Chapter 1054
In the evening, the staff got off work one after another, and soon Xu Jie was left alone in the studio.

Because Su Yun had already gone to Shanghai to participate in commercial activities and would not be back until tomorrow, so he was not in a hurry to go home, and stayed alone at the scene to perfect the stage design work, and did not leave the TV station until the time agreed with Sun Hao.

Xu Jie didn't go home to change clothes either, and drove directly to the hotel that he had made an appointment with.

Although the capital city is his territory, but the host of this dinner is Sun Hao.

Who told the other party to come this time for "Crossover Actor"?

Since you are asking for help, how can you not treat guests to dinner?
When Xu Jie came to the hotel, he saw Sun Hao walking quickly from the gate as soon as he got out of the car.

Although the weather in the capital is still very cold at this time, only three or four degrees at night, the other party is wearing a knee-length skirt, and the legs are only covered with a layer of black silk, showing an extraordinary ability to resist freezing. What is important is demeanor rather than temperature, but everyone has a heart for beauty, so this kind of dress is also understandable.

Women, which woman does not love beauty?

"Mr. Xu, welcome!" Sun Hao said enthusiastically, with a smile on his face, it was a joy, just like seeing an old friend.

"Mr. Sun, why are you still here? I'm so sorry in such a cold day." Xu Jie held the hand extended by the other party. He probably stood outside for a long time, and his hand was cold.

"What's so embarrassing? We're not outsiders, Mr. Xu please come inside." Sun Hao said while pointing to the hotel gate.

"That's right, Mr. Sun, we are not outsiders. Haven't you met outsiders? Besides, you are my senior in this industry, how can I let you wait for me? It's settled, I'll treat you to dinner tonight." Xu Jie walked into the hotel quickly while talking.

The moment I walked in the door, a gust of warm wind hit my face, and I felt much more comfortable.

"No, no, let's return one size to one size. If we agree, I will invite you, and I will invite you." Sun Hao said resolutely.

The other party regards her as a senior, but she dare not treat him as a junior.

Although both of them are the general manager of the subsidiary company of the TV station, they are at the same level, but who made the other party popular now?

Not only is she a hot gold screenwriter in the film and television industry, she also holds two popular variety shows in her hands, and even has a close relationship with China TV. Just because of these points, she dare not pretend to be a senior in front of the other party.

"Mr. Sun, what do you mean by saying that? To be honest, I went to Huxiang a few days ago and received warm hospitality from Editor Dong and you. I have always been very sorry. If you still come to invite me today, what I know is You are enthusiastic, and those who don’t know think that I, Xu Jie, are stingy.” Xu Jie said.

"Who dares to say you're stingy? I'll be the first to stand up and object. How about it, next time, next time I come to the capital, even if you don't come to me, I will take the initiative to find you. Let's go upstairs." After Sun Hao finished speaking, he directly pulled people towards the direction of the elevator.

She knew that the other party was not short of money, but the food and drinks had already been ordered, so how could there be any reason to ask others to pay for it?
What's more, she invited the other party tonight, not only for dinner, but also for other things. If the other party pays the bill, will she still talk about her business?
"Mr. Sun, this...well, just this one time." Xu Jie said.

It's not that he wants to be so clear with the other party, he just doesn't want the other party to ask him to do something at the dinner table.

Why did Sun Hao invite him to dinner?

Isn't it just for the sake of the show?

But the problem is, the [-] singers invited this time were all exchanged for resources. If they all invite him to dinner and beg him not to be eliminated, will this show still be filmed?

Didn't Jiang Yumei invite him to dinner at noon?Also prepared to use beauty tricks.

To be honest, he is also quite entangled now, after all, it is not good to eliminate anyone in the first round.

This can be regarded as a lesson, remember to invite three cannon fodder the next time you do it again.

The first round tour is unacceptable, but many artists in the second round tour are still acceptable.

In fact, Sun Hao didn't intend to come to the capital to treat him to dinner at first. After all, he had already warmly entertained him when he was in Huxiang. Besides, resource exchange should be treated equally, and he would definitely not be neglected.

But when she saw the cast list of the fourth season of "Crossover Actors", she was not calm at all.

The singers on the list are all related to various TV stations, Huxiang, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Hangzhou. In short, they all have backgrounds. Obviously, Xu Jie is not the only one who chooses to exchange resources. Come out to connect with each other, and don't wait to be eliminated in the first round?

