The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1050 Kneeling and Licking?

Chapter 1050 Kneeling and Licking?

In the capital city in March, the temperature began to rise, but a sudden heavy snow brought the city back to winter.

Xu Jie stepped on the snow and walked into the company quickly. The snow scene outside was very beautiful. Every time it snowed, the noisy city would become extraordinarily peaceful, but he had no time to appreciate the piles of work.

After becoming the general manager, the first thing in front of him was the production of "Crossover Actor".

In previous years, this variety show would start broadcasting in April, and this year is no exception, so there is not much time left for him.


There was a sudden knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in." Xu Jie said loudly while choosing the script.

What he chose was not the screenplay, but the script that "Crossover Actor" needed.

There are still a lot of unused inventory in the homework of the staff in the creative department, which is suitable for "Crossover Actor".


The door opened, and Cheng Yingjie, the person in charge of the TV program department, walked in from the outside.

"Mr. Xu, are you looking for me?" Cheng Yingjie walked to the desk cautiously, with both doubts and worries in his eyes.

As the old saying goes: There are three fires when a new official takes office.

Mr. Xu has just been promoted from the deputy general manager to the general manager. He will definitely carry a 40-meter sword to establish his prestige. He doesn't want to be the first unlucky ghost.

"Sit down." Xu Jie glanced at the chair opposite, and after the other party sat down, he asked casually, "How many projects does your program department have now?"

Cheng Yingjie's heart tightened, is it going to be an operation?

Speaking of which, the film department has many projects, the TV drama department is also filming "The Legend of Lan Xi", and the performance department is preparing for the Beijing Spring Cultural Festival. It seems that only his program department has not released a new program for a long time, even in the An old program broadcast by Beijing Satellite TV is now facing the embarrassing situation of unsatisfactory ratings.

If you don't take him for the knife, who will you take the knife for?

"Currently there is only one, but our program department is doing in-depth market research and research, and wants to create a brand new variety show." Cheng Yingjie replied.

Perhaps because of guilty conscience, his voice trembled a little. After all, he has been researching for two or three months, and he still hasn't come up with a detailed plan.

Xu Jie nodded after hearing this, and said: "Although there are many variety shows now, their market is still very broad, and it is worth exploring and digging deeper. However, you will leave this matter to the deputy for the time being... "

Cheng Yingjie's face suddenly turned livid. Is this intended to let him hand over the work?

Just as he lowered his head in frustration, he heard Mr. Xu continue to say: "From now on, you will lead a group of people to follow me and be responsible for the production of "Crossover Actors."

Cheng Yingjie slowly raised his head, his mood was like a roller coaster, and his eyes lit up.

Not dismissed?

Is there a new project?

The program department doesn’t have any projects, but Mr. Xu does. Don’t both “Crossover Actors” and “Ordinary Courage” require their program department to participate?
Isn't there work here?

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" Cheng Yingjie straightened his back and pulled himself together.

As long as you don't take him under the knife, let him do anything.

"In the previous production of "Crossover Actors", most of the people from Beijing TV Station were used, but for the next fourth season, I plan to focus on our people, so this time you bring more people." Xu Jie Said.

Through the competition for the general manager, he understood the truth that fate must be in his own hands.

"Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" are the basis for him to gain a foothold in the capital TV station, so he must seize the initiative. What if the TV station turns its face and refuses to recognize anyone in the future?
The copyright of the program is already in the hands of the TV station. If even the production team is from there, there is no guarantee that someone will not be kicked out in the future.

"Understood!" Cheng Yingjie nodded excitedly.

If the production of "Crossover Actor" can be snatched from Beijing TV Station, he will be the head of the program department in the future, at least he won't have to worry about no programs anymore.

"One more thing, this time I am going to appoint you as the on-site executive director. You must remember every link, not only to complete the work assigned to you, but also to keep the entire production process in mind. In the previous few issues, I I will be responsible, but I will leave the rest to you." Xu Jie instructed.

