The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1048 Anxious Waiting

Chapter 1048 Anxious Waiting

Xu Jie didn't stay at the TV station for too long, and returned to the company after having lunch with Boss Jiang.

And his appearance immediately attracted the attention of all the employees.

Especially the heads of various departments, they are now paying special attention to Mr. Xu's every move, not for anything else, just because they know that the place Mr. Xu just went to is Beijing TV Station.

Who does Mr. Xu recommend to Taili as the two vice presidents?

Also, is Taili's attitude inclined to listen to Mr. Xu's opinion, or is he planning to transfer the two vice presidents outside?

There is such a question in everyone's mind.

"Mr. Xu, your new office has been tidied up, and you can go to work now. If you need to move anything, I will help you."

Zhang Yiquan found Mr. Xu immediately, and expressed himself in a courteous way.

There is no way, as the director of the office, he can't do business, and can't shoot programs, so he can only rely on serving the leaders to increase his sense of existence.

"Thank you, Director Zhang. I only have some documents here. Just take them by yourself. You can go back and rest." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, these are what I should do. If you need anything in the future, just ask. Don't be polite." Zhang Yiquan said cheerfully.

"En." Xu Jie nodded, and then walked into the original office.

Zhang Yiquan looked at Mr. Xu's back, hesitant to speak.

It stands to reason that he should leave at this time, but he is curious whether Mr. Xu recommended him to the stage. The reason why he has been staying here is to know the answer as soon as possible.

Just when he was struggling, the door of the office suddenly opened, and Mr. Xu came out again holding a cardboard box.

"Mr. Xu!" Zhang Yiquan was taken aback, and hurriedly pushed back two steps to get out of the way.

"Hey, you didn't leave, is there anything else?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"No, no." Zhang Yiquan shook his head hastily, but in the end he couldn't say what was in his heart, "I, I just want to see if there is anything I can help, so let me get it for you." Going to grab the box.

"Director Zhang, I can still move this little thing. Besides, it's less than ten meters in total, so I really don't need it." Xu Jie said as he walked, and when he finished talking, the new office arrived.

The inside has been cleaned and spotless, and there is an extra potted plant. If I remember correctly, the green plant in the potted plant seems to be called a fortune tree.

Xu Jie put the cardboard box on the desk, then took out the documents inside and began to organize.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Zhang Yiquan couldn't help showing a trace of disappointment between his brows, but he cheered up and said: "Mr. Xu, since there is nothing wrong, I'll go back first."

"Well, let's go back." Xu Jie said lightly.

After Zhang Yiquan heard it, he stood there for a few seconds. How he wished that Mr. Xu could say something at this time: By the way, I recommend you as the deputy general manager. Go back and prepare well, and wait for the news of your appointment...

However, as great as the hope, there is as great a disappointment.

Not only did Mr. Xu not speak, he didn't even turn around to look at him. No need to ask, the deputy general manager must have nothing to do with him.

In fact, he also knows that among all the functional departments of the company, the possibility of his office director becoming the deputy general manager is very small, so small that he can't even be ranked in the top two.

But, one has to have a little dream, right?What if it comes true?

But obviously, there was no contingency this time.

Zhang Yiquan returned to the fourth floor where the functional departments were located. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he was surrounded by people.

"Director Zhang, tell everyone what's going on!"

"Yes, who did Mr. Xu recommend to Taili?"

"Director Zhang, is that you?"

Among those who inquired, there are ordinary employees, as well as deputy directors and team leaders of various departments. Everyone knows that Director Zhang went to clean the new office for Mr. Xu. Now that Mr. Xu has returned from the TV station, he must have finished recommending it. , as the first contact with Mr. Xu, maybe he can know a thing or two?

As for the ministers, they were actually very anxious, but they didn't show it that clearly. If they didn't even have the patience, how could they compete for the position of deputy general manager?

What's more, if the people in the department know about it, they will naturally tell them the first time, and they don't need to inquire about it themselves, what a loss.

Zhang Yiquan saw everyone's eager gazes, especially when he heard the voice of "Is it you", the loss in his heart immediately turned into depression, and he said angrily, "If you want to know, ask yourself!"