This is how we have dinner tonight.

The elevator stops, and Sun Hao walks ahead to lead the way, while not forgetting to connect with each other.

"Mr. Xu, how was your time in Huxiang a few days ago? Do you plan to go there again recently? In fact, we still have a lot of delicious and fun things to do in Huxiang. I will do my best as a landlord." Sun Hao said while walking.

Speaking of this incident, she was quite emotional. At that time, the other party was the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, but after a few days, she became the general manager and was on an equal footing with her.

"Recently, I have been busy preparing for the fourth season of "Crossover Actor", but just because of Mr. Sun's words, I will definitely go to Huxiang again when I have time." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"That's really great. Then I will let you experience the enthusiasm of the people of Huxiang." Sun Hao said with a smile.

"It doesn't have to be that time, I've already realized it now." Xu Jie looked at Sun Hao, it was fine to invite him to dinner in Huxiang, but he went to the capital to invite him to dinner, this is not an ordinary enthusiasm.

He was thinking, when Hu Xuan and others went to Huxiang TV to participate in the variety show, would he have to travel thousands of miles to Huxiang to treat him to dinner, and would he also call Hu Xuan and others to participate in the dinner.

Sun Hao stopped when he walked outside a private room, stretched out his hand to push the door, looked back at Xu Jie behind him and said, "President Xu, please come in."

"Mr. Sun, please!" Xu Jie pretended to give way, but finally went in first.

There is already someone in the private room, and it is someone I just met a few days ago.

Liu Tianze, Zhou Yapeng, and Bai Yutong were recommended by Dong Xiaoli to him, and they were also artists signed by Mangmang Media.

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

The three stood up at the same time, saluted respectfully and said hello.

In front of fans, they are big stars, but in front of big bosses, they are nothing. A word can make them rise to the top, and a word can make him disappear from the entertainment circle.

this is the truth!
Even if you are a star, you must bow your head to reality, otherwise you will never get resources.

"We met again so soon, are you in a hurry?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Although he is not very familiar, he still showed enough kindness, because he also wanted Huxiang Satellite TV to treat Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan and Ding Mengni like this, and he didn't want Hu Xuan and others to be cold-faced after they went to Huxiang.

"No, we just arrived." Liu Tianze said hastily.

"Mr. Xu, the appointed time hasn't arrived yet, we came early." Bai Yutong said with a smile, wearing a red dress, which was actually less worn than Sun Hao's.

"That's good." Xu Jie sat down, then looked at the three celebrities standing and said, "You guys sit down too, you're welcome."

After Bai Yutong and the others heard this, they sat down, but they looked a little restrained, and they sat upright carefully, not even daring to move their chairs, for fear of scaring people by making noises.

"Mr. Xu, the fourth season of "Crossover Actors" is about to start. You must be very busy recently, right?" Sun Hao took the initiative to find a topic.

At this time, Bai Yutong stood up, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Xu Jie, and then sat beside Xu Jie naturally.

Xu Jie thought to himself after seeing it.

It was Jiang Youmei at noon, and now it was Bai Yutong. Even if he was determined, he couldn't test him continuously, could he?Who can stand this?
"Well, I've been busy with stage design for the past few days. In the new season, there must be a new stage, so as to bring freshness to the audience. Mr. Sun, don't you think so?" Xu Jie didn't say too much. It is also a secret of the program.

"Yes, that's right, a good stage audience will also find it pleasing to the eye." Sun Hao nodded in agreement, and then asked: "Mr. Xu, you are so busy, did I disturb your rest?"

"No, Mr. Sun, you think too much, no matter how busy you are, you have to eat, don't you?" Xu Jie waved his hand.

"That's good. If I delay Mr. Xu's rest, then my crime will be serious, right?" Sun Hao looked at the three artists present.

"Yes!" Liu Tianze echoed.

"Mr. Xu works wholeheartedly and strives for perfection. He is really a role model for us to learn from." Zhou Yapeng said with admiration.

"Mr. Xu, you must combine work with rest and pay attention to rest." Bai Yutong said with concern.

Although Xu Jie has long been used to being flattered by others, he still feels very comfortable with so many people taking turns taking pictures.

No wonder there is an old saying: "Thousands of wears, ten thousand wears, flattering but not wears".

It all makes sense.

