The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1053 This is the show!

Chapter 1053 This is the show!
Xu Jie came to the next door and sat down, his expression calm as usual.

Although it was the first time in his life that he encountered such a scene, but in terms of charm, he was obviously much worse than his wife.

The clothes on her body are a little less, but can it be less than the beauties in swimsuits at the beach?
Anyway, nothing to see.

Cheng Yingjie sat aside, didn't say anything, didn't dare to ask anything, but the picture he saw just now kept reappearing in his mind.

It is really a world famous painting!

He has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen this kind of scene, plus the protagonist is a female star, the shock is definitely doubled, even now his heart is pounding wildly.

It really feels like a heartbeat.


The door of the private room opened suddenly, and the manager Liu Qian came in from the outside, followed by Jiang Youmei, but compared with just now, the other party had already taken off the cardboard box and put on a coat, but she was never exposed outside. It is not difficult to guess from the calf, the black lace hollow skirt should still be inside the coat.

"Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry just now. In fact, we wanted to shoot a promotional video for Yumi, but the assistant went to the bathroom halfway, so there was a misunderstanding. Xiao Wang, why don't you apologize to Mr. Xu immediately?" Liu Qian said to the door With a shout, a young girl in her early twenties came in from outside.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry." The girl said apologetically, and then bowed deeply.

Xu Jie's eyes swept across the faces of Liu Qian and Jiang Youmei one by one, and finally stopped on the girl.

Obviously, this female assistant is an innocent person who was pushed out to take the blame.

"It doesn't matter. Speaking of it, I shouldn't have pushed the door in without anyone's permission, and disturbed everyone's work. I apologize." Xu Jie said lightly.

"No, Mr. Xu, you are right. It's all my fault. I made a mistake in the room number." Liu Qian quickly took responsibility.

Anyone can be wrong, how can Mr. Xu be wrong?Mr. Xu is right in everything he does.

"No one is right, it's just a misunderstanding, let the matter pass, can we talk about the problems you encountered?" Xu Jie directly turned the page, not wanting to waste time and energy on the matter just now.

The singers invited in the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" are all artists he exchanged for resources, including Jiang Yumei in front of him.

So some things are fine if you understand them in your heart. There is no need to clarify them. If you really want to explain things clearly, it will be of no benefit to anyone. If you can't even understand these things, how can he hang around in this circle in the future?

Now everything is as he expected, so there is no need to go further.

"Yes, let the matter pass." Liu Qian nodded again and again, then winked at Jiang Youmei, and said in her mouth: "Xiaomei, didn't you encounter some problems that you didn't understand during the preparation? Now Mr. Xu is here Yes, hurry up and ask, Mr. Xu's time is very precious."

Although Jiang Youmei was a little embarrassed in her heart, she still walked to Mr. Xu and sat down, showing a charming smile, and said: "Mr. Xu, thank you for coming here to answer my questions in your busy schedule. That's it. ..."

Next, she will describe the problems she encountered...

No, to be precise, it was some questions that she racked her brains and finally came up with, and told Mr. Xu, this was another plan she had prepared.

If the plan changes and the temptation fails, then establish a good image of studying hard to narrow the distance with Mr. Xu. Maybe you can spark sparks during the teaching process. Such a relationship is stronger than temptation.

Don't many relationships between men and women develop step by step in the process of teaching and asking for advice?
Far away, the master teaches martial arts to the apprentice, and near, the director teaches the actress to act.

It was indeed a mistake just now, but now, she doesn't believe that the fragrance on her body can't charm the other party.

Jiang Youmei moved her chair to the side, getting closer to Mr. Xu.

Not to mention, this is the youngest and most handsome of the bosses she seduces, so I'm a little tempted.

Xu Jie knows everything, and as long as Jiang Youmei asks questions, no matter how difficult or easy, he will answer them patiently and in detail.

The answer to Jiang Youmei was second, and it was mainly for Cheng Yingjie who was on the side. After all, the other party will direct a variety show independently in the future, so it can be regarded as an on-site teaching.

After Jiang Youmei asked a few questions, seeing that Mr. Xu was still calm and indifferent, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and even doubted her own charm.

How come there is no reaction to the perfume I just sprayed?

Don't look at her listening carefully to the answer on the surface, but in fact she has been discharging with watery eyes, full of spring and autumn waves.

Especially her eyes full of admiration are her big killer, and she has won countless bosses.

