Chapter 1052
The reason why "Crossover Actor" has become a variety show that many singers are eager to participate in is not only because of its three highs, high ratings, high topicality, and high reputation, but also because it has the magical effect of helping singers transform.

For example, half of the 35 singers who participated in the first three seasons are now active in the film and television industry, and many "outdated" singers have ushered in the second spring of their careers.

May I ask, which singer would not want to participate in such a variety show?
Even if there is no labor fee, it is worth paying for it yourself.

It was also because of this that no matter whether they hadn't gotten into it or those who had already got into it, they all had crooked thoughts.

"Sister Qian, I heard that Mr. Xu seldom eats with artists. Many people wanted to invite him, but they were rejected in the end. Now it's the program preparation period, do you think he can agree to us?"

In a certain hotel, Jiang Youmei, a participant in the fourth season of "Crossover Actor", is discussing with her agent Liu Qian how to invite Mr. Xu out for dinner.

Of course, for things like eating, eating is always just an excuse, and the real protagonist is her.

How to win Mr. Xu depends on her performance.

"You are talking about when Su Yun was at home. I have already inquired about it. Su Yun went to Shanghai to attend a press conference held by an endorsement brand. She will not be back tonight. Think about it, she still needs herself when she goes home. Cooking, why doesn't Mr. Xu accept the invitation to eat with us? Besides, we are also doing it for the show, Mr. Xu will definitely not refuse." Liu Qian said confidently.

"That's good. If he doesn't come, don't we prepare for nothing?" Jiang Youmei said.

"Preparation is useless. It's better to be prepared than not to be prepared. Xiaomei, don't you regret it?" Liu Qian frowned and looked at the other party.

It's not a good thing to be wobbly before the war.

Once such emotions are shown on the battlefield, can the battle still be won?
"No, how could I regret it?" Jiang Youmei raised her head, then puffed out her chest on purpose, and said confidently: "I'm just worried that he won't come, as long as he can come, I will definitely take him down, sister Qian Just watch."

"I believe, but you can't underestimate the enemy. As far as I know, Mr. Xu has rejected many female celebrities." Liu Qian said.

"That's because he hasn't met me, so I don't believe he can resist my charm. As for a man, he has two faces. Not being discovered can only show that he is good at disguising. If he really doesn't like female stars, then Why did you marry Su Yun?" Jiang Youmei said with a smile.

"Well, that's true." Liu Qian nodded in agreement, then took out her mobile phone from her pocket, was about to make a call, and looked at Jiang Youmei and asked, "Have you really thought about it? Don't you regret it?"

"I only regret that I didn't take him down sooner. Sister Qian, hurry up and don't waste time. I don't want Mr. Xu to be asked away by other people." Jiang Youmei urged.

When Liu Qian heard this, she no longer hesitated, and immediately dialed Mr. Xu's phone number.

Artists are so active in fighting for opportunities. As a manager, what reason does she have to hinder the development of artists?
It's rare that Jiang Youmei can think about it. Unlike some female artists, she doesn't actively fight for it, and she blames her agent for her incompetence.


The call is connected.

Liu Qian's complexion changed, and she hurriedly asked politely, "Hello, is this General Manager Xu of Jingshi Culture?"

"You are……?"

When Liu Qian heard the voice, she was sure it was Mr. Xu, so she immediately introduced herself, "Hi Mr. Xu, I am Jiang Youmei's manager Liu Qian. Leave a contact number."

"I remember you, what's the matter?" Xu Jie handed the blueprint to Cheng Yingjie, motioning for the other party to bring someone to build the stage according to the design on the blueprint.

Cheng Yingjie took the blueprint, his palms sweating.

This is not a design drawing, it is clear that they want to tear it down and rebuild it.

Mr. Xu is Mr. Xu, if you don't make a move, it's fine, if you make a move, it's a big deal.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry to bother you. That's it. Isn't this the fourth season of "Crossover Actors" starting soon? After we came back from the meeting, we thought of some questions about the show, so we would like to ask Please ask, do you have time after work tonight?" Liu Qian asked respectfully, worried about being rejected.

"If you have any questions, ask them now." Xu Jie said lightly.


He is someone who has experienced it, so how could he not understand the real intention of the other party?

