Chapter 1055
When Xu Jie heard Sun Hao's words, he immediately felt that the situation tonight was serious.

Talking about a dinner appointment is simply a lie. The other party not only wants to pour him here, but also wants to get more from him.

If there is too much alcohol, the brain will be short-circuited, and if the brain is short-circuited, the words will not go through the brain. To put it bluntly, I just want to make him unconscious, and when he wakes up, he will even remember what he said I don't know, when the time comes, don't let the other party talk nonsense, what is it?
This kind of non-stop method is much more ruthless than Liu Qian and Jiang Youmei at noon.

you don't drink?
Well, I'll drink with you myself, until you fall down.

Xu Jie looked at Sun Hao, this is the real ruthless person!
He became so ruthless that he didn't even spare himself.

But then again, if he wanted to pour him down, the other party could only end in person.

Because the other three singers are not qualified to drink with him at all, and they dare not drink with him, just like Liu Qian and Jiang Youmei at noon, once he said he would not drink, he immediately stopped mentioning it.

Sun Hao is indeed an entertainment boss who has been in charge of Mangmang Media for more than ten years. His courage is different.

Xu Jie remembered.

However, he doesn't want to be poured down, let alone taken advantage of by the other party, but if the other party keeps toasting, he can't stop drinking. What he knows is that he can't suffer, and those who don't know think that he is not giving face.

"Mr. Sun, I don't drink well, so let's just enjoy ourselves." Xu Jie expressed his wishes tactfully, hoping that the other party could understand.

At the same time, he also hinted that the other party should not embarrass him on variety shows by drinking.

As long as you participate and perform well, don't care about the ranking.

He doesn't want to eliminate anyone, but this is what the show wants. Once there is no elimination, the show will lose a lot of topics and attention.

"Poor drinking capacity? Mr. Xu, I heard that you are very good at drinking, and you drink very boldly. You once drank several bottles of white wine in one go and ended up in the hospital. Don't you think I'm not qualified?" Sun Hao I remembered a rumor I heard back then, which was said to be true.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, it's true that good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles away, even people outside the capital knew about the fact that he was drunk into the hospital.

It seems that there is no way to drink tonight.

"Mr. Sun, look at what you said. It's too late for me to invite you. How can you not be qualified? In fact, what you just said was all guesswork from the outside world. At that time, I drank less than a bottle because I couldn't drink it. That's why I went to the hospital, if I can drink it, I don't need to go to the hospital, what a shame, since you drink it, Mr. Sun, then I will go all out and go to the hospital again today."

Xu Jie knew he couldn't escape, so he decided not to.

Drink it, it is not certain who will go to the hospital.

"Mr. Xu is generous. I like to make friends with people like Mr. Xu. Come..." Sun Hao picked up the wine glass on the table and said loudly: "For our future cooperation, let's have another drink."

After finishing speaking, he drank it in one gulp.

"Yes, for our future cooperation!" Xu Jie picked up the wine glass, and it was also a glass.

"Clap clap clap!"

Bai Yutong clapped his hands and said, "Mr. Xu, you can drink a lot."

Then fill the glass again.

Liu Tianze and Zhou Yapeng also applauded, not daring to be negligent in their attitudes.

They are not worthy of drinking, and they are only worthy of applauding from the sidelines.

No way, who told Mr. Sun to invite a big guy today?If it is a female boss, the two of them will have a chance to perform.

Now, I can only look at Bai Yutong's.

"Mr. Sun is a good drinker. He is the one with the best drinker among the women I have met. I would like to respect Mr. Sun. Thank you Mr. Sun for your hospitality today..." Xu Jie said loudly, it will be his turn to take the initiative. Pick up the wine glass.

Just as Sun Hao was about to pick up vegetables and drink, he suddenly saw Xu Jie take the initiative to toast, he was both surprised and happy.

Isn't this just what she wants?

Although she was a little anxious to drink just now, she still picked up the wine glass in front of her, tilted her head, closed her eyes, poured the wine, and risked her life to accompany the gentleman.

After drinking this wine, Sun Hao couldn't help shivering, resisting the burning feeling in his stomach, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, in fact, my alcohol capacity is average. If you want to say that I have a good capacity for alcohol, Yu Tong's capacity for alcohol is really good." Yes, Yutong, why don't you hurry up and toast Mr. Xu, and finish drinking Mr. Xu, and I will take care of you in the future."