After speaking, he walked towards his department.

When everyone heard this, they became anxious.

I thought to myself: If we dared to ask, wouldn’t we have gone to ask?Do I still need to ask you here?
Someone was not reconciled, and immediately chased after him, and whispered as he walked, "Director Zhang, just tell me, don't worry, I won't tell others, let alone you."

Zhang Yiquan gave the other party a blank look, since he wouldn't tell others, why did he say it wasn't him?Isn't this inconsistent?

"Let's go, don't bother me." Zhang Yiquan said impatiently.

"Director Zhang..."

Some more people gathered around.

No way, who gave Director Zhang a reason to contact Mr. Xu, but they couldn't find a reason to contact Mr. Xu?

Zhang Yiquan stopped, looked at the people in front of him with a straight face, and asked coldly: "Why, are you all so free? Do you want me to go to your minister and give you some work?"

Everyone was really angry when they saw Director Zhang, and hurriedly left one by one, for fear of being targeted in the future, but some people saw some clues from Director Zhang's performance.

Why is Director Zhang so angry?

Is it just because someone asked about the deputy general manager?
This may be one of the reasons, but definitely not the main reason.

It stands to reason that after cleaning Mr. Xu's office, he would definitely be thanked by Mr. Xu, and he should be happy, but now Director Zhang doesn't look happy at all, unless, unless there is something wrong The incident overwhelmed Mr. Xu's thanks.

What will happen at this time?

The answer is obvious.

The deputy general manager is not Director Zhang, and that's why Director Zhang feels lost. He will be impatient and even angry when everyone asks questions, otherwise he would have dragged him up long ago.

This is indeed not good news for Director Zhang and the people in the administrative office, but it is good news for people in other departments.

With one less competitor, the chances of becoming the deputy general manager will increase.

After an accountant left, he immediately returned to the department and knocked on the door of the minister's office.


"Come in."

Zhao Xiaoshuang saw the accountant Qu Yuanli coming in, and pretended to be calm and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Minister Zhao, Director Zhang in the office just came back from Mr. Xu's side. He seems to be in a bad mood. Mr. Xu probably didn't recommend him." Qu Yuanli said excitedly.

"Really? Then did he say who Mr. Xu recommended to the higher-ups?" Zhao Xiaoshuang asked with concern.

In fact, she has never regarded Zhang Yiquan as a competitor. To put it bluntly, the other party is a secretary. How can she lead all the management departments?

In addition to preparing work records for the general manager and deputy general manager, and doing some file management, what else?
Do you understand financial work?Do you understand personnel work?Do you understand legal work?

These are highly professional tasks, how can someone who cleans all day can do them?

"Director Zhang got angry when he was asked, and he didn't reveal anything." Qu Yuanli replied truthfully.

Zhao Xiaoshuang couldn't help narrowing his eyes and began to ponder the current situation.

If it is selected from within the company, she and the person in charge of the personnel department undoubtedly have the greatest hopes, so the deputy general manager is likely to be selected between her and Wang Yang.

Even so, she was not happy about it. No matter how many competitors there were, even if there was only one, the probability of her becoming the deputy general manager would not be [-]%.

As long as it is not [-]%, there are variables in things.

If you are happy now, it is very likely that extreme joy will turn into sadness. By then, won't you become a laughing stock in everyone's eyes?

"Minister, congratulations, you are one step closer to the vice president." Qu Yuanli said with a smile.

Zhao Xiaoshuang waved his hands and said, "It's just that Director Zhang was excluded, there are other ministers, not to mention one step closer, even two hundred steps closer, as long as the appointment is not issued, I am not the vice president."

Those who do finances are usually very cautious, because a little negligence may cause major problems.

"Needless to say, the logistics department, there are only a few people, you can count them with two hands, and they have always served everyone. Apart from making some contract agreements, the legal department has no sense of existence. The biggest threat is Minister Wang from the personnel department, but his qualifications are incomparable to yours, and his reputation among employees is not very good..."

Qu Yuanli analyzed for a while, and finally came to a conclusion: no one can pose a threat to Minister Zhao.

