very busy, and it is already very good to spend such a long time with him.

Xu Jie did not return to JingTV Culture immediately, but went to Boss Jiang's office. Since he came to Beijing TV Station, how could he not say hello to Boss Jiang?

"Come in!"

After hearing Boss Jiang's voice, Xu Jie gently opened the door, only to see the other party sitting behind the desk with a majestic expression, not as kind as usual.

I know, this is the new official's appointment, I don't know, I thought I encountered some stimulus and my temperament changed drastically.

"Editor Jiang, good afternoon." Xu Jie walked in with a smile, and then closed the door.

"Xiao Xu?" Jiang Hai's eyes lit up when he saw it, and the expression on his face collapsed in an instant, from majesty to surprise, and he also came out from behind the desk, pointed to the sofa beside him and said, "Quick, sit down."

"Boss, don't be so polite with me." Xu Jie sat down and kept looking around the office.

This is the original office of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou. Although the owner has changed, it has not been redecorated, but all the tables, chairs and bookshelves inside have been replaced, and a pot of green potted plants has been added, giving people a new look and a vibrant feeling. .

"Xiao Xu, why are you here?" Jiang Hai poured Xu Jie a cup of tea, and then sat aside.

Although we haven't seen each other for only two days, it feels like it's been a long time, probably because we don't work together.

"I'm here to report to the director, and by the way, submit the materials of the two candidates for the company's deputy general manager that I recommend." Xu Jie said.

"Oh? Who do you plan to let take over from you and Liu Feng?" Jiang Hai asked curiously.

"Wang Wen will take over from me, and Sun Ying will take over from Liu Feng." Xu Jie answered directly without hiding anything.

"Liu Ying? Who are you in charge of the legal department? Why did you choose her?" Jiang Hai was a little surprised. Wang Wen was within his expectations, but this Liu Ying was far beyond his expectations.

In his guess, it should be the person in charge of the personnel department or the person in charge of the finance department. Anyway, if it were him, he would definitely choose from these two.

"Although I am the general manager of the company now, I will still focus on the business, so I need a principled person to be in charge of the company's management department and maintain the company's normal order. I have met Wang Yang from the personnel department, and Zhao Xiaoshuang from the office, Zhang Yiquan from the administrative office, these people are all too smooth, I don't like them." Xu Jie explained.

He also considered these few people, but after making a horizontal comparison, they were finally excluded.

"Well." Jiang Hai nodded and said: "You are the general manager of the company now, you don't need to consider other people's feelings, as long as you like it, if anyone is disobedient, just fire him, I don't think they are willing to leave Today's Beijing TV culture."

In the past, Jingshi culture was a doghouse, and everyone hated it, but now Jingshi culture is a golden nest, who wouldn't want to enter it?

"I think so too." Xu Jie said.

They are all general managers, how can they wrong themselves?
If someone is really disobedient, it happens that the new official takes office three fires, and he doesn't know who to take the knife. If someone is so short-sighted and directly hits his blade, he doesn't mind letting that person experience what it's like to regret.

"What does the director mean?" Jiang Hai asked with concern.

Xiao Xu's recommendation alone is not enough, and the director must agree. If the director agrees, the matter will basically be fine.

"The director agreed." Xu Jie said, otherwise he wouldn't be so relaxed, and even Deputy Director Chen would not go looking for him.

"Really? That's good. When the director proposes, I will go along with it. This matter will definitely pass, so don't worry." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

Although he is no longer in Jingshi Culture, he can still support Xiao Xu's work in other ways.

As the saying goes: there are people on top who are easy to handle.

As one of the top executives of the TV station, he is now on top.

Jiang Hai noticed the clock on the wall and said to Xu Jie: "It's already noon, have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat in the cafeteria together?"

"Okay, I haven't eaten at the TV station for a long time." Xu Jie always eats takeaway at Beijing TV Culture, and really misses the feeling of going to the cafeteria.

The two walked into the cafeteria while chatting. Since one was a senior executive of the TV station and the other was an official of one party, greetings were heard endlessly.

"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Jiang."

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

"Editor Jiang, today's braised chicken nuggets are delicious, you must try them."

"Mr. Xu, I can't wait when "Legend of Lan Xi" will start broadcasting. Otherwise, you will tell me the spoiler first? I promise not to tell anyone."

Xu Jie hehe in his heart.

According to his past experience, anyone who promises not to tell others is usually the one who spread the word most viciously.

"It will definitely start broadcasting within the year, and you will know when the time comes."


(End of this chapter)

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