After receiving the order, Bai Yutong poured himself a glass immediately, then raised the glass to look at Xu Jie beside him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Director’s show, but I have never had a chance, this time "Crossover Actor" can invite me, which is considered to have fulfilled one of my dreams, and I would like to offer you a toast."

Can't find a reason to toast?
Then start with a dream!
No one can refuse a girl who toasts her dreams.

After hearing this, Xu Jie picked up the wine glass. This is the fourth glass tonight.

Sun Hao watched with a smile on the side, and things went very smoothly, which has exceeded her expectations.

After drinking four cups of Lao Mao, even if you don't get dizzy, your mind will definitely be confused.

This is more than half a catty of wine.

Xu Jie watched Bai Yutong drink up the baijiu in the glass, and was about to drink it, when he suddenly put the wine glass on the table again.


Bai Yutong, who had just finished drinking, was stunned, while Sun Hao was also puzzled.

What's wrong?

Could it be that the other party has realized that they are taking turns drinking?
But even if they thought about it, for the sake of each other's face, they usually wouldn't say it.

Sun Hao quickly gave Bai Yutong a wink, and Bai Yutong asked, "Xu, Mr. Xu, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

Her heart kept beating, for fear that she might not get the mutton and cause a lot of trouble.

"Yutong, if it's for the "Crossover Actor", you shouldn't respect me, you should respect Mrs. Sun, she recommended you to me." After Xu Jie finished speaking to Bai Yutong, he looked at Liu Tianze And Zhou Yapeng, "And you two, you should also respect you, Mr. Sun."

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts, thinking that Mr. Xu was angry because of drinking.

But while relaxing, Bai Yutong was a little embarrassed.

It was originally planned to irrigate Mr. Xu, but now that the other party says this, does she respect Mr. Sun, or does she not respect Mr. Sun?

Respect, it's like feeding one's own people, but disrespect will make Mr. Xu feel that she is ungrateful and difficult to handle.

Liu Tianze and Zhou Yapeng also didn't know what to do. Mr. Xu had already named them both. If they were indifferent, would the other party be angry?

Not only the three singers, even Sun Hao is a little confused at the moment.

She planned to irrigate Xu Jie with Bai Yutong, but why did the other party let Bai Yutong, Liu Tianze, and Zhou Yapeng irrigate her?
The four of them are in the same group!

"Boss Xu, they have already thanked you." Sun Hao explained.

"Yes, yes, we have already thanked Mr. Sun." Liu Tianze echoed.

"Mr. Sun is our boss. If we haven't thanked Mr. Sun for such a long time, what's the difference between being ungrateful?" Bai Yutong also said.

"That's right." Xu Jie nodded.

Sun Hao and the others breathed a sigh of relief again.

Just when they thought Mr. Xu could drink the glass of wine that Bai Yutong toasted just now, they saw that the other party suddenly turned the glass.

"Mr. Sun, since they have already thanked you, I think I should thank you too." Xu Jie said holding a wine glass.

"Ah? Why?" Sun Hao asked in confusion.

"Of course, thank you for recommending three good artists to me, like Bai Yutong, Liu Tianze, and Zhou Yapeng. Although I have only met them a few times, I can see that they are outstanding both in performance and art. Yes, it will definitely bring attention and focus to the show, there are fewer and fewer good artists like this, Mr. Sun, do you think I should thank you?"

Xu Jie looked at Sun Hao with a smile, still holding the wine glass in his hand, as if asking again: To drink, or not to drink?I kept holding it if I didn't drink it.

Sun Hao swallowed a mouthful of spit unconsciously.

That being said, the other party should really thank her.

Just the wine...

Sun Hao gritted his teeth and fought hard.

"Mr. Xu, you are so polite. Based on our relationship, I will of course hand over the best artist to you. Otherwise, wouldn't this be a blow to the brand of our Mangmang Media?"

After speaking, he picked up the wine glass, took a deep breath, and drank it into his stomach.

It was quite cold for her to wear these and wait for people outside, but after drinking four cups, now she feels hot all over, and her palms even start to sweat, especially in her stomach, it feels like a fire is burning, and her brain is also a little bit dizzy.

In fact, her amount was more than that, it was just that she drank too much at once, and her body couldn't adapt to it for a while.


Xu Jie tapped his mouth a few times after finishing his drink, and said while picking up vegetables with his chopsticks: "Mr. Sun, you guys drink first, I'll have something to eat, I've been busy all afternoon, I'm hungry, and now I feel flustered." I ate it with a big mouthful.