"Ah? Why?" Cheng Yingjie asked in surprise.

But after asking, I started to regret it.

Stupid, so stupid!
There is no need to ask why?To entrust such an important job to him is of course to reuse him.

"The company currently has too many projects, and I can't devote all my time and energy to one project. Moreover, JingTV Culture can't rely on me alone. As the heads of various departments, you will also have to play the leading role in the future. A person who can stand alone." Xu Jie said seriously.

If you want to make Jingshi Culture bigger and stronger, it is obviously impossible to rely on him alone.

What he has to do now is to push out the heads of various departments and train these people to become famous brand directors and famous brand producers. Only in this way can the strength of Jingshi culture be reflected.

"Yes!" Cheng Yingjie stood up from the seat in a jerk, and said with a firm expression: "President Xu, please rest assured, I will definitely provoke the leader and live up to your expectations."

"Well, let's go back, quickly choose the candidates, and follow me to Beijing TV Station tomorrow to start setting up the scene of the new season of "Crossover Actors"." Xu Jie said.


Cheng Yingjie's voice was crisp and energetic.

Although he failed to become the deputy general manager in charge of content resources, it is also great to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Mr. Xu. Maybe he will be the next deputy general manager.

Of course, there is the most important point, that is, the pockets can bulge up.

Mr. Xu made it very clear yesterday that for all his projects, 5.00% of the profits will be distributed to the participating personnel. You must know that Mr. Xu is engaged in big projects, such as "Crossover Actors", a program with hundreds of millions of income , even 5.00% of the profit is quite impressive.

The old saying goes well: money can make ghosts turn mills.

Ghosts are like this, let alone people?

As long as the money is in place, there is nothing to do.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang suddenly.

"Mr. Xu, I'm going back first." Cheng Yingjie saluted, then turned around and left with interest.

He wanted to tell everyone in the department the good news as soon as possible.

After Xu Jie and others left, he picked up the phone on the table.

"what's up?"

"Mr. Xu, all the artists are here." Yang Xiuyan at the front desk said, looking at the sign-in book in her hand, on which were the autographs of fifteen celebrity artists.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and looked down at the time on his watch. He agreed on 10:9 am, and it was just after 40:10, a full [-] minutes earlier.

"I see." Xu Jie said lightly, and then hung up the phone.

The artists mentioned by Yang Xiuyan are the 15 artists who participated in the fourth season of "Crossover Actors". Today, he called everyone here. Inform the recording time of the program and the things that the artist needs to prepare in advance, so that the artist can adjust the schedule.

Xu Jie didn't go immediately, but continued to sort out the scripts that the program said he needed in the office, and only left the office when there were 10 minutes before 3 o'clock.

Reception room on the first floor.

Fifteen celebrities and their managers were all present, which also made the originally spacious room crowded.

Although they are all from the music industry and are very familiar with each other, after seeing the people present today, they all found something unusual.

In the first three seasons of "Crossover Actors", basically all the singers invited were singers from the Beijing circle. Even if they were not singers from the Beijing circle, they were still developing singers in the Beijing circle.

And the people sitting here today include singers from the Beijing circle, singers from Hunan, and singers from the Shanghai circle. In short, it is very "chaotic".

Some people think that the lack of singers in the Beijing circle may cause the program group to invite singers from other places, but some people see the essence through this phenomenon.

What essence?
Mr. Xu's influence has broken through the Beijing circle and extended to many places. After all, popular variety shows like "Crossover Actor" don't need to take the initiative to invite, and many artists come to recommend themselves.


The door of the reception room opened, and Xu Jie walked in from the outside.

"Everyone came so early." Xu Jie came to the front seat and sat down while saying hello.

Everyone thought: Can it be done sooner?

It is said that several artists were late for the meeting last year, and they were all eliminated after the first round of "Crossover Actors".