"Thank you for your concern, but who asked us to do this? You have to be worthy of the audience, right? " Xu Jie said.

Both the audience and the title sponsor are his parents, so he can be irresponsible to others, but he cannot be irresponsible to the two.

Not being responsible for the former is tantamount to ruining one's job, while not being responsible for the latter is tantamount to ruining one's reputation.

Without a job, what to eat?Without a reputation, how do you make money?
Compared with these two, Beijing Satellite TV has to be ranked behind.

"It's no wonder Mr. Xu can make the show so well. It turns out that he always keeps the audience in his heart. I learned it." Sun Hao said while nodding.

Xu Jie looked at each other after hearing it, and thought: We are equal, so why don't we flatter?
But the old saying is good: come and don't be indecent.

Since the other party took a picture, how could he not respond?

"Mr. Sun, you are welcome. You have been in the industry for so many years, and your understanding of this industry is far better than mine. Moreover, under your leadership, Mangmang Media is changing with each passing day and is invincible. It has made extraordinary achievements in various fields. It is necessary to learn I should be learning from you..." Xu Jie said eloquently.

Isn't it just flattering people?

It couldn't be easier for him.

When Sun Hao heard it, he immediately smiled and flaunted his beauty.

What she said was much more technical than what she just said, and the sugar content was also high. What she said was sweet and beautiful in her heart. Even if she ate two catties of white sugar, she would not be able to taste this feeling.

"Mr. Xu, I'm ashamed to say you're too old. Let's eat vegetables and chat while eating." Sun Hao said happily, like a 480-month-old child.

Liu Tianze called the waiter to serve the dishes. Soon, one dish after another was placed on the table. It was still a very hearty meal.

Xu Jie found that since he became the general manager, although he didn't make much money for the time being, he ate a lot of big meals.

"Mr. Xu, what would you like to drink?" Bai Yutong asked, there were white and red drinks on the table.

How can there be less wine in the dinner?

Asking for help, let alone wine.

"Forget about the wine. I'm afraid that if I drink too much, I'll say something that shouldn't be said and make Mr. Sun angry. Tea is fine." Xu Jie pointed to the teapot beside him.

In fact, what he was afraid of was not making Sun Hao angry, but that after drinking too much, he would foolishly agree to some conditions, such as ensuring that the three next to him would advance to the top six smoothly.

By the way, Sun Hao invited him out tonight, isn't it just for this matter?

"Mr. Xu, look at what you said, am I so narrow-minded? How about this, I'll drink with you, if you want more, let's drink together, how about it?" Sun Hao asked.

Seeing the situation, Xu Jie must drink today

That's right, the other party came from Huxiang all the way, so he had to have a drink with the other party out of emotion and reason.

"I'll listen to Mr. Sun." Xu Jie no longer insisted on drinking tea.

Sun laughed, looked at Bai Yutong and said, "Yutong, pour the white one for Mr. Xu."

"Okay Mr. Sun."

Bai Yutong got up and picked up a bottle of Lao Mao, and poured it into the wine glass in front of Xu Jie. As for Sun Hao's wine glass, Zhou Ya at the side sprayed it all over.

"Come on, let us thank Mr. Xu for coming..."

Sun Hao picked up the wine glass directly, looking like a big sister.

Xu Jie couldn't be ambiguous at this time, so he also raised his wine glass.


The wine glasses made a crisp and pleasant sound when they touched each other.

Xu Jie originally only wanted to take a sip, but seeing Sun Hao drink up all the wine in the glass, he also drank the remaining half of the glass into his stomach in one go.

When the cup was placed on the table, Bai Yutong immediately filled it up and turned into a waiter.

It is her honor to be able to serve the boss. Some female celebrities want to serve the boss, but they still worry about not being able to find a way.

"Mr. Xu is good at drinking." Sun Hao stretched out a thumb, and then said: "You can drink at ease, it doesn't matter if you drink too much, there is a room upstairs, anyway, you are alone when you go home, why not live here."

After speaking, he took a meaningful look at Bai Yutong.

Bai Yutong naturally understood what the boss meant. Whether she could continue to advance in the "Crossover Actor" competition depended on her performance.

What's the best way to advance?
Not to satisfy the judges, nor to satisfy the audience, but to satisfy the chief director Xu, who made the other party the person in charge of this variety show?

As long as the chief director is satisfied, the other party will naturally be responsible to her.


(End of this chapter)

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