The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1049 It's Settled

Chapter 1049 It's Settled

Although it was already time to go to work, every department was extremely quiet. Everyone was sitting at their workstations. Although they were holding documents in their hands and computers were turned on in front of them, Hun'er had already gone somewhere.

Especially the heads of various departments, they locked themselves in the office after they arrived early in the morning, and there was no movement at all. If someone hadn't seen it, they would have thought they hadn't come.

Why is this so?

It's very simple. Today, the senior management of Beijing Radio and Television Station will decide the final candidates for the two deputy general managers of Jingshi Culture Company. This is not only related to everyone's work, but also to everyone's future. Who doesn't care?Who is not nervous?
Everyone spent minutes and minutes in such torment. Everyone stared at the time, as if they had a grudge against watches, clocks, mobile phones and other items that could tell the time.

"Hey, why is there no news? It's already 11 o'clock." A male employee in the personnel department looked at another female colleague beside him and asked in a low voice.

As an ordinary employee, although the appointment of the deputy general manager has nothing to do with him, he is very curious and concerned.

The so-called: one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

If Minister Wang can become the deputy general manager, will everyone in the personnel department be able to follow suit?
"I'm not a high-level executive at the TV station, how would I know?" The female colleague said after hearing this: "Just ask the director of the station directly, he must know."

"I don't even dare to ask Mr. Xu, let alone the director." The male employee said.

"Hey, do you think Mr. Xu knows?"

"Mr. Xu? You probably don't know. This is a matter decided by the TV station, not our company's own decision. Mr. Xu is not a senior executive of the TV station, how could he know?"

"Then tell me, is the appointment of the vice president this time more likely to be promoted internally, or more likely to be transferred outside?"

"Why do you ask me everything? I'm not a fortune teller. How would I know?"


At this time, the door of the minister's office suddenly opened, and everyone in the office area sat up straight and stretched their necks to look over.

The minister hurriedly left the personnel department with a tense face, not knowing where he was going.

To be sure, it is definitely not going to the bathroom, because it is not in one direction.

After the minister left, discussions started immediately in the office area.

"Look, the minister is gone. It must be that the TV station's meeting is over and the appointment has been conveyed."

"Guess, can our minister become the vice president?"


For this question, no one answered, and no one dared to guess.

If you can guess, once the minister is not elected, wouldn't you guess wrong?If you can't guess, isn't it because you have no confidence in the minister?If you let the minister know, won't you be wearing small shoes?
So no matter what you guess, it's wrong, it's better to wait here quietly, and don't talk too much.

meeting room.

All the middle management of the company gathered together.

In the usual meeting, everyone would chat about some topics before the general manager came, but today, everyone sat quietly in their seats, staring at the vacant seat in front of them, anxiously waiting for the arrival of President Xu.


The door of the conference room opened suddenly, and Mr. Xu came.

Everyone stood up immediately, and their eyes were all focused on Mr. Xu.

After Xu Jie sat down, he looked at the people standing on both sides of the conference table, and said with a smile on his face, "Is everyone here? Sit down."

Everyone sat down in unison, but their eyes never left Mr. Xu from the beginning to the end. Mr. Xu's smile made everyone smell something unusual.

It is this kind of unusualness that makes people even more nervous.

"Suddenly called everyone over for a meeting, I believe everyone knows what it is?" Xu Jie looked around and continued: "The meeting above has been completed, and the people have been settled. The two vice presidents are from We are promoted internally in the company, which also reflects the trust in us in the stage..."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

This is undoubtedly good news for everyone. It not only represents the trust of Taiwan leaders in the company, but also represents the trust of Taiwan leaders in Mr. Xu.

I believe Mr. Xu can manage the company well, and there is no need to transfer people from outside to assist Mr. Xu.

Everyone looked nervously and expectantly at Mr. Xu, now it depends on whom Mr. Xu recommends to the Taiwan leaders.