It may indeed be that the acting skills of those artists are not good, but if they say that it has nothing to do with being late, they will not believe it. This is why they came here early today, because they are afraid that the traffic jam on the snowy road outside will cause them to be late Mr. Xu.

You must know that at this time last year, Mr. Xu was still a deputy, but today he is already a leader, with a higher status.

"Mr. Xu, how dare we be late for your call?" A manager said.

"The main reason is that we can't wait to be in the fourth season of "Crossover"."

"And Mr. Xu, congratulations on becoming the general manager of Jingshi Culture."

"Yes, congratulations."

Everything is like this, if there is the first, there will be the second, and if there is the second, there will be many.

Soon, there was a sound of congratulations in the reception room, whether it was the manager or the artist, they all expressed their congratulations to Xu Jie.

"Thank you, thank you everyone, let's talk about the show first." Xu Jie said loudly.


In an instant, the reception room fell silent. Everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully. Some managers even took out pens and paper, waiting to take notes.

After Xu Jie saw it, he couldn't help feeling in his heart: This year's artists and managers are very knowledgeable, much better than last year.

As everyone knows, compared with last year, he is no longer the same as last year.

If last year at this time, he was more famous as a variety show director, then today he is well-known as a film director, TV drama producer, and CEO of a cultural company, and he is a veritable investor with an official background.

With such a strong background, which artist can't be honest?

Let alone an artist, even the boss of an entertainment company has to be courteous.

Xu Jie picked up the document he had prepared before, and explained in detail the relevant rules of the fourth season of "Crossover Actor".

Compared with the previous three seasons, this year he has adjusted the competition rules, including form, content and other aspects, so that the new season of "Crossover Actor" can bring new feelings to the audience.

"These are the changes made in the fourth season of "Crossover Actors". Is there anything you don't understand?" Xu Jie talked non-stop for more than half an hour, and finally looked at everyone present.

"Understood, all understood."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, you explained it so clearly, there is nothing we don't understand."

Everyone said.

Xu Jie nodded, as long as he understands everything, he then asked: "You can ask what you want from the program team now, so the program team can prepare for you."

"No requirement."

"Yes, no request."

Everyone shook their heads.

It's not that they didn't ask for it, but that they didn't dare to ask for it. This is the spot they won with great difficulty, so how dare they cause Mr. Xu trouble?
To cause trouble to Mr. Xu, isn't it just to cause trouble for themselves?
"Mr. Xu, what else do you need us to prepare, so we can go back and prepare?" An agent asked in turn at this time.

His principle is: he would rather trouble himself than trouble Mr. Xu.

Not for anything else, just want to leave a good impression on Mr. Xu.

Even if "Crossover Actor" is eliminated early, there may be opportunities to participate in other projects that Mr. Xu is in charge of, such as movies, TV dramas, evening parties, etc. After all, Mr. Xu has more than one "Crossover Actor" in his hands.

When the others heard this, they all echoed, "Mr. Xu, just say what you want, and don't be polite to us."

"Yes, everyone is on their own, and the program team's preparations are the same as our own preparations."

"You are so busy, we won't bother you, we will do it ourselves."


Xu Jie has held many artist meeting meetings, but this is the first time he has encountered a scene like today. This can no longer be described as cooperation, it is simply... licking!

That's right, there are many people who send themselves as gifts to the door, and the scene of active cooperation like this is really normal.

This also reminded him of a joke, if you pay someone 100 yuan to eat shit, the other party will think it is insulting, but if you give 100 million yuan for a mouthful of shit, the other party will not only eat it, but also chew it.

There is no can or can't in the world, only worth or not.

I think it's worth it, there are people who are willing to do anything.

this is the truth.

"Not for now. If there is a need in the future, I will inform everyone. If there is nothing else, today's meeting will end here. Thank you for coming. See you when we record." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Today's meeting is definitely the most successful one in the past few years.

Sure enough, the higher the status, the more people are in awe.

Seeing people order dishes, that's probably the case.


(End of this chapter)

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