At the same time, she is still observing the target's gaze, whether it is shy, greedy, evasive, or aiming randomly at her. These subtle eyes can allow her to peep into the other's inner thoughts, thus helping her in one fell swoop. Goal scored.

These are the learning results she has practiced for many years.

But today, she felt that her usual most proud skill seemed to be invalid.

She stared at Mr. Xu for a long time, and looked at him for a long time, but she didn't see any emotional fluctuations in the other's eyes, even a little bit.

When the other party looked at her, he was upright, and when the other party didn't look at her, his expression didn't change, as if he was not talking to a beauty, but a man.

After she entered the entertainment circle, all these years, there have been countless people who have coveted her beauty, including rich businessmen, celebrities, and those bigwigs of capital. It can be said that there are countless people who worship her. In the singer circle, even in the film and television circle, she can definitely be called a beauty.

what is it today?
How could the skill of being lazy to survive fail?
Is this man not interested in women?


The other party has been married to Su Yun for so many years, if he is really not interested in women, why would he marry Su Yun?
Could it be that he is not interested in women other than Su Yun?
Do not believe!

How could there be a cat in this world that doesn't steal?

At least she hasn't met one.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yumei unbuttoned the top button of the coat, and at the same time deliberately pulled the collar, revealing part of the capital she had always been proud of.

This is called half-covering.

Only when it is faintly visible can it arouse a man's desire.

This feeling is like scratching the skin with a feather. It is very itchy. If the hands and feet are tied up again, life is like death.

In order to buy more time to show her charm, Jiang Youmei asked a few more questions. Even if the questions that she had racked her brains before had been asked, she would casually ask a few simple questions. Knowing the answer, but thick-skinned, knowingly asking, otherwise how can you keep a man?

And she wasn't worried that she would look stupid for asking, who called her a singer?
As the old saying goes: every line is like a mountain.

Isn't it normal that she doesn't know about acting as a singer?

What is the taboo in learning?
Don't be afraid to ask because the question is simple.

Be bold, be brave, this is serious performance.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the questions were discussed one after another.

However, Jiang Yumei, who was originally full of confidence, became less and less calm the more she listened.

Why not watch it?
Isn't it obvious enough to reveal yourself?

But if you show it again, you can only open your clothes.

If there is only Mr. Xu alone, it is of course no problem to open up. The problem is that there is a follower of Mr. Xu next to him, which makes her a little embarrassed.

Yes, blame this servant.

It must be because of the presence of this follower that Mr. Xu didn't dare to look around, let alone touch it.

As a leader, it is natural to maintain your own glorious image in front of your subordinates.

Alas, it's a pity that today is such a good opportunity, it seems that we can only find another opportunity in the future.

Thinking of this, Jiang Youmei stopped asking, because she knew that if she continued to ask, Mr. Xu would not be fascinated by her, let alone hooked.

"Mr. Xu, I understand. Thank you so much today. I will offer you a glass of tea instead of wine."

Jiang Youmei waited until Mr. Xu finished speaking another question, got up and poured a cup of tea for the other party, and then picked up the wine glass to express her gratitude.

Originally prepared a few bottles of good wine and wanted to get the other party drunk, but judging from the current situation, even if Mr. Xu was drunk, she would not be able to get her turn, so he changed to tea and completely gave up today's plan.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie picked up the teacup, and after talking so much, he was really thirsty.

"Mr. Xu, get hungry. Eat quickly. I don't know what you like to eat, so I just ordered a few. After "Crossover Actors" is over, we will thank you very much." Liu Qian took the serving chopsticks and held them He took a sea cucumber and put it on the other party's plate, then looked at the attendant at the side and said, "Sir, you can eat it too. You are welcome, you are not an outsider."

After hearing this, Cheng Yingjie looked at Mr. Xu beside him, and picked up the chopsticks when he saw Mr. Xu moving his chopsticks.

Jiang Youmei looked at Mr. Xu who was eating. Although she had a sweet smile on her face, she was a little depressed in her heart, especially when she saw the attendant on the other side, she wished she could kick him downstairs. She was too blind see you.

I've already seen her "performance", so what are you doing here if you don't hurry up?
Do you still want to watch the next episode?
The more Jiang Youmei thought about it, the more unwilling she became. She rolled her eyes and suddenly thought of a topic, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I have a request. I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Say!" Xu Jie said while eating.

He wanted to see what other tricks the other party could play.

In fact, even if you don't do anything, it's very seductive to look at.

Didn't an old man say that?Looking at beautiful women, I don't have any ideas, just for the pleasure of the mood.