Xu Jie saw everyone's reactions in his eyes, and continued: "Before the official announcement, there is one thing I want to make clear. I hope that no matter who will be the vice president, don't be proud. You will not perform well in the future, and I will do the same. You can apply to Taili to replace you, and those who have not become vice presidents should not be discouraged. It's not that you are not capable, but that I have to choose the right person according to the company's future development needs. You all understand what I mean ?"

The reason why he deliberately emphasized this matter is to pave the way for the new deputy general manager on the one hand, and on the other hand, he does not want the heads of various departments to be passive and slow down.

The current Beijing TV culture needs to make great strides forward, and anyone's negativity may become a stumbling block to hinder progress.

He has been in Jingshi Culture for about a year and a half, and he has a good relationship with the middle management of the company present. He doesn't want to replace someone because of his work attitude, as if he is impersonal.

Of course, if someone really did that, he would not show mercy, and what he said just now can be regarded as a reminder.


Everyone spoke in unison.

They understand what Mr. Xu said, but now they just want to know who the two vice presidents are.

Xu Jie stopped talking nonsense and directly announced the results, "Wang Wen, the former director of the film department, will be the deputy general manager in charge of content resources, and will no longer be the director of the film department. Sun Ying, the former minister of the legal department, will be the deputy general manager in charge of functional management General Manager, I will no longer be the head of the legal department, and the TV station will talk to you in the afternoon, and the specific appointment will be officially announced tomorrow."

After the words were finished, some people were happy, some were surprised, and some were disappointed.

Like Wang Wen, although I already knew yesterday that Mr. Xu recommended her to the TV station, but because I don’t know whether the TV station’s selection attitude is inclined to external transfer or internal promotion, I have been unsure. The heart that was carrying it was finally let go, and a gleam of joy could not help showing on his face.

And Sun Ying was the one who was surprised. Not only that, but her eyes were full of disbelief, and she even wondered if her ears had heard it wrong.

Although she had reported to Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu never disclosed this matter to her, and she also felt that she had no advantage compared with Wang Yang from the personnel department and Zhao Xiaoshuang from the finance department, so she never did anything at all. I thought about becoming a vice president.

However, she never dreamed that Mr. Xu would skip Wang Yang and Zhao Xiao and choose her as the vice president. Even she herself is very puzzled now.

What exactly did Mr. Xu see in her?
Others who have such doubts are Wang Yang and Zhao Xiaoshuang.

Both of them regarded each other as their opponents in the competition for the deputy general manager, and never considered other people, but they slapped them hard in the end.

They can fully understand that Wang Wen can become the deputy general manager in charge of content resources. After all, "Lovers in Time and Space" was a big hit at the box office last year, and this year there is a new director film plan and cooperation with three big directors.

But why can Sun Ying become the deputy general manager of the functional department?

Don't understand, don't understand at all!
Zhao Xiaoshuang even looked at Sun Ying's face and figure, which were obviously very ordinary.

Xu Jie narrowed his eyes and glanced at everyone's faces. He wanted to announce the end of the meeting, but at this moment he said: "Anyone who has a question, please tell me quickly. I don't have time to answer you when I leave this meeting room." question."

He likes to tell the truth about things, and he doesn't like people making small moves behind his back.

Everyone looked at each other, some wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, and some simply wanted to watch the fun and see who was so bold as to question Mr. Xu's decision.

"President Xu, I have a question."

Suddenly, a weak voice sounded in the meeting room.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Sun Ying who had just been promoted.

"You want to ask, why did I recommend you to be the deputy general manager?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked, as if he had already read the other party's heart.

"Yes." Sun Ying nodded.

"You guys have the same idea, don't you?" Xu Jie looked at the heads of other management departments.

"No!" Wang Yang quickly shook his head.

Even though there were 1 puzzles in his heart, he didn't dare to question Mr. Xu's decision.

"Me neither. Mr. Xu's decision must have your consideration. We just need to follow you." Zhao Xiaoshuang also quickly expressed his opinion.