Asking for advice is fake, but treating guests is real. As for the intention, it is nothing more than wanting him to take care of him during the show. After all, the higher the ranking of the competition, the more attention he will receive, and the chance of being picked by the film and television director is also higher. bigger.

"Mr. Xu, we have a lot of questions, and we may not be able to finish them in a while, and we are too embarrassed to disturb you during working hours. Don't worry, we are not asking questions about the content of the competition. We are responsible for this kind of cheating. What I can't do is simply want to ask you about stage performances, and this is also to show a better side to the audience..."

Liu Qian didn't mention Jiang Youmei at all, and talked about the show the whole time, in order to gain Mr. Xu's favor and dispel Mr. Xu's wariness.

If you don't come for personal matters, you have to come for things related to the show, right?

She said so much, but what she wanted to convey was actually one sentence: We invited you for the show.

After Xu Jie heard it, he was embarrassed to refuse again. What if it was really related to the show?

What he knew was because he wanted to avoid suspicion, but what he didn't know, he thought he was arrogant.

"It's noon, I have time at noon." Xu Jie said.

Already have an appointment in the evening, with Sun Hao, the general manager of Mangmang Media, and three artists from Huxiang in the fourth season of "Crossover Actors".

Although these three artists were recommended by Dong Xiaoli, the artist's agency contract is with Mangmang Media. Who made Mangmang Media the property of Huxiang TV Station?Similar to the relationship between Jingshi Culture and Beijing TV Station.

It's just that JingTV Culture doesn't have the business of signing artists.

It was rumored outside that he did not participate in the entertainment, but it was not the case.

It's not that he doesn't participate, but it depends on who invites him.

If it is someone who is useful to him, to Su Yun, or to the company's development, he will definitely go, but if it is someone who has a relationship with him and asks him for resources, he usually will not participate.

Liu Qian looked at the time, it was already past 10 o'clock, if I prepare now, I'm afraid it will be too late.

However, Jiang Youmei on the side kept nodding her head. It would be great if she could ask someone out, whether it was noon or afternoon, as long as the other party could show up.

Only when she appears, can she have a chance, and having a chance is better than no chance.

"Why, don't you have time at noon? Why don't you go to my company tomorrow morning?" Xu Jie asked after thinking for a while.

"I have time. I have time at noon today." Liu Qian said quickly.

go to company?
When it comes to Jingshi Culture, how will she and Jiang Yumei's plan be implemented?

"Mr. Xu, I remember that there is a hotel near your company called Splendid International Hotel. I will book a private room there, and I will send you the private room number later." Liu Qian added.

In fact, she is now at the Splendid International Hotel, and the reason why she said that was purely to make Mr. Xu let go of his guard.

If you let the other party know that she has booked a room, why don't you characterize her behavior just now as premeditated?

"Well, I'll be there around 12 o'clock. You'd better sort out all the questions. I have to go back to Beijing TV in the afternoon." Xu Jie said.

"Okay Mr. Xu, then I won't disturb your work. Let's see you at noon." Liu Qian said with a smile, and then hung up the phone.

"President Xu agreed?" Jiang Youmei asked excitedly, she didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

Who said Mr. Xu was hard to get an appointment with?Isn't that a great date?

"Well, but the time is a bit tight. Mr. Xu will arrive at 12 o'clock, and there is still an hour and a half. Are you ready?" Liu Qian asked worriedly.

"Sister Qian, you go to buy a box, I'll go to make up, let's meet here at 11:[-]." Jiang Yumei said.

"Okay." Liu Qian nodded and left the private room immediately.

Jiang Yumi put on a mask, went to a room upstairs, took a bath, applied a mask, put on makeup, and finally put on a well-prepared battle robe.

Everything is ready, waiting for someone to come.


"It's time for the lunch break. I've been busy all morning. Let's go eat quickly." In the performance hall, Xu Jie said loudly to the surrounding staff.

Everyone stopped their work, those who ordered takeaway ordered takeaway, and those who went to the cafeteria went to the cafeteria.

"Minister Cheng!" Xu Jie stopped Cheng Yingjie who was about to leave.

"President Xu, what's the matter?" Cheng Yingjie walked over quickly.

"Come on, follow me to a place." Xu Jie said, and then walked towards the gate.