Moreover, even for the exchange of resources, he has to stay.

When you come out to hang out, you always pay attention to face, so no matter what you do, you must have face. Otherwise, if he doesn't give face to the other party, the people behind the other party will not give him face.

"Mr. Xu, I have always regarded Sister Yun as my idol. Can you go back and talk to Sister Yun and give me a signed photo?" Jiang Youmei blinked and sent another string of glances.

Since today's temptation is unsuccessful, we can only build relationships. The most important thing is that with the signed photo, the two of them will have the opportunity to meet in the future. This creates objective conditions for her next round of temptation, and at the same time It can be seen as a hint that if Mr. Xu has any thoughts about her, he can ask her out for a private meeting in the name of sending autographed photos in the future.


No cat can refuse the fish delivered to your door.

"Well, no problem." Xu Jie nodded.

He doesn't need to trouble his wife for such a small matter, he can handle it by himself.

Because too many people asked him for Su Yun's signature before, and Su Yun was often not at home, so he finally practiced a good signature according to the notes written by Su Yun's signature.

Although it can't be exactly the same, but it is almost the same, and Su Yun is his wife, no one will suspect that the signature is fake.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if someone doubts, can they ask face to face with their signature?Even if asked face to face, would Su Yun deny it?
Of course not.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, thank you so much." Jiang Youmei said pretending to be excited, but she was really happy.

Because he still has work to do in the afternoon, Xu Jie ate very quickly and finished eating in ten minutes.

"Thank you for your hospitality. See you next time we record." Xu Jie said to Jiang Yumei and Liu Qian.

"It's nothing. In fact, I should be the one who said thank you. Thank you Mr. Xu for answering my questions and giving me a deeper understanding of the program "Crossover Actors". I will definitely work harder and give wonderful performances to the audience Your performance will live up to Mr. Xu's guidance." Jiang Yumei said seriously.

In any case, the attitude of the table still needs to be shown.

"Well, I look forward to your performance on stage." Xu Jie said with a smile, then got up and walked out of the private room.

"President Xu, I'll see you off!"

Jiang Youmei and Liu Qian also stood up.

"No, you guys should stay here, it's not good for people to see." Xu Jie reminded.

He wasn't afraid of Su Yun's misunderstanding, but he thought that everyone was a celebrity, and once they were photographed by the paparazzi and posted on the Internet, wouldn't the netizens question the fairness of the show?
"Alright Mr. Xu, go slowly." Jiang Youmei stopped obediently.

She also knows the pros and cons of it. If outsiders see it, there can only be two final results. One is that she is eliminated in the first round, so that netizens will not question the show, and the other is that she quits the show. , fundamentally solve the problem.

But whether it is the first or the second, she doesn't like it. You must know that she is still counting on the variety show "Crossover Actor" to complete the transformation into an actor.

Xu Jie walked out of the hotel, got into his car, and then slowly left the parking lot, driving in the direction of Beijing TV Station.

"How is it, what do you think?" Xu Jie asked Cheng Yingjie who was sitting in the co-pilot.

"Mr. Xu, I have written them all down, and through your answer, I have a new understanding of the program." Cheng Yingjie said seriously.

"I didn't ask you what you think of my words, but what you think of Jiang Youmei?" Xu Jie said.

Cheng Yingjie was taken aback for a moment, and then the evocative picture of Jiang Youmei getting out of the box appeared in his mind.

He thought Mr. Xu saw his expression at that time, so his old face blushed, and he held back for a long time before saying, "I think Jiang Yumei and her manager are lying..."

Having said this, he stopped, and really didn't dare to continue talking.

"Yes, they are lying. In fact, they want to seduce me." Xu Jie said with a faint smile.

Cheng Yingjie trembled all over, did Mr. Xu know that?

and many more!

Mr. Xu called him today, didn't he just want to use him as a shield?
Xu Jie seemed to see through Cheng Yingjie's thoughts, so he said: "Don't think about it, I didn't use you as a shield, I just want you to experience such a scene, if you become the chief director of a popular variety show in the future, you will definitely When encountering such a thing, I hope you can rein in the precipice and refuse such a temptation."

Cheng Yingjie was startled, it turned out that Xu always thought so.

He couldn't help but respect Mr. Xu in his heart.

Isn't Mr. Xu doing this all for him?

"Mr. Xu, I understand. Please rest assured that I will not disappoint your expectations." Cheng Yingjie said solemnly.

"Ah That's good!"


(End of this chapter)

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