How dare you question the general manager's decision if you will work in Jingshi Culture Company in the future?
And through the appointment of the general manager this time, she felt the position of Mr. Xu in the hearts of the leaders of Taiwan. Whoever Mr. Xu recommends, the leaders of Taiwan will appoint.

Besides, what if you know the reason?
Can the result still change?

So, instead of acting like a resentful woman, it is better to pretend to accept it, at least you can save yourself a face.

Xu Jie smiled when he heard it, whoever is convinced and who is not, can't he see it?
"Actually, the reason why I chose Sun Ying is very simple. She has strong principles and execution ability. I may leave the company often in the future, so I really need such a person to be in charge of the daily operation of the company. I just emphasized that, This time, recommending people to the stage is based on the needs of me and the company, not on the ability of each person, do you understand now?"

On the surface, Xu Jie said it to Sun Ying, but he actually explained it to others.


Do you think you are better than Sun Ying?

This time, the selection is based on need, not ability.

Wang Yang and Zhao Xiaoshuang immediately lost their temper, and at the same time accepted the reality.

Since the selection was not based on ability, it was normal that the two most capable people were not selected.

Well, let's just treat it as a dream. Now that I wake up from the dream, let's continue to work.

"As for why I recommend Wang Wen as the deputy general manager in charge of content resources..." Xu Jie looked at the heads of the content resources department and said, "You have also seen that the company's current film projects are very special. There will always be movies, and Wang Wen will be the deputy general manager to ensure the smooth progress of these movie projects, does anyone still have any questions?"

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, this time it is really gone.

"Since you are all fine, then I will announce another matter." Xu Jie shouted to the outside of the meeting room: "Ye Chu, come in."


The door opened and Ye Chu walked in from the outside.

Xu Jie pulled Ye Chu to his side, then looked at the crowd and introduced: "His name is Ye Chu, he is a well-known screenwriter and director in the film industry. head of the department."

Everyone was startled.

I thought to myself: Mr. Xu has found the new head of the film department so quickly?Didn't the meeting in Taili just end?Could it be, is Mr. Xu confident in the recommendation?
However, it has nothing to do with them who is the person in charge of the film department. They are not their superiors or subordinates anyway, so it doesn't matter.

"Wang Wen, take Ye Chu back to the film department to hand over the work." Xu Jie said to Wang Wen.

"Yes." Wang Wen didn't dare to be careless, how could the people invited by President Xu be negligent?

Moreover, this Ye Chu will be the person in charge of the film department in the future. Those projects in the film department need to be followed up by the other party, and the focus of her work is also the film.

"The person in charge of the legal department is Xu Zekai, the vice minister." After Xu Jie announced the last personnel appointment, his expression suddenly became serious, "Now, all the vacancies in the company have been filled, I hope everyone can screw up. Together, we will make Jingshi Culture bigger and stronger, and only when the company is better can you gain more."

No one wants to work in vain!
A boss who only pays without giving anything in return is definitely not a good boss.

"I don't like painting cakes very much. I don't know if you have heard that in order to encourage various companies, Taili decided to take out 15.00% of the project's profit share as a reward for the company's person in charge..."

"I'm here to express my attitude towards this matter. If it is a project completed by you, I don't want any of the 15.00%, and I will give it all to you. If it is my project, I will take out 5.00% to reward everyone, including Various management departments, because without you, the company cannot function normally..."

After everyone heard it, they immediately forgot about the personnel matters, and even those who looked depressed, their mood suddenly improved.

No one has trouble with money!

Put money in your pocket, this is the most real.

Seeing everyone excited, Xu Jie also showed a smile on his face.

A person is an individual, so everyone has their own ideas. Only when everyone is bound together by interests, can everyone have the same idea, and when the ideas are the same, the energy will be exerted in one place, otherwise it will be a mess.

Although he will lose some money because of this, he doesn't want what's not his, it's his, and the 5.00% share is nothing at all.

In contrast, he pays more attention to the development of the company.

When the company develops well, not only will his influence become greater, but he will also earn more money.


(End of this chapter)

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