Cheng Yingjie was slightly taken aback, although he didn't know where he was going, he still followed quickly.

Xu Jie said as he walked: "Jiang Youmei encountered some problems when preparing the show. When I was answering, you studied carefully on the sidelines. When you direct the show in the future, maybe some artists will encounter the same problems. Then you know how to answer."

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" Cheng Yingjie nodded seriously, and his heart was filled with excitement.

Mr. Xu brought him when he went out, obviously treating him as a confidant. Looking at the entire Jingshi culture, it is estimated that there is no second treatment.

Just because of Mr. Xu's respect, he can't let the other party down.

The two left the TV station and came to the Splendid International Hotel near Jingshi Culture.

According to the room number sent by Liu Qian, Xu Jie found the private room booked by the other party.

Although the text message said that you can just come in, he still knocked on the door three times.



The room was quiet, there was no sound, not even the door was opened.

Xu Jie looked at the text message sent by Liu Qian again, and reconfirmed the number on the door. After confirming that it was this room, he reached out and knocked on the door.



There was still no sound in the room.

what's the situation?
Could it be that Liu Qian and Jiang Yumei haven't come yet?

Xu Jie stretched out his hand to push the door in doubt. The door was not locked, and he pushed it open all at once.

As he walked in, he asked, "Manager Liu, Jiang Youmei, are you in the private room?"

The private room is very large, with a dining area on one side and a rest area on the other, and a bathroom next to it, but the private room is empty, not to mention people, not even a ghost.

Let’s talk about going to the wrong room. There are many dishes on the dining table, such as lobster, crab, sea cucumber, Dongxingban, etc., and I haven’t moved a single bite.

And on the top of the dining table, there is a big cardboard box, which seems to be a surprise.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and was about to call Liu Qian when suddenly the cardboard box on the table opened with a "bang", and then a person stood up from inside. Her skin is in stark contrast, sexy and innocent, full of seductive charm.

"Welcome Xu..."

Jiang Youmei smiled sweetly, but just halfway through her words, the smile froze on her face, because she saw that there was another man in the room besides Mr. Xu.


Jiang Youmei only felt hot all over, and her face turned red in a flash.

She is wearing this dress for Mr. Xu to see, not for other men, and at first glance, he is Mr. Xu's follower.

She is a star!

It's okay to do this kind of thing in private, and it's not like she hasn't done it before, but she doesn't have that strong mentality to do it in front of others.

At this time, Cheng Yingjie was also full of embarrassment, his eyes didn't know where to look for a while.

Look at it, it's a little offensive, don't look at it, and it's a little bit reluctant.

Tangled ah.

No, didn't Mr. Xu say that Jiang Youmei had some problems?I told him to wait a while to study hard, but now...

Let him learn what?

At this time, the door of the private room was pushed open from the outside, and Liu Qian walked in anxiously.

When she saw the situation in the room, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and then she quickly looked at Xu Jie and explained: "President Xu, I misunderstood, I sent you the wrong room number, it's next door."

"Oh!" Xu Jie responded lightly, then turned around and left the private room as if he hadn't seen anything.

Cheng Yingjie also followed out quickly, and at the same time, he was full of admiration for Mr. Xu. He could not change his expression in the face of such a scene. Mr. Xu was indeed Mr. Xu.

Jiang Youmei hurriedly jumped down from the dining table, put on her coat, and asked her manager dissatisfiedly, "Sister Qian, what's going on? Isn't President Xu the only one?"

"Yes, the call is indeed for Mr. Xu, but who knows that Mr. Xu has brought someone with him. When I saw it downstairs just now, I called you like crazy. Why didn't you answer?" Liu Qian frowned. asked with a frown.

"I was dressed like that just now. How can I put my phone? Besides, in order to prevent being disturbed, I have already turned my phone to silent." Jiang Yumei said.

"Fortunately, I booked the room next door and ordered some dishes for the hotel to prepare quickly. Otherwise, today would not be the end of the day. Let's hurry over. By the way, the plan has been cancelled. Think about any questions about the show." Mr. Xu, otherwise he will definitely be eliminated in the first round." Liu Qian said with a serious expression, then hurried out of the private room and went to the next room.


(End of this chapter)

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