As for the glass of wine that Bai Yutong toasted, he didn't mention a word, as if he had forgotten it.

Sun Hao was speechless after hearing it.

drink first?

I'm just waiting to drink with you today, if you don't drink, what the hell shall we drink?

However, the other party has already said that he is hungry and flustered, so he can't stop the other party from eating, right?If you continue to toast at this time, it will really become a toast.

"Okay, let's chat while eating." Sun Hao said with a smile.

She also didn't want to make drinking too obvious, because she had something to ask for.

Another point, in fact, she is also quite uncomfortable, and she really needs to eat something to make up for the bottom, so it can be regarded as preparation for the next rematch.

"Mr. Xu, in fact, besides the variety shows you directed, I also really like the movies directed by you. For example, "Lover in Time and Space" was released during the National Day last year. I watched it three times in total. It was so exciting. I don’t know. Do you have any plans to make a new movie in the near future?" Bai Yutong asked.

I did watch the movie, but I only watched it once, and I watched it online this afternoon, mainly to find topics during the dinner.

The reason why I said that just now is that one is to flatter people and get closer to each other, and the other is to hope that the other party can give her a role in the movie shot by Jingshi Culture. Isn't this a smooth entry into the film and television industry?

"Film project? Yes, but I'm not filming it. I'm in charge of writing the screenplay." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He took a few breaths on purpose to make his face turn red, looking as if he was drunk.

"Mr. Xu, you are a gold-medal screenwriter in the film and television industry. The movie you are the screenwriter must be very good-looking. It's really exciting." Bai Yutong opened her eyes wide and clenched her hands, showing a longing expression.

"Actually, the scripts I wrote are just like that, and they are all set off by my colleagues." Xu Jie said truthfully.

"No, I think the stories of the movies "Lover in Time and Space", "Mulan" and "Strange Road" are very good, and I even hope to be a character in the plot, Mr. Xu, can I be a character in your script? "Bai Yutong took a piece of meat and put it on the other party's plate, his eyes were full of anticipation.

"Of course I can, but I don't know what kind of person you are, how can I write you into the script?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

Bai Yutong's eyes lit up, and she was included in the script. When it came time to find an actor, she was naturally the most suitable to play the role.

"Mr. Xu, I am now a contestant in "Crossover Actor", and you are the chief director of "Crossover Actor". In the future, we will have plenty of time to spend together, and then you will know what kind of person I am." Bai Yu Tong looked away, smiling again and again.

Especially after seeing that the other party's eyes were red and his face was also red, he boldly moved the chair and leaned towards the other party's side.

Here comes the opportunity!
"Well, you're right, the future is long, let's get along slowly." Xu Jie said with a half-smile, his eyes narrowed, and he looked a little drunk.

Seeing this situation, Sun Hao at the side suddenly felt that the time was ripe.

There is an old saying that goes well: Take advantage of his illness to kill him!
Now is a good opportunity to get the opponent drunk and win in one fell swoop.

"Yutong, why don't you thank Mr. Xu well and toast Mr. Xu?" Sun Hao said to Bai Yutong.

Bai Yutong immediately understood, picked up the wine glass and faced Xu Jie, showing a soft and charming look and said: "Mr. Xu, when I think of the opportunity to become a character in your writing, my heart is so excited that it seems to jump out. I offer you a toast and thank you."

Sun Hao was worried that Xu Jie would change the topic again like before, and muddle through in a daze, so he chimed in and said, "Mr. Xu, you can't let down Yutong's intentions. Girls' psychology is very fragile."

"I can't, I can't, how can I disappoint Yutong? Drink." Xu Jie didn't hesitate this time, picked up the wine glass after speaking, raised his head and drank.

Bai Yutong thought to herself: It finally succeeded.

So he drank it himself.

When she put down the empty wine glass and was about to hold it again, she found that the other party still had half a glass left, that is to say, the other party did not drink all the wine in the glass just now.

This... how about raising fish?

She wanted to say it, but she didn't dare to say it. After all, she and the other party were not on the same level. She had a drink, but she couldn't ask the other party to have a drink too.

Just like before the other party and Mr. Sun drank, didn't they all drink cup by cup?I didn't see the other party left wine.

Forget it, anyway, the other party has already drank four glasses before, at worst, I will toast a few more glasses later, a few and a half glasses are enough to make the other party confused for a while.

No matter what, the opponent must be taken down tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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