Zhao Xiaoshuang felt a little overwhelmed by such praise. She was very cautious in everything, but now she also felt that the vice president of the company was none other than herself.

"Low-key, before the official announcement in the station, keep a low-key, don't talk nonsense, do you hear me?" Zhao Xiaoshuang said pretending to be serious.

"Yes, I see, then I'll go out first." Qu Yuanli said in a low voice, and then left the minister's office.

As soon as the door was closed, Zhao Xiaoshuang couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

After staying in this position for so many years, I can finally change it.


the next day.

Xu Jie came to the company as usual, Taili had appointed him, and he had already reported to Taili, and it was time to do something special.

Thinking of this, his whole body was full of energy.

"Mr. Xu!"

As soon as Xu Jie entered the gate, he saw a person standing up from the waiting area. It was Ye Chu who contacted yesterday.

It's been a long time since the other party lost his original long hair, but he has grown a beard, and he looks in good spirits.

"Lao Ye, why did you come so early? Didn't you have a good rest?" Xu Jie walked towards the other party quickly, his eyes full of surprises.

"I've been resting since the Spring Festival, and I've already had enough rest." Ye Chu asked with a smile.

"Come on, let's chat in my office." Xu Jie pulled Ye Chu up and walked towards the elevator, not wanting to be seen by too many people.

Inside the office.

Xu Jie poured a cup of tea for the other party, then sat aside and said, "How about it, what can I gain from going out for a walk?"

"I didn't gain much, but I encountered a lot of troubles. I went out for half a month and lost three bicycles, two suitcases, and a mobile phone. I was almost tricked into cutting my waist halfway through." Ye Chu smiled wryly. said.

Fortunately, he has made some money in the past two years, otherwise, the loss of these things alone would be enough for him to go bankrupt.

"Really? It seems that you are not fit to be idle, you should start working." Xu Jie joked.

"So, as soon as I received your call from Mr. Xu, I came back without stopping. Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Ye Chu sat up straight, waiting for the order.

That is to say, Mr. Xu, if it were someone else, no matter how many calls he made, he would never come back.

He has no ability to change the reality, so when the reality conflicts with the ideal, he chooses to escape.

"Of course it's your original line of work, but Jingshi Culture has a lot of movie projects this year, so your job is to follow up on these projects and check the quality of these movies, which is the role of the producer." Xu Jie simply said Reduce it a bit, so that the other party has a mental preparation and work focus.

"it is good!"

Ye Chu was not frustrated because he couldn't make a movie, but agreed without hesitation.

It takes time to prepare a movie script. Even if he is asked to make a movie now, there is no way to make it. It is better to be a cameo producer to check the project and learn at the same time.

"Of course, it's not enough to just be a producer. You have to write a script in your spare time. The subject matter and content are not limited. Try to start it next year. This time, you can rest assured that not only will the funds be sufficient, but also no one will interfere with you." Xu Xu Jie said with a smile, it was a reassurance for the other party.

"Thank you Mr. Xu!" Ye Chu said gratefully.

When others asked him to make a movie, they all hoped that he could help him make money and make him famous as an actor. Only Mr. Xu invited him because of his talent.

Based on this, no matter what Mr. Xu asks him to do, he will do it.

"Let's not be so polite." Xu Jie patted each other on the shoulder, and then said: "You just came here, and you are still an outsider. There must be many people who are not convinced. If you want to do a good job in the future , First of all, you must let the employees listen to you, understand?

"Understood!" Ye Chu nodded seriously.

Xu Jie looked at his watch, it was just time for work.

The meeting at the TV station cannot start until 10 o'clock, and the end time will be even later. If Ye Chu is asked to take up the post in the film department at this time, doesn't it mean that he knows the result of the personnel discussion in advance?

At that time, everyone will think that the high-level personnel meeting on the TV station is just a formality, which will seriously affect the authority of the bosses.

"Old Ye, let me wrong you first, stay in my office for a while, and wait for the news of the appointment of the vice president of the TV station to come, and then go to the film department to take up the post." Xu Jie said to Ye Chu.

"President Xu, I listen to you."


(End of this